magento error message only displays after 2nd page refresh - magento

I have an observer watching the event sales_quote_item_set_product. In it, i am checking some conditions to make sure the item is still available. If it is not, i run this code:
Mage::getSingleton('message/session')->addError($item->getName() . ' is no longer available.');
The problem I'm having is if an item becomes unavailable and a guest is on a product view page, the cart says the item is in the cart, but the total for the cart is updated to reflect the product being removed. Also the error message is not displayed. If you go to another page or refresh the product view page the error message will display and the number of items in the cart will be correct.
So my thought is i need to run this code earlier in the execution cycle, but i have no idea what event i should be observing, or if i shouldn't be using an observer at all. I tried using sales_quote_load_after, but that caused a recursion error somehow. Can anyone tell me when/where i should run this code?
Another wild thought is could it be because i'm using database sessions instead of the file system?

The problem was that the error was being added after the messages block was rendered. I fixed it by adding a redirect to the cart page after the error was added.
$request = Mage::app()->getRequest();
if($request->getModuleName() != 'checkout' && $request->getControllerName() != 'cart' && $request->getActionName() != 'index') {

You didn't mention it, but this sounds like you're running code during an AJAX request. When you say
Mage::getSingleton('message/session')->addError($item->getName() . ' is no longer available.');
You're adding an error to Magento's session object. Every time a Magento page renders, it checks the session object for errors, and displays them all. This allows multiple developers to add multiple errors to the session, redirect Magento back to the original form.
This doesn't work during an ajax request, because (typically) the rendering process is skipped in lieu of a JSON object or simple, errorless HTML chunk being rendered (leaving the errors in the session).
Knowing what the full request cycle looks like (what's ajax, what's not) would help someone come up with a more concrete answer to your question.


Wicket (1.6) stateless form resets paging

I've already tried to find anything about that problem but I guess I either was not sure how to shortly describe the problem to find a solution or nobody else had that before which I can't think of. Maybe my thinking is wrong, too.
I have a stateless wicket 1.6 form with an ajax supporting panel (WebMarkupContainer with output id). The panel holds a dataview with paging navigator. The dataview itself is filled by a DataProvider.
The panel shows some entries from the database and below that is the navigator. by clicking any page on the navigator, the panel is refreshed (ajax) and shows content from that page. The page itself is not re-rendered by the browser.
When I now leave the page by navigating to another internal page (so basically when leaving the dataview-panel-page in any way) to open a detail page or so and then return to that dataview-page the navigator is resetted (because it's stateless I guess). The navigator can't remember which page to show and begins at the top of the first page again.
The question is: How can I solve this? I would like to i.ex. navigate to page 2 and then temporary leave the page for another internal page. When returning I want to be on page 2, focussed on the record where I clicked the link to "details" before. This also happens when I just open a new page in a new Browser tab.
Thank you!
Here's some code:
final WebMarkupContainer gamesPanel = new AjaxContainer("gamesPanel");
final DataView<Game> dataView =
new GameDataView("gameOverview", targetCurrencyModel, searchTextModel, gameFilterModel,
new GameDataProvider(searchTextModel, gameFilterModel, targetCurrencyModel));
final XNPagingNavigator navigator = new XNPagingNavigator("navigator", dataView);
You guys can try what I mean: The page I'm talking about is Just navigate to page 2, then click on details and return to main page.
I think you might use History API to push a new state when you click on navigation bar. In the new URL for the state you can include a parameter that indicates the index of the current navigator page.
You can customize your AJAX link in order to perform this operations when user click on it.
For more details on History API see Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page
I solved this in the NoWicket framework by introducing a model aware page cache which reuses page instances when hashcode/equals matches in the page model. You can see the implementation in the GitHub repo, try this implementation of the IPageFactory wrapper as a starting point, but it is more code involved there, just check out the code, debug the example and navigate the code to understand it better in order to apply it to your application. See your use case in action by trying this data table example in the documentation website (which you can also debug locally):
Try changing the paging index, navigate to a different page and navigate back to the data table example page. You will still see the paging index that you left there.
Thank you guys for your replies. I've done it now another way. Used the base code from here and modified it in some ways. Added some nice css AttributeModifiers to indicate the actual page:
item.add(new AttributeModifier("class", new PageLinkCssModel(pageable, pageIndex, "active")));
Then I modified some code to add or reset the page parameter, that it's 1) used only once and 2) keeps all the actual page parameters which were there before adding own ones. So I am just appending the page number now. This way I can keep my initially mount path like Complete URL would now look like:
To pass my entered page (i.e. page=5) to the data provider I just had to override the providers iterator. It should start with the page I entered. Due to the ugly generated navigator URLs (which are extremly bad for SEO) I now have nice looking urls which are working independently what wasn't possible before. And that's also the reason why I could not get back to the correct page. The navigator URL was not lookup-able by wicket.
new DataView<GamePrice>("gamePriceOverview", new GameDetailDataProvider(gameId, targetRegion) {
public Iterator<GamePrice> iterator(final long first, final long count) {
return super.iterator(ITEMS_PER_PAGE * getCurrentPage(), count);
getCurrentPage() comes from the base template and gets the actual page number entered (if one is entered):
public long getCurrentPage() {
// -1 weil zero based
return getRequest().getQueryParameters().getParameterValue("page").toString() != null
? (getRequest().getQueryParameters().getParameterValue("page").toLong() - 1)
: 0;
So instead of having ugly SEO-unfriendly URLs which are also not compatible to work independant (directly enter the generated url) I now have the same URL I expect with an added page-parameter.
URL now would looks like:
URL before was:
If I now go back from the detail page to the main index with active "Bookmarkable-Navigator", I correctly come back to the page and position where I left it (because of bookmarkable page links).
That's how I achieved this problem with a nice bonus: User- and SEO-friendly URLs.

How to modify or remove addSuccess message in Magento?

For example, the following action will add a message which will be inserted into the page:
-When addtocart button is clicked, it will display a message saying the product was added successful or not.
The code is in app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartControllers.php
$message = $this->__('%s was added to your shopping cart.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($product->getName()));
-When a product review is submitted, there will be a message saying the review has been accepted for moderation.
The code is in app/code/core/Mage/Review/controllers/ProductController.php
$session->addSuccess($this->__('Your review has been accepted for moderation.'));
The above two are just examples, there are more other similar messages which are display on certain actions.
I know how to override it, change or remove the message. For the addtocart message, it can also be turned off by going to the Admin Panel.
I believe there is a better way to modify those messages than create a module and overriding the function just for modifying the message or remove it.
Does anyone know any better ways to modify or remove those addSuccess messages?
How can we modify or remove those messages after addSuccess() function is already called and the messages are added?
Of course there's a better way ;D
Take a look into your app/locale/en_US folder (or whichever language you want to edit). There you'll find a series of CSV files with translations.
Every time you see echo $this->_('Something Here'); it means there is a translation in these CSV files. This depends on the current namespace, so for Checkout messages, you'd want to look in Mage_Checkout.csv first.
Open with your favorite text editor and look for something like this:
%s was added to your shopping cart.,%s was added to your shopping cart.
Now, change the line AFTER the comma to what you would like it to be:
%s was added to your shopping cart.,We just added %s to your cart!
Alternatively, you can make it blank by just removing everything after the comma:
%s was added to your shopping cart.,
The %s denotes the variable used, which is passed as the second parameter in the _() function.
This should remove all success or error messages from your session.
More specifically, you can use the following to remove messages from core and customer session respectively:
For the addtocart message, it can also be turned off by going to the Admin Panel.
As #s-hunter said the above quote, can any one tell where to find the setting to turn it off.

Rails form, load new record page rather than redirecting to it

I'm creating my first app in rails.
Basically, I have a new customer form, normally when you enter a new customer you are redirected to the record you created.
However as I am loading all my pages via ajax I want to load the new record in rather than re-direct to it.
I already have the form firing via ajax, I just need to know how I can access the new record URL to load it into my container.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
You can add an option :remote => true to your form_for helper method, so that instead of page redirect the form gets posted via ajax.
For Ex :
<%= form_for(#post, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<% end %>
Then create a new template named create.js.erb which will get rendered after create method has been executed.
In this template, you can display the details of the new record you created.
For Ex :
$('some_element').replaceWith('< %>');
Edit: You mentioned using load in your javascript. I would generally avoid this as you're making two round trips to the server. 1) Create 2) Get html to load into a div. Additionally, if there is an error that happens, it will be more difficult to catch and do the "good thing", whatever that might be.
Once you've added the remote: true option to your form, you need to deal with what happens on the server side of things.
Assuming your using REST, you'll have a controller with a create action in it. Normally, this method is creating the item and then subsequently returning the HTML for the create page. Instead of this, we need to create a javascript view for the action. This will tell the calling page what to when this action is hit.
Let's assume your form has a div called "new_record_form" and that you have another div called "new_records". You'll want to blank out the form elements in the form, effectively resetting it. You'll also want to add the new record to the "new_records" div.
To add the record to the new records div, you might do something like this.
When you submit the form, you should see this added. One great way to debug issues is to use the inspector. If you're in chrome, right click anywhere, inspect element and select network. Do this prior to form submission. You'll be able to see the ajax call and the response. Your logs will also be helpful.
Don't forget to blank out the form as well.
Note: You mentioned all your pages are ajax, but I highly suggest you evaluate if this makes 100% sense due to the various issues that result. Not saying this is the best article on the subject but might be worth a read.

Cannot saveShippingMethod in Magento One Page Checkout

I am writing a custom Magento one page checkout for my site following the instructions on this site:
In summary, I am calling these functions in order:
$checkout = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/type_onepage’);
$checkout->saveBilling($billingAddress, false);
$checkout->saveShipping($shippingAddress, false);
// Extra part not on the site but saw it in the original magento onpage checkout controller
// Extra part not on the site but saw it in the original magento onpage checkout controller
The problem is that when the code is first run, the shipping method is not being set, I get a error saying that the shipping method was not set. However, just refreshing the page makes the order go through.
One solution was that right after setting the shipping method with saveShippingMethod, checking if it was set with:
Which 100% of the time it is not, then redirecting it back onto the same page, which on the 2nd run the shipping method is set...
this seems to be such a stupid magento bug! any ideas on how to fix it with this redirection (i.e. page refresh)?
Maybe it is me not being extremely expert about magento, but I'm pretty sure you have to use setShippingMethod($method) instead of saveShippingMethod($method) when creating an order, you can check more here.

Problem showing a messaje to the user using ASP MVC TempData

I'm using TempData to show a message to the user. I put a string in the TempData and later I read the string, and if it is not empty, then I show a DIV that contain the message.
All works fine, and if the user refresh the page the message are not shown (Thats what I want). The problem is that if the user navigate to other page and then press the back button in the browser, then the message are shown again, and I do not want this.
What could I do to avoid this behaviour?
This is the code I use to read the TempData (Razor + VB). There is a DIV #commonMessage, with this code I put the string inside the div and show it. As I said before, it's working, but the only problem is that the TempData is still there if the user click back in the browser.
#If Not IsNothing(TempData("MessageUser")) AndAlso TempData("MessageUser") <> String.Empty Then
Dim str As String = TempData("MessageUser")
#<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
End If
EDIT: Seems like the TempData are being catched, because if I Disable the cache for the action where I'm showing the message (Using the Attribute System.Web.Mvc.OutputCache(NoStore:=True, Duration:=0, VaryByParam:="*")) the problem dissapears. But It would be better I we could find a method that not involve disabling the cache...
REQUESTED EDIT: I'm very newby in ASP, so I try to clarify what i'm triying to do. When an user performs an action (edit a client, for example), I redirect the client to the client list page, and I show a message that tell to the user "The client data was update susessfully". I'm triying to do it in a way that makes the message to be show only once. Maybe the TempData is not the right way (I don't know, 'cos i'm learning yet), but the target is to show a message to an user only once (no matter if the urser refresh or if the user go to other page and then press back in the browser)... using TempData or using something more adequate to our purpose.
Essentially, you are wanting TempData to do what you want, rather than using the right tool for what you want.
TempData is, by design, intended to be used for caching data across HTTP redirections. That is what it exists for. It is not clear from your post if this is the scenario that you are using.
Page redirection, with data in TempData, that is then displayed to the user. Refresh the page you have arrived on, and the TempData is no longer there (there has been no redirection, just a refresh).
If the user then navigates to another page, then uses the back button, the browser will have cached the html of your page and will redisplay that. That is the correct behaviour.
I also think that in your testing, you are getting it wrong. Ie, by disabling the caching, you are just knocking out TempData altogether and you will not get the correct behaviour. Ie, the message will NEVER appear, not just when you hit the back button.
Your jQuery looks inefficient. You are making it do things it doesn't need to do. You could use razor to populate your div with your message. Set the div to not display, ie:
<div id="commonMessage" style="display:none;">
Then use jQuery to show it:
Your post isn't that clear, but in summary, I would say you are seeing what you should.
Maybe you should describe, in an Edit, what you want your app to do. That way it would be easier to answer. As things stand, you have told us what happens and what you put in your view, but it is not clear what you expect.
You should also understand TempData better: it only persists between Controller actions, ie, when a redirect occurs. It stores its data in the Session store, which I believe is affected by the caching attribute you mention.
