Function that takes map and only cares about key type - go

I have two maps, both of them are keyed by strings, but the values are of two different custom types.
Now I want to write a function which can take an argument of either of these two types, because that function only looks at the keys and doesn't care about the values at all. So I think it should look like this:
func takeTheMap(argument map[string]interface{}) {
But that doesn't work due to:
cannot use myVariable (type map[string]customType) as type map[string]interface {} in argument to takeTheMap
Can I make that work somehow?

The only polymorphism in Go is interfaces. The only alternatives to that are reflection, duplication, or rethinking the broader design so that you don't need to do what you're trying to do here.
If the last option isn't a possibility, personally I would recommend duplication, since it's a whole four lines of code.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(myMap))
for key,_ := range myMap {
keys = append(keys,key)
A big complicated generic helper seems kind of unnecessary.

A solution using an interface. This example may seem a bit overkill and it may be better to in your case (I'm not sure, not enough details in your example) to just use a couple of for loops.
package main
import (
type foo bool
type bar string
type mapOne map[string]foo
type mapTwo map[string]bar
func (m mapOne) Keys() []string {
s := []string{}
for k := range m {
s = append(s, k)
return s
func (m mapTwo) Keys() []string {
s := []string{}
for k := range m {
s = append(s, k)
return s
type ToKeys interface {
Keys() []string
func main() {
m1 := mapOne{"one": true, "two": false}
m2 := mapTwo{"three": "foo", "four": "bar"}
func doSomething(m ToKeys) {
Playground example


Can 'map' and 'reduce' be implemented in Go with generics

I decided that now that generics have been introduced into Go that something like map/reduce should be possible. So, I took a naive stab at it and I get the error:
./prog.go:18:36: cannot use thing (variable of type int) as type I in argument to mapper
Which doesn't explain if the problem is fundamental or I am simply doing something wrong syntactically. Can generic map/reduce be implemented in Go?
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
things := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
results := Map(things, func(t int) int {
return t + 1
fmt.Printf("%v", results)
func Map[I interface{}, O interface{}](things []I, mapper func(thing I) O) []O {
results := make([]O, 0, len(things))
for thing := range things {
results = append(results, mapper(thing))
return results
You have incorrect use of range. A single variable extracted from range will be the index (type int), not the value (type I, which is only coincidentally int in this case).
for _, thing := range things{...}
This can be done quite easily. You have an error in your code, though right here:
for thing := range things {
You are iterating over the index values (int), not the values of type I. You're also specifying 2 constraints (types I and O) both set to be interface{}. You can just use any instead (it's shorthand for interface{})
So simply write:
func Map[T any, O any](things []T, mapper func(thing T) O) []O {
result := make([]O, 0, len(things))
for _, thing := range things {
result = append(result, mapper(thing))
return result
This is quite closely related to some code I reviewed on codereview exchange here. After going through the code, and writing snippets with a ton of suggestions, I decided to just create a package and throw it up on github instead. You can find the repo here.
In it, there's some examples that may come in handy, or help you work through some other quirks WRT generics in golang. I wsa specifically thinking about this bit, where you can filter a generic map type using callbacks like so:
// given the sMap type
type sMap[K comparable, V any] struct {
mu *sync.RWMutex
m map[K]V
// Filter returns a map containing the elements that matched the filter callback argument
func (s *sMap[K, V]) Filter(cb func(K, V) bool) map[K]V {
ret := make(map[K]V, len(s.m))
for k, v := range s.m {
if cb(k, v) {
ret[k] = v
return ret

Go: A function that would consume maps with different types of values

In my code, I need a function that would return an ordered slice of keys from a map.
m1 := make(map[string]string)
m2 := make(map[string]int)
And now I need to call a function passing both types of maps:
keys1 := sortedKeys(m1)
keys2 := sortedKeys(m1)
Problem: I have to write two functions because the function should consume maps of two different types. At the same time, the body of the function will be the same in both cases.
Question: How can I use a single implementation for two maps? Or is there any other way of solving the problem in an elegant way?
My first idea was to use map[string]interface{} as an argument type, but you can't assign neither map[string]string, nor map[string]int to it.
My code:
func sortedKeys(m map[string]string) []string {
var keys []string
for key := range m {
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
I would have to repeat the same code but for map[string]int.
You can use interface{} and use reflection for achieving this.
You can write two functions for the same but it is just not scalable, say, you are supporting string and int now but you wish to support int64, float64, bool or struct in the future. Having a common function using map[string]interface{} and using reflection is the way to go.
Suggested Code :
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := make(map[string]string)
m2 := make(map[string]int)
m1["a"] = "b"
m1["b"] = "c"
m2["a"] = 1
m2["b"] = 2
// Returns slice of values in the type which is sent to it
func sortedKeys(m interface{}) interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
if reflect.TypeOf(m).Kind() != reflect.Map {
return nil
mapIter := reflect.ValueOf(m).MapRange()
mapVal := reflect.ValueOf(m).Interface()
typ := reflect.TypeOf(mapVal).Elem()
outputSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(typ), 0, 0)
for mapIter.Next() {
outputSlice = reflect.Append(outputSlice, mapIter.Value())
return outputSlice.Interface()
Output :
[b c]
[1 2]

Golang interface benefits

I read about the interfaces a lot and I think I understand how it works. I read about the interface{} type and use it to take an argument of function. It is clear. My question (and what I don't understand) is what is my benefit if I am using it. It is possible I didn't get it entirely but for example I have this:
package main
import (
func PrintAll(vals []interface{}) {
for _, val := range vals {
func main() {
names := []string{"stanley", "david", "oscar"}
vals := make([]interface{}, len(names))
for i, v := range names {
vals[i] = v
Why is it better than this:
package main
import (
func PrintAll(vals []string) {
for _, val := range vals {
func main() {
names := []string{"stanley", "david", "oscar"}
If you're always want to print string values, then the first using []interface{} is not better at all, it's worse as you lose some compile-time checking: it won't warn you if you pass a slice which contains values other than strings.
If you want to print values other than strings, then the second with []string wouldn't even compile.
For example the first also handles this:
PrintAll([]interface{}{"one", 2, 3.3})
While the 2nd would give you a compile-time error:
cannot use []interface {} literal (type []interface {}) as type []string in argument to PrintAll
The 2nd gives you compile-time guarantee that only a slice of type []string is passed; should you attempt to pass anything other will result in compile-time error.
Also see related question: Why are interfaces needed in Golang?

generic map value

I have run into this problem a few times when wanting to use keys of maps in a similar way but the values in the maps are different. I thought I could write a function that takes the key type I want with interface{} as the value type but it doesn't work.
func main() {
mapOne := map[string]int
mapTwo := map[string]double
mapThree := map[string]SomeStruct
func useKeys(m map[string]interface{}) {
//something with keys here
Not sure if there is an elegant way to do this I just feel waist full rewriting simple things for different values.
Though maps and slices in go are generic themselves, they are not covariant (nor could they be, since interfaces aren't generics). It's part of working with a language that doesn't have generics, you will have to repeat some things.
If you really just need to get the keys of any old map, you can use reflection to do so:
func useKeys(m interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Map {
fmt.Println("not a map!")
keys := v.MapKeys()
Go 1.18
You can write a function with type parameters (generic) for this:
func useKeys[V any](m map[string]V) V {
return m["foo"]
And use it as:
func main() {
m1 := map[string]int{"foo": 1}
m2 := map[string]float64{"foo": 4.5}
m3 := map[string]*SomeStruct{}
As you can see, the type parameter V unifies with the map value, so that you can explicitly force callers of useKeys to pass maps whose keys are string only.
You can see this on the GoTip Playground:

Refactor function to make it reusable across types in Go

I have a function that initializes an array of structs from an array of an array of values. This is how I'm doing it currently:
type Loadable interface {
type FooList struct {
Foos []*Foo
func (fl *FooList) Load(vals []interface{}) {
fl.Foos = make([]*Foo, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
foo := &Foo{}
fl.Foos[i] = foo
This works just fine, but now I also need to initialize BarLists and BazLists which contain Bars and Bazs. Instead of sprinkling the same snippet throughout my code which all look like this:
type BarList struct {
Bars []*Bar
func (fl *BarList) Load(vals []interface{}) {
fl.Bars = make([]*Bar, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
bar := &Bar{}
fl.Bars[i] = bar
What's the correct way to refactor this code to make it more DRY?
The code you show does not violate the DRY principle. The code implementing the Loader interface (I refuse to write the javaism you used) for type FooList and BarList shares only one line - the range statement. Otherwise they're type specific.
As Go has no generics, there's no direct way how to not write type specialized versions in a generic way (modulo poor choices like everything is an interface{} etc. and/or slowing down your code 10 times by using reflection.)
The simplest I can come up with using reflection would be something like this (not tested):
import "reflect"
// example_of_type should be an instance of the type, e.g. Foo{}
// returns slice of pointers, e.g. []*Foo
func Load(vals []interface{}, example_of_type interface()) interface{} {
type := reflect.TypeOf(example_of_type)
list := reflect.MakeSlice(type.PtrOf().SliceOf(), len(vals), len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
bar := reflect.New(type)
return list.Interface()
You would use it like:
fl.Foos = Load(vals, Foo{}).([]*Foo)
fl.Bars = Load(vals, Bar{}).([]*Bar)
