tar: Remove leading / from member names when using -X (exclude file) - bash

I am getting the error:
Remove leading / from member names
when attempting to create a domain archive using -X and a exclude file. If I remove the -X option the job executes as expected.
backup exec
tmp dir
exclude file
with contents
dir to backup
command to run
tar cf /mnt/15326/s3/data/backup_domain.com -X /mnt/15326/s3/data/exclude.txt /mnt/15326/www.domain.com

It is a warning only. It means that in the tar file the file names wont contain the beginning /. They will be converted to relatives. Use -P if it disturbs you. generaly this default behaviour is a bit safer.


Bash - can't use command 'bc' since Bandizip have the command with same name

I trying to use Linux bc to do division between two float number, but it throw an error, and I realize when I run bc, it execute Bandizip command
$ bc
bc 6.08(Alpha) - Bandizip Command line tool. Copyright(C) 2011-2017 Bandisoft
bc <command> [<switches>...] <archive> [<files>...] [<path_to_extract>]
a : Add files to archive
x : eXtract files with full pathname
t : Test integrity of archive
d : Delete files from archive
c : Create new archive(or overwrite exist file)
e : Extract files without directory names
- Stop switches scanning
-l:<0...9> Set compression level (0:store, 5:default, 9:maximal)
-r- Disable recursion (default)
-r Enable recurse subdirectories
-aoa Overwrite All existing files without prompt
-aos Skip extracting of existing files
-aou aUto rename extracting file
(for example, name.txt will be renamed to name (2).txt)
-sfx:[{name}] Create SFX archive
-zopfli Use Zopfli as deflate compressor(very slow)
-p:{password} Set password
-o:{dir} Specify target folder
-y Assume Yes on all queries
-fmt:{fmt} Specify archive format
(zip, zipx, exe, tar, tgz, lzh, iso, 7z, gz, xz)
-v:{size} Specify volume size(-v:1000000 -v:1440k -v:100MB ...)
-target:auto Extract to target path smartly
-target:name Extract to archive-name folder of target path
I can't uninstall bandizip and can't use other command to divide two float number since I already have lot function write by using bc
How to solve this problem?
First of all, the bc application have to exists in at least two different directories.
It seems to me like the PATH variable from your shell or system is configured wrong so it first finds the wrong bc application first.
You can print the PATH variable from your shell, for example:
# echo $PATH
As you can see, there is a colon (:) separated list of paths which are searched when you type in a command (relatively).
This means, for the above path, your shell (e.g. bash) searches for your command in the following order, until it was found:
If the command could not be found, you should see something like this:
# pacman
pacman: Command not found.
Due it is more obvious that bc is the calculator, you should ensure that the path which contains the calculator bc is listed before the other path in the PATH variable.
Very sure the person who installed Bandizip Command put the path in the global shell configuration, e.g. /etc/profile.

Create a .tar.bz2 file given an array of files

In a Bash script, I have an array that contains a list of files (in the form of their complete file paths):
declare -a individual_files=("/path/to/a" "/path/to/b" "/path/to/c")
I want to create a compressed file in tar.bz2 which contains all the files in the array, using tar command.
So far, I have tried
tar rf files.tar "${individual_files[#]}"
tar cjf files.tar.bz2 files.tar
But for some reason, files.tar.bz2 always contains the last file in the array only.
What is the correct command(s) for doing so, preferably without creating the intermediate .tar file?
UPDATED: using #PanRuochen's answer, this is what I see in the verbose info:
+ tar cfvj /Users/skyork/test.tar.bz2 /Users/skyork/.emacs /Users/skyork/.Rprofile /Users/skyork/.aspell.en.pws /Users/skyork/.bash_profile /Users/skyork/.vimrc /Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
a Users/skyork/.emacs
a Users/skyork/.Rprofile
a Users/skyork/.aspell.en.pws
a Users/skyork/.bash_profile
a Users/skyork/.vimrc
a Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
But still, the resulted test.tar.bz2 file has only the last file of the array (/Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist) in it.
My bad, the files are indeed there but hidden.
tar cfvj files.tar.bz2 "${individual_files[#]}"
v should give you verbose information about how bz2 file is created.

looping files with bash

I'm not very good in shell scripting and would like to ask you some question about looping of files big dataset: in my example I have alot of files with the common .pdb extension in the work dir. I need to loop all of them and i) to print name (w.o pdb extension) of each looped file and make some operation after this. E.g I need to make new dir for EACH file outside of the workdir with the name of each file and copy this file to that dir. Below you can see example of my code which are not worked- it's didn't show me the name of the file and didn't create folder for each of them. Please correct it and show me where I was wrong
# set the work dir
for pdb in $receptors
filename=$(basename "$pdb")
echo "Processing of $filename file"
cd ..
mkdir ./docking_$filename
Many thanks for help,
If all your files are contained within the .Repectors folder, you can loop each of them like so:
for pdb in ./Receptors/*.pdb ; do
filename=$(basename "$pdb")
mkdir "../docking_${filenamenoextention}"
Does a search replace in the variable $pdb. The syntax is ${myvariable/FOO/BAR}, and replaces all "FOO" substrings in $myvariable with "BAR". In your case it replaces ".pdb" with nothing, effectively removing it.
Alternatively, and safer (in case $filename contains multiple ".pdb"-substrings) is to remove the last four characters, like so: filenamenoextention=${filename:0:-4}
The syntax here is ${myvariable:s:e} where s and e correspond to numbers for the start and end index (not inclusive). It also let's you use negative numbers, which are offsets from the end. In other words: ${filename:0:-4} says: extract the substring from $filename starting from index 0, until you reach fourth-to-the-last character.
A few problems you have had with your script:
for pdb in ./Receptors loops only "./Receptors", and not each of the files within the folder.
When you change to parent directory (cd ..), you do so for the current shell session. This means that you keep going to the parent directory each time. Instead, you can specify the parent directory in the mkdir call. E.g mkdir ../thedir
You're looping over a one-item list, I think what you wanted to get is the list of the content of ./Receptors:
for pdb in $receptors/*
to list only file with .pdb extension use $receptors/*.pdb
So instead of just giving the path in for loop, give this:
for pdb in $receptors/*.pdb
To remove the extension :
set the variable ext to the extension you want to remove and using shell expansion operator "%" remove the extension from your filename eg:
You can create the new directory without changing your current directory:
So to create a directory outside your current directory use the following command
mkdir ../docking_$filename
And to copy the file in the new directory use cp command
After correction
Your script should look like:
for pdb in $receptors/*.pdb
filename=$(basename "$pdb")
echo "Processing of $filename file"
mkdir ../docking_$filename
cp $pdb ../docking_$filename

Adding a status (file integrity)check to a cbr cbz converting bash script

First post, so Hi! Let me start by saying I'm a total noob regarding programming. I understand very basic stuff, but when it comes to checking exit codes or what the adequate term is, I'm at a loss. Apparently my searchfoo is really weak in this area, I guess it's a question of terminology.
Thanks in advance for taking your time to reading this/answering my question!
Description: I found a script that converts/repack .cbr files to .cbz files. These files are basically your average rar and zip files, however renamed to another extension as they are used for (comic)book applications such as comicrack, qcomicbook and what not. Surprisingly enough there no cbr -> cbz converters out there. The advantages of .cbz is besides escaping the proprietary rar file format, that one can store the metadata from Comic Vine with e. g comictagger.
Issue: Sometimes the repackaging of the files doesn't end well and would hopefully be alleviated by a integrity check & another go. I modified said script slightly to use p7zip as it can both pack/unpack 7z, zip-files and some others, i. e great for options. p7zip can test the archive by:
7z t comicfile.cbz tmpworkingdir
I guess it's a matter of using if & else here(?) to check the integrity and then give it another go, if there are any error.
Question/tl;dr: What would be the "best"/adequate approach to add a integrity file check to the script below?
#Source: http://comicrack.cyolito.com/forum/13-scripts/30013-cbr3cbz-rar-to-zip-conversion-for-linux
echo "Converting CBRs to CBZs"
# Set the "field separator" to something other than spaces/newlines" so that spaces
# in the file names don't mess things up. I'm using the pipe symbol ("|") as it is very
# unlikely to appear in a file name.
# Set working directory where to create the temp dir. The user you are using must have permission
# to write into this directory.
# For performance reasons I'm using ram disk (/dev/shm/) in Ubuntu server.
# Set name for the temp dir. This directory will be created under WORDDIR
# The script should be invoked as "cbr2cbz {directory}", where "{directory}" is the
# top-level directory to be searched. Just to be paranoid, if no directory is specified,
# then default to the current working directory ("."). Let's put the name of the
# directory into a shell variable called SOURCEDIR.
# Note: "$1" = "The first command line argument"
if test -z "$1"; then
echo "Working from directory $SOURCEDIR"
# We need an empty directory to work in, so we'll create a temp directory here
mkdir "$TEMPDIR"
# and step into it
# Now, execute a loop, based on a "find" command in the specified directory. The
# "-printf "$p|" will cause the file names to be separated by the pipe symbol, rather than
# the default newline. Note the backtics ("`") (the key above the tab key on US
# keyboards).
for CBRFILE in `find "$SOURCEDIR" -name "*.cbr" -printf "%p|while read line; do
# Now for the actual work. First, extract the base file name (without the extension)
# using the "basename" command. Warning: more backtics.
BASENAME=`basename $CBRFILE ".cbr"`
# And the directory path for that file, so we know where to put the finished ".cbz"
# file.
# Now, build the "new" file name,
# We use RAR file's name to create folder for unpacked files
echo "Processing $CBRFILE"
mkdir "$BASENAME"
# and unpack the rar file into it
# Lets ensure the permissions allow us to pack everything
sudo chmod 777 -R ./*
# Put all the extracted files into new ".cbz" file
7z a -tzip -mx=9 "$NEWNAME" *
# And move it to the directory where we found the original ".cbr" file
# Finally, "cd" back to the original working directory, and delete the temp directory
# created earlier.
cd ..
rm -r "$BASENAME"
# Delete the RAR file also
# At the end we cleanup by removing the temp folder from ram disk
cd ..
echo "Conversion Done"
rm -r "$TEMPDIR"
Oh the humanity, not posting more than two links before 10 reputation and I linked the crap out of OP.. [edit]ah.. mh-mmm.. there we go..
[edit 2] I removed unrar as an dependency and use p7zip instead, as it can extract rar-files.
You will need two checks:
7z t will test the integrity of the archive
You should also test the integrity of all the image files in the archive. You can use at tools like ImageMagick for this.
A simple test would be identify file but that might read only the header. I'd use convert file -resize 5x5 png:- > /dev/null
This scales the image down to 5x5 pixels, converts it to PNG and then pipes the result to /dev/null (discarding it). For the scaling, the whole image has to be read. If this command fails with an error, something is wrong with the image file.

How to copy only new files using bash scripting

I have to use bash scripting to copy files from one folder to another. If the destination folder has a file with the same name but older timestamp, it should not copy. Only newer files should be copied. I could have used cp -u, but I was asked not to use it. Essentially I have to use the test command testing for "ot". Please let me know how could this be done. I believe two for loops one to read the files in the source and one for the destination directories can be used and the the time stamp compared. The problem is that both for loops produce the absolute path names along with the file name. So not sure how to compare them
You can profit from the parameter substitution:
for file in "$folder1"/* ; do
filename=${file##*/} # Remove everything to the last slash.
Or, you can change the directory:
cd "$folder1"
for file in * ; do
## you have to use full or relative path to $folder2 here
