Backing up open source gems in case they go away [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are wondering how developers deal with the possibility that a gem author deletes the git repository and the gem goes away. Forking/Cloning every gem we use and updating them with every new version of our app starts to get ridiculous if we have hundreds of gem dependencies. How have other developers tackled this potential issue?

You don't have to fork the repo. You just have to clone it. You can always push your clone to a newly-created project later on, if needed.
But yes, this sort of thing has happened before, with all of why the lucky stiff's projects.

The strategy is to stick to the majority. Only use gems that are very popular. The more popular, the less trouble. In case something happens, it is very likely that someone else using the same gem will do something for it.
Have you ever worried that Ruby itself gets abandoned? Have you ever worried that all operating systems die out? Have you ever worried that computers will become extinct? Have you ever worried that electricity supply will become deprecated?


Creating a setup script [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I don't even know how to ask this question, therefore I couldn't find anything that might help me.
I want to write some sort of script that downloads softwares, installs softwares(like eclipse), drivers, edit files(like configuration files) and more, so that a when a new developer comes to our company he will launch the script and he is set with all of our configurations.
What is the best way of doing it?
I am familiar with python, working on windows
Thank you very much!
I would say there a several options, but none of them are cheap:
Switch to VMs and setup a default VM for developers with everything they need one time and distribute the snapshot to new employees. If something changes, change the snapshot and distribute it again.
There are some options to do this on real hardware, but I have never done this and according to this it is not a common way to go
Script everything by hand, make a lot of mistakes and take a lot of time ;) A python script can certainly do a lot of things, also can powershell or batch files. But it is a long way to go and it is very time consuming when a operating system updates or all of the sudden some installers do not support unintended installations anymore. I used to automate some installations in my job when I was a student and it really took some time and effort to maintain this all.
After all, this is more of a question than stackoverflow, but maybe I could help anyhow.

"Application must run" requirement for Ruby assignment, create gem? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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EDIT: In short, what do I need to do to create a running application in Ruby, do I need to create a gem?
I've never taken any programming classes, or had assignments before so I'm asking this question in hopes this is clear to someone who has had many programming assignments before.
Basically the instructions state, "The Application must Run."
The instructions on the assignment uploader state that no executable files should be uploaded and the application should be put into a .zip.
For a second I thought I'd just create the app code locally, zip all the files, and upload them, but now I'm second guessing that. It seems like I should create a gem out of my application and then the readme that would be uploaded would instruct them to just install the gem?
Am I on the right track here? I suppose my question can be stated as, I need to create a ruby application that will run, is the best way to do that by creating a gem? Or am I completely over thinking this?
Thank you very much.
The most likely thing is that it means this:
The application must run via executing the command ruby myapp.rb
So it "must run" when you pass the filename of you code to the ruby executable.
Anything else wouldn't make much sense. If you are required to make a gem, that would likely have been explicitly clear. But you should clarify this with your instructor, as there isn't a lot to go on here.

Pitfalls to avoid when writing project specs [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to write up some software specs for a large-ish project that I'd like to bid out on oDesk (maybe 3k-6k). I have a classical education in computer science, but minimal work experience and I've never worked in a corporate environment.
I've written up 15 pages of project specs for an API that I want to run on Google App Engine. I'm finding the subtleties difficult with issues such as: where to draw the line on what to specify and what not to; how to break the project up into pieces so that if one part goes wrong, other parts can still be used; where and how to set milestones; and how to screen for a candidate who has the skills to properly implement the specs.
I asked a friend what issues I should watch out for and he said:
Make sure specs do not have contradictory information
Make sure specs are not unnecessarily specific because this will turn off more skilled developers
What other pitfalls and common mistakes should I look out for while drawing up project specs?
While it is important to focus on the functionality of what you want to achieve, also keep in mind the non-functional requirements as well. Think about how you want it to perform, security considerations, etc.
One to add to the list
Make sure the specs are unambiguous. (Can only be interpreted one way...Hopefully)
I think these two links will help:
On Reqs And Specs:
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 2: What's a Spec?:

Best tactics for managing end of project with large Team [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Our current project has a large team, and we have come near the end of the project
Like most end of projects, dozens of dependencies are popping up - everyone is waiting on someone else to complete a task. What is the best strategy for dealing with this.
I have thought of scaling the size of the team down, so the depenencies can be done in parallel by the remaining members of the team, but I'm looking for ideas that will include keeping everyone on the team still.
The only way I know how to handle this is to split the team in two. If you're lucky you can set the other half up to work with the next release. The message to BOTH teams is that the release version has priority over work on the next version. So the people who're working on the release version can enlist people from the "next" version as long as there is a reasonable need (this is normally related to different areas of expertise, who worked on the code in question).
Normally we only let the team working on the release version get advice from the people working on the next version, so the people working on the next version will typically give up an hours work without any discussion. If they should be pulled back into developing the feature we normally let that be a managerial decision. Most of the time these things are just obvious.
It's the ole' line them up and knock them down approach. Make sure you're really at the end of the project and not uncovering any missing deliverables, prioritize the deliverables and based on the top priority items determine the remaining work, dependencies, etc. Priority could be based on most value of the deliverable, most costly resource or resources likely to move on sooner then later. If people are waiting and have nothing to do, it's time to delegate end-of-project documenting tasks...(someone has to do it).

Project retirement or archiving [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What is the best way to retire a currently active project? I've been working on this one for a while now and I think its time to let go. Without going into too much detail, there are other projects and technologies that are way ahead now and I don't see much value in investing in it any further.
What have you done to retire a project and what is the process like?
As operating systems, compilers, etc. change, it can be difficult to rebuild old projects.
Consider creating a virtual machine that is configured to build it again, in case you need to update it for some reason in the future. Archive that VM along with the source code, etc.
Personally, I've done this before, and put up on the homepage of the project
"I no longer wish to maintain this project - if you're interested in taking it over, then feel free to email me (email#address)"
And then let someone take it over.
Is this a personal, community, or commercial/professional project?
I have had a professional prject go sour due to lack of feedback form the client. Bascially they were going at a slower pace than they should have and it got to a point where the software would be more expensive to contine than to get a prebuilt alternative. In that case i just brought in the data to show the client where their saving are and recommend to abondon. Its hard to swallow, but after a while they realize it was for the best.
