How to create Summary and Aggregate reports from a .jtl file? - jmeter

I am running a JMeter Performance test in non-GUI mode. I get the results in .jtl file. Is there a quick and easy way to produce Summary and Aggregate reports from this file?

If you're using jmeter 3.2, here are the following steps.
Open the JMeter GUI
Right click on Test Plan, Go to Add, then Listener and then click on Aggregate Report.
Where it say's Filename, either input the path of where your jtl file is located or click browse & find it.
Click the Save Table Data button below

Yes. You can import/open the .jtl file in JMeter GUI.
Please follow these steps -
Open JMeter GUI.
Open Summary and Aggregrate Report tab.
Browse the .jtl to read the results from the file.

Yes there is an easy way to do this. You can reopen JMeter .jtl file in any Jmeter Listener however you need to make sure that you have saved the results from JMeter in an xml format.
To do this in Non-gui mode, edit your file and set:

right click on "Test Plan"
select "add" > "Listener"
you should see a number of options, all of which take your jtl file as input and display it in various forms.

A jtl file is basically a csv. You could simply copy paste its contents into an excel, then use data filters or pivot tables to create your summary/aggregate.


Certain jquery files are not getting load, on recording script with jmeter

while recording J-meter scripts, certain J-query file is given error as file not loading, is the issue from developer side, or i need to make certain changes in my scripts.
Perform the same actions using browser without JMeter and look into its Developer Tools (especially in "Console" and "Network" tabs or equivalent)
If you can reproduce the issue - this is application problem and you should report it. If not - this is JMeter problem, most probably you misconfigured something or it's a bug in JMeter Proxy.
In general be aware that you should not be recording JavaScript files (as well as images, scripts, styles, fonts, and anything which does not belong to the domain you're testing), the corresponding filter goes in the first place in the "Requests Filtering" tab of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder when you create test plan using Recording Template feature.

Handle a save dialog pop up and save to disk

I am performance testing a reporting system where you enter information and generate a report. The issue I have is the report is generated as a PDF file and presents a Save Dialog box.
As part of the test I would like to save the PDF file to disk. How can I do this?
Edit: Below is the dialog box I get when I click a button to download the report.
I need to somehow simulate clicking the "Save File" radio button and then "OK"
You can use "Save Response to a file" lister to save the pdf.
Check below screenshot for reference.
Link for further information.
Note while using this you dont have to worry about click a button. Your will get pdf in response and that will be save by the above listener.
Click on save is not sending any request to the server and hence it will not be recorded in jmeter.
Hope this helps.

Jmeter Error: Couldn't save test paln to file

I am getting below error message when going to save my test plan.
I added regular expression extractor and the listeners
Error image.
I am not allowing to save my test plan now.
Looking into yellow exclamation sign at top right corner of JMeter GUI you have few more errors, if you click on that triangle - JMeter log file will open, most probably it will contain enough information to get to the bottom of the issue. JMeter also writes its log into a file, by default it's jmeter.log and it lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation. You can also increase log verbosity to get more information regarding what JMeter is doing.
If you will not able to figure out the root cause yourself - update your question with the log file contents.
You can also try saving your script into a location which does not contain spaces or non-ASCII characters
Go To Click On Option
Click On Look & Feel
Choose Windows
Ask For Restart JMeter Click On OK
Check Again

Browser Option in View Result Tree

Unable to get Browser Option in JMeter 3.3 in View Result Tree in Solaris OS. Following it the photo of Windows OS where it is working perfectly.
Browser renderer uses JavaFX, which is not supported on Solaris.
Adding to #Kiril S. answer, If you need to view in Browser mode the results,
A workaround will be to save jtl file in Solaris and open this jtl file in windows by clicking Browse on View Results Tree
To read existing results and display them, use the file panel Browse button to open the file.

How to handle File Download pop up in Firefox using AutoIT in (selenium RC)

I need to download a file from application in my selenium RC test.
When i click on the link/button to save a file, first i get a pop up which asks me to either open or save the file, when i select 'Save' and click 'OK' then i get one more pop up asking me to provide the path where file is to be saved and file name also.
I goggled and found that this could be done via AutoIT but i am facing some problems while doing that.
so could some one please provide me the .exe file for file_download in Firefox and also where i can mention the path to save that file too.
and also if you could provide me what exactly the code, i need to write in my test case.
Please let me know how to handle this.
You can achieve that without using autoit also. follow below steps.
Create new firefox profile.
Change the preferences in that profile manually before starting the automation with that profile. (Change the settings like below)
Now start the automation using that profile so that files will be downloaded to default location.
Starting selenium server using specfic profile
java -jar selenium-server.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\234saddsf.customProfile"
I found this link:
Unfortunately it is for the old style dialog boxes that do not have the open vs save radio buttons. I'm searching for a solution to this part of the problem.
