Get Cycle Time Using Okuma API - okuma

Control: Okuma OSP-P200L
Machine: LB3000
I need to get the cycle time for a part program in an Okuma Lathe using the THINC API. The help file mentions a cycle complete method:
public bool CycleComplete(
MachineSideEnum enMachineSide )
But I'm not finding any way to detect a cycle start.
Any ideas?

Another possible approach is to use the CmachingReport.GetMachiningReports method. It returns an ArrayList of the CMachining class which has a property called OperatingTime. This is a cumulative timer representing actual time from start to finish each time the program is run.
You can calculate the average cycle time for a particular program by dividing the OperatingTime by the NumberOfWork property. Doing it this way would give you some flexibility in case the app isn't running or you don't want to poll.

Like AppFzx said, you'd have to poll.
Have user start the application, then start their part program.
Your application will need to poll GetProgramRunningState() (not faster than 100ms interval!) to see when the part program starts.
Then poll CycleComplete() to see when it finishes.
On that thread though, events are an interesting idea for future API releases...


Sustainable solution using JMeter for a big functional flow

I have a huge flow to test using APIs. There are 3 endpoints. One is starting a process (db migration) that can last ~2-3 days, one is returning the status of the current running process (in progress, success, fail) and the last one is returning all the failed processes (as a list).
The whole flow should be:
Start the first process
Call the second endpoint until the first process ends (should get Fail or Success)
If the process failed, call the first endpoint again, if not, go to the next process.
The problem is that 1 process can last around 2-3 days and we have around 20k processes to check. (this should take a lot of time). I do have a special VM only for this.
My question: does it worth trying to implement a solution for this using JMeter?
It is not worth implementing in JMeter unless you want to use the tool as a workload automation engine that replaces functionalities provided by UC4 AppWorkr or Control-M. Based on what you describe, it does not appear to be a load test except the 2nd part that continuously queries the services for success/failure. I do not know the architecture behind that implementation. Hence, I am unable to quantify even that would be a load test or not.

slow down for in loop

I have a function that loops through a list of items by sending them to a server and grabbing the response. The problem I'm having is the loop is going faster than the server can handle. I need to figure out a way to slow the loop down without freezing the application. Is there a way to delay the loop from moving to the next item for a brief moment? In other languages, I'd use something like sleep(interval).
Don't slow the process down. Add the network calls to an operation queue with a limited number of concurrent operations. You may need to rewrite your network code as an NSOperation subclass but that's fairly straightforward. You can see some examples in this tutorial.
There is a built-in limit to the number of simultaneous network connections that can be made anyway, but it sounds like your server's limit is lower than that, or that you're saturating the network connections and your later calls are timing out before they've been able to start.
Instead of a sleep interval it sounds like you want a completion block that calls the same code again until the list is empty. So once it finishes the request, it goes onto the next one.
Also I don't think you should be trying to sleep since it will hold the main thread which results in a poor user experience.

Using QueryPerformanceCounter at Intervals in VB.NET

I was wondering if I could somehow get some guidance on using QueryPerformanceCounter/Frequency on performing a task at every interval in VB.NET. Let's say for example every 6 micro-second.
I was thinking maybe find the time now and do a mod on 6us, but there would lead to precision issues?
Thanks everyone.
You could create a "timer-class" that stores the previous time and interval. Then create a method like Update(). In that method you check the current time of something like a stopwatch and compare it with the previous time and the interval. If you are to early just sleep the rest of the time. Thats princip of games are working.

without using DoEvents, how to detect if a button has been pressed?

Currently, I call DoEvents in order to check if Button Foo in Form Bar has been clicked. This approach works but it takes too much processing power, delaying the program.
I believe that the delay could be reduced if I could only check if Button Foo has been clicked, instead of all the other forms that DoEvents has to go through.
Any ideas on how can I check if Button Foo was clicked?
VB6 was not really designed for what you seem to be doing (some sort of long-running straight-line code that does not exit back to give the message loop control). Normally such a task would be delegated to a worker thread, and in VB6 this means some external component implemented in C++ most of the time.
There are only a very few kinds of approaches to take to do this for your ad-hoc logic:
Hacks creating separate threads via API calls, not very reliable in VB6 for a number of reasons.
A tricky thread-per-object ActiveX EXE implementing a class to handle your long-running workload.
A separate non-interactive worker process to be run and monitored by your GUI program.
That's pretty much it.
The prescribed method of doing this sort of thing is described in the VB6 documentation. You break your long-running loop up and invert the logic into a repeatable "quantum" of work (like n iterations of your processing loop), and maintain the state of your workload in Form-global data. Then you use a Timer control with its interval set to 1 or 16 (hardly matters, they normally take at least 16ms to trigger) and run your workload quantum within its event handler.
So if you simply had a loop that currently iterates 100,000 times doing something you might break it up so that it runs 500 times for each Timer tick. The quantum size will probably need to be tuned based on what is done within the loop - 500 is just a value chosen for illustration. You'll want to adjust this until it leaves the UI responsive without starving your background workload too much (slowing completion down).
If your code is heavy enough to not call DoEvents or just finish running periodically, then your app won't even know the button has been pressed. The DoEvents call allows windows, and your application to catch up on all notifications.
The correct way to resolve this is a worker thread (see this article on how to do something like this in VB6) but failing that, a periodic DoEvents is required and in turn, some re-entrancy blocking on the call into the long running code.

WP7 Max HTTPWebRequests

This is kind of a 2 part question
1) Is there a max number of HttpWebRequests that can be run at the same time in WP7?
I'm going to create a ScheduledTaskAgent to run a PeriodicTask. There will be 2 different REST service calls the first one will get a list of IDs for records that need to be downloaded, the second service will be used to download those records one at a time. I don't know how many records there will be my guestimage would be +-50.
2.) Would making all the individual record requests at once be a bad idea? (assuming that its possible) or should I wait for a request to finish before starting another?
Having just spent a week and a half working at getting a BackgroundAgent to stay within it's memory limits, I would suggest doing them one at a time.
You lose about half your memory to system libraries and the like, your first web request will take another nearly 20%, but it seems to reuse that memory on subsequent requests.
If you need to store the results into a local database, it is going to take a good chunk more. I have found a CompiledQuery uses less memory, which means holding a single instance of your context.
Between each call I would suggest doing a GC.Collect(), I even add a short Thread.Sleep() just to be sure the process has some time to tidying things up.
Another thing I do is track how much memory I am using and attempt to exit gracefully when I get to around 97 or 98%.
You can not use the debugger to test memory limits as the debug memory is much higher and the limits are not enforced. However, for comparative testing between versions of your code, the debugger does produce very similar result on subsequent runs over the same code.
You can track your memory usage with Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceStatus.ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage and Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceStatus.ApplicationMemoryUsageLimit
I write a status log into IsolatedStorage so I can see the result of runs on the phone and use ScheduledActionService.LaunchForTest() to kick the off. I then use ShellToast notifications to let me know when the task runs and also when it completes, that way I can launch my app to read the status log without interrupting it.
My 2 cents here.
I don't believe there is any restriction on how mant HTTPWebequests you can spin up. These however have to be async, off course, and may be served from the browser stack. Most modern browsers including IE9 handle over 5 concurrently to the same domain; but you are not guaranteed a request handle immediately. However, it should not matter if you are willing to wait on a separate thread, dump your content on to the request pipe & wait for response on yet another thread. This post (here) has a nice walkthrough of why we need to do this.
Nothing wrong with this approach either, IMO. You're just going to have to wait until all the requests have their respective pipelines & then wait for the responses.
1) Your memory limit in a PeriodicTask or ResourceIntensiveTask is 5 MB. So you definitely should control your requests really careful. I dont think there is a limit in the code.
2)You have only 5 MB. So when you start all your requests at the same time it will terminate immediately.
3) I think you should better use a ResourceIntensiveTask because a PeriodicTask should only run 15 seconds.
Good guide for Multitasking features in Mango:
I seem to remember (but can't find the reference right now) that the maximum number of requests that the OS can make at once is 7. You should avoid making this many at once though as it will stop other/system apps from being able to make requests.
