How does make know what needs to be compiled? [closed] - makefile

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Make is a very handy and capable feature for developing and more specifically compiling software. What process does it actually use to determine which files get recompiled when necessary (touched files) vs skipping over files which have not been touched?

It checks the modification dates of prerequisites and compares them to the modification dates of targets. If any prerequisites is newer, that target is rebuilt.
There are some special cases (phony targets, for example), but that's pretty much all there is to it.


Recommended languages for reading and manipulating BAM and VCF files? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm normally a C# / .net developer, but a new project is going to be working with Next Generation Sequencing BAM and VCF files. I will need to read these files, make some changes, and save them. As far as I can tell, there's not much in the way of existing .net libraries for working with these files.
What programming languages are typically used in this field, and have libraries supporting these files?
Python with pysam and pyvcf libraries.
Or use shell with samtools, sambamba, vcflib, vcftools, bcftools and many other command line utilities. You can install many of them with bioconda.

Compiling a pascal code [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a Pascal code which is a part of a book, there are two files .inc and .pas. I need to compile them and i dont know how to proceed could you please help me with this.
fpc [options] program
where fpc is pascal compiler, [options] are additional parameters and they are optional and program is your .pas file.

Why we need to worry about endianness if we are working in application level? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Do we really need to worry about endianness, if we are working on application level which doesn't involve communicating with other machine?
Endianness is also an issue when reading files. All good file formats specify which endianness they are using when writing numbers directly. This is one reason that some people prefer non-binary formats.

Clarification for Vendors, and how to handle them [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So, i come across an XCode Project called RestKit Framework, and I saw this Vendor Group in it...
So is Vendor just a way to organize some third party code? Is the term "Vendor" generic, or used with other Projects not only in Obj-C?
If so, how do you handle these third party codes when a time comes that they will be updated by the owner?

How to bundle multiple installation(.exe) files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Say, we have ABC.exe and CDE.exe
I want to bundle these 2 installation files into a single un-attended installation file [XYZ.exe].
And when I run the XYZ.exe it should install the above applications.
Any ideas how this can be achieved ?
You need a Bootstrapper.
Try dotNetInstaller if you need some logic in the bootstrapper, I haven't used it myself but it's often recommended on the WiX mailing list as a good free bootstrapper.
I think what you want is a self-extracting archive.
