How to manually manage Hibernate sessions in #PostContruct methods? - spring

My problem is straightforward. I want to access some data from the database when the application loads on Tomcat. To do something at that point in time I use #PostConstruct (which does its job properly).
However, in that method I make 2 separate connections to the DB: one for bringing a list of entities and another for adding them into a common library. The second step implies some behind-the-scenes queries for resolving some lazy-loading associations. Here is the code snippet:
public void populateLibrary() {
// query for the Book Descriptors - 1st query works!!!
List<BookDescriptor> bookDescriptors= bookDescriptorService.list();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction transaction = null;
try {
transaction = session.beginTransaction();
// resolving some lazy-loading associations - 2nd query fails!!!
for (BookDescriptor book: bookDescriptors) {
} catch (HibernateException e) {
} finally {
1st query works while the 2nd fails, as I wrote in the comments. The failure gives:
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(
at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke(
at com.freightgate.domain.SecurityFiling_$$_javassist_7.getSfSubmissionType(SecurityFiling_$$
at com.freightgate.dao.SecurityFilingTest.test(
Which is very odd since I explicitly opened and closed a transaction. However, if I inspect some details of how the 1st query works it seems like behind the scenes the session is bound to AbstractLazyInitializer class.
I resolved my problem by abstracting away the functionality from the for loop into a separate service class that is annotated with #Transactional(readOnly = true). Still I'm puzzled as to why the approch that I posted here fails.
If anyone has some hints, I'd be very happy to hear them.

You load entities in a first session, then close this session, then open a new session, and try to lazy-load collections of the entities. That can't work.
For lazy-loading to work, the entity must be attached to an open session. Just opening another session doesn't make any entity you have loaded before attached to this new session. In the meantime, some other transaction could have radically changed the database, the entity could not exist anymore...
The best solution is what you have done. Encapsulate evrything into a single transactional service. You could also have open the transaction before calling the first service, but why handle transactions programmatically, since Spring does it for you declaratively?


Nested transaction in SpringBatch tasklet not working

I'm using SpringBatch for my app. In one of the batch jobs, I need to process multiple data. Each data requires several database updates. And I need to make one transaction for one data. Meaning, if when processing one data an exception is thrown, database updates are rolled back for that data, then keep processing the next data.
I've put all database updates in one method in service layer. In my springbatch tasklet, I call that method for each data, like this;
for (RequestViewForBatch request : requestList) {
In the service class the method is like this;
Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED, timeout = 100, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void processEachRequest(RequestViewForBatch request) {
//update database
When executing the task, it gives me this error message
org.springframework.transaction.NestedTransactionNotSupportedException: Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions by default - specify 'nestedTransactionAllowed' property with value 'true'
but i don't know how to solve this error.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The tasklet step will be executed in a transaction driven by Spring Batch. You need to remove the #Transactional on your processEachRequest method.
You would need a fault-tolerant chunk-oriented step configured with a skip policy. In this case, only faulty items will be skipped. Please refer to the Configuring Skip Logic section of the documentation. You can find an example here.

Recover Hikaricp after OutOfMemoryError

I have a very specific scenario that, during the execution of a query, specifically during the fetching rows from db to my resultset, I get an OutOfMemoryError.
The code is simple as it:
public interface MyRepository extends Repository<MyEntity, Long> {
#EntityGraph(value = "MyBigEntityGraphToFetchAllCollections", type = EntityGraphType.FETCH)
#QueryHints({#QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.readOnly", value = "true")})
MyEntity getOneById(Long id);
public class MyService {
public void someMethodCalledInLoop(Long id) {
return repository.getOneById(id);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError error) {
// Here the connection is closed. How to reset Hikaricp?
return null;
Seems weird a getOne consumes all the memory, but due to eager fetching about 80 collections and due to multiplication of rows, some cases are insupportable.
I know I have the option to lazely load the collections, but I don't want to. Hit database 1+N times on every load consumes more time and my application dont have it. Its a batch processing of milions of records and less than 0,001% has this impact in memory. So my strategy is just discard this few records and process the next ones.
Just after catch the OutOfMemoryError the memory is freed, the trouble entity turns garbage. But due to this Error, HikariCP closes (or is forced to) the connection.
In the next call of the method, hikaricp still gives me a closed connection. Seems due to memory lack hikaricp doesn't finished correctly the previous transaction and sticks in this state forever.
My intention, now, is to reset or recovery hikaricp. I don't need to care about other threads using the pool.
So, after all, my simple question is, how to programatically restart or recover hikarycp to its primary state, without reboot the application.
Thanks, a lot, for who read this.
Try adding this to your Hibernate configuration:
<property name="hibernate.hikari.connectionTestQuery">select 1</property>
This way HikariCP will test that the connection is still alive before giving it to Hibernate.
Nothing has worked so far.
I minimized the problem by adding a 'query hint' to the method:
#QueryHints({#QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.timeout", value = "10")})
MyEntity getOneById(Long id);
99% of the resultsets are fetched in 1 or less second, but sometimes the resultset is so big that takes longer. This way the JDBC stops the result fetching before the memory gets compromised.

Write call/transaction is dropped in TransactionalEventListener

I am using spring-boot(1.4.1) with hibernate(5.0.1.Final). I noticed that when I try to write to the db from within #TransactionalEventListener handler the call is simply ignored. A read call works just fine.
When I say ignore, I mean there is no write in the db and there are no logs. I even enabled log4jdbc and still no logs which mean no hibernate session was created. From this, I reckon, somewhere in spring-boot we identify that its a transaction event handler and ignore a write call.
Here is an example.
// This function is defined in a class marked with #Service
open fun handleEnqueue(event: EnqueueEvent) {
// some code to obtain encodeJobId
this.uploadService.saveUploadEntity(uploadEntity, encodeJobId)
class UploadService {
open fun saveUploadEntity(uploadEntity: UploadEntity, encodeJobId: String): UploadEntity {
// some code
Now if I force a new Transaction by annotating
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
a new transaction with connection is made and everything works fine.
I dont like that there is complete silence in logs when this write is dropped (again reads succeed). Is there a known bug?
How to enable the handler to start a new transaction? If I do Propogation.Requires_new on my handleEnqueue event, it does not work.
Besides, enabling log4jdbc which successfully logs reads/writes I have following settings in spring.
I ran into the same problem. This behavior is actually mentioned in the documentation of the TransactionSynchronization#afterCompletion(int) which is referred to by the TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT (which is the default TransactionPhase attribute of the #TransactionalEventListener):
The transaction will have been committed or rolled back already, but the transactional resources might still be active and accessible. As a consequence, any data access code triggered at this point will still "participate" in the original transaction, allowing to perform some cleanup (with no commit following anymore!), unless it explicitly declares that it needs to run in a separate transaction. Hence: Use PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW for any transactional operation that is called from here.
Unfortunately this seems to leave no other option than to enforce a new transaction via Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW. The problem is that the transactionalEventListeners are implemented as transaction synchronizations and hence bound to the transaction. When the transaction is closed and its resources cleaned up, so are the listeners. There might be a way to use a customized EntityManager which stores events and then publishes them after its close() was called.
Note that you can use TransactionPhase.BEFORE_COMMIT on your #TransactionalEventListener which will take place before the commit of the transaction. This will write your changes to the database but you won't know whether the transaction you're listening on was actually committed or is about to be rolled back.

NHibernate ArgumentOutOfRangeException

I recently ran into an instance where I wanted to hit the database from a Task I have running periodically within a web application. I refactored the code to use the ThreadStaticSessionContext so that I could get a session without an HttpContext. This works fine for reads, but when I try to flush an update from the Task, I get the "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error. Normally what I see for this error has to do with using a column name twice in the mapping, but that doesn't seem to be the issue here, as I'm able to update that table if the session is associated with a request (and I looked and I'm not seeing any duplicates). It's only when the Task tries to flush that I get the exception.
Does anyone know why it would work fine from a request, but not from a call from a Task?
Could it be because the Task is asynchronous?
Call Stack:
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.System.Collections.IList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at NHibernate.Engine.ActionQueue.ExecuteActions(IList list)
at NHibernate.Engine.ActionQueue.ExecuteActions()
at NHibernate.Event.Default.AbstractFlushingEventListener.PerformExecutions(IEventSource session)
at NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultFlushEventListener.OnFlush(FlushEvent event)
at NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl.Flush()
Session Generation:
internal static ISession CurrentSession {
get {
if(HasSession) return Initializer.SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession();
ISession session = Initializer.SessionFactory.OpenSession();
return session;
private static bool HasSession {
get { return CurrentSessionContext.HasBind(Initializer.SessionFactory); }
Task that I want to access the database from:
_maid = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => {
while(true) {
if(CleaningSession != null) CleaningSession(Instance, new CleaningSessionEventArgs { Session = UnitOfWorkProvider.CurrentSession });
await Task.Delay(AppSettings.TempPollingInterval, _paycheck.Token);
//I know this function never returns, I'm using the cancellation token for that
// ReSharper disable once FunctionNeverReturns
}, _paycheck.Token);
_maid.GetAwaiter().OnCompleted(() => _maid.Dispose());
Edit: Quick clarification about some of the types above. CleaningSession is an event that is fired to run the various things that need to be done, and _paycheck is the CancellationTokenSource for the Task.
Edit 2: Oh yeah, and this is using NHibernate version
Edit 3: I have since attempted this using a Timer, with the same results.
Edit 4: From what I can see of the source, it's doing a foreach loop on an IList. Questions pertaining to an IndexOutOfRangeException in a foreach loop tend to suggest a concurrency issue. I still don't see how that would be an issue, unless I misunderstand the purpose of ThreadStaticSessionContext.
Edit 5: I thought it might be because of requests bouncing around between threads, so I tried creating a new SessionContext that combines the logic of the WebSessionContext and ThreadStaticSessionContext. Still getting the issue, though...
Edit 6: It seems this has something to do with a listener I have set up to update some audit fields on entities just before they're saved. If I don't run it, the commit occurs properly. Would it be better to do this through an event than OnPreInsert, or use an interceptor instead?
After muddling through, I found out exactly where the problem was. Basically, there was a query that was run to load the current user record called from inside of the PreUpdate event in my listener.
I came across two solutions to this. I could cache the user in memory, avoiding the query, but having possibly stale data (not that anything other than the id matters here). Alternatively, I could open a temporary stateless session and use that to look up the user in question.

TransactionScope, linq and strange transaction manager issue (HRESULT: 0x8004D024)

I have a service level methods, which make few changes to database and I want them to use transaction control. Such methods can do following:
- LINQ SubmitChanges() functionality
- Calls to StoredProcedures
Component users can combine set of such elementary operations into something bigger.
I see that there is nice class TransactinScope and trying to use it:
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
content = repository.CreateBaseContent(content);
result = repository.CreateTreeRelation(content, parent.Id, name);
public baseContent CreateBaseContent(baseContent content)
return content;
public CreateTreeRelation (params)
// do StoredProcedure call here via LINQ
My Assumption was that on outer layers it would be possible to add another level of transaction scope. Instead, I am having following error:
The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D024)
I am using same (Vista Ultimate) machine for MS SQL 2005 and microsoft development server. From unit tests everything works fine. Same when TransactionScope commented.
I was trying to play with security for DTC ( and when I set to acccept all inbound and outbound transactions, I have following error message:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
During debug, I discovered that in SubmitChanges, Linq Entity Context has Property Transaction IS NULL(!!), and System.Transactions.Transaction.Current has open transaction
I think you can also use TransactionScope as long as you pass the datacontexts the same connection you .Open.
Another issue you get with TransactionScope is that it doesn't care if the connection string is the same, doing a second .Open will elevate the transaction to a distributed transaction. And then you have to deal with the related configuration, and also the fact that it isn't using the light transaction that is what is needed for that case.
Issue happened because Linq Datacontext was created before transactionscope.
Solution was to add own transaction control to LINQ datacontext.
Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();
and counters to maintain nested calls.
