Snowflake queries with CTE seems not to cache results - caching

When I execute a query containing a CTE (common table expression defined by WITH clause) in Snowflake, the result is not cached.
The question now is: is this how Snowflake works-as-designed, or do I need to consider something to force a result caching?

Snowflake does use the result set cache for CTEs. You can confirm that by running this simple one twice. It should show in the history table that the second one did not use a warehouse to run. Drilling down into the query profile should show the second one's execution plan is a single node, query result reuse.
my_cte(L_ORDERKEY) as
select * from MY_CTE limit 10000;
There are certain conditions that make Snowflake not use the result set cache. One of the more common ones is use of a function that can produce different results on multiple runs. For example, if a query includes current_timestamp(), that's going to change each time it runs.
Here is a complete list of the criteria that all must be met in order to use the result set cache. Even then, there's a note that meeting all of those criteria does not guarantee use of the result set cache.


Impala query returns data in random order

I would like my select * query of a table to return in the same order as what is present in the DB. However, it returns the data in a random order. While executing the same query in Hive, I get the dataset in the correct order. Is there a way in which I can make impala return the result set in the same order as is present in the DB?
Whithout ORDER BY the order of rows returned by query is not defined. Due to parallel and distributed execution, the order returned may vary from run to run, some process can be executed faster, some process can wait in the queue, all of them will emit data independently from each other.
Also according to the classic Codd relational theory, the order of rows in a table and order of columns is immaterial to the database. You can sort data during insert into the table and sorted data will be compressed much better, internal indexes and bloom filters will work better, but the order of rows in returned dataset is not guaranteed without ORDER BY. The same applies to Hive, in some cases when there is single mapper has started and no reducers, the data will be returned in the same order as it is in the datafile, but do no rely on it, add ORDER BY if you need ordering.
Only single thread processing can return data in the same order, but this will kill performance. Better redesign your data flow and add some ordering column to be able to order rows during select in distributed environment.

The query time of a view increases after having fetched the last page from a view in Oracle PL/SQL

I'm using Oracle PL/SQL Developer on a Oracle Database 11g. I have recently written a view with some weird behaviour. When I run the simple query below without fetching the last page of the query the query time is about 0.5 sec (0.2 when cached).
select * from covenant.v_status_covenant_tuning where bankkode = '4210';
However, if i fetch the last page in PL/SQL Developer or if I run the query from Java-code (i.e. I run a query that retrieves all the rows) something happens to the view and the query time increases to about 20-30 secs.
The view does not start working properly again before I recompile it. The explain plan is exactly the same before and after. All indexes and tables are analyzed. I don't know if it's relevant but the view uses a few analytic expressions like rank() over (partition by .....), lag(), lead() and so on.
As I'm new here I can't post a picture of the explain plan (need a reputation of 10) but in general the optimizer uses indexes efficiently and it does a few sorts because of the analytic functions.
If the plan involves a full scan of some sort, the query will not complete until the very last block in the table has been read.
Imagine a table that has lots of matching rows in the very first few blocks in the table, and no matching rows in the rest of it. If there is a large volume of blocks to check, the query might return the first few pages of results very quickly, as it finds them all in the first few blocks of the table. But before it can return the final "no more results" to the client, it must check every last block of the table - it doesn't know if there might be one more result in the very last block of the table, so it has to wait until it has read that last block.
If you'd like more help, please post your query plan.

Does Oracle use Intermediate Resultsets like SQL Server or Sybase?

Similar query in MS SQL server and Sybase used to process internally as follows,
On Test table where clause is applied and resultset(internal table) is made, then a group by is applied and another internal resultset is made and then finally Having is applied and final result set is shown to the user.
Does Oracle use the resultset approach as well or is it something different?
By the way I tried to Google around, checked Oracle documentation, couldn't find the detail I was looking for. Sybase documentation is pretty clear on such things.
You can count on Oracle to materialize the result set in this case. To be sure, check the plan. I'm betting you will find a hash group by and then a filter operation at the top.
There may be some rare variations of your case that could be solved by walking a suitable index in order to avoid the intermediate result set, but I have never come across it in an execution plan.

Oracle: performance about filtering results from remote view

I have a remote database A which has a view v_myview. I am working on a local database, which has a dblink to access v_myview on databse A. If I query the view like this :
select * from v_myview # dblink ;
it returns half million rows. I just want to get some specific rows from the view,e.g., to get rows with id=123, my query is
select * from v_myview # dblink where id=123;
This works as expected. Here comes my question, when I run this query, will remote database generates the half million rows first then from there to find rows with id=123? or the remote view applies my filter first then query the DB without retrieving the half million rows first? how do I know that. Thank you!
Oracle is free to do either. You'd need to look at the query plan to see whether the filtering is being done locally or remotely.
Presumably, in a case as simple as the one you present, the optimizer would expect it to be more efficient to send the filter to the remote server rather than pulling half a million rows over the network only to filter them locally. That calculation may be different if the optimizer expects the unfiltered query to return a single row rather than half a million rows and it may be different if the query gets more complicated doing something like joining to a local table or calling a function on the local server.

ABAP select performance hints?

Are there general ABAP-specific tips related to performance of big SELECT queries?
In particular, is it possible to close once and for all the question of FOR ALL ENTRIES IN vs JOIN?
A few (more or less) ABAP-specific hints:
Avoid SELECT * where it's not needed, try to select only the fields that are required. Reason: Every value might be mapped several times during the process (DB Disk --> DB Memory --> Network --> DB Driver --> ABAP internal). It's easy to save the CPU cycles if you don't need the fields anyway. Be very careful if you SELECT * a table that contains BLOB fields like STRING, this can totally kill your DB performance because the blob contents are usually stored on different pages.
Don't SELECT ... ENDSELECT for small to medium result sets, use SELECT ... INTO TABLE instead.
Reason: SELECT ... INTO TABLE performs a single fetch and doesn't keep the cursor open while SELECT ... ENDSELECT will typically fetch a single row for every loop iteration.
This was a kind of urban myth - there is no performance degradation for using SELECT as a loop statement. However, this will keep an open cursor during the loop which can lead to unwanted (but not strictly performance-related) effects.
For large result sets, use a cursor and an internal table.
Reason: Same as above, and you'll avoid eating up too much heap space.
Don't ORDER BY, use SORT instead.
Reason: Better scalability of the application server.
Be careful with nested SELECT statements.
While they can be very handy for small 'inner result sets', they are a huge performance hog if the nested query returns a large result set.
Measure, Measure, Measure
Never assume anything if you're worried about performance. Create a representative set of test data and run tests for different implementations. Learn how to use ST05 and SAT.
There won't be a way to close your second question "once and for all". First of all, FOR ALL ENTRIES IN 'joins' a database table and an internal (memory) table while JOIN only operates on database tables. Since the database knows nothing about the internal ABAP memory, the FOR ALL ENTRIES IN statement will be transformed to a set of WHERE statements - just try and use the ST05 to trace this. Second, you can't add values from the second table when using FOR ALL ENTRIES IN. Third, be aware that FOR ALL ENTRIES IN always implies DISTINCT. There are a few other pitfalls - be sure to consult the on-line ABAP reference, they are all listed there.
If the number of records in the second table is small, both statements should be more or less equal in performance - the database optimizer should just preselect all values from the second table and use a smart joining algorithm to filter through the first table. My recommendation: Use whatever feels good, don't try to tweak your code to illegibility.
If the number of records in the second table exceeds a certain value, Bad Things [TM] happen with FOR ALL ENTRIES IN - the contents of the table are split into multiple sets, then the query is transformed (see above) and re-run for each set.
Another note: The "Avoid SELECT *" statement is true in general, but I can tell you where it is false.
When you are going to take most of the fields anyway, and where you have several queries (in the same program, or different programs that are likely to be run around the same time) which take most of the fields, especially if they are different fields that are missing.
This is because the App Server Data buffers are based on the select query signature. If you make sure to use the same query, then you can ensure that the buffer can be used instead of hitting the database again. In this case, SELECT * is better than selecting 90% of the fields, because you make it much more likely that the buffer will be used.
Also note that as of the last version I tested, the ABAP DB layer wasn't smart enough to recognize SELECT A, B as being the same as SELECT B, A, which means you should always put the fields you take in the same order (preferable the table order) in order to make sure again that the data buffer on the application is being well used.
I usually follow the rules stated in this pdf from SAP: "Efficient Database Programming with ABAP"
It shows a lot of tips in optimizing queries.
This question will never be completely answered.
ABAP statement for accessing database is interpreted several times by different components of whole system (SAP and DB). Behavior of each component depends from component itself, its version and settings. Main part of interpretation is done in DB adapter on SAP side.
The only viable approach for reaching maximum performance is measurement on particular system (SAP version and DB vendor and version).
There are also quite extensive hints and tips in transaction SE30. It even allows you (depending on authorisations) to write code snippets of your own & measure it.
Unfortunately we can't close the "for all entries" vs join debate as it is very dependent on how your landscape is set up, wich database server you are using, the efficiency of your table indexes etc.
The simplistic answer is let the DB server do as much as possible. For the "for all entries" vs join question this means join. Except every experienced ABAP programmer knows that it's never that simple. You have to try different scenarios and measure like vwegert said. Also remember to measure in your live system as well, as sometimes the hardware configuration or dataset is significantly different to have entirely different results in your live system than test.
I usually follow the following conventions:
Never do a select *, Select only the required fields.
Never use 'into corresponding table of' instead create local structures which has all the required fields.
In the where clause, try to use as many primary keys as possible.
If select is made to fetch a single record and all primary keys are included in where clause use Select single, or else use SELECT UP TO TO 1 ROWS, ENDSELECT.
Try to use Join statements to connect tables instead of using FOR ALL ENTRIES.
If for all entries cannot be avoided ensure that the internal table is not empty and a delete the duplicate entries to increase performance.
Two more points in addition to the other answers:
usually you use JOIN for two or more tables in the database and you use FOR ALL ENTRIES IN to join database tables with a table you have in memory. If you can, JOIN.
usually the IN operator is more convinient than FOR ALL ENTRIES IN. But the kernel translates IN into a long select statement. The length of such a statement is limited and you get a dump when it gets too long. In this case you are forced to use FOR ALL ENTRIES IN despite the performance implications.
With in-memory database technologies, it's best if you can finish all data and calculations on the database side with JOINs and database aggregation functions like SUM.
But if you can't, at least try to avoid accessing database in LOOPs. Also avoid reading the database without using indexes, of course.
