Spring transactions TransactionSynchronizationManager: isActualTransactionActive vs isSynchronizationActive - spring

I am a little bit confused about transaction resource management in Spring. Namely, I am confused about the usage of TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive and TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive.
Up to now, probably incorrectly, I assumed that isSynchronizationActive was used (also within the Spring codebase) to figure out whether there is an active transaction, initiated by TransactionSynchronizationManager.initSynchronization(). As far as I am concerned, when we suspend a transaction, the actual isSynchronizationActive is still true! I presume, therefore, the correct way of establishing a running transaction is by using isActualTransactionActive, correct?
If this is the case, what is the actual point of isSynchronizationActive method? I understand it tells you whether you can add synchronizations or not, but I am a bit lost about what it tells us about the transaction...

You will notice the following fields of TransactionSynchronizationManager
private static final ThreadLocal<Set<TransactionSynchronization>> synchronizations =
new NamedThreadLocal<Set<TransactionSynchronization>>("Transaction synchronizations");
private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> actualTransactionActive =
new NamedThreadLocal<Boolean>("Actual transaction active");
and the methods
public static boolean isSynchronizationActive() {
return (synchronizations.get() != null);
public static boolean isActualTransactionActive() {
return (actualTransactionActive.get() != null);
The TransactionSynchronizationManager basically acts as a registry for TransactionSynchronization. The javadoc states
If transaction synchronization isn't active, there is either no
current transaction, or the transaction manager doesn't support
transaction synchronization.
So you first init and register TransactionSynchronization with initSynchronization() and registerSynchronization(TransactionSynchronization). When these are registered, the TransactionManager can start a Transaction and tell the TransactionSynchronizationManager if it's active or not with setActualTransactionActive(boolean).
In conclusion, isSynchronizationActive() tells us if TransactionSynchronization has been enabled, even if no TransactionSynchronization instances have been registered.
isActualTransactionActive() tells us if there is an actual Transaction object active.
The TransactionSynchronizationManager javadoc states
Central helper that manages resources and transaction synchronizations
per thread. To be used by resource management code but not by typical
application code.
so don't ignore it.


How to set `noRollbackFor` on a `TransactionTemplate`?

Given that I have a TransactionTemplate set up like below (where I start a new transaction within an existing transaction), how do I prevent the parent (#Transactional) transaction from rolling back when code inside the child transaction throws a specific exception? Essentially, emulating the noRollbackFor parameter of #Transactional.
public void foo() {
private void bar() {
TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(platformTransactionManager);
transactionTemplate.execute(__ -> {
// ...
This is not possible with a TransactionTemplate.
TransactionTemplate has no support for rollback rules.
See : https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/25086
This is by design: TransactionTemplate does not support custom
rollback rules. Technically TransactionTemplate isn't even aware of
TransactionAttribute since that variant is an extended definition only
supported by TransactionInterceptor (and therefore also living in the
latter's package). The template operates on plain
TransactionDefinition and uses fixed rollback behavior for all
exceptions thrown from its callbacks, effectively RuntimeExceptions
and Errors.
Alternatively, you may use the PlatformTransactionManager directly:
Inject it, call getTransaction on it, perform some resource
operations, then call commit in a finally block... and handle
potential runtime exceptions any way you need to, without calling
rollback. You may also selectively handle the outcome, as long as you
eventually call commit (or rollback, for that matter) to complete the
An alternative solution to have more control over what gets rollbacked and what's should fail is using savepoints, see https://dzone.com/articles/transaction-savepoints-in-spring-jdbc
It is not 100% clear from your question, but note that if the exception is thrown inside the transactionTemplate.execute() method, only the inner transaction will be marked as rollback-only.
If you catch the exception e.g. in the foo method and don't let it bubble up to the outer transaction boundary, then the outer transaction still gets committed, while the inner was rolled back.
noRollbackFor is used to determine what happens to the inner transaction, i.e. whether it will be still committed, even though the lambda finishes with an exception.

What are the advantages of using timeout property in Spring framework?

When I read this tutorial about transaction, I notice timeout property, which I have never used before in any of REST services I have developed.
For example, in this code:
isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED,
propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS,
readOnly = false,
timeout = 30)
public class CarService {
private CarRepository carRepository;
rollbackFor = IllegalArgumentException.class,
noRollbackFor = EntityExistsException.class,
rollbackForClassName = "IllegalArgumentException",
noRollbackForClassName = "EntityExistsException")
public Car save(Car car) {
return carRepository.save(car);
What is the benefit or advantage of using timeout property? is it a good practice to use it? can anyone tell me about use-cases of timeout property?
As Spring Docs explain:
Timeout enables client to control how long the transaction runs before timing out and being rolled back automatically by the
underlying transaction infrastructure.
So, the benefit is evidently obvious - to control how long the transaction (and queries under that) may be lasting, until they're rolled back.
Q: Why controlling the transaction time is useful/good?
A: If you are deliberately expecting your transaction not to take too long - it's a good time to use this configuration; if you're expecting that your transaction might take longer than its default maximum time, it is, agian, helpful to provide this configuration.
One is to stop records being locked for long and unable to serve any other requests.
Let says you are booking a ticket. On the final submission page, it is talking so long and will your user wait forever? So you set http client time out. But now you have the http client time out, what happens if you don't have transaction time out? You displayed error to user saying it didn't succeed but your transaction takes it time as it does not have any timeout and commits after the your http client has timed out.
All of the above answers are correct, but something you should note is that:
this property exclusively designed for use with Propagation.REQUIRED
or Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW since it only applies to newly started
as documentations describes.

Write call/transaction is dropped in TransactionalEventListener

I am using spring-boot(1.4.1) with hibernate(5.0.1.Final). I noticed that when I try to write to the db from within #TransactionalEventListener handler the call is simply ignored. A read call works just fine.
When I say ignore, I mean there is no write in the db and there are no logs. I even enabled log4jdbc and still no logs which mean no hibernate session was created. From this, I reckon, somewhere in spring-boot we identify that its a transaction event handler and ignore a write call.
Here is an example.
// This function is defined in a class marked with #Service
open fun handleEnqueue(event: EnqueueEvent) {
// some code to obtain encodeJobId
this.uploadService.saveUploadEntity(uploadEntity, encodeJobId)
class UploadService {
open fun saveUploadEntity(uploadEntity: UploadEntity, encodeJobId: String): UploadEntity {
// some code
return this.save(uploadEntity)
Now if I force a new Transaction by annotating
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
a new transaction with connection is made and everything works fine.
I dont like that there is complete silence in logs when this write is dropped (again reads succeed). Is there a known bug?
How to enable the handler to start a new transaction? If I do Propogation.Requires_new on my handleEnqueue event, it does not work.
Besides, enabling log4jdbc which successfully logs reads/writes I have following settings in spring.
I ran into the same problem. This behavior is actually mentioned in the documentation of the TransactionSynchronization#afterCompletion(int) which is referred to by the TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT (which is the default TransactionPhase attribute of the #TransactionalEventListener):
The transaction will have been committed or rolled back already, but the transactional resources might still be active and accessible. As a consequence, any data access code triggered at this point will still "participate" in the original transaction, allowing to perform some cleanup (with no commit following anymore!), unless it explicitly declares that it needs to run in a separate transaction. Hence: Use PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW for any transactional operation that is called from here.
Unfortunately this seems to leave no other option than to enforce a new transaction via Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW. The problem is that the transactionalEventListeners are implemented as transaction synchronizations and hence bound to the transaction. When the transaction is closed and its resources cleaned up, so are the listeners. There might be a way to use a customized EntityManager which stores events and then publishes them after its close() was called.
Note that you can use TransactionPhase.BEFORE_COMMIT on your #TransactionalEventListener which will take place before the commit of the transaction. This will write your changes to the database but you won't know whether the transaction you're listening on was actually committed or is about to be rolled back.

How to manually manage Hibernate sessions in #PostContruct methods?

My problem is straightforward. I want to access some data from the database when the application loads on Tomcat. To do something at that point in time I use #PostConstruct (which does its job properly).
However, in that method I make 2 separate connections to the DB: one for bringing a list of entities and another for adding them into a common library. The second step implies some behind-the-scenes queries for resolving some lazy-loading associations. Here is the code snippet:
public void populateLibrary() {
// query for the Book Descriptors - 1st query works!!!
List<BookDescriptor> bookDescriptors= bookDescriptorService.list();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction transaction = null;
try {
transaction = session.beginTransaction();
// resolving some lazy-loading associations - 2nd query fails!!!
for (BookDescriptor book: bookDescriptors) {
} catch (HibernateException e) {
} finally {
1st query works while the 2nd fails, as I wrote in the comments. The failure gives:
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:86)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:140)
at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke(JavassistLazyInitializer.java:190)
at com.freightgate.domain.SecurityFiling_$$_javassist_7.getSfSubmissionType(SecurityFiling_$$_javassist_7.java)
at com.freightgate.dao.SecurityFilingTest.test(SecurityFilingTest.java:73)
Which is very odd since I explicitly opened and closed a transaction. However, if I inspect some details of how the 1st query works it seems like behind the scenes the session is bound to AbstractLazyInitializer class.
I resolved my problem by abstracting away the functionality from the for loop into a separate service class that is annotated with #Transactional(readOnly = true). Still I'm puzzled as to why the approch that I posted here fails.
If anyone has some hints, I'd be very happy to hear them.
You load entities in a first session, then close this session, then open a new session, and try to lazy-load collections of the entities. That can't work.
For lazy-loading to work, the entity must be attached to an open session. Just opening another session doesn't make any entity you have loaded before attached to this new session. In the meantime, some other transaction could have radically changed the database, the entity could not exist anymore...
The best solution is what you have done. Encapsulate evrything into a single transactional service. You could also have open the transaction before calling the first service, but why handle transactions programmatically, since Spring does it for you declaratively?

Does Spring's PlatformTransactionManager require transactions to be committed in a specific order?

I am looking to retrofit our existing transaction API to use Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager, such that Spring will manage our transactions. I chained my DataSources as follows:
DataSourceTransactionManager - > LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy - > dbcp.PoolingDataSource - > OracleDataSource
In experimenting with the DataSourceTransactionManager , I have found that where PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW is used, it seems that Spring’s transaction management requires that the transactions be committed/rolled back in LIFO fashion, i.e. you must commit/rollback the most recently created transactions first.
public void testSpringTxns() {
// start a new txn
TransactionStatus txnAStatus = dataSourceTxnManager.getTransaction(propagationRequiresNewDefinition); // specifies PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW
Connection connectionA = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSourceTxnManager.getDataSource());
// start another new txn
TransactionStatus txnBStatus = dataSourceTxnManager.getTransaction(propagationRequiresNewDefinition);
Connection connectionB = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSourceTxnManager.getDataSource());
assertNotSame(connectionA, connectionB);
try {
//... do stuff using connectionA
//... do other stuff using connectionB
} finally {
dataSourceTxnManager.commit(txnBStatus); // results in java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deactivate transaction synchronization - not active
Sadly, this doesn’t fit at all well with our current transaction API which allows you to create transactions, represented by Java objects, and commit them in any order.
My question:
Am I right in thinking that this LIFO behaviour is fundamental to Spring’s transaction management (even for completely separate transactions)? Or is there a way to tweak its behaviour such that the above test will pass?
I know the proper way would be to use annotations, AOP, etc. but at present our code is not Spring-managed, so it is not really an option for us.
yes,I have met the same problems below when using spring:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deactivate transaction synchronization - not active.
According above,Spring’s transaction management requires that the transactions be committed/rolled back in LIFO fashion(stack behavior).The problem disappear.
Yes, I found this same behavior in my own application. Only one transaction is "active" at a time, and when you commit/rollback the current transaction, the next active transaction is the next most recently started transaction (LIFO/stack behavior). I wasn't able to find any way to control this, it seems to be built into the Spring Framework.
