How to use sleep in qt creator - qt-creator

I am using Qt Creator C++. I want to see these two pictures after each other every 3 seconds. But according to my code, it shows just the last image on the screen. Does anybody have any idea what I am doing wrong?

You shall use QElapsedTimer() and implement a slot which you shall then connect to QElapsedTimer's signal that is emitted after desired time. See Qt help for more information on that.
In the slot, you shall implement your logic of showing the images.

I think that exec(); is the moment where program starts, so you have to change pictures after that. I Would pastle this code inside youre main class, or inside some other function (for example button slot).


How to break code on a click event?

I have this application that I need to disassemble. I don't have a clue on how to stop the running code on the desired location, so I decided my best guess would be breaking upon a button click. But how do I capture button clicks? I know it has probably something to do with the Windows functions such as CallNextHookEx. I'm using IDA PRO to disassembly.
IDA PRO is used mostly as disassembler, for static analysis purposes. I'd suggest you to use Ollydbg (or some other debugger, if you want to) because it will suit better to debugging purposes.
I don't know if you can set a breakpoint on an API like that.
But you can do this:
Load the application in olly, or attach to it.
Generate the event by clicking on anything.
Stop the application from ollydbg(F12)
Use C(k)all stack(ALT+K)
You will see a few calls to functions, one of them is doing what you need. But you may need to go to upper calls to see the whole loop. So you will just try which one it is. There will be a loop in one of them.That loop will have conditional jumps and generate events, load forms, fill the app etc. And when you place a breakpoint on the right jump there, it will stop at each mouse click.
When I'm debugging apps, most of the times I find myself on a breakpoint like this, and I see from the beginning how the application is filling an empty form(it takes so long.)

Using GUI causes "Sleep?" making Audio stutter/stop

Okay, as Title says.
For example, i use NAudio to playback what i record (loopback if you want).
And if i click on the GUI (the top part, so i can move the window).
It will cause a "sleep", and when that happens the current activity (Audio playback) stops.
And then it continues afterwards.
But i want to remove that, as i don´t know any other application that has it, so it´s probably something to do with how i am programming.
Please keep it simple, i am extremely new to c#.
I am guessing on Bakckgroundworker or something, but i couldn´t get it to work.
So hopping for a more concrete answer.
This was just me not understanding that using the Main Thread in a window form will cause anything on the GUI to be run on it.
Meaning, if i move the GUI, that movement will be Priority over the rest of the code, so everything else will get paused if run on that thread.
Perhaps it differ from object to object, but in this scenario it was the case, so i just moved it to a separate thread and it´s solved.

MATLAB: Prevent figures from being made active

I have a rather large routine which will can run for a couple of hours. Here and there it creates a figure, plots something to it and saves that Figure.
As I have only one PC, I would like to continue to work with that machine. The problem is that whenever a new figure is made, MATLAB becomes the active application again.
Is there any way to tell MATLAB or Windows that MATLAB should not be allowed to set itself to active?
I saw that one possibility is to run a MATLAB script totally in the background (like that). But that is a little bit too unsupervised, as I would like to be able to switch to the MATLAB window and check the output to the command window.
Any ideas? If there is a general solution for Windows that prevents that other Applications to become active would also be cool!
You can overload the figure function as following in order to prevent figure poping up:
a = figure('visible','off');
I hate to state the obvious, but you could always store the data you want to plot until the end.
Now, you're going to tell me that some of that data is subroutines and doesn't get passed back to the main routine. OK. So, the solution to that would be to write a "Store_Plot_Data" class with a method that would write into memory the data, the #plot_function_name (for 3D, scatter, etc.), the axis label strings, etc. Then you would create one instance of this class in your main routine and to ensure visibility of this one instance to all subroutines you could do any of the following:
use a global variable as your single instance ... OK, not so elegant,
implement the Singleton pattern, or
pass all subroutines the handle to that one instance of the "Store_Plot_Data" class.
If there is a general solution for Windows that prevents that other
Applications to become active would also be cool!
In Windows 7, this worked for me:
Set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ForegroundLockTimeout" to 30d40 (hex).
If you want all figures to not show.
In the beginning of your script do:
set(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible', 'off');
set(0, 'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'docked');
Dock the Matlab figure window and maximize any other application (Excel, Word etc.) you are working with in front of Matlab.
Then you can continue to work without being interrupted by figures blinking on your face.

How to make a function been called every frame in the cocoa programming?

I know cocoa application has a main run loop, how to make a function been called every frame? I mean this function should be called every process of the main loop. Is that through the -(void) run of the + (NSRunLoop*) currentRunLoop;?
You can call getCFRunLoop to get the Core Foundation RunLoop. Then it's just a matter of adding an observer to the CFRunLoop. See the docs for this function:
I'm assuming you are targeting OSX since the tag is cocoa and not cocoa-touch so if you want to synchronize with every screen frame update you should check out CVDisplayLink
I know it's been quite some time. Anyway this might come useful for someone who stumbled upon here like me.

What will prevent LVN_ITEMACTIVATE from firing?

I am writing an app with raw windows API (opensource Win32++) where I have a ListView.
The problem I have now is that whenever an item in the ListView is clicked, the system/app will generate a warning tone/sound "ding". Furthermore, I noticed I cannot get the LVN_ITEMACTIVATE through item-dbl-click or item-keypress-enter, which would normally work if this problem had not occur.
Would anyone have any idea how this might be happening?
I believe there is nothing wrong with Win32++, it just could be one of the things I do is causing this. But my program has become quite big to dissect plus I have no idea where to start looking.
PS: I had my computer muted for the longest time, hence, I don't know when this started eventhough I had the listview since a long time ago. T_T
Start looking with a tool that can show you the Windows messages that the control generates and receives. Like Microsoft's Spy++. Compare it with a working list view to have an idea what might be amiss. Also check the parent window. I haven't otherwise heard of listviews that dingaling, the LVN_ACTIVATEITEM should fire the first WM_LBUTTONDOWN, no double-click necessary.
