The query time of a view increases after having fetched the last page from a view in Oracle PL/SQL - performance

I'm using Oracle PL/SQL Developer on a Oracle Database 11g. I have recently written a view with some weird behaviour. When I run the simple query below without fetching the last page of the query the query time is about 0.5 sec (0.2 when cached).
select * from covenant.v_status_covenant_tuning where bankkode = '4210';
However, if i fetch the last page in PL/SQL Developer or if I run the query from Java-code (i.e. I run a query that retrieves all the rows) something happens to the view and the query time increases to about 20-30 secs.
The view does not start working properly again before I recompile it. The explain plan is exactly the same before and after. All indexes and tables are analyzed. I don't know if it's relevant but the view uses a few analytic expressions like rank() over (partition by .....), lag(), lead() and so on.
As I'm new here I can't post a picture of the explain plan (need a reputation of 10) but in general the optimizer uses indexes efficiently and it does a few sorts because of the analytic functions.

If the plan involves a full scan of some sort, the query will not complete until the very last block in the table has been read.
Imagine a table that has lots of matching rows in the very first few blocks in the table, and no matching rows in the rest of it. If there is a large volume of blocks to check, the query might return the first few pages of results very quickly, as it finds them all in the first few blocks of the table. But before it can return the final "no more results" to the client, it must check every last block of the table - it doesn't know if there might be one more result in the very last block of the table, so it has to wait until it has read that last block.
If you'd like more help, please post your query plan.


Snowflake queries with CTE seems not to cache results

When I execute a query containing a CTE (common table expression defined by WITH clause) in Snowflake, the result is not cached.
The question now is: is this how Snowflake works-as-designed, or do I need to consider something to force a result caching?
Snowflake does use the result set cache for CTEs. You can confirm that by running this simple one twice. It should show in the history table that the second one did not use a warehouse to run. Drilling down into the query profile should show the second one's execution plan is a single node, query result reuse.
my_cte(L_ORDERKEY) as
select * from MY_CTE limit 10000;
There are certain conditions that make Snowflake not use the result set cache. One of the more common ones is use of a function that can produce different results on multiple runs. For example, if a query includes current_timestamp(), that's going to change each time it runs.
Here is a complete list of the criteria that all must be met in order to use the result set cache. Even then, there's a note that meeting all of those criteria does not guarantee use of the result set cache.

What effect have the number of records of a particular table (in SQL Server) on LINQ Queries response time in C# MVC

I made some googling about my subject title, but didn't find useful answer. Most question were about effect of number of table's columns on query performance, while i need to know the effect of number of table's rows on linq query response time in C# MVC project. Actually, i have a web MVC project in which i try to get alarms set using ajax call from server and show them in a web grid in client side. Each ajax call is performed every 60 seconds in a loop created with setTimeOut method. Number of rows are gradually increasing within the alarm table (in SQL Server Database) and after a week, it reaches to thousands of rows. At first when lunching the project, I can see in DevTools of browser(Chrome), the time each ajax call takes is about 1 second or so. But this time gradually increases every day and after a week each success ajax call takes more than 2 minutes. This causes about 5 ajax call always be in pending queue. I am sure there is no memory leak both in client(JQuery) and server(C#) sides code, So the only culprit I suspect is SELECT Query response time performed on alarm table. I appreciate any advice.
Check the query that is executed in the database. There are two options:
Your Linq query fetches all the data from the database and process them locally. In this case the number of rows in the table is quite important. You need to fix your Linq query and make sure it fetches only the relevant rows from the database. Then you can hit option 2.
Your Linq query fetches only the relevant rows from the database, but there are no relevant indexes in your table and each query scans all the data in the table.
However with only few thousands rows in your table, I have doubts it will take 2 minutes to scan the table, so option 1 is more likely to be the reason for this slowdown.

What will happen when inserting a row during a long running query

I am writing some data loading code that pulls data from a large, slow table in an oracle database. I have read-only access to the data, and do not have the ability to change indexes or affect the speed of the query in any way.
My select statement takes 5 minutes to execute and returns around 300,000 rows. The system is inserting large batches of new records constantly, and I need to make sure I get every last one, so I need to save a timestamp for the last time I downloaded the data.
My question is: If my select statement is running for 5 minutes, and new rows get inserted while the select is running, will I receive the new rows or not in the query result?
My gut tells me that the answer is 'no', especially since a large portion of those 5 minutes is just the time spent on the data transfer from the database to the local environment, but I can't find any direct documentation on the scenario.
"If my select statement is running for 5 minutes, and new rows get inserted while the select is running, will I receive the new rows or not in the query result?"
No. Oracle enforces strict isolation levels and does not permit dirty reads.
The default isolation level is Read Committed. This means the result set you get after five minutes will be identical to the one you would have got if Oracle could have delivered you all the records in 0.0000001 seconds. Anything committed after you query started running will not be included in the results. That includes updates to the records as well as inserts.
Oracle does this by tracking changes to the table in the UNDO tablespace. Provided it can restrict the original image from that data your query will run to completion; if for any reason the undo information is overwritten your query will fail with the dreaded ORA-1555: Snapshot too old. That's right: Oracle would rather hurl an exception than provide us with an inconsistent result set.
Note that this consistency applies at the statement level. If we run the same query twice within the one transaction we may see two different results sets. If that is a problem (I think not in your case) we need to switch from Read Committed to Serialized isolation.
The Concepts Manual covers Concurrency and Consistency in great depth. Find out more.
So to answer your question, take the timestamp from the time you start the select. Specifically, take the max(created_ts) from the table before you kick off the query. This should protect you from the gap Alex mentions (if records are not committed the moment they are inserted there is the potential to lose records if you base the select on comparing with the system timestamp). Although doing this means you're issuing two queries in the same transaction which means you do need Serialized isolation after all!

Oracle: performance about filtering results from remote view

I have a remote database A which has a view v_myview. I am working on a local database, which has a dblink to access v_myview on databse A. If I query the view like this :
select * from v_myview # dblink ;
it returns half million rows. I just want to get some specific rows from the view,e.g., to get rows with id=123, my query is
select * from v_myview # dblink where id=123;
This works as expected. Here comes my question, when I run this query, will remote database generates the half million rows first then from there to find rows with id=123? or the remote view applies my filter first then query the DB without retrieving the half million rows first? how do I know that. Thank you!
Oracle is free to do either. You'd need to look at the query plan to see whether the filtering is being done locally or remotely.
Presumably, in a case as simple as the one you present, the optimizer would expect it to be more efficient to send the filter to the remote server rather than pulling half a million rows over the network only to filter them locally. That calculation may be different if the optimizer expects the unfiltered query to return a single row rather than half a million rows and it may be different if the query gets more complicated doing something like joining to a local table or calling a function on the local server.

Oracle performance via SQLDeveloper vs application

I am trying to understand the performance of a query that I've written in Oracle. At this time I only have access to SQLDeveloper and its execution timer. I can run SHOW PLAN but cannot use the auto trace function.
The query that I've written runs in about 1.8 seconds when I press "execute query" (F9) in SQLDeveloper. I know that this is only fetching the first fifty rows by default, but can I at least be certain that the 1.8 seconds encompasses the total execution time plus the time to deliver the first 50 rows to my client?
When I wrap this query in a stored procedure (returning the results via an OUT REF CURSOR) and try to use it from an external application (SQL Server Reporting Services), the query takes over one minute to run. I get similar performance when I press "run script" (F5) in SQLDeveloper. It seems that the difference here is that in these two scenarios, Oracle has to transmit all of the rows back rather than the first 50. This leads me to believe that there is some network connectivity issues between the client PC and Oracle instance.
My query only returns about 8000 rows so this performance is surprising. To try to prove my theory above about the latency, I ran some code like this in SQLDeveloper:
tmp sys_refcursor;
my_proc(null, null, null, tmp);
...And this runs in about two seconds. Again, does SQLDeveloper's execution clock accurately indicate the execution time of the query? Or am I missing something and is it possible that it is in fact my query which needs tuning?
Can anybody please offer me any insight on this based on the limited tools I have available? Or should I try to involve the DBA to do some further analysis?
"I know that this is only fetching the
first fifty rows by default, but can I
at least be certain that the 1.8
seconds encompasses the total
execution time plus the time to
deliver the first 50 rows to my
No, it is the time to return the first 50 rows. It doesn't necessarily require that the database has determined the entire result set.
Think about the table as an encyclopedia. If you want a list of animals with names beginning with 'A' or 'Z', you'll probably get Aardvarks and Alligators pretty quickly. It will take much longer to get Zebras as you'd have to read the entire book. If your query is doing a full table scan, it won't complete until it has read the entire table (or book), even if there is nothing to be picked up in anything after the first chapter (because it doesn't know there isn't anything important in there until it has read it).
tmp sys_refcursor;
my_proc(null, null, null, tmp);
This piece of code does nothing. More specifically, it will parse the query to determine that the necessary tables, columns and privileges are in place. It will not actually execute the query or determine whether any rows meet the filter criteria.
If the query only returns 8000 rows it is unlikely that the network is a significant problem (unless they are very big rows).
Ask your DBA for a quick tutorial in performance tuning.
