Reading SAS Dataset into Oracle - jdbc

I have installed SAS Enterprise Guide 9.3 and SAS JDBC Drivers 9.3 and have some test SAS data sets that I need to load into Oracle. We have licenses for
WKSPSRVLOCAL SAS Workspace Server for Local Access
I am using Windows 7. I am not sure about next steps
Can I read SAS Datasets having just installed SAS EG?
Which JAR files are required
How will the connect string look like and what will be the port, username & password.
Appreciate any help I can get.

Not an expert in this. If you can do this, you will need to connect through the local Workspace server. I've only connected through a server Workspace server to get a JDBC connection.
How I've done it in the past. Always possible this is not the best method.
Step 1. Connect to SAS workspace.
Step 2. Use the DataService on the Workspace to get a JDBC connection to the current SAS session.
Alternative: Connect through ODBC to Oracle in SAS and use SAS to write the tables into your Oracle DB. See the SAS/ACCESS documentation.
Hope this helps!


Oracle to Databricks Connection

I'm trying to read Oracle Database data on Azure Databricks platform.
Can someone share the step to step process on how I can connect Oracle data to Databricks? I've probably searched the whole internet and read documentation but I can't find a solution that actually works. Not sure if it's because I have the incorrect driver or what.
Here's my process:
Uploaded the ojdbc8.jar file on the cluster libraries (the instant client 19
Tried to connect the data on databricks notebook and it didn't work
Can anyone share their process?
Which jar to upload in the library and where can I find this file?
How to connect? Sample code?
Any better way to do this?
To install library use
pip install cx_Oracle
Then use below code snippet to read in data from an Oracle database
CREATE TABLE oracle_table
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
dbtable 'table_name',
driver 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
user 'username',
password 'pasword',
url 'jdbc:oracle:thin://#<hostname>:1521/<db>')
To read data from oracle database in pyspark you can follow this article - Reading Data From Oracle Database With Apache Spark
Refer for more information - Oracle | Databricks

'Use Credential File' in oracle data integrator in data server what is it used for?

I want to explore Oracle data integrator , i am not able to understand what does 'Use credential File' option in Data server does in Oracle data integrator. If anyone can explain it would be helpful and i want to improve performance of my oracle data integrator script as well, any ideas on that as well.
Ok, now I think that I understood. You run ODI in Cloud.
You will need a credential File in order to connect to your database.
The way you obtain that credential file, is:
Credential files are downloaded from the ADW console to the ODI host in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
Note: When ODI is deployed from the Marketplace, client credential folders are downloaded from autonomous databases that exist in the OCI compartment containing ODI.
If ADW is in a different compartment than ODI follow the steps below.
Download the Credentials
Connect to the ODI host using VNC. Refer to the Deployment blog above
for details.
Launch Firefox from the Applications>Favorites list.
Follow the steps in Downloading Autonomous Data Warehouse Credentials
to obtain the client credentials compressed folder containing the
wallet and network configuration files used by ODI to make the
The entire way of connecting is described here.

How to create a database link from Oracle database to DB2 on system i

I'm trying to establish a connection to a DB2 database using a database link in Oracle.
The final objective is to be able to do a "create table XXX as select * from YYY#DB2"
I can connect directly to the DB2 database using SQL Developer and the db2jcc.jar connector but i can't create the database link.
Additionaly, when i use the feature "Migrate to Oracle..." on SQL Developer it just dump a java exception.
Thanks in advance,
One way of doing this is with "heterogenous services", ie, Oracle takes via ODBC to a remote non-oracle data source.
There's a manual for this in the standard doc set:
but in a nutshell, the basic steps are:
1) have an ODBC driver for DB2 on your database server, or on a machine that your database server can reach.
2) Configure an ODBC target for that DB2 database. Lets call it "MYDB2"
3) create a file initMYDB2.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin. Configure it as per the sample (init4g4odbc.ora). It points to your MYDB2 target.
4) In that directory, you'll also find samples for listener.ora and tnsnames.ora.
So you'll end up with a tnsnames entry called "MYDB2". It will reference the initMYDB2.ora, which will point to the MYDB2 odbc target, which will be your DB2 database.
Then you create a database link in the normal way:
create database link blah
connect to my_db2_user
identified by my_db2_password
using 'mydb2';
Hope this helps.

Oracle APEX 5.1 connect to remote db using JDBC and query data

I have only used db links to get access to remote db so far. Now I have to find a way to use JDBC to connect to remote db and get data. Can someone guide me what all things would I need to ask the remote db admin in order to setup a jdbc connection, and once I have the connection, how do I query the database using java stored procedure, just like I am querying it over remote db right now with db link?
You've described a fairly complicated problem, but haven't given any information about your database or operating system. Are you connecting to a SQL Server database? MySQL? Are you running on Linux? Windows?
First, you'll need a driver. That's going to depend on the database, operating system and versions thereof that you're using. For example, here is the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (Oops, looks like it's currently unavailable.)
Second, you need to set up Oracle Heterogenous Services. That's fairly complicated and not something I can answer here. You might start with the Database Gateway for ODBC User's Guide.
Oracle does have gateways for various other databases, but they're licensed additionally from the database itself.

mirth can connect with Cache,sybase,informix database?

I want to know that mirth can connect with other database like(cache,sybase,informix).
I am getting no way to connect all above database using mirth
because In Mcsm(mirth connect server manager) there is only few database option like(postgres,durby,oracle,mysql).
so is there any alternate way to use url of (cache,informaix database) in mcsm.
please help me any help is highly apprecialble.
Sql server2000
sql server
-These are the various different RDBMS system that Mirth can support at this moment in the latest version
Having said that, it means that the mirthdb the database that mirth uses for its integration purpose can be configured/installed on any of the above RDBMS systems, most of the times its either postgre or mysql.
Other than this, there is no other means of connecting to informix (even though I would love to see that happen), that depends on Mirth corp.
If you have a JDBC driver (.jar file) for the other database(s), you could try these steps:
Add the .jar file to the $MIRTH_HOME/custom-lib directory
Add/Change a driver entry to the file $MIRTH_HOME/conf/dbdrivers.xml
I'm not sure if that will let you choose other databases in MCSM or only allows you to choose them in Mirth channels (Database Reader, Database Writer, etc), but it's worth a try. I am unable to test it right now.
