M2E-Pro: 'M2E Tax Rate' still appearing after M2E-Pro uninstall - magento

I'm using Magento and tried M2E-Pro v.5.0.3. but decided not to use it. After uninstalling M2E-Pro, in the .pdf-invoices a label called 'M2E Tax Rate' still appears and I cannot find, where it is taken from. The steps I used for uninstalling M2E-Pro were:
deleting all tax rules and tax rates related to M2E using the Magento admin
uninstalling M2E-Pro using Magento Connect Manager
dropping all tables with the prefix 'm2epro_' and the table 'ess_config' from the database
I had an exchange with the M2E-Support but I only get standard answers that do not help me.
Please tell me where I could look for a 'hidden' entry in the database or something like that. It makes me wonder that the label 'M2E Tax Rate' only appears in the generated .pdf-invoice - nowhere else.
Thanks in advance,

What they've done is create a product tax rate in your Magento system and you probably have it set to products and/or in your magento tax settings too.
Go to Sales > Tax and Product Tax rules
You should find the tax rate here.
If you remove it, do check your products in Magento...
Also go to System > Configuration > Sales > Tax and see if it has been applied here too.
Hope that helps,


Magento promotion is being disable after a day

I'm setting a promotion in my Magento store, to do it I go to "Promotions" -> "Catalog Price Rules" -> "New".
It looks fine for certain time but after (something like) a day that promotions is not being displayed in the sopping cart or any product detail screen.
Am I missing something? I haven't fount anything about this problem. Why is it getting misconfigured?
Magento version:
Thanks in advanced.
This will happen if your cron is not running.
As everyday cron runs it will process rules and accordingly updates price for dates.
If its not run then code will not find discounted price which in turn will result in logical issues as stated in your post.

Magento Error Grand Total and SubTotal are being Doubled

Hi I am using Magento for our online store and have an issue unique to some users where the price of every product and shipping is doubled in both the cart at the top right and when placing an order at the end.
See the attached screenshot:
Any help would be much appreciated
Do you have installed any third party extension related with Cart or Checkout ?
If Yes, please disable it and check once again. May be there is some bug in that extension.
If no, then check your local modules, may be your Totals is being overridden.
The things I have mentioned is just for debugging to reach out the place where the problem is occurring from.

Magento Tax Calculation Base On

I've noticed a bug on Magento that is not present in Magento but can't find any solution.
In my configuration, I've set catalog prices to Including Tax (System > Configuration > Tax > Tax Calculation Based On).
I've created a test product and set a price of 20$, with a 20% Tax.
The problem is, when I go to the frontend, the product shows up with a price set to 24$.
I've tried to use a fresh install of new Magento, with a fresh database, and the bug still appears.
I've also created a Magento with the exact same configuration and product and the price displayed is correct (20$, not 24$).
I'm surprised that none noticed such a huge bug and wonder if I didn't do something wrong with my configuration?
Thank you.
I found the answer by debugging from the core. Apparently, you have to set the "cross_border_trade_enabled" option to "Yes" in the Tax configuration to be able to get the correct price including tax. What surprises me is that the core files don't seem to be modified between Magento and Magento for the Tax calculations, but we didn't need to set this option to "Yes" before.

Magento cart does not display products, but does show the total price

I am running a Magento 1.8 multistore with around 10 different shops.
On one of the shops I am experiencing a weird bug, the shopping cart stays empty, but gives me a total of the added products (see image)
I am running default /template/checkout files. and some of my other stores do as well, but they do not have this problem.
I checked almost every option in the admin, but i cannot find a option that relates to this.
The web unfortunately didn't give me answers.
Thanks in advance
I fixed this by making a new store, set all settings as the old one and assign the design to it.
still no clue to what the cause of the problem was.

Magento Cart Checkout doesn't display TAX anymore?

Since a few weeks I'm working with Magento. I've been doing all the work myself, but this time i've hit a problem which I can't solve.
I've got a problem with my shopping cart. I live in the Netherlands where it's usuall to add 19% TAX to all the products. So products, shipping costs and all that are ALWAYS displayed with TAX. In the store, all my products are displayed with TAX. However, in the shopping cart and the checkout proces they aren't. Now I've installed the Dutch Shop Settings for magento. This plugin worked with my normal checkout, but I've also installed Golden Spiral Studio One Click Cart Checkout 2.0 which workes fine, accept for the TAX.
Bottom line: Since my One Click Cart Checkout, al my products are displayed without tax again. Changing something in the configuration doensn't help! I need to go deeper.
Have a look in my store at www.phone-gadgets.com for the problem. Order a product and you will see.
In your admin go to System > Configuration > Shipping Settings, and then fill out all the details under Origin. This can affect the tax being applied to your location.
