I am getting below error message when going to save my test plan.
I added regular expression extractor and the listeners
Error image.
I am not allowing to save my test plan now.
Looking into yellow exclamation sign at top right corner of JMeter GUI you have few more errors, if you click on that triangle - JMeter log file will open, most probably it will contain enough information to get to the bottom of the issue. JMeter also writes its log into a file, by default it's jmeter.log and it lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation. You can also increase log verbosity to get more information regarding what JMeter is doing.
If you will not able to figure out the root cause yourself - update your question with the log file contents.
You can also try saving your script into a location which does not contain spaces or non-ASCII characters
Go To Click On Option
Click On Look & Feel
Choose Windows
Ask For Restart JMeter Click On OK
Check Again
while recording J-meter scripts, certain J-query file is given error as file not loading, is the issue from developer side, or i need to make certain changes in my scripts.
Perform the same actions using browser without JMeter and look into its Developer Tools (especially in "Console" and "Network" tabs or equivalent)
If you can reproduce the issue - this is application problem and you should report it. If not - this is JMeter problem, most probably you misconfigured something or it's a bug in JMeter Proxy.
In general be aware that you should not be recording JavaScript files (as well as images, scripts, styles, fonts, and anything which does not belong to the domain you're testing), the corresponding filter goes in the first place in the "Requests Filtering" tab of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder when you create test plan using Recording Template feature.
We would like to fix a portion of a script in OpenScript by re-recording the part that's not working in lieu of re-recording the whole script. We can't seem to figure out how to do it. Every time we try, Open Script starts with the log in to the testing program. It seems you should be able to start recording at any point. Does anyone know?
create a test script, click on Record, once it launches, in Openscript toolbar pause the recording. Now the recording is stopped, whatever we do will not be recorded .Manually perform the sections which you don't want to record. Then click on resume on the openscript toolbar. Now it will be recorded.
Once done, copy the generated code to the actual script.
[If you are using object library add this as an asset in actual script]
Hope this helps !
Recording from opened browser is supported in Oracle Application testing suite .
1. Open OATS Tool
2. Launch IE
3. navigate to UI where you want to start recording
4. There is Globe icon top (menu Icons), select opened browser
5. Select record
6. Steps will be recorded in Editor
For more OATS related tips, visit here www.testinghive.com
I'm somewhat new to using CANalyzer and have never used the logging feature in the product. I was sent a BLF file to analyze and am unsure how to use it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
To be a little more specific:
Set the offline mode in the standard toolbar.
Click on the configuration tab, usually at the bottom of the window. You will see the Measurement Setup window.
Double click on the Configuration of the Log Files block - there you can add your recorded log file (should be in .blf format).
For more CANalyzer documentation, you can go to: https://kb.vector.com/29/
When the .blf file is ready, after logging the activity in CANalyzer, open with desired workspace and change the mode to Offline mode.
In "Measurement Setup" make sure that the mode is "Offline" and now right click on the icon which comes as input to Offline block.
Click "Configuration" and in the next window, remove unwanted file selection and Add your required .blf file and press OK.
Now press F9 or select the "Start" icon on the tool bar.
After these steps, the activity logged will play in the corresponding tab.
This is not replaying the CANoe but it is analyzing the traces from given logs.
For Replaying you need to add this logs into real time ECU running with all configurations
I am running a JMeter Performance test in non-GUI mode. I get the results in .jtl file. Is there a quick and easy way to produce Summary and Aggregate reports from this file?
If you're using jmeter 3.2, here are the following steps.
Open the JMeter GUI
Right click on Test Plan, Go to Add, then Listener and then click on Aggregate Report.
Where it say's Filename, either input the path of where your jtl file is located or click browse & find it.
Click the Save Table Data button below
Yes. You can import/open the .jtl file in JMeter GUI.
Please follow these steps -
Open JMeter GUI.
Open Summary and Aggregrate Report tab.
Browse the .jtl to read the results from the file.
Yes there is an easy way to do this. You can reopen JMeter .jtl file in any Jmeter Listener however you need to make sure that you have saved the results from JMeter in an xml format.
To do this in Non-gui mode, edit your jmeter.properties file and set:
right click on "Test Plan"
select "add" > "Listener"
you should see a number of options, all of which take your jtl file as input and display it in various forms.
A jtl file is basically a csv. You could simply copy paste its contents into an excel, then use data filters or pivot tables to create your summary/aggregate.
In order to speed up development and debug process
Given I have some rspec output in my console with file path and line numbers
When I click on the file name and line number within the console
Then I want my editor to open and scroll the cursor to the specified line
I'm currently using Sublime-Text-2 with Ubuntu 11.10 and running Rspec2's autotest feature.
I believe that you should be able to do this with the funcionality built into the sublime text's build system, by piggybacking on the error capturing functionality. although I'm not 100% sure if the clicking is supported.
There is some documentation here and here about setting them up. If you dig around in the default packages supplied with sublime text should be be able to find some more examples.
You'll want to make a build system that spawns off your rspec cmd. In the build configuration, you'll want to pay special attention to the the "file_regex" key. This will let you define a regex to capture the error output of the cmd.
Here is what the documentation says about it:
The file_regex option uses a Perl-style regular expression to capture up to four fields of error information from the build program’s output, namely: file name, line number, column number and error message. Use groups in the pattern to capture this information. The file name field and the line number field are required.
When error information is captured, you can navigate to error
instances in your project’s files with F4 and Shift+F4. If available,
the captured error message will be displayed in the status bar.
Also you might be able to get some more traction over at the sublimetext forums about the particulars.
I am a litte late to the party ... but it might be helpful for people who are still looking for this.
Sublime Text 2 - RSpec HTML Output