Passing function as arguments in Matlab - algorithm

I've just started to program and i've had some problems in passing function as arguments using MATLAB. I've to implement Lagrange algorithm for interpolation.
C1 and C2 are vectors that represent points to interpolate coordinates.
My main problem is that I don't know how to explain in my f1 definition that temp1 and temp2 are not variables, but values determined on every iteration of a for loop (for i and j).
I think the code remaining part could be almost correct.
function [ ] = lagrange(C1, C2)
n = length(C1);
f2 = inline('');
g = inline('');
for i = 1:n
temp0 = C2(i);
temp1 = C1(i);
for j = 1:n
if (i~=j)
temp2 = C1(j);
temp3 = C2(j);
f1 = inline('(x-temp2/(temp1-temp2)','x','temp1','temp2');
f2 = f2.*f1
g = g+temp0*f2;
%plot g


Efficiently looping over sub-arrays

I have an array A with size [d1,d2,d3,d4,d5] = size(A).
I have a custom function myFunc that I need to apply to each of the following subarrays of A:
B1 = A(:,1,:,:,:);
B2 = A(:,2,:,:,:);
B3 = A(:,3,:,:,:);
The function myFunc has signature:
function [CN1,CN2,CN3,...] = myFunc(BN,varargin)
Here, CN1, CN2, CN3, etc, are a variable number of output arrays whose size depends only on the size of BN.
The goals is to calculate CN1, CN2, CN3, etc, for each BN and then create the arrays
D1 = cat(2,C11,C21,C31,...);
D2 = cat(2,C12,C22,C32,...);
D3 = cat(2,C13,C23,C33,...);
I wrote the following function to do this:
function varargout = testFunc(A,funcHdl,varargin)
% Extract the relevant dimensions for array A
sizeA = size(A);
d1 = sizeA(1);
d2 = sizeA(2);
otherDims = sizeA(3:end);
% Extract the number of output arguments of the function handle
numOut = nargout(funcHdl);
Cs = cell(d2,numOut);
% Get the output for all subarrays
for j=1:d2
B = A(:,j,:);
B = reshape(B,[d1,1,otherDims]);
[Cs{j,:}] = funcHdl(B,varargin{:});
% Combined the outputs by concatenation
Ds = cell(1,numOut);
for n = 1:numOut
Ds{1,n} = cat(2,Cs{:,n});
% Variable number of outputs
varargout = Ds;
It's not too inefficient, but I really need this procedure to be efficient. Am I missing a more efficient way of doing this, especially the concatenation?
I use Matlab2020a on Windows 10.

get pairs / triple / quadruple... of elements from vector by function

I have a vector with a couple of elements and I want to write a function that returns me all combinations of x items from this vector.
The following code produces the right output for the case x=2 or x=3 or x=4.
However, I can not implement a solution for every possible x following this idea.
values = {'A','B','C','D','E'};
n = length(values);
data2 = {}; % case x=2
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
data2{end+1} = {values{i}, values{j}};
fprintf('%s %s\n',values{i}, values{j})
data3 = {}; % case x=3
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
for k = j+1:n
data3{end+1} = {values{i}, values{j}, values{k}};
fprintf('%s %s %s\n',values{i}, values{j}, values{k})
data4 = {}; % case x=4
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
for k = j+1:n
for l = k+1:n
data4{end+1} = {values{i}, values{j}, values{k}, values{l}};
fprintf('%s %s %s %s\n',values{i}, values{j}, values{k}, values{l})
How would a function look like which would be able to return my data variable?
data = getCombinations(values, x) %values is vector with elements, x is integer value
The following code comes pretty close:
data = perms(values)
data = data(:,1:x)
data = unique(data,'rows')
but it still produces output like A,B and B,A
This fixed it somehow but it is not very nice to look at and it does not work for text entries in cells but only for numbers
data = perms(values)
data = data(:,1:x)
data = sort(data,2)
data = unique(data,'rows')
This did it but it is not very nice to look at... Maybe there is a better solution?
function [data] = getCombinations(values,x)
i = 1:length(values);
d = perms(i);
d = d(:,1:x);
d = sort(d,2);
d = unique(d,'rows');
data = v(d);
If you don't want repetitions (and your example suggests you don't) then try nchoosek as nchoosek(1:n, x) to give indices:
values = {'A','B','C','D','E'};
n = length(values);
x = 3;
C = nchoosek(1:n, x);
data = values(C)
In the above, each row is a unique combination of 3 of the 5 elements of values.
Alternatively pass in the values directly:
data = nchoosek(values, x);

a program to apply the following transformation function to a grayscale image

I want to apply following transformation function to a grayscale image, i know how to apply it to the following function,
my question is how do i apply a program to the following transformation function,
code so far,
pollen = imread('Fig3.10(b).jpg');
u = double(pollen);
[nx ny] = size(u)
nshades = 256;
r1 = 80; s1 = 10; % Transformation by piecewise linear function.
r2 = 140; s2 = 245;
for i = 1:nx
for j = 1:ny
if (u(i,j)< r1)
uspread(i,j) = ((s1-0)/(r1-0))*u(i,j)
if ((u(i,j)>=r1) & (u(i,j)<= r2))
uspread(i,j) = ((s2 - s1)/(r2 - r1))*(u(i,j) - r1)+ s1;
if (u(i,j)>r2)
uspread(i,j) = ((255 - s2)/(255 - r2))*(u(i,j) - r2) + s2;
hist= zeros(nshades,1);
for i=1:nx
for j=1:ny
for k=0:nshades-1
if uspread(i,j)==k
pollenspreadmat = uint8(uspread);
imwrite(pollenspreadmat, 'pollenspread.jpg');
Thanks in advance
The figure says that for any intensities that are between A and B, they should be set to C. All you have to do is modify your two for loops so that for any values between A and B, set the output location to C. I'll also assume the range is inclusive. You can simply remove the first and last if conditions and use the middle one:
for i = 1:nx
for j = 1:ny
if ((u(i,j)>=r1) && (u(i,j)<= r2))
uspread(i,j) = C;
C is a constant that you would set yourself. Usually for segmentation, this result is very high to distinguish the foreground from the background. You have a uint8 image here, so C = 255; would work.
However, I would recommend you achieve a more vectorized solution. Avoid for loops and use logical indexing instead:
uspread = u;
uspread(u >= r1 & u <= r2) = C;

The levenberg-marquardt method for solving non-linear equations

I tried implement the levenberg-marquardt method for solving non-linear equations on Julia based on Numerical Optimization using the
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm presentation. This my code:
function get_J(ArrOfFunc,X,delta)
N = length(ArrOfFunc)
J = zeros(Float64,N,N)
for i = 1:N
for j=1:N
Temp = copy(X);
J[i,j] = (ArrOfFunc[i](Temp)-ArrOfFunc[i](X))/delta;
return J
function get_resudial(ArrOfFunc,Arg)
return map((x)->x(Arg),ArrOfFunc)
function lm_solve(Funcs,Init)
X = copy(Init)
delta = 0.01;
Lambda = 0.01;
Factor = 2;
J = get_J(Funcs,X,delta)
R = get_resudial(Funcs,X)
N = 5
for t = 1:N
G = J'*J+Lambda.*eye(length(X))
dC = J'*R
C = sum(R.*R)/2;
Xnew = X-(inv(G)\dC);
Rnew = get_resudial(Funcs,Xnew)
Cnew = sum(Rnew.*Rnew)/2;
if ( Cnew < C)
X = Xnew;
R = Rnew;
Lambda = Lambda/Factor;
J = get_J(Funcs,X,delta)
Lambda = Lambda*Factor;
if(maximum(abs(Rnew)) < 0.001)
return X
return X
function test()
ArrOfFunc = [
X = lm_solve(ArrOfFunc,Float64[3;3])
return X
But from any starting point the step not accepted. What's I doing wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have at the moment no way to test this, but one line does not make sense mathematically:
In the computation of Xnew it should be either inv(G)*dC or G\dC, but not a mix of both. Preferably the second, since the solution of a linear system does not require the computation of the inverse matrix.
With this one wrong calculation at the center of the iteration, the trajectory of the computation is almost surely going astray.

Fast computation of warp matrices

For a fixed and given tform, the imwarp command in the Image Processing Toolbox
B = imwarp(A,tform)
is linear with respect to A, meaning there exists some sparse matrix W, depending on tform but independent of A, such that the above can be equivalently implemented
for all A of fixed known dimensions [n,n]. My question is whether there are fast/efficient options for computing W. The matrix form is necessary when I need the transpose operation W.'*B(:), or if I need to do W\B(:) or similar linear algebraic things which I can't do directly through imwarp alone.
I know that it is possible to compute W column-by-column by doing
for i=1:n^2
but this is brute force and slow.
The routine FUNC2MAT is somewhat more optimal in that it uses the loop to compute/gather the sparse entry data I,J,S of each column W(:,i). Then, after the loop, it uses this to construct the overall sparse matrix. It also offers the option of using a PARFOR loop. However, this is still slower than I would like.
Can anyone suggest more speed-optimal alternatives?
For those uncomfortable with my claim that imwarp(A,tform) is linear w.r.t. A, I include the demo script below, which tests that the superposition property is satisfied for random input images and tform data. It can be run repeatedly to see that the nonlinearityError is always small, and easily attributable to floating point noise.
fun=#(A) imwarp(A,tform,'cubic');
I1=rand(100); I2=rand(100);
c1=rand; c2=rand;
LHS=fun(c1*I1+c2*I2); %left hand side
RHS=c1*fun(I1)+c2*fun(I2); %right hand side
linearityError = norm(LHS(:)-RHS(:),'inf')
That's actually pretty simple:
W = sparse(B(:)/A(:));
Note that W is not unique, but this operation probably produces the most sparse result. Another way to calculate it would be
W = sparse( B(:) * pinv(A(:)) );
but that results in a much less sparse (yet still valid) result.
I constructed the warping matrix using the optical flow fields [u,v] and it is working well for my application
% this function computes the warping matrix
% M x N is the size of the image
function [ Fw ] = generateFwi( u,v,M,N )
Fw = zeros(M*N, M*N);
k =1;
for i=1:M
for j= 1:N
newcoord(1) = i+u(i,j);
newcoord(2) = j+v(i,j);
newi = newcoord(1);
newj = newcoord(2);
if newi >0 && newj >0
newi1x = floor(newi);
newi1y = floor(newj);
newi2x = floor(newi);
newi2y = ceil(newj);
newi3x = ceil(newi); % four nearest points to the given point
newi3y = floor(newj);
newi4x = ceil(newi);
newi4y = ceil(newj);
x1 = [newi,newj;newi1x,newi1y];
x2 = [newi,newj;newi2x,newi2y];
x3 = [newi,newj;newi3x,newi3y];
x4 = [newi,newj;newi4x,newi4y];
w1 = pdist(x1,'euclidean');
w2 = pdist(x2,'euclidean');
w3 = pdist(x3,'euclidean');
w4 = pdist(x4,'euclidean');
if ceil(newi) == floor(newi) && ceil(newj)==floor(newj) % both the new coordinates are integers
Fw(k,(newi1x-1)*N+newi1y) = 1;
else if ceil(newi) == floor(newi) % one of the new coordinates is an integer
w = w1+w2;
w1new = w1/w;
w2new = w2/w;
W = w1new*w2new;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi2x-1)*N+newi2y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <=M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = W/w2new;
Fw(k,y2coord) = W/w1new;
else if ceil(newj) == floor(newj) % one of the new coordinates is an integer
w = w1+w3;
w1 = w1/w;
w3 = w3/w;
W = w1*w3;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi3x-1)*N+newi3y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <=M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = W/w3;
Fw(k,y2coord) = W/w1;
else % both the new coordinates are not integers
w = w1+w2+w3+w4;
w1 = w1/w;
w2 = w2/w;
w3 = w3/w;
w4 = w4/w;
W = w1*w2*w3 + w2*w3*w4 + w3*w4*w1 + w4*w1*w2;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi2x-1)*N+newi2y;
y3coord = (newi3x-1)*N+newi3y;
y4coord = (newi4x-1)*N+newi4y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <= M*N && y3coord <= M*N && y4coord <= M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = w2*w3*w4/W;
Fw(k,y2coord) = w3*w4*w1/W;
Fw(k,y3coord) = w4*w1*w2/W;
Fw(k,y4coord) = w1*w2*w3/W;
Fw(k,k) = 1;
