How to persist session data in an AngularJS application? - session

I have this web app written in AngularJs that uses cookies to authenticate the requests in a REST API.
Once the user logs in, the cookie is received and saved in the browser and all subsequent requests send the cookie along to the server. There is a 'User' service/object that saves the isLoggedIn and username values (for UI display/flow). Now, if I refresh the 'index' page, the app restarts. This means that my 'User' object will be cleared. I can check the existence of the cookie and, if it exists, I can re-set the User.isLoggeIn as true and go from there, but I still need to get the username, id, etc. So, my question is: should I create some sort of 'ping' endpoint in the API to verify if a cookie is valid? And if so, the API would send me back the user id and username... OR should I persist the user data in LocalStorage (or some similar cross-browser thing) and just assume the user is logged if the cookie exists? Any other subsequent requests to pages that need authentication would be automatically verified. So, this question really only applies to the scenario where the user refreshes the index page - hence, restarting the web app. I want to know the user data because I want to show a 'user homepage' instead of the 'public homepage'.
What do you think?

You should depend on the server for this. Creating something like GetCurrentUser method on the server. If the user is logged on this returns all the properties of the user.
You should even use this server api to get the user data after authentication completes. So the authentication become two step process first the user is authenticated, on success another call is made to server to get current users details.
Using client side local storage for this would not be ideal because you need to do lot of book keeping, in terms of cleaning the logged in user on log out or session expiration.
Also cookies from server would have expiration times an all, and making decision just based on cookie existing on local storage may not be optimal approach.


JSON web token vs session - how does authentication from multiple devises work in detail?

I have read a lot about json tokens vs session and still dont understand a few things.
benefit of using token is authentication across multiple devices.
Lets say user signs up on website, server generates session id, sends to client, client saves it in cookies or localstorage (so whenever user wants to log in again on website, client sends session id to server on each request, sever queries db and checks if its same id if yes sends response). Then same user, uses mobile app to log in, since session id is only stored inside computers browsers cookies/localstorage and not on mobile device or other computer, how would the log in from either different computer or mobile device happen?The server would send a different session id to each device the user logs in and then there is some sort of array stored on the server with ALL the users session ids?!
I also read that its much simpler with tokens as they are stateless. I just dont understand how that is relevant when it comes to multiple devices.
I read that for each request server checks using same signature as it used when it issued the token, if its valid. Client needs to send that token to server though with each request. So isnt that the same - different computer never stored the token inside cookies/localstorage so how would that work?!Would server need to create a different token? If thats the case, I dont get the difference and why session is less benefitial then tokens when it comes to multiple devices!
Also, I read: "Session cookies only work across a single domain, or on its subdomains. If they try to go to a third party, browsers tend to disable them....that wont happen with tokens". I dont understand what it means and how its related to multiple devices, also why cookies are relevant as json tokes ARE usually ALSO stored in cookies as well as session id?!
Sorry if its maybe too basic, I just read so much about that and just dont understand the basics.
there are some important differences between JWT and sessions.
Sessions are stored inside RAM of the server or a database to store where a user is or what he is doing. For example, you store the current page the user is working on.
BUT JWT is stateless. The server does not save the user state or his data to RAM or database. the server generates a key for the user including some important data for authentication(for example username, role, last access date) therefore the user must send his key with every request until his key expires and he must request for another one. Since the key only includes User Auth data, It can be used in every device(until it expires).
as you mentioned in mobile applications user gets multiple sessions so JWT mostly used in mobile or single-page applications. the user gets a key and state of user activity will be handled by mobile application.
Hope this helps.

Why do we need session , when we already have cookies?

I am new to web application , I am learning cookies and session, I understand HTTP is stateless protocol to make it stateful we use cookies at client side and session at server side.
When user requests a webpage it sends all the cookies available for that
browser on the PC.
If any one of the cookie matches with server side database , the server
shows the data , else sends set cookie with a session iD(optional to send
create session and send the session ID).
a. If server sends set cookie the client sends cookie in all respective
requests with the session id , only if the domain name matches with the
server to which the client sent .
Now my doubt is suppose I am working on an e-commerce site. And the server sends the number of items added to the cart till the user is not logging out , now it can be done using cookie alone why do we need session at all?
Is there something I am not understanding ?
These are separate concepts:
Cookie - Browser sends this with every request automatically
Header - Part of a HTTP request, the browser will only send data here if instructed.
Access token - Contains secret which may be a JWT (and identify the user) or a random set of characters
Session - a token bound to a user + device that authenticates the user. If the user doesn't have an access token, they can use the session to get a new token.
You can see that Cookie/Header are the where and access token/session token are the what.
The user needs to authenticate in your service. That means you need to be able to identify the user. That may be done with a JWT, session token, IP address, a signature, etc... And that is separate from how this data is transmitted to the service from the user.
So when you say why do you I need session when the user has cookies, these are totally unrelated. The session id may be saved in a cookie, that's just one option.
Whether or not the session id in a cookie corresponds to actual data on the server side is another completely separate question. Should the session token be a encrypted (or signed) object, like a JWT which contains user identifying information, or should that data be saved in a server side DB, and only transmit a random-string identifier. Who knows?
The answer is going to be based on what's critical for your application. Generally speaking, session tracking on the server side is a legacy concept, and the new hotness (which is old now), is to make the sessionId a JWT saved a HTTP Only cookie for security. And then passed on every request.
Lot's of services have sessions and access token management baked in, and for a working example and more about tokens, check out any one of many knowledge bases.
There may be, and probably is, sensitive data in that session, e.g. the user's id, identifying who the user is. If you just stored the user's id in a cookie, the user could manipulate it and easily pose as anyone else. There are of course ways to mitigate that, but simply not allowing the user to futz with the cookie contents (because it's just a meaningless session id) is the simplest.
It allows the server to manage session state; e.g. if a user suspects somebody is logged in as them on another device, they can invalidate all other sessions ("log me out everywhere" functionality).
You may be storing a lot of data, and sending it back and forth in a cookie on every request can become rather wasteful.
You may want to associate something like a shopping basket with the user's account, not just the user's browser, so when they log in on another device their shopping cart is following them around.
Yes, there are also perfectly fine cases were storing information just in a cookie is fine and preferable, especially since that allows you to scale your server more easily to a cluster of servers without having to worry about where the session information is stored. It depends on what information exactly you are storing.
The usual pattern is
the cookie contains only a unique session identifier (but no useful information itself)
the session storage (server-side) contains the associated data for this session. This can be a) very big and b) hidden from the user/browser and c) trustworthy (because the user cannot just modify it in the browser)
It is preferred to use sessions because the actual values are hidden from the client, and you control when the data expires and becomes invalid. If it was all based on cookies, a user (or hacker) could manipulate their cookie data and then play requests to your site.

Cross/Multiple tab communication during login

In implementation of Login, I want to make sure if a user is already logged in one tab of the browser and opens the same web site in another tab, he gets redirected to homepage rather than the log in page. It's an ideal scenario as it happens in all the web site. I am achieving the same by storing logged in unique user token in local storage. Is it the best way to achieve it? Kindly guide! is it safe? If not how to go about it?
Just consider everything on the client as tainted or possibly manipulated.
So basically you should always check on the server side if the client has a valid session and only then deliver the homepage to it.
I would use a cookie set by the server side - just a random id bound to the actual client session on the server.
So the client could mess with that, but would have a hard time to guess another (also random) session id.
The cookie should be cleared by the server if the user logs out.
Then I would check on every call if he has a valid session id and if not directly send him to the login page by a redirect. Additionally you could then send him from the login page to the homepage whenever he is already logged in.

Number of external requests when serving a resource

So, I have a web application that makes a lot of requests to the server for data. A project requirement is to have very fast server response times. The server is hosted on a cloud based platform.
The app uses sessions to keep track of user authentication once they've logged in. Since it's hosted on a cloud provider, I'm using a cache to back up session storage (in my case it's Auzre cache, but if you're unfamiliar with that think Redis)
The current flow is like this:
The user accesses a resource
Trying to get the session based on the session ID via the cache. This is a cache request.
User is authenticated via session state (if logged in).
Request for data is sent, usually via cache.
Data is returned to the user.
The problem with this approach is that it's hitting the cache twice. Removing the session altogether caused a significant speed improvement (about 50%).
I was considering hitting the cache once, asking for both the key I need for the user, and the SessionID to save the extra round trip. However, I've never seen this approach before, and it requires 'rolling my own session' as I'd have to generate the session IDs and such. I feel like there might be a simpler, easier way.
So, what would be the most efficient way to serve the user a resource and authenticate them?
Note: I'm using ASP.NET MVC/ WebAPI with C# but I don't find that very relevant to the question, so I left the language and platform out of the question because of it.
You would want to combine the authenticate and resource request steps into one single request. Not only is this faster, it is also safer than your implementation. Consider the following scenario:
User authenticate to the server. Result is success.
Authentication is changed. (e.g. user changes password, admin decides to lock the user account, etc.)
User makes a request using the sessionID in step 1.
To ensure that the user is not granted access to the resource, you'd want to authenticate the user precisely at step 3. But that doesn't make sense, you've already authenticated this user previously in step 1...
HTTP, in is core, is designed exactly to do this. There are various ways to pass authentication information along with the request, such as:
Write the authentication information in the content (stupid, but works)
Include authentication in the url, e.g. (better, but makes your url ugly and long)
Store session info in cookie (better, but what if the client does not support cookie? what about cookie expiration?)
Authenticate HTTP header (my best personal recommendation)
HTTP itself has an authenticate header meant to be compatible with "basic authentication" (it is well defined, look it up if you're interested). But you can implement your own custom header.
Any cache lookup is bound to be slow (compared to computation), so you should omit the cache for the authentication part all together. Your server should be stateless; i.e. do not keep track of login sessions. How do you know if the sessionID is valid? Put a timestamp on it. And to avoid others faking the sessionID, sign it as well.
So, your HTTP request would look something like this (pseudo code):
var request = new HttpRequest();
request.url = "";
request.Headers["CustomAuth"] = "id=abc&t=123456789&s=01de45890a";
Implement your own signing method, sort of like a hash function (you can use HMAC), and keep the key securely on the server. If the signature matches, you know you've signed this previously at the login, and it has to be from your server. A timestamp helps you detect session expiration and also protect against replay attacks.
Now in your server, do something like this:
public void Get(){
var authHeader = Request.Headers["CustomAuth"];
Response.StatusCode = 404;
//something else
If you need to do login + session authenticate + resource request in one request, then there're simply just 2 ways for authentication. Users can either provide a username/password combination, or a session key. Think about this scenario, which comes from an API I worked on:
user register with username/password combo
server responds registration success / failure (e.g. username already taken)
if it was a success, user now logins with username/password combo
server returns a session token
Wouldn't it be simpler (and faster) if we do it this way:
user register with username/password combo
if it is success, respond "reg success" and "sessionToken=xxxxxx". if it is failure, respond "reg failure".
I hope this give you some idea.
Also, you can remove the authentication at the server end by modifying / restricting settings on the server to cater to requests coming only from the ip(s) where your web app is hosted. Your web application will let the request pass to server only if its authenticated and hence all the requests reaching the data server will be served automatically without checking for any authentication. In this case you will just need one cache hit to check if the user is authenticated and straight away hit the server.

where should i set the session api and client

Here is the situation, I have setup 2 codeigniter installation.
One will be a client and one will be an api. Further improvement of this will be
The client will no longer be made from CI, since I wasn't using it's functionality. I just wanted to start out from a mvc framework right on.
My question would be where should I be storing sessions? during logins.
Below is how I did it, but I think I did it wrong.
I created a Login from the client. This one sends the login credentials to the api and then validated these information sent by the client and will return a message/response whethere the login credentials were valid or not.
If the login details were valid, the api will set a session in it's controller like this
if(true) {
This is in the login_controller I created. Is this the proper way of setting sessions for a client of a api?
You've got the concept right. You only want to set session userdata upon verifying the user supplied valid credentials.
That said, make sure you're using encrypted cookies and, if you're handling sensitive data, store your session data in the database. Storing it in the database causes some odd quirks with how sessions work in CodeIgniter (mainly with flashdata), but the added benefit of positive identification might potentially be worth it.
By storing the session data in the database, you can more positively verify a user is who they claim to be (in terms of the session ID, etc). The reason is because the session data is stored only in the database, and not in the session cookie (which only holds session ID and some other info). That way, even if someone does manage to decrypt the cookie, they can't modify their userdata to pretend to be someone else, like you might be able to with the cookies only method.
