Parsing JSON with a Javascript Date object in Ruby - ruby

I am using a SOAP API that returns XML but with JSON strings within the response envelope. For most of the API calls this has not been a problem but there is one that returns Javascript new Date objects that is causing problems when using JSON.parse. Here is a simplified example of the response I am getting.
"{\"History\":[ {\"Timestamp\":new Date(1380024020923)}]}"
When using JSON.parse I get the following error.
JSON::ParserError: 399: unexpected token at '{"Timestamp":new Date(1380024020923)}]}'
Is there a nice way to parse this string or am I going to have to use some regex/string trickery? Has anyone come across this way of returning a date object and I would like to understand the advantage?


JSON Parsing a Redis.get return

I'm storing some data in Redis and when I retrieve this data I'm having trouble parsing it.
When I run this:
$redis.get("data") I get this: "[{\"login\"=>\"name\", \"id\"=>1574}]"
When I try to use JSON.parse against the return body I get this error:
JSON::ParserError: 409: unexpected token at '{"login"=>"name", "id"=>1574}]'
What am I doing wrong?
You need to first serialize your ruby object into JSON before storing it in redis.
In this case you would need to call $redis.set('data', JSON.dump(data)) instead of what is currently being called, which is $redis.set('data', data.to_s). The .to_s gets called on whatever object is passed into redis' set method.
If you really need to parse the data you have already stored then you can use ruby's eval, although you should not use this in production!
$ data = eval($redis.get('data'))
=> [{"login"=>"name", "id"=>1574}]
$ $redis.set('data', JSON.dump(data))
"[{\"login\"=>\"name\", \"id\"=>1574}]"
is not json string
If you want to deserialize string then you write this.
"[{\"login\":\"name\", \"id\":1574}]"
=> is changed to :
So, you need to modify the creation JSON string.

Response Assertion / Regex Extractor Not Working in JMeter

I'm trying to extract the CSRF token so I can log in, and be able to obtain cookies, but I'm not able to.
I'm able to get a 200 response code when accessing the URL that contains the CSRF token, and I'm able to see it on the browser and the console, but my response assertion is not able to assert anything regardless of me changing the apply to, field to test, and pattern matching rules sections. My regular expression extractor isn't able to get anything either. All the headers to get to the URL are there. Any suggestions?
Forgot to mention, I'm able to get it on one server that's exactly (or should be) exactly the same as this one...
I placed it under the HTTP Sampler that has that response, and here is an example of what I get for my response assertion. I've also added various images.
Unfortunately you didn't share your output, so I cannot tell for sure, but although it seems your RegEx is correct in both cases, it could be that it doesn't match due to some extra spacing.
It appears that you are expecting a valid JSON, so instead of RegEx you could use JSON Extractor and/or JSON Assertion, for which extra spacing will not matter.
Example: if Response Data is
I can specify JSON Extractor as
(most important line is JSON Path: $.token)
and the result will be variable token with value 12345.
Here's a good online JSON Path tester, which can help you to figure out the right JSON Path.
If your goal is to check presence of a JSON Object with name of token and an arbitrary value I would recommend going for JSON Assertion instead.
Add JSON Assertion as a child of the request you would like to assert.
Use the following JSON Path query:
JSON Assertion is available since JMeter 4.0
If you still want to go for the Response Assertion - configure it as follows:
Pattern Matching Rules: Contains
Patterns to Test: {"token":"(.+?)"}

reCaptcha invalid json response

Using the recaptcha javascript client ( ) the automatic request (GET after you select the correct images returns an invalid json which afterwards is sent to back to google and their json validation fails. This worked as expected for months now. Not anymore :(
Server side library used reCaptcha PHP (1.1)
Any ideas?
I think it's a duplicate of
And here is my answer from that link:
Actually the value returned is not valid json but well parsed by the
Google's API.
Is it a protection ? I don't know, but if you look at the javascript,
you can find that:
var jm=function(a,b,c,d,e,g,h,l,r){this.xl=a;this.$c=c||"GET";this.Ka=d;this.Gg=e||null;this.Td=m(h)?h:1;;this.xh=this.Nh=!1;this.uh=b;this.Mh=g;||"";this.Zb=!!r;this.Wf=null};f=jm.prototype;f.getUrl=function(){return this.xl};{return this.$c};f.Ca=function(){return this.Ka};{return this.Zb};{return};var nm=function(){;this.nj=new hm(0,mm,1,10,5E3);H(this,this.nj);};x(nm,G);var mm=new Nh;nm.prototype.send=function(a){return new Lc(function(b,c){var d=String(;this.nj.send(d,a.Uf.toString(),,a.Ca(),mm,void 0,u(function(a,d){var;if(Xk(h)){var;h.B?(h=h.B.responseText,0==h.indexOf(")]}'\n")&&(h=h.substring(5)),h=Hg(h)):h=void 0;b(new l(h))}else c(new om(a))},this,a))},this)};var om=function(a){;this.request=a};x(om,y);
especially take a look at:
var;h.B?(h=h.B.responseText,0==h.indexOf(")]}'\n")&&(h=h.substring(5)),h=Hg(h)):h=void 0;`
The parser explicitly checks that the value begins by )]} and strips
I suggest you to just apply the same substring on the "json" string

Reading a JSON response from FireFox console

I have tried searching a bit for an answer but am having trouble, as I think this scenario is a little 'unique' in that the JSON file is coming from a server response after calling a method.
When you input example.Server.method() into the FireFox console manually, you get a JSON response. I want to input this into the console in a ruby script with selenium webdriver, so I can read an important piece of information from the JSON response.
I'm thinking I can call the method like so:
But where does the JSON response actually 'go', since I want my script to find and parse the information? Calling the method results in a examplename.json file that I need to parse.
You could execute the java script like so
information = driver.execute_script("return example.Server.method()")

Parse JSON from Jenkins, once hash, then nil

Jenkins gives me JSON from
Then I use HTTParty to get it like so:
response = self.get( url, options )
change = response['changeSet']['items'][0]
This gives me the content of the last changes. change.class returns "Hash".
If I try this:
change = response['changeSet']['items'][0]['revision']
as looking at the JSON suggests, I get "Undefined method '[]' on NilObject".
What am I doing wrong?
Of course, the problem lies between User and keyboard. The method was first called on another JSON, because it's polling the changes for more than one project, and one of the returned JSON objects didn't contain those keys. D'oh!
If you get that kind of error you're hitting an empty key and then trying to use it as if it's populated. Without seeing what your JSON is, it's hard to say, but one of those is failing. You'll want to inspect these:
If any of those end up being nil then you can pin-point the problem. JSON comes back as an arbitrary structure so chaining a bunch of calls together without any sort of testing can lead to trouble.
