HTTP with the Kippt API. Why is this not working? - ruby

I'm trying to access the Kippt API with a small test I wrote. It goes like this:
require 'net/https'
http = ""
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request ="/users/*******")
request.basic_auth("*******", "*******")
response = http.request(request)
When I run this, Ruby says getaddinfo: No such host is known. I should note that I don't want to use any external library for the Kippt API, and that I want to retain this RESTful approach to the URL throughout the program.
Why is this not working? How can I make it work?


Wait for selector to present

When doing web scraping with Nokogiri I occasionally get the following error message
undefined method `at_css' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
I know that the selected element is present at some time, but the site is sometimes a bit slow to respond, and I guess this is the reason why I'm getting the error.
Is there some way to wait until a certain selector is present before proceeding with the script?
My current http request block looks like this
url = URL
body = BODY
uri = URI.parse(url)
http =, uri.port)
http.read_timeout = 200 # default 60 seconds
http.open_timeout = 200 # default nil
http.use_ssl = true
request =
request.body = body
request["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
response = http.request(request)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
sleep 100
While you can use a streaming Net::HTTP like #Stefan says in his comment, and an associated handler that includes Nokogiri, you can't parse a partial HTTP document using a DOM model, which is Nokogiri's default, because it expects the full document also.
You could use Nokogiri's SAX parser, but that's an entirely different programming style.
If you're retrieving an entire page, then use OpenURI instead of the lower-level Net::HTTP. It automatically handles a number of things that Net::HTTP will not do by default, such as redirection, which makes it a lot easier to retrieve pages and will greatly simplify your code.
I suspect the problem is either that the site is timing out, or the tag you're trying to find is dynamically loaded after the real page loads.
If it's timing out you'll need to increase your wait time.
If it's dynamically loading that markup, you can request the main page, locate the appropriate URL for the dynamic content and load it separately. Once you have it, you can either insert it into the first page if you need everything, or just parse it separately.

Azure rest API images missing when listing images

So when I list the images using the Ruby SDK, I get all of the publicly available ones, but the ones that I have created myself are not included. They do show up in the web console though... I've even tried using the REST API and constructed a Net:HTTP object as illustrated here. I get a 5xx error after setting the content-length (even though it isn't listed as a required header) to anything, including 0... I have had success using the same code on other azure RESTful urls, so I am unsure as to why this specific one is giving me an error....
Does anyone have any clue as to why my images aren't listed? Any experience with the endpoint linked above? Just fyi, heres my ruby request code:
# HTTP request code
def get(uri)
uri = URI.parse(uri)
pem ='/path/to/management_cert')
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.cert =
http.key =
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
request =
request['x-ms-version'] = '2014-06-01'
request['Content-Length'] = 0
Here is the calling code:
# The invoking line
get '<subscription-id>/services/vmimages'
You must go through the API first. Here is link of rest API
You are making POST request instead of GET. The Method should be 'GET'
request =
You have to set Content-Length
I found the answer (kinda).... I guess the servers were having an issue that day as I re-ran the code and got the data I needed... The above code (now fixed) works!!!

Forward a file download in sinatra using streaming

I have made a ruby / sinatra website and I need to let the user to download a file.
This file is not local hosted, it is hosted on a remote API. end user must not see the true origin of the file.
get "/files/:elementKey/masterfile" do
content_type "application/octet-stream"
With loadMasterfile:
http =,443)
http.use_ssl = true;
http.start do |http|
req =, {"User-Agent" =>"API downloader"})
req.basic_auth(user.keytechUserName, user.keytechPassword)
response = http.request(req)
# return this as a file attachment
attachment( response["X-Filename"]) #Use the sinatra helper to set this as filename
response.body << This lets sinatra download the file and then forward the whole content to the browser
This code works, but:
The file is downloaded first to the ruby/sinatra and then forwarded to the browser.
User must wait until download starts - browser seems to freeze.
Is there a solution to start a download form a remote API and forward the contents in one flow?
I found nothing about that or just found solutions for local file downloads, but I must download a file from a remote API.
I also can not cache the file locally or on Amazon AWS.
Any Ideas?
To achieve this in a streaming fashion in which your app is the proxy, you'll need to send the client chunks as you are downloading chunks. This is not the default behavior of ruby / Net::HTTP, but it is possible.
From the ruby docs:
By default Net::HTTP reads an entire response into memory. If you are handling large files or wish to implement a progress bar you can instead stream the body directly to an IO.
Streaming is possible through read_body, though.
Net::HTTP Streaming Response Bodies
Example usage from the docs:
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
request = uri
http.request request do |response|
open 'large_file', 'w' do |io|
response.read_body do |chunk|
io.write chunk
This example from the docs writes the streaming data to a file, but you could replace it with writes to your response stream. In combination with Sinatra's streaming api, the code might look like this:
get "/files/:elementKey/masterfile" do
content_type "application/octet-stream"
stream do |out|
loadMasterfile(params[:elementKey]) do |chunk|
out << chunk
def loadMasterfile(resource, &block)
http =, 443)
http.use_ssl = true;
http.start do |http|
req =, {"User-Agent" =>"API downloader"})
req.basic_auth(user.keytechUserName, user.keytechPassword)
http.request(req) do |origin_repsonse|
I'm not sure how you'd set the filename. You'd also want to handle errors appropriately in the net calls and stream close. Also note that a front-end like nginx can affect the buffering / chunking of streaming responses.

Output Net::HTTP request to human readable form

I am trying to debug a request that I am making to a server, but I can't figure out what is wrong with it, as it seems to be just like the request that I am putting through on RESTClient.
I am initializing it like so:
request =
request.add_field "HeaderKey", "HeaderValue"
request.body = requestBody
and then I am executing it like so:
Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) do |http|
response = http.request(request)
The requestBody is a string that is encoded with Base64.encode64.
Is there a way to output the request to see exactly where it's going and with what contents? I've used Paros for checking my iOS connections and I can also output a description of requests from most platforms I've worked with, but I can't figure it out for Ruby.
I've found that HTTP Scoop works pretty well for grabbing network traffic (disclaimer - it's not free!)

How do I access the Kippt API through Ruby without an external library?

I want to access the Kippt API through Ruby without the usage of any external libraries whatsoever, i.e. everything that comes packed with Ruby is fine, but nothing else (except for the standard library).
How should I go about doing this? Please detail the process.
This is very basic access, showing it is possible:
require "net/https"
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse( '' )
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =
response = http.request(request)
data = JSON.parse( response.body )
=> {
"bio"=>"Co-founder of Kippt. I love building products.",
"id"=>1, "github"=>"jorde",
"full_name"=>"Jori Lallo",
"counts"=>{"follows"=>1192, "followed_by"=>23628},
"is_pro"=>true, "resource_uri"=>"/api/users/1/"
There is a fair amount of work to take this demonstration and put it into some re-usable code that copes with authentication, posting params, request failure and other standard issues for HTTP-based APIs.
I'd suggest reading for some examples of how to build and process the requests in more detail. That's how I did the above (until writing the answer, I'd never used Ruby's net/http directly before, and I just grabbed a likely looking block of code from that site).
