Refactor function to make it reusable across types in Go - refactoring

I have a function that initializes an array of structs from an array of an array of values. This is how I'm doing it currently:
type Loadable interface {
type FooList struct {
Foos []*Foo
func (fl *FooList) Load(vals []interface{}) {
fl.Foos = make([]*Foo, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
foo := &Foo{}
fl.Foos[i] = foo
This works just fine, but now I also need to initialize BarLists and BazLists which contain Bars and Bazs. Instead of sprinkling the same snippet throughout my code which all look like this:
type BarList struct {
Bars []*Bar
func (fl *BarList) Load(vals []interface{}) {
fl.Bars = make([]*Bar, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
bar := &Bar{}
fl.Bars[i] = bar
What's the correct way to refactor this code to make it more DRY?

The code you show does not violate the DRY principle. The code implementing the Loader interface (I refuse to write the javaism you used) for type FooList and BarList shares only one line - the range statement. Otherwise they're type specific.
As Go has no generics, there's no direct way how to not write type specialized versions in a generic way (modulo poor choices like everything is an interface{} etc. and/or slowing down your code 10 times by using reflection.)

The simplest I can come up with using reflection would be something like this (not tested):
import "reflect"
// example_of_type should be an instance of the type, e.g. Foo{}
// returns slice of pointers, e.g. []*Foo
func Load(vals []interface{}, example_of_type interface()) interface{} {
type := reflect.TypeOf(example_of_type)
list := reflect.MakeSlice(type.PtrOf().SliceOf(), len(vals), len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
bar := reflect.New(type)
return list.Interface()
You would use it like:
fl.Foos = Load(vals, Foo{}).([]*Foo)
fl.Bars = Load(vals, Bar{}).([]*Bar)


Function that takes map and only cares about key type

I have two maps, both of them are keyed by strings, but the values are of two different custom types.
Now I want to write a function which can take an argument of either of these two types, because that function only looks at the keys and doesn't care about the values at all. So I think it should look like this:
func takeTheMap(argument map[string]interface{}) {
But that doesn't work due to:
cannot use myVariable (type map[string]customType) as type map[string]interface {} in argument to takeTheMap
Can I make that work somehow?
The only polymorphism in Go is interfaces. The only alternatives to that are reflection, duplication, or rethinking the broader design so that you don't need to do what you're trying to do here.
If the last option isn't a possibility, personally I would recommend duplication, since it's a whole four lines of code.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(myMap))
for key,_ := range myMap {
keys = append(keys,key)
A big complicated generic helper seems kind of unnecessary.
A solution using an interface. This example may seem a bit overkill and it may be better to in your case (I'm not sure, not enough details in your example) to just use a couple of for loops.
package main
import (
type foo bool
type bar string
type mapOne map[string]foo
type mapTwo map[string]bar
func (m mapOne) Keys() []string {
s := []string{}
for k := range m {
s = append(s, k)
return s
func (m mapTwo) Keys() []string {
s := []string{}
for k := range m {
s = append(s, k)
return s
type ToKeys interface {
Keys() []string
func main() {
m1 := mapOne{"one": true, "two": false}
m2 := mapTwo{"three": "foo", "four": "bar"}
func doSomething(m ToKeys) {
Playground example

Add struct or pointer to struct to slice

Say I have structs like so:
type Foo struct {
F string `zoom:"1"`
type Bar struct {
F string `zoom:"2"`
type Baz struct {
F string `zoom:"3"`
Say I wanted to create a func that can extract the f field from each struct, it might look like:
func extractField(s []struct{}){
for _, v := range s {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v{})
f, _ := t.FieldByName("F")
v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("zoom")
is there a way to pass the structs to extractField? If I do this:
extractField([]struct{}{Foo, Bar, Baz})
I get this error:
Type Foo is not an expression
Type Bar is not an expression
Type Baz is not an expression
I just want to pass the 3 structs to the extractField func.
The only way I could figure out how to do this, is like so:
type Foo struct {
F string `zoom:"1"`
type Bar struct {
F string `zoom:"2"`
type Baz struct {
F string `zoom:"3"`
func extractField(s []interface{}){
for _, v := range s {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
f, _ := t.FieldByName("F")
v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("zoom")
func main(){
extractField([]interface{}{Foo{},Bar{},Baz{}}) // <<<< here
not sure if there is a way to pass a struct without "instantiating it" first.
The original code looks like it follows a JavaScript approach, where a function would mutate an object. Go is a little bit different, where it's more common to self-mutate.
For example:
type Generic struct {
field string
func (generic *Generic) Value () string {
return generic.field
someObject := &Generic{
field: "some value",
log.Print(someObject.Value()) // Outputs "some value"
If you're coming from the JavaScript world, think of structs a little bit like an object/class that can contain attributes and functions. Structs are merely a definition until an instance is instantiated. This differs from JavaScript where the definition of the object and the data are both defined at the same time.
As the other answer points out, an interface is another similar approach to dealing with this.
In JavaScript terms, the OP is attempting to do something akin to:
class Foo {...}
class Bar {...}
class Baz {...}
extractField(Foo, Bar, Baz)
In JS-speak, this would pass a class definition to the extractField method. You would still have to instantiate an instance of a class if you want to manipulate/read from it, like:
extractField(new Foo(), new Bar(), new Baz())
This is basically what is being accomplished with
I think the problem you're running into is the Foo/Bar/Baz structs are instantiated, but the nested F struct is not.
The overall problem seems like a much better match for an interface type.
type HasF interface {
GetF() string
It's easy enough to define these methods, e.g.
func (foo Foo) GetF() string { return foo.F }
Your method to iterate over them becomes almost trivial
func extractField(s []HasF) {
for _, v := range s {
func main() {
} has a complete version of this.

Call method on any array of structs that have underlying field

Let's say I have a bunch of structs (around 10).
type A struct {
ID int64
... other A-specific fields
type B struct {
ID int64
... other B-specific fields
type C struct {
ID int64
... other C-specific fields
If I have an array of these structs at any given time (either []A, []B, or []C), how can I write a single function that pulls the IDs from the array of structs without writing 3 (or in my case, 10) separate functions like this:
type AList []A
type BList []B
type CList []C
func (list *AList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
func (list *BList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
func (list *CList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
With general method on the slice itself
You can make it a little simpler if you define a general interface to access the ID of the ith element of a slice:
type HasIDs interface {
GetID(i int) int64
And you provide implementation for these:
func (x AList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
func (x BList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
func (x CList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
And then one GetID() function is enough:
func GetIDs(s HasIDs) (ids []int64) {
ids = make([]int64, reflect.ValueOf(s).Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = s.GetID(i)
Note: the length of the slice may be a parameter to GetIDs(), or it may be part of the HasIDs interface. Both are more complex than the tiny reflection call to get the length of the slice, so bear with me on this.
Using it:
as := AList{A{1}, A{2}}
bs := BList{B{3}, B{4}}
cs := []C{C{5}, C{6}}
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]
Note that we were able to use slices of type AList, BList etc, we did not need to use interface{} or []SomeIface. Also note that we could also use e.g. a []C, and when passing it to GetIDs(), we used a simple type conversion.
This is as simple as it can get. If you want to eliminate even the GetID() methods of the slices, then you really need to dig deeper into reflection (reflect package), and it will be slower. The presented solution above performs roughly the same as the "hard-coded" version.
With reflection completely
If you want it to be completely "generic", you may do it using reflection, and then you need absolutely no extra methods on anything.
Without checking for errors, here's the solution:
func GetIDs(s interface{}) (ids []int64) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
ids = make([]int64, v.Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = v.Index(i).FieldByName("ID").Int()
Testing and output is (almost) the same. Note that since here parameter type of GetIDs() is interface{}, you don't need to convert to CList to pass a value of type []C. Try it on the Go Playground.
With embedding and reflection
Getting a field by specifying its name as a string is quite fragile (think of rename / refactoring for example). We can improve maintainability, safety, and somewhat the reflection's performance if we "outsource" the ID field and an accessor method to a separate struct, which we'll embed, and we capture the accessor by an interface:
type IDWrapper struct {
ID int64
func (i IDWrapper) GetID() int64 { return i.ID }
type HasID interface {
GetID() int64
And the types all embed IDWrapper:
type A struct {
type B struct {
type C struct {
By embedding, all the embedder types (A, B, C) will have the GetID() method promoted and thus they all automatically implement HasID. We can take advantage of this in the GetIDs() function:
func GetIDs(s interface{}) (ids []int64) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
ids = make([]int64, v.Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = v.Index(i).Interface().(HasID).GetID()
Testing it:
as := AList{A{IDWrapper{1}}, A{IDWrapper{2}}}
bs := BList{B{IDWrapper{3}}, B{IDWrapper{4}}}
cs := []C{C{IDWrapper{5}}, C{IDWrapper{6}}}
Output is the same. Try it on the Go Playground. Note that in this case the only method is IDWrapper.GetID(), no other methods needed to be defined.
As far as I know, there is no easy way.
You might be tempted to use embedding, but I'm not sure there's any way to make this particular task any easier. Embedding feels like subclassing but it doesn't give you the power of polymorphism.
Polymorphism in Go is limited to methods and interfaces, not fields, so you can't access a given field by name across multiple classes.
You could use reflection to find and access the field you are interested in by name (or tag), but there are performance penalties for that and it will make your code complex and hard to follow. Reflection is not really intended to be a substitute for Polymorphism or generics.
I think your best solution is to use the polymorphism that Go does give you, and create an interface:
type IDable interface {
GetId() int64
and make a GetId method for each of your classes. Full example.
Generic methods require the use of interfaces and reflection.

Perform an action on a collection of items

In my actual code, I'm parsing an XML document using encoding/xml, and I basically have a bunch of nested structures of the following form — all of which may occur multiple times, except the top-level statements element:
I'm fairly new to Go, and I'm clearly misunderstanding how interface{} (the empty interface) works:
.\stmtgen.go:58: cannot use print_name (type func(Statement)) as type func(interface {}) in argument to performAction
.\stmtgen.go:58: cannot use slist (type []Statement) as type []interface {} in argument to performAction
Relevant example code:
package main
import "fmt"
// Actually a structure in my code, but this suffices for demonstration.
type Opcode int
// A Statement has a Name and multiple Opcodes may use this Name.
type Statement struct {
Name string
Opcodes []Opcode
// Print the statement name.
func print_name(stmt Statement) {
// Perform an action on each item of a collection.
func performAction(action func(interface{}), v []interface{}) {
for i := range v {
func main() {
slist := make([]Statement, 3)
slist[0] = Statement{"Statement 1"}
slist[1] = Statement{"Statement 2"}
slist[2] = Statement{"Statement 3"}
performAction(print_name, slist)
Must I create functions to print the values for every single type?
An empty interface{} can contain any value and passed around as the type interface{}. when you need the value from it, you can perform a type assertion like this:
var anyValue interface{}
anyValue = "hello"
strValue := anyValue.(string)
If anyValue is not of the type being asserted then it will cause a panic
the type assertion can also be used to return a bool if the interface is of that type with a multiple return
strValue, ok := anyValue.(string)
if ok {
//anyValue contains a string!
If you dont know the type of the interface, you can use a switch to determine it's type like this:
switch val := anyValue.(type) {
case string:
// anyValue contains a string
// and val is a string
case int:
// anyValue contains an int
// and val is and int
//unhandled interface type
Hopefully this makes the empty interface{} type clearer.
interfaces{...} which have methods declared in them are different, they can not have members (like structs can), only methods, and their underlying type must implement all the methods declared in the interface. You could have an interface actionPerformer (interface names should have the suffix "er" as they are doing something)
type actionPerformer interface {
A type that implements all the methods in an interface can be cast to that interface type, then if you call one of those methods on the interface, it will run the method on the underlying type.
For example, if the Statement struct implements the action(interface{}) method, the Statement struct can be cast to an actionPerformer type and if the action(interface{}) function is called on the actionPerformer, the action function on the Statement struct is run. So you could have multiple types that all have the action(interface{}) method and they can all be cast to an actionPerformer which you can call the action function on.
func (code Opcode) action(arg interface{}) {
fmt.Println(arg.(int) + int(code))
func (stmt Statement) action(arg interface{}) {
fmt.Println(arg.(string), stmt.Name)
stmt := Statement{"Statement 1", nil}
stmtActionPerformer := actionPerformer(stmt)
opcode := Opcode(5)
opcodeActionPerformer := actionPerformer(opcode)
stmtActionPerformer.action("hello") // will print "hello "+whatever the statements name is
opcodeActionPerformer.action(2) //will print be 7
Type assertions can still be used on these types of interface e.g.
stmt := stmtActionPerformer.(Statement)
This is a contrived example, but with this in mind, you might want to write your code using interfaces like this.
Remember casting between interfaces is costly, so should be done sparingly, however they are a powerful tool when used correctly.
For your example, a simple printNames function would be much more efficient than all that interface casting (note that in golang, names should be in the CamelCase format, not using underscores)
func printNames(stmts []Statement) {
for _, stmt := range stmts {
It might also be useful to have a type StatementList and add methods to it:
type StatementList []Statement
func (list StatementList) printNames() {
for _, stmt := range list {
Getting the hang of this stuff make golang a lot more fun, hope this helps :)
You have to declare the parameters of performAction exactly same like the arguments type.
func performAction(action func(Statement), v []Statement) {
for i := range v {
Or you could use interface{} on all parameters instead. Then cast it according to the needs.
func performAction(action interface{}, v interface{}) {
for _, each := range v.([]Statement) {
data with type []Statement cannot be assigned to []interface{}
also for type func(Statement) cannot be assigned to func(interface{})
Use interface{}, then cast it to the original type.
this works for me:
package main
import (
// Actually a structure in my code, but this suffices for demonstration.
type Opcode int
// A Statement has a Name and multiple Opcodes may use this Name.
type Statement struct {
Name string
Opcodes []Opcode
// Print the statement name.
func print_name(stmt interface{}) {
if s, ok := stmt.(Statement); !ok {
panic("typ err")
} else {
// Perform an action on each item of a collection.
func performAction(action func(interface{}), v []interface{}) {
for i := range v {
func main() {
slist := make([]interface{}, 3)
slist[0] = Statement{"Statement 1", nil}
slist[1] = Statement{"Statement 2", nil}
slist[2] = Statement{"Statement 3", nil}
performAction(print_name, slist)
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3

update to global variable's member not reflecting in global variable

First of all, I am new to Go, so I guess it is obvious to me there is some proper way of doing what I am trying to achieve here.
The issue I am having is that the following code will not print "blah" when I run test(). Instead if prints a nil, even if main() was executed first. How come updating of a Global variable's member property does not get reflected on itself at a different function ?
var GlobalMe SomeType
func main() {
for _,member := range GlobalMe.Members {
member.SomeProperty = "blah"
func test() {
for _,member := range GlobalMe.Members {
fmt.Println("value:", member.SomeProperty)
If you have:
type SomeMemberType struct {
SomeProperty string
type SomeType struct {
Members []SomeMemberType
var GlobalMe SomeType
Simply change SomeType to:
type SomeType struct {
Members []*SomeMemberType
People often find this unintuitive, but it usually makes sense when you deal
with more basic types:
xs := []int{1,2,3}
for _, x := range xs {
x = 4
// xs is still {1,2,3}
This actually doesn't compile, but if it did xs wouldn't change. If you wanted
to modify the original you'd have to do:
xs := []int{1,2,3}
for i := range xs {
xs[i] = 4
// xs is now {4,4,4}
This behavior is common in most programming languages. Go is just a little more explicit about it by doing the same thing for structs. (So if you want java-like behavior use pointers)
