I am using NMaximize to obtain values from an NDSolve function:
Flatten[NDSolve[{x''[t] == (F Cos[\[CapitalOmega] t] -
c x'[t] - (k + \[Delta]kb) x[t] + \[Delta]kb y[t])/m,
y''[t] == (-c y'[t] - (k + \[Delta]kb) y[t] + \[Delta]kb x[t])/m,
x'[0] == 0, y'[0] == 0, x[0] == 0, y[0] == 0}, {x[t], y[t]}, {t, 0, 10}]];
NMaximize[{Evaluate[y[t] /. s], 8 < t < 9}, t]
This is the case of a set of coupled, second order, ordinary differential equations (they were derived by a constant rotational speed gyroscope).
I need to obtain the maximum of the response function after the transient solution has faded and no longer influences the result.
I am trying to use a For loop to obtain the different maximums achieved for a range of "CapitalOmega", say 80 to 130 in steps of 1/2.
Currently I am getting the result in a form:
{a, {t -> b}}
How could This be placed on a list for all the values of "a" obtained from the For loop? This so they can be plotted using
If for each value of CapitalOmega you are getting some {a,{t->b}} from your NDSolve and you just want the list of 'a' values then
should do it. The First will extract the 'a' each time and using Table instead of For will put them in a list for you. If my example isn't exactly what your actual code is then you should still be able to use this idea to accomplish what you want.
Note: When I try to paste just your NDSolve[...] into Mathematica I get
NDSolve::ndnum: Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at t==0.`.
which may be a real problem or may just be because of how you cut and pasted your posting.
I am trying to solve a nonlinear system of equations by using the Solve (and NSolve) command, but the evaluation get stuck.
For a very similar system, basically the same but with the derivatives of the equations I get no problems. I define the functions I need, write the equations, define the variables, define the solutions through the Solve command, and, once obtained with another system the initial values, I try to solve the system with NSolve.
Defining the functions:
a[x_] := A (1 - ms[x])
b[x_]:=2 ((ArcSinh[nn[x]/ms[x]] ms[x]^3 + nn[x] ms[x] Sqrt[nn[x]^2 + ms[x]^2])/(8 \[Pi]^2) + (ArcSinh[pp[x]/ms[x]] ms[x]^3 + pp[x] ms[x] Sqrt[pp[x]^2 + ms[x]^2])/(8 \[Pi]^2))
where A is a constant. Here I deleted some multiplicative constants to simplify the problem.
Then I have the equations:
eq1[x_]:= B a[x] + C a[x]^2 + D a[x]^3 - F b[x]
eq2[x_]:= pp[x]^3 - nn[x]^3
eq3[x_]:= G - (pp[x]^3 + nn[x]^3)
eq4[x_]:= Sqrt[nn[x]^2 + ms[x]^2] - Sqrt[pp[x]^2 + ms[x]^2] - Sqrt[m + ee[x]^2] + H (pp[x]^3 - nn[x]^3)
where B, C, D, G, m and H are constants. Here too, I deleted some multiplicative constants, to simplify the code for you.
Finally, I define the variables:
Var = {ee[x], pp[x], nn[x], ms[x]}
then solve the system "implicitly":
Sol =
Solve[{eq1[x] == 0, eq2[x] == 0, eq3[x] == 0, eq4[x] == 0}, Var]
(N.B: it is here that the code get stuck!!!! Despite, as I said, with a similar system with derivatives of the equations, everything work fine.)
and make a list of the equations:
eqs =
Table[Var[[i]] == (Var[[i]] /. Sol[[1]]), {i, Length[Var]}];
To conclude, after having obtained the initial conditions, I would try to solve the system:
system0 = Flatten[{eqs, ee[xi] == eei, pp[xi] == ppi, nn[xi] == nni, ms[xi] == msi}];
sol0 = NSolve[system0, {ee, kpp, nn, ms}, {x, xi, xf}, Flatten[{MaxSteps -> 10^4, MaxStepFraction -> 10^-2, WorkingPrecision -> 30, InterpolationOrder -> All}, 1]];
where I previously set xi = 10^-8 and xf = 10.
Trying to be more clear, when I try to evaluate the system through the Solve command, the evaluation continues indefinitely and I cannot understand why, where is the mistake. Despite a similar system with the derivative of the previous equations and NSolve replaced with NDSolve, works without any problem, and the execution of the "equivalent" line (Sol = Solve[{eq1[x] == 0, eq2[x] == 0, eq3[x] == 0, eq4[x] == 0}, Core]) is extremely fast (~1 sec).
Any help to understand where I am wrong is welcome, as well any suggestion to solve numerically this kind of system of equations.
Trying to be more clear, when I try to evaluate the system through the Solve command, the evaluation continues indefinitely and I cannot understand why, where is the mistake. Despite a similar system with the derivative of the previous equations and NSolve replaced with NDSolve, works without any problem, and the execution of the "equivalent" line (Sol = Solve[{eq1[x] == 0, eq2[x] == 0, eq3[x] == 0, eq4[x] == 0}, Core]) is extremely fast (~1 sec).
Any help to understand where I am wrong is welcome, as well any suggestion to solve numerically this kind of system of equations.
Hi im coding a homework in mathematica about finding the probability of a program failing, make a plot and a table with the results however Im having trouble getting the last value of the table
bin1[n_, p_, k_] :=
Module[{prob = (1 - p)^n, i},
Do[prob = (((n - i + 1)/i) (p/(1 - p))) prob, {i, k}]; prob]
distribution =
Table[bin1[50, #, k], {k, 0, 50}] & /# Range[0, .9, .1];
thats the probability calculator
prob = Max[Take[distribution, {#}]] & /# Range[1, 10] thats to take the first value of the table (its the porcentage of failiure)
position = # & /# Range[0, .9, .1](thats just for the third value)
max = Last[
Last[Position[distribution, Take[prob {#}] & /# Range[1, 10]]]]
thats the third value and where i have trouble its supossed to be tha maximum value but the prob{#} part doesnt work i have no idea why
The final table should be: TableForm[{position, prob, max}]
See the documentation for Module:
specifies that occurrences of the symbols x, y, … in expr should be treated as local.
When you say bin1[n_, p_, k_] := Module[{prob = …}], then prob is only defined inside the Module, and has no value outside.
You can see how this works by playing with it:
In[1]:= Module[{foo}, foo]
Out[1]= foo$185
Module renames variables inside its scope to have unique names not accessible outside.
You’ll probably need another function to compute prob, or set up bin1[] to compute both distribution and probability.
If I have a function depends on for example 2 parameters f[a,b], and I know the value of this function should range between 300 < f < 400, how I know the possible ranges of the parameters
in Mathematica.
That may depend on the specific function. Can you post it?
There is no general answer to your question. The output of a function may be range bound regardless of the input parameters. For example, this Lissajous function never exceeds -1 < x < 1
f[a_, b_] := ParametricPlot[{Sin[a/b t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi b}]
f[1, 2]
f[9, 10]
I'm working on a script in mathematica that will take simulate a string held at either end and plucked, by solving the wave equation via numerical methods. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_equation#Investigation_by_numerical_methods)
n = 5; (*The number of discreet elements to be used*)
L = 1.0; (*The length of the string that is vibrating*)
a = 1.0/3.0; (*The distance from the left side that the string is \
plucked at*)
T = 1; (*The tension in the string*)
[Rho] = 1; (*The length density of the string*)
y0 = 0.1; (*The vertical distance of the string pluck*)
[CapitalDelta]x = L/n; (*The length of each discreet element*)
m = ([Rho]*L)/n;(*The mass of each individual node*)
c = Sqrt[T/[Rho]];(*The speed at which waves in the string propogate*)
I set all my variables
Y[t] = Array[f[t], {n - 1, 1}];
MatrixForm(*Creates a vector size n-1 by 1 of functions \
representing each node*)
I define my Vector of nodal position functions
K = MatrixForm[
SparseArray[{Band[{1, 1}] -> -2, Band[{2, 1}] -> 1,
Band[{1, 2}] -> 1}, {n - 1,
n - 1}]](*Creates a matrix size n by n governing the coupling \
between each node*)
I create the stiffness matrix relating all the nodal functions to one another
Y0 = MatrixForm[
0 < ((i*L)/n) < a}, {(-((i*L)/n)*y0)/(L - a) + (y0*L)/(L - a),
a < ((i*L)/n) < L}}], {i, 1, n - 1}]]
I define the initial positions of each node using a piecewise function
NDSolve[{Y''[t] == (c/[CapitalDelta]x)^2 Y[t].K, Y[0] == Y0,
Y'[0] == 0},
Y, {t, 0, 10}];(*Numerically solves the system of second order DE's*)
Finally, This should solve for the values of the individual nodes, but it returns an error:
"NDSolve::ndinnt : Initial condition [Y0 table] is not a number or a rectangular array"
So , it would seem that I don't have a firm grasp on how matrices work in mathematica. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me get this last line of code to run properly.
Thank you,
I don't think you should use MatrixForm when defining the matrices. MatrixForm is used to format a list of list as a matrix, usually when you display it. Try removing it and see if it works.
I'm trying to use Mathematica's NDSolve[] to compute a geodesic along a sphere using the coupled ODE:
x" - (x" . x) x = 0
The problem is that I can only enter initial conditions for x(0) and x'(0) and the solver is happy with the solution where x" = 0. The problem is that my geodesic on the sphere has the initial condition that x"(0) = -x(0), which I have no idea how to tell mathematica. If I add this as a condition, it says I'm adding True to the list of conditions.
Here is my code:
s1 = NDSolve[{x1''[t] - (x1[t] * x1''[t] + x2[t] * x2''[t] + x3[t]*x3''[t]) * x1[t] == 0, x2''[t] - (x1[t] * x1''[t] + x2[t] * x2''[t] + x3[t]*x3''[t]) * x2[t] == 0, x3''[t] - (x1[t] * x1''[t] + x2[t] * x2''[t] + x3[t]*x3''[t]) * x3[t] == 0, x1[0] == 1, x2[0] == 0, x3[0] == 0, x1'[0] == 0, x2'[0] == 0, x3'[0] == 1} , { x1, x2, x3}, {t, -1, 1}][[1]]
I would like to modify this so that the initial acceleration is not zero but -x(0).
Well, as the error message says -- NDSolve only accepts initial conditions for derivatives of orders strictly less than the maximal order appearing in the ODE.
I have a feeling this is more of a mathematics question. Mathematically, {x''[0]=-x0, x[0]==x0}, doesn't define a unique solution - you'd have to do something along the lines of {x0.x''[0]==-1, x[0]==x0, x'[0]-x0 x0.x'[0]==v0} for that to work out (NDSolve would still fail with the same error). You do realize you will just get a great circle on the unit sphere, right?
By the way, here is how I would have coded up your example:
x[t_] = Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 3}];
s1 = NDSolve[Flatten[Thread /# #] &#{
x''[t] - (x''[t].x[t]) x[t] == {0, 0, 0},
x[0] == {1, 0, 0},
x'[0] == {0, 0, 1}
}, x[t], {t, -1, 1}]
I fixed this problem through a mathematical rearrangement rather than addressing my original issue:
Let V(t) be a vector field along x(t).
x . V = 0 implies d/dt (x . V) = (x' . V) + (x . V') = 0
So the equation D/dt V = V' - (x . V') x = V' + (x' . V) x holds
This means the geodesic equation becomes: x" + (x' . x') x = 0 and so it can be solved using the initial conditions I originally had.
Thanks a lot Janus for going through and pointing out the various problems I was having including horrible code layout, I learnt a lot through your re-writing as well.