Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 Xcode 4.2 memory issues - xcode

I've got MacBook Pro 2011, 15" i7 2GHz 8GB Ram 1333 MHz OS X Lion 10.7.2 all updates installed released to this date.
I have done everything what I can to minimize RAM consumpsion and the only problem I've got at this point is when I run Xcode. I had 4gigs of RAM, than bought 8 gigs and always 've got 10-30 MB of free memory after 3-5 minutes of Xcode running and PAGE INS are 300MB - 700MB. I tried to switch to 32-bit running mode but no change. Can anybody help me please?

Yes. One way is to disable indexing, another is to reduce the number of build processes. These are hidden preferences in Xcode 4 which I have detailed here:
Hidden Features of Xcode 4
I've also made a pretty extensive write up for improving and working with Xcode's resource issues:
Why are xcodebuild and Xcode 4.2 so slow?


Xcode 9.3 - terrible performance

MBP (mid 2015) 16GB i7
After updating Xcode to 9.3, Xcode becomes very very slow and always in high (400%) CPU usage which makes everything get stuck. Just look at those screenshots.
After quitting Xcode:
Auto-complete and breakpoint just can't be used. I need to wait tens of seconds until Xcode has a response. It's not endurable.
Relaunch and reboot doesn't work. And before Xcode 9.3, these issues existed but didn't appear so often.

Xcode 8.2.1 Performance issue with Macbook pro

I have a MacBook pro(mid-2012)with following configuration(8GB RAM, MacOS Sierra, and 512 GB HDD). I updated my Xcode version from 8.2 to 8.2.1. After updating to that version system not responding properly (till 8.2 it works properly), I have to wait 5 or more minutes for one click. So please help me on that to fix that issue. For that performance issue,
Note: I reinstall MacOS twice but getting the same performance issue again and again when I open Xcode before that it works properly.
Steps to Reproduce:
Open Xcode with any existing project and open simulator from Xcode developer tools then you will see that system is not responding properly.
Expected Results:
If it will work till 8.2 then it will also work in Xcode 8.2.1 in MacBook pro
Following is my system configuration and activity monitor results.
CPU Usage
enter image description here
2: system configurtion
4: before xcode start
after xcode and simulator both starts cpu usage in activity monitor
CPU usage when both are running.
Check your "Activity Monitor" Mac App, monitor which tasks are taking more memory (%CPU). Try to force quit unused apps / tasks. And try again.
Finder -> Applications -> Activity Monitor
I have a macbook pro(middle-2012) in my home, and I can not use it to write the code any more, because it is too slow, I promise, if you replace a newer macbook pro, I think the issue will not comes.
In my company, I use the company's Macbook pro(2015) or Mac Mini(2014 late), with Xcode 8.2.1.
These there will not get slow, improve the configuration of your hardware.

This installation of Xcode 4.3.2 requires Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Recently i upgraded to mountain lion.I want to open my old projects in older version of xcode 4.3 and i don't want to use xcode 5 for some reason.
Is there any way to open xcode 4.3 only. I have installation file of xcode 4.3 if its needed to reinstall.
It gives alert "This installation of Xcode 4.3.2 requires Mac OS X 10.7 Lion."
I know how to run my projects in other versions with old simulators... but only need 4.3
Any Suggestions?
Ignore the snarky comments by people like matheszabi; there are good reasons to support the millions of units of older devices. Tip: If you are looking at picking up older devices, you'll want to target iOS 4.2.1 not 4.3, as every device supporting 4.3 can be upgraded to iOS 5. See Highest Version of iOS Supported.
To answer your question, "Any suggestions?": Use a virtualizer like Parallels, Fusion, or VirtualBox to run Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks in a virtual environment. This arrangement has many advantages, including resisting the pushing and shoving of Apple to constantly upgrade our OS, Xcode, and iOS targets.
Another advantage is a pristine working environment with its own clean Keychain, Desktop, and so forth having only items related to Xcode project(s). All my own personal stuff is kept to the real Mac. I think of the real Mac like I do my home, with personal property, while I think of the virtual Mac as my office space, my cubicle, having only work-related items.
The one thing you'll need is memory (RAM). If you want a 3 or 4 gig virtual Mac, you'll need about that much space unused on your Mac. By unused, I mean the green colored piece of pie in Activity Monitor.
My Experience
For my current project, I run Xcode 4.6.3 targeting iOS 5 & 6 in Parallels 8 (9 is now available) on a Mac mini (Late 2012) with 16 gigs of memory and i7 quad-core with 8 virtual cores driven by Mountain Lion 10.8.5 on the real Mac, while the virtual Mac has 4 gigs of memory and 2 cores. For the most part this works very well. A few bugs, but no show-stoppers.
The only bad bug is that copying text from the real Mac and pasting into the virtual Mac appends an extra mysterious invisible character that wreaks havoc, including preventing compiling of Objective-C code. I routinely do searches for that evil character, and try to make a habit of hitting Backspace after pasting text brought over from the real Mac.
Another bug: Horizontal scrolling by finger-swiping on my Apple Magic Mouse does not work in the virtual environment.
But Parallels 8 + Mountain Lion + Xcode 4.6.3 works well. You can plug in an iOS device for direct debugging via USB cable – Parallels asks whether you want the connected device to be seen by the real Mac or the virtual Mac.
I've also run earlier versions of Xcode 4 on Lion (besides Mountain Lion) in Parallels 8.
With this arrangement, I am free to consider upgrading my real Mac to Mavericks while keeping my Parallels 8 + Mountain Lion + Xcode 4.6.3 work environment intact. Though, I may need to shell out some money to upgrade my Parallels 8 to the new version 9. No such thing as a free lunch! (But this arrangement comes close)
Tell Time Machine to avoid backing up the 20-50 gig file that is your virtual Mac's hard disk. Instead, do an occasional backup of that large file. More often, make a backup of your import work files and Xcode project, copying off to Dropbox, Google Drive, or external hard drive or SD card. If that file that is your virtual Mac's hard disk ever gets corrupted, you may lose everything. So backup religiously – though I'm sure you do so anyways now. ;-)
Looks like Xcode 4.3 doesn't know about Mountain Lion, the fix would be downloading and installing Xcode 4.6.2 from developer center, which surely supports it.

Minimum spec for Xcode 4?

So after deciding to install Xcode 4 on my '09 mac mini because of how useful its instruments feature is (opengl stuff), it turns out that my mac mini only barely manages to run it.
In other words, it's crippled. I'm still here waiting for my program to run on the iPhone, and it's stuck with some "NSAutoreleaseNoPool" message.
The thing is, normally I would ask on how to fix that message, but currently XCode itself is frozen and not responding to anything.
Will upgrading from this old mac mini (it only has 1GB ram) alleviate this issue? Would the new mac mini with a 4GB ram upgrade suffice? IIRC it's core 2 duo 2.25ghz as opposed to my current 1.83ghz, would that make enough difference?
edit: not to mention, indexing cripples the performance to an extreme level
Especially when dealing with running VMs (i.e. an iPhone/iOS emulator), RAM is usually the choke point in my past experience.
I would think 4 Gigs of RAM should do it just fine. My Mac Book Pro has 4 Gigs of RAM and runs android emulators all the time and I'm still able to multitask.
Go into an Apple store and tell the guy you wanna demo the latest gen Mac Mini running XCode and its emulators and see if the performance if worth the investment. Its all Apple hardware/software so I don't see why they can't help you out.
8GB Ram
Since you can get already even 16GB Ram in Mac Mini (at least the newest), I cannot see why not take it? More here. Related threads mention very painful experiences with 1/2/4Gt particularly with Xcode 4. As far as I see it, 8Gt is becoming really a must-have, particularly when Xcode turns to 5.
Xcode 4 experiences
Minimum spec for Xcode 4?
Similar gettings slow threads
Xcode 4 configure to use less RAM?
Xcode suddenly very slow

Is it possible to Install Xcode on MAC 9.6

I want to Install any smooth working version of XCODE(for Iphone Apps development) on MAC machine having configuration as follows:-
MAC OS Z1-9.2.2,
Built In RAM-128 MB,
MAC OS ROM 9.0.1.
What are the feasibilities with that MAC.
Please help as I am just One day old for MAC.
No, it's not possible. It requires a modern Mac OS X. Xcode4 requires at least Snow Leopoard, and IIRC so does the current Xcode 3.2.x.
Even if it were possible, my Xcode4 right now occupies about 590MB of RAM at the moment of this writing. You wouldn't want to run something like that on a system with just 128MB RAM.
