Adacore GPS "Could not locate executable on path: gnatmake" - windows

I recently installed the Adacore GPS 2012 for Lego Mindstorms on my Windows 7 machine. When I try to build the example project, I get the error message:
"Could not locate executable on path: gnatmake"
I've tried looking for other people with this problem but the majority of these cases are on Linux. If someone could help me figure out the problem, or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

"Adacore GPS 2012" is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ADA development. You also need the ADA compiler. You can find one at Select x86-windows as the platform and download and install the file gnat-gpl-2013-i686-pc-mingw32-bin.exe.
Enjoy :)


ESP32 Debugging in VS Code - Cannot find compatible tool-openocd-esp32 for linux_i686

Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS,
VS Code 1.35.1,
PlatformIO IDE 1.10.0,
Arduino libraries for ESP32.
When attempting to open the debug interface in VS code, I am presented with the following error.
PackageManager: Installing tool-openocd-esp32 # ~1.1000.20181026
Error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement '~1.1000.20181026' for your system 'linux_i686'
The last time I debugged this project (or anything in VS code) was a year ago and I am fairly certain it worked then.
Sorry if this is a basic question but two hours of futile research has left me with no other option.

TianoCore UEFI Development Kit build configuration on Windows

How to properly install EDK2 on Windows? I'm trying to follow this instructions, but it doesn't work...
created C:\EFIWorkSpace
Created Win32 in C:\EFIWorkspace\BaseTools\Bin from BaseTools
set PYTHON_HOME=C:\Python27
set CYGWIN_HOME=C:\cygwin64
The errors begin when I'm trying to execute build in C:\EFIWorkSpace>
(c:\efiworkspace\MdePkg\Library\BasePeCoffLib\BasePeCoffLib.inf [IA32] - System cannot find certain path]
How can i set these kits to use it further in Visual Studio 2017? I want to build an UEFI Application. Maybe someone knows a good youtube tutorial? I will appreciate any help.
You need to change the ToolChain in target.txt from MYTOOLS to match your toolchain (VS2017x86). Also, note that UDK2017 doesn't officially support the VS2017 toolchain. Please use UDK2018.

How to include CMake compatible with Cygwin on CLion on Windows?

I'm trying to configure CLion with Cygwin, but I'm having trouble with CMake. The program says that the bundled version doesn't work in that environment and that the CMake from Cygwin is outdated (needs a newer version). However, I tried installing an independant CMake but then the program says it isn't compatible with Cygwin. How do I fix this?
I'm teaching a C++ programming class this semester. All of my students were able to successfully install/configure CLion without too much trouble. Most of them are on Windows boxes, Win7 and Win10.
In my instructions, I referred them to this video, which was the best I could find:
Some of the students were missing the debugger the first time they tried this. In the cygwin installer, the number of check boxes is enormous and many of the names are remarkably similar. When we went back through and re-ran the installer, in each case we were able to find a place where they had checked the wrong box.
So my recommendation would be re-run your cygwin installation after watching the video once through. Then go back to the frame in the video where he shows all his checked install options and very carefully compare your checked boxes against the presenter's.
Good luck!

Java 8 Install Failure on Windows 10

I'm attempting to install Java 8 JRE on Window 10, and it's failing. The purpose of this is so that I can install SQLWorkbenchJ on my Windows machine. This is my personal machine, and I have complete access privileges. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information to answer this question (e.g., logs).
I've downloaded Java 8 from Oracle, specifically the offline 64 bit version for windows. When I download it, it places the following icon on my desktop:
When I double click on this icon, the following image pops up:
After I click "Yes" and the popup box disappears, nothing happens. Windows continues operating as if nothing happened. The only trace of activity is in the task manager, which shows the following:
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? I'm at a loss for how to push the installation process forward.
Update: I was able to solve this issue by installing the x86 version (32 bit) instead. I'm not sure why the x64 version doesn't work on Windows 10, but I'd seen this solution subtly referred to elsewhere on the internet as a solution. Would be interesting if someone could figure out why the x64 version itself doesn't work.
We have two concerns here - 1. JRE 8u101 (64-bit) fails to install without an error message and 2. JRE 8u101 (64-bit) fails to install on Windows 10.
The first one seems similar to which is a known issue.
However, it would be appropriate to take a look at jusched and JavaDeploy log files to confirm the same.
The second concerns with 64-bit JRE installation in Windows
Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 is not supported a supported browser.
For Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10, see:
Related bug ID:
For a solution related to 64-bit installation, suggest you to follow the instructions from the comment in the above bug report.
Hope this helps.
This is known issue , this has already fixed in 8u111/8u112, early access builds are available here -, you can download and try to install the same. Do let us know your feedback?
I was having this issue as well and the 8u112 worked from this page
Thank you

MGFX in MonoGame on OS X

I'm having an immense amount of trouble trying to use shaders with MonoGame on OS X. From what I understand, it requires a command line tool called 2MGFX to compile a shader into a usable format; however, I am unable to locate a download for this tool. I poked around the MonoGame source code and found a SLN file for 2MGFX, but it does not compile. I feel like I'm missing something quite fundamental somewhere, but I absolutely cannot figure out what. Any help (or a build of 2GMFX that I can run) would be fantastic. Thanks!
You can't compile MGFX on OSX. Find a Windows machine or, like i do, run a virtual machine on OSX. The MGFX project will compile on a Windows. Don't forget to install XNA Game Studio and Monogame on that Windows machine or else it will give errors.
