joomla extension directory,Alternative [closed] - ajax

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is that any alternative,exists for Joomla extension directory?
finding extension on joomla extension directory (Powered by Moset Tree)
is not really easy and fast sometimes.
is that any other website exists with some better performance,may be AJAX enabled search and other features?
You know that how many technologies has been developed,(AJAX,HTML5,...)
So I think this website is a bit old to meet the 2013's web-development standards.
Joomla has finally integrated JED into Joomla's back-end and now you have a tab in back-end,install from web,it has a AJAX search feature too,and you can easily install and find your extension and this is what,I've been waiting for for many years.

I'm not sure as to why you feel the Joomla Extensions Directory lacks performance, is hard and slow. People have been using it for years to search for extensions that suit their needs for their website. It's not a supermarket where you will find better prices and more variety of products at. It's the core Directory for extension, so to answer you question simply:
No, you won't find other websites that are faster, have better performance, more feature and Ajax based searches.
Try using Google to search for something you need, such as "Joomla image slider extension" or use the categories the JED provide to narrow down your search.


Web-based RDF triplestore editor? (like phpMyAdmin for RDBs) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing a RDF database to be stored in a triple store. Visually editing the ontology is done with Protégé. However I need non-developers to be able to add records to the database.
I looked around but didn't have something that is as user-friendly as phpMyAdmin for a normal MySQL DB as an example.
Do I need to develop a visual interface for SPARQL? Or did I miss something that would allow a non-CS person to modify the records (individuals/instances not the ontology) in a graphical manner?
The best solution I found so far is to use a Semantic Media Wiki ( with Karima Rafes' awesome extension ( With this, you can have users that don't know anything about RDF/Semantic Web modify data through wiki Templates and then export to RDF.
But I'm sure there is something more suitable, still looking for it.
I finally found the perfect tool: OntoWiki (, it matches all the criteria listed in the question. It is supposed to be back-end (triplestore) independent, but installation guidelines are given for either Virtuoso or Mysql.

where can I find new themes for SugarCRM? I'm in version 5.2 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to download new themes for sugar crm...I have looked for it in internet but I haven't found any link where I can download themes. Can you help to me? Thanks
Usually you just make them yourself, either starting from scratch or customizing the existing themes (Documentation).
It is possible to download some themes, but they usually require some (minor) changes, due to SugarCRM version differences:
For developing your own theme this GitHub project by Epicom is a great starting point: Epicom/Google theme
If you aren't looking to make your own theme for SugarCRM check out the themes available here: SugarOutfitters Themes. So far the Google Style SugarTheme has been the most popular. However, EasyTheme has some nice built in basic reporting features.

Alternative to FogBugz? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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FogBugz is great bug tracking and project management software. But it is not free and non-open source. Is there a good enough, open-source and free application, which can be used as replacement to FogBugz?
Actually, I like EBS (Evidence-based Scheduling) feature in FogBugz. Are there good trackers with this feature?
There is Bugzilla, which is an open source issue tracking system.
Here is a more extensive list
While there are plenty of decent open source bug trackers such as Bugzilla (as Navi mentioned) and Mantis Bug Tracker, I haven't found many which also include solid project management features like FogBugz and other licensed software.
I suppose that it also depends on what kind of project you are tracking. If it's something which doesn't require much more security than a username/password, you might find a good number of web services which can host your needs; however, if you work for a company/industry which requires more discretion (say- government?), then you most likely won't be able to take advantage of the greater web community for these needs.

web application for collaborative work [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i´m lookin for a web based collaborative work plataform for people in differents countries. They need to share word, ppt, images and videos and maybe an online edition tool and forum system or something like that.
wiki <- not usefull: it´s all public (The need private data)
moodle <- we have to install and administrate it. Not good we want to be free of any software administration
any other ideas?
thanks a lot!
Have you tried
I've used them to collaborate with a team in a different city. They have:
private wiki
private source control (svn and mercurial afaik)
calendars/project management
issue tracking
Basically everything you need for a software project.
Another option for you to look into: MindTouch
The developer site uses public pages, but you can always make sure that project pages are PRIVATE and still share article content with other invited users.
And you can see forums used with the software here:

I'm looking for a nice local ticketing system [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a nice software to store tickets information locally. It should work only on my laptop under Linux, and be easily installed. The core features that I need:
storing tickets
allows to create additional documentation
don't take too much ram
very easy installation (I don't have whole days for configuring)
You can try Project Kaiser
I use redmine and it's fantastic for all of the above. It's browser based so you'd need to install and configure it but it's not hard and well worth the effort.
Redmine is quick efficient and it's the best tool of its kind that I've ever found and I've looked tried many.
I know little about ruby/rails and it took me a few hours to install from clean using the guides.
How about a TidliDu You can't make it easier to install. Create a new one for each project.
OpenOffice spreadsheet?
