Windows phone app that detects call, SMS and alarms and sends notification to PC - windows-phone-7

I am trying to develop an app for windows phone that will detect calls and send notification to PC through wifi. Similarly it will also send SMS that are received to PC and when an alarm goes off in phone, a notification will be sent to PC. How should I proceed about developing this app?
Thanks in advance.

There is no API exposed to allow you to spy on incoming calls or SMS in Windows Phone (like there was with Windows Mobile). The only option would be to build this as an OEM extension, but unless you work for HTC, Samsung or Nokia, this isn't going to be an option.

See it's not that you cannot but to some extent you can. Like you can use Obscured Event to detect call , lock screen etc. go through this msdn discussion for details
Detect lock and calls msdn
And as far as the alarm or the reminder is concerned you can go ahead and design a reminder system within your app. Limit is 50.
Obscured event Windows phone


How to simulate an incoming call within the windows phone simulator?

I need to test how my app reacts when an incoming call interrupts execution. How can I do this in the simulator?
Go to Properties of your App(right click on solution Explorer), Select Debug tab and there you will find a checkbox(Tombstone upon deactivation while debugging), check that. After checking it whenever the apps gets deactivated , it will get in to tombstone state while debugging.
I think that Scenario is not possible to Test in Emulator. You can make call from your app in emulator but Receiving can be tested in only Device. for more Reference you can refer this Question Windows Phone 7 emulator : Can I simulate a phone call.
To test for making a call from your app, you can find Reference here How to use the phone call task for Windows Phone 8

how to dial a number and a code in winphone

In a windows phone app, how can I dial a number and then a code after the phone answers similar to the Nokia Conference app? It seems to be using something different than the PhoneCallTask which does not allow you to do anything special. Thanks
I can assure you that this is NOT possible in WP7 or WP8 for average mortal developers.
Apps like Nokia Conference app get special (OEM) access to libraries that us muggles don't get.
For example the phone call intercept library and SMS intercept libraries.
Perhaps, just perhaps, in WP 8.1 you will be able to create a phone dialer app and be able to allow the user to assign your app as the default phone dialer. Then maybe you can do what you're asking. Currently in the WP7 and WP8 worlds though, this is black magic.
MSDN Question: Windows phone programmatically intercepting incoming phone calls through app
Reference MSDN - Certification Requirements - Phone Functionality Section 5.3
5.3.1 - Phone calls: The app must not delay or prevent the user from initiating a phone call, answering an incoming phone call, or ending a phone call.
You can apparently do this with a VIOP call

Windows phone notification that stays till user checks

I am new to windows phone app dev. I want to know if there is any way to have a notification alive till the user checks it. I found that "toast notification" expires in 10 seconds irrespective of user checks it or not. And there is no way of finding out if a tile notification arrived or not. Is there any workaround? I want to have notifications that are similar to Android notifications which stay till user checks them.
Persistent on-screen notifications on Windows Phone are not possible, by intentional design. It's interesting to see how many users on Android disliked persistent notifications when applications started to interrupt and then disrupt the current foreground application experience.
The design philosophy is that they distract from the user experience and could be easily abused by applications.
The general Microsoft recommendation for the platform would be to use a combination of a notification, Live Tile (reference), and in application UI update.
In Android 4.3, the behavior was changed to highlight applications that were constantly running (interesting reference)
You can use "MessageBox.Show(String)".
Refer below for:
Example 1
Example 2

Windows Multitouch Events and LabView

I'm having some problems with multi-touch and LabView.
My objective is to intercept the Windows Touch Messages (generated by multitouch monitors and then interpreted and handled by Windows 7), which are intended for any and all windows owned by a program called LabVIEW.
This will prevent Windows from communicating Touch Messages with LabVIEW while allowing me to use the touch messages to create custom responses in LabVIEW myself. And, it will still allow Windows to use the Touch Messages as normal for any and all other programs which the user may want to interact with.
LabVIEW has not been registered with Windows 7 to interpret Windows Touch Messages specifically. It therefore handles them using default Windows 7 responses.
I have developed a library for LabVIEW which creates the custom multitouch enabled responses but it requires me to provide my own driver for the multitouch monitor being used in order to prevent Windows 7 from listening to the monitor's touch event messages and converting them to its own set of Touch Messages. This is inefficient as I want users to be able to plug and play any commercial multitouch monitor with my code and I don't want to have to write custom drivers for every monitor type.
So, I want to intercept the Touch Messages intended for LabVIEW (and only those Windows Touch Messages) so that they
Never reach LabVIEW
Can then be sent on to my existing program for reinterpretation via TCP messages over the localhost (this seems the best way I've found so far).
If anybody has any ideas I'd be exceedingly grateful!
LabVIEW does not see the Windows Touch Events as you already know. The only events you see are the ones you can use in the Event Structure. However, there are ways to use .Net Callbacks to see other Windows events. You can then create User Events to feed the event back to your Event Structure. Below are a couple of links that might help:
Capturing Windows System Events without Polling (Windows)
Windows Message Queue Library
Use windows touch screen (multi touch) and distinguish get touch event and mouse click
Use the event handler structure in a while loop and only register the events you want LabVIEW to handle.
If you are willing to pay for it, there is a commercial toolkit that supports multi-touch and smartphone-style gestures on a number of touchscreen devices via UDPP or Windows 7 messages:

Windows Phone 7 push notification when the app is not running

I am trying to implement push notifications in windows phone 7.5
I bind the channelUri in App.xaml when the application starts up.
I can then switch my app to background and receive toast notifications based on the Uri.
But this requires me to first go the app and then make it to background.
Can I receive the toast without the app running? That is when the channelUri is not bound.
Is this a default behaviour in Windows phone 7 or whether I am missing a point here?
If this is the behaviour, how can I send some form of notification/ information to the phone when the app is not running?
I did see this Windows Phone 7.5 - Push Notifications when app is tombstoned.
I know the Channel is active up to 30 days, is it the same when I use only emulator?
App should be associated with a channel so as to receive notification and even when app is not running, if the notification channel is active, then the application will receive the toast
I think you are missing the point. In order to receive toast notifications you don't have to have the app running in the background. Toasts (and Tile notifications) are meant for when the app is not running at all. So, start the app to get a push-uri and then send that to the service. In theory you won't need one again after 30 days. When it comes to the emulator it will be available as long as the emulator is running. Once you shutdown/close the emulator, the push-uri is gone and you would need to re-request one. (Generally speaking, nothing is saved on the emulator and so closing and opening the emulator is like getting a new device everytime.)
Hopefully this helps
