iOS 7 memory issues - memory-management

I was recently trying to make my iOS 6 compatible app work with iOS 7 (noted still in beta). So i had my boss install iOS 7 on his iPhone 4S. We noticed that camera picker was slow and not responsive, and when we take a picture everything freezes. When i run the profile with memory allocations i notice that we have a really high memory usage : 160 MB. and btw we received a loot of memory warnings. So i tried running on the iPhone that still has ios6 and the maximum memory spike was 16 MB. Has anyone encountered this problem? Thank you

I do observe different Memory numbers on iOS 6 & iOS 7.
I have an app that makes use of openGL (a 3D viewer), and of AVFoundation (my own camera implementation, with AVCaptureDevice...)
I ran the app on iPhone 4S with iOS 6, and on iPhone 4 with iOS 7, my observations so far :
Allocations, Dirty & resident VM sizes reported by Instruments seem higher on iOS 7 than iOS 6 (50% to 100% higher)
I get much less Memory warning with iOS 7 (although I probably would have to repeat these tests to get more reliable results)

In iOS 7, apple introduce more restriction on memory allocation for single instance. If the single thread uses more memory it should crash.
This is not only related to native application but also related to hybrid app.
Ex: Google Maps getting crashed only in iOS 7, if it uses more memory. You can able to get more information in the below link.
Crashes in iOS7


Why is Nativescript on ios so slow?

In my app, I timed the duration it takes to navigate to one particular screen.
In Android simulator about 700 ms and about the same or faster on the device.
In IOS simulator about the same but on the device over 4000ms - 5x slower!
On the device in debug mode but on the release version also super slow.
I'm trying on iPhone 6.
What could cause such a slowdown?
Do I need to optimize the build - config file somewhere.
Maybe the iPhone6 has a processor that needs to be built for - arm???

Genymotion Android emulator laggy on Macbook

I've been using genymotion for android react-native development but the emulator is so mind numbingly slow compared to the xcode ios emulator.
mbp specs
2.5ghz i7
16gb ram
intel iris plus 640
500gb ssd
genymotion specs
genymotion 3.0.0
google pixel emulator
processors 4
memory size 4096
virtual box 5.2.22
I had virtual box 6.x before but found a stack thread suggesting downgrading to the recommended version but it didn't fix anything.
The emulator works fine and boots relatively quick - all the animations however are very laggy and make it a pain to use
Looking for any recommendations, thanks
edit: I've tried reducing processors to 2 as virtual box was attempting to use 4 (default) but I have a dual core laptop, performance increased slightly - but still far off from the ios emulator
Have you tried using an older version of Android? I heard reports of users finding the latest versions (especially Android 9.0) to be slow on macOS. This should be fixed in Genymotion Desktop 3.1.0.

BLE takes too much time while sending data from iOS 7.1 to iOS 8

I have a strange issue. I am developing an app in which I am sending Chunks in 20-20 bytes..
Everything is working fine.
When I am sending Bytes data from iOS 8 to iOS 8 device it take around 4-5 second to transfer from one device to another, but my problem is when I am sending Bytes data from iOs 7.1 to iOs 8 or reverse, It take around 17-20 seconds to transfer the data from one device to any device.
Why it's taking too much time in iOS 7.1 to iOS 8 or reverse?
Try to look at some of the links below. That might help you.
This is just a reference of links that might help you.
Credit goes to them for this answer.

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 Xcode 4.2 memory issues

I've got MacBook Pro 2011, 15" i7 2GHz 8GB Ram 1333 MHz OS X Lion 10.7.2 all updates installed released to this date.
I have done everything what I can to minimize RAM consumpsion and the only problem I've got at this point is when I run Xcode. I had 4gigs of RAM, than bought 8 gigs and always 've got 10-30 MB of free memory after 3-5 minutes of Xcode running and PAGE INS are 300MB - 700MB. I tried to switch to 32-bit running mode but no change. Can anybody help me please?
Yes. One way is to disable indexing, another is to reduce the number of build processes. These are hidden preferences in Xcode 4 which I have detailed here:
Hidden Features of Xcode 4
I've also made a pretty extensive write up for improving and working with Xcode's resource issues:
Why are xcodebuild and Xcode 4.2 so slow?

Minimum spec for Xcode 4?

So after deciding to install Xcode 4 on my '09 mac mini because of how useful its instruments feature is (opengl stuff), it turns out that my mac mini only barely manages to run it.
In other words, it's crippled. I'm still here waiting for my program to run on the iPhone, and it's stuck with some "NSAutoreleaseNoPool" message.
The thing is, normally I would ask on how to fix that message, but currently XCode itself is frozen and not responding to anything.
Will upgrading from this old mac mini (it only has 1GB ram) alleviate this issue? Would the new mac mini with a 4GB ram upgrade suffice? IIRC it's core 2 duo 2.25ghz as opposed to my current 1.83ghz, would that make enough difference?
edit: not to mention, indexing cripples the performance to an extreme level
Especially when dealing with running VMs (i.e. an iPhone/iOS emulator), RAM is usually the choke point in my past experience.
I would think 4 Gigs of RAM should do it just fine. My Mac Book Pro has 4 Gigs of RAM and runs android emulators all the time and I'm still able to multitask.
Go into an Apple store and tell the guy you wanna demo the latest gen Mac Mini running XCode and its emulators and see if the performance if worth the investment. Its all Apple hardware/software so I don't see why they can't help you out.
8GB Ram
Since you can get already even 16GB Ram in Mac Mini (at least the newest), I cannot see why not take it? More here. Related threads mention very painful experiences with 1/2/4Gt particularly with Xcode 4. As far as I see it, 8Gt is becoming really a must-have, particularly when Xcode turns to 5.
Xcode 4 experiences
Minimum spec for Xcode 4?
Similar gettings slow threads
Xcode 4 configure to use less RAM?
Xcode suddenly very slow
