How to bundle multiple installation(.exe) files? [closed] - installation

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Say, we have ABC.exe and CDE.exe
I want to bundle these 2 installation files into a single un-attended installation file [XYZ.exe].
And when I run the XYZ.exe it should install the above applications.
Any ideas how this can be achieved ?

You need a Bootstrapper.
Try dotNetInstaller if you need some logic in the bootstrapper, I haven't used it myself but it's often recommended on the WiX mailing list as a good free bootstrapper.

I think what you want is a self-extracting archive.


Turning existing server installation Chocolatey [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've started playing around with Chocolately and am suitably impressed. Is there an easy way of gathering all of the originally installed software and letting the Choco package manager know about them? I know I can script it in PS1, but if that's already there I'd be so happy.
In the current version of Chocolatey there is no built in way of doing this, no.
As you will see in the Kickstarter here:
One of the scheduled features of Chocolatey is the ability to "Synchronize with existing and remove programs", which is what I think you are after.

Compiling dojo into a single build file [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does any one has idea to compile a dojo into a single file. I am trying to host the project into a website, and dojo has 100's of files to be uploaded.. if any one got idea. please share.
As addition to the answer of Craig of following the build tutorial, I also want to add that there's a web builder that can help you with it.
With this tool you can specify the modules you need and create a single JavaScript file of it.

Software to built multiplatform installer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to built an installer for windows and Macintosh platform.
This installer must:
remove existing folders,
copy folders to specific destination,
launch application.
Today i use .bat on windows and applescript on Macintosh.
But UI isn't beautiful, so I try to find one or to software create beautiful install.
I hope that somebody could help me.
Thanks a lot.
You could use the following tools :
Kind regards,

Problem with luabind installation under Windows [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Cant build luabind. Have downloaded Boost and bjam.exe. Have anybody experience for it under Windows? How i can use this library? Thanks.
You could use my branch of luabind, which includes a cmake-based build system which may be easier for you.

Is there some way to write scripts for Winamp? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I like to write some scripts for Winamp. How might I do this?
You can also use gen_scripting plugin which uses JSpript or VB which might be of use to you.
And a few words to the wise: Just add the plugin to the winamp plugins directory and remember to register it with regsvr32 from the command prompt. Scripting only works with Winamp running :)
