How to tweak a Sublime Text 2 theme? - themes

I love the Sublime Text's Monokai theme. Except for one thing: it is difficult to distinguish the active tab from inactive. So I want to make the inactive tab a bit lighter.
I've looked through Monokai.tmTheme file and don't really know what to change (or even if it's the right file).
So, how do I change the background color of the Inactive Tab?

I found the answer. Go to C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Theme - Default\Default.sublime-theme
Go to line 529 and mess with the last number in the tint_modifier key, until your find the color pleasing.


Emphasis active panel in sublime text 3?

I use a touch pad with "doubke-tap to click" (which often fails). I'ld like to be able to style sublime text 3 to emphasise the active panel.
The selection opacity of the inactive panels does drop ~10%, but I couldn't find a colour in my theme to control this. So possibly the opacity is done programatically?
Any help would be appreciated :)
Inside Color Scheme there are files with tmTheme extension for every theme. In those files you can change (or add) the properties that controls inactive selection and active selection colors.
I think you are looking for the inactiveSelectionForeground key. As a good example you can look at the Monokai Bright theme that has many properties that other themes doesn't seems to use.

Sublime text 3 automatically highlights the texts when typing on mac

when i type something in sublime 3 it has a white box appear around the text, when i out focus the sublime and get focus back, the text which is highlighted disappear.
So i have to press escape or space to turn it off before saving which is super annoying. Tried to turn off some highlight functions in sublime setting but doesn't work.
please see the example image below, thanks
p/s i dont install any plugin except package control, and it happens to every language (php, js, html, text, xml ...)
i used a vietnamese keyboard, so turn it off when the problem sold.
i think it may happen to another keyboard. thanks

What's the name of the bar below the Property grid in VS?

I'm using the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor extension to help darken up VS2010, found a nice theme that I like however I've got one big problem with it.
On the Property sheet, at the bottom where it says the name of the property and a sort description this theme I'm using is impossible to read; Black on a dark grey background. Unfortunately, I don't know what this specific segment of the Property window is called to change it.
You can not change the text color with the extension.
To figure that out, copy FFFFFF, select all line in the theme editor configuration pane (with Shift), press Ctrl+V (yes, you can do that, pretty neat !) and hit apply : everything that can be themed will then appear white. The text however, will stay black.
You can hopefully change the background color : It's called ToolWindowBackground. It will affect all tool windows of course. There's no specific item for this window in particular.

Cursor lost in highlighted text - Vim

When text is highlighted in vim, for example using the 'em' tag when writing a HTML document, I find that in some color schemes the cursor becomes invisible, making it difficult to correctly place the closing tag. Is there a way to have the cursor change color over highlighted text?
Change color of cursor in gvim
Look at both answers sir, I think you'll have your answer in there....
You'd have to hook into the CursorMoved,CursorMovedI events and then determine the highlight group under the cursor with synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 1)), "name"). If it's one of those diffcult-to-see groups, you can issue a :highlight Cursor ... command to change it (or else change it back).
But this is rather complicated. Why don't you simply modify the colorscheme and choose a color that is easily recognized under all circumstances?! (The :hi command lists all colors and helps you choose one.)
This problem led me down quite a rabbit hole and caused me to learn a lot more about how syntax highlighting works than intended.
I learned that the reason my, supposedly italic, text was highlighted in the first place, is because the Mac terminal doesn't support italics ("Enabling italics in vim syntax highlighting for mac terminal")
I realised, thanks to "Colour colour everywhere! 256 colour-mode for Linux consoles", that due to the color profile I had chosen in Terminal's preferences, my "bright" and "normal" colors showed no difference, and for that reason my color profiles never looked like the screenshots.
And, finally, I solved my cursor getting lost problem by changing the cursor color in the Terminal preferences.

How to change out-of-focus text selection color in Xcode?

Okay, I'll bite.
I've got really pleasant code/window colors set up in Xcode. Ordinarily, my selection color is very visible.
When I am doing a project search and iterating through the results, however, the results list stays in focus and the found text remains out of focus, using a different background color. This color is extremely hard to detect, especially when the text is embedded in a larger code block and the view is shifting around as it scrolls to the results.
Here's an example:
Left side is in focus (just normal selection), right side is out of focus (during project find)
Often it takes a few seconds to find where the heck the selected text is.
Unless I'm just missing it, Xcode seems to offer no way to change this particular selection color. Interestingly, it also doesn't seem to follow the selection color from the Appearance panel.
Does anyone know a way to change this color or force it to be more visible, short of changing my entire color scheme around?
Use this Xcode plugin:
Instructions for using it are here:
You can manually edit the theme file, which might allow a different selection color. If I recall (not on my dev machine), personal themes are in ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/(should be intuitive from here/can't remember)
You can edit them in Property List Editor, if I remember right. The Xcode preferences don't expose all of the options available in the theme file.
