trim strim in visual basic 6.0 - vb6

I am working in visual basic 6.0 and attempting to retreive the server of a Queue. So far the only way I have found to get this is from the path name (oQueue.QueueInfo.PathName) (which gives me: vdi***\testQueue02)
I would like to trim this down to just vdi***\
But I can not do it by number of characters because I have hundreds of queues all with different lenghts and also the servers may have different lenghts.
Is there any way to do this??

Is it always the "first part" of the path name you are trying to retrieve?
`Dim newArray() as String = Split(oQueue.QueueInfo.PathName,"\")
Dim path = newArray(0) & "\"`


Reading REG_QWORD with VBScript?

I think the question speaks for itself. I have trouble getting some values out of the registry, and I was hoping someone around here might help me.
I'm stuck at IE9, as it is the only one which has some reasonable CSS capabilities, and does support GetObject().
So right now, lets say I'm trying to retrieve the memory size of a GPU at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize" (as far as I know, this should be a universal path & key).
This is where the problem begins. Either I get no output, or some error saying something is different, or what (my system is running in a different language so I cant offer the right translation).
After some research, I seem to have found the issue - the value I'm trying to read is REG_QWORD, and unfortunately I was only able to find very little covering this topic, and most of the solutions did not work for me.
So right now, I am with this code, which, unsurprisingly, also does not work (the code I had since like the beginning):
for Each oItem in colGPUs
memory = oItem.AdapterRAM / 1048576
If memory < 0 Then
If InStr(oItem.Name, "NVIDIA") Then
Set wssx = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
msgbox CStr(wssx.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\000" + GPUID + "\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize"))
End If
End If
Unfortunatelly it seems like there is no direct way of retrieving the value - within HTA itself.
I was able to get the value, however I did it using Powershell, executed the command, set its output to a specific file and read it.
Anyways, here is the actual solution I came up with specifically for this issue
wshell.Run "powershell (Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000' 'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize') | Out-File -FilePath C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 0, true
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 1, False, -1)
gpu_mem = CStr(f.ReadAll)
With this method Im directly obtaining the integer and passing it to the VBS

Kamailio 4.4 seturi Only Accepts Explicit Strings?

I've been working at implementing a simple serial forking described in the TM module's documentation (the Q values are stored as a priority weight in a mysql table) where my proxy is querying a database to determine to what domain to forward to.
I've verified through extensive use of xlog that a variable I'm using to build the new URI to use with seturi is getting everything correctly. I use an append_branch call in a subsequent while loop iterating over my sql query results, which doesn't have any problems with taking a very similarly formatted parameter. However, when I go to restart Kamailio it simply gripes at me that a string is expected. The line it corresponds to from console is just the seturi call. I've tried casting as a string, but that doesn't seem to be part of 4.4 (or my syntax is wrong).
I've thought about building the URI strings and storing into avp, but I suspect I'd have the same problem.
For reference, this is what I'm doing:
$var(basedest) = "sip:" + $var(number) + "#" + $(dbr(destination=>[0,0]))+ ":" + $var(port);
And what it's outputting when trying to load the config:
<core> [cfg.y:3368]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 9-22: syntax error
<core> [cfg.y:3371]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 23: bad argument, string expected
Naturally, when I put $var(basedest) in double quotes, it's literally interpreted as a string. Single quotes behave similarly. Is there something I can do to work around this? When I feed it an explicit hardcoded string, it's happy as a can be and the routing works fine. When I try to do something very simple like the above, it gets upset. If possible, I'd like to avoid updating as I initially grabbed Kamailio from the yum repo.
Thanks in advance - this has been bugging me a good while.
Apparently, not a new problem. I ended up finding out what I can do to work around it.
For reference, seturi and $ru pseudo variable refer to the same thing. So basically you'd just do:
$var(mynewru) = "sip:user#domain:5060";
$ru = $var(mynewru);
This would achieve the same thing I was originally attempting to do before based on the TM module's documentation. For serial forking, issuing some number of append_branch calls is fine.

How to use wild cards in FT search

I have the following:
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "[sclenka] CONTAINS \"*" + sessionScope.sclenka +"*\"";
(With the help of Per Henrik Lausten)
Which should result in: "*term*"
But it doesn't, I get this instead: "term"
So, my question is how do I use wildcard full text search?
Thank you!
If you want to use a wildcard search, then generate the following query string:
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "[sclenka] = \"*" + sessionScope.sclenka +"*\"";
This should generate a search on "*search query*".
In general, this is a good way of performing a search since the user probably expect your search to work like that.
If your string is correct and you are getting no results, then test the same string in the Notes client FTI search.
You can also use the following debug on the server.
Then check the output on the domino console when you do a search.
So if I understand you, the result is an escaped form of the search term in which the asterisks have been removed?
Could you use the construct:
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "[sclenka] CONTAINS \"" + String.fromCharCode(42) + sessionScope.sclenka + String.fromCharCode(42) + "\"";
At least that should avoid escaping?
I think you have missed a bit of escaping characters in the String you are generating.
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "[sclenka] CONTAINS \"" + sessionScope.sclenka +"\"";
leyrer, is it possible -- just possible -- that you're doing this in a browser and your session is not authenticated? If so, you may be searching the database as "anonymous" where when you test from the browser you're searching as "leyrer".
It's just a thought - but I used to see that all the time when people would start using my NCT Search tools. They'd swear they were getting no results, and when I'd dig I'd always find that they were using the browser as anonymous rather than as a logged in session.
I just tested this on my own site. I have NCTSearch setup. I accepts the search term from the the web and runs database.ftsearch() as part of its job from within lotuscript.
I searched on "data*" and got at least as many results as when I searched on "database".
Based on that, I think something else is going on.
From my earlier comment on other answer, try this: Create another agent that does JUST the search. Have it grab the search term from agent context as if it were a docid. Call the agent from the first agent using "agent.runonserver(searchterm)" see if you can fool it
Andrew, I'm getting the results with Anonymous user, but not with the wildcard. Here on the first line, it says that CONTAINS or contains or = does not work when searching from the web.

how to check the last 3 characters of the registry entry using a vbscript

We are planning to distribute the device drivers according to the model of the machine, through SCCM. Device drivers are placed in the SCCM share.Device driver folders are named in such a way that only model number will be E6410. So we need a script to check the last 3 characters of the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemProductName.] eg:Dell Latitude E6410 ;Last 3 characters =410. so that it will compare the share and if match found then download the corresponding device driver folder to the local machine.
This should achieve the result you are looking for.
Option Explicit
' Open the WScript.Shell object to read the registry key.
Dim objWS, strKeyValue, strKeySuffix
Set objWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strKeyValue = objWS.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemProductName")
' Get last three characters of the key value.
strKeySuffix = Right(strKeyValue, 3)
How about getting the registry entry (as string) and get the last 3 chars by creating a substring with starting position string.length - 3 and length 3?
I'm not well versed in vbscript but it should be easy to achieve the same result as in C#:
string key = "your registry key";
string substr = key.Substring(key.Length - 3, 3);

How to add connection points in Visio 2013 using Vbscript

I am trying to add connection points to a shape via Vbscript code. The following lines are the only ones I have tried that don't cause an error but they actually don't create the connection point I am looking for.
Set Vapp = GetObject(,"visio.application")
Set VP = Vapp.activewindow
VP.Page.Shapes.ItemFromID(26).CellsSRC(VisSectionConnectionPts,0, VisCnnctX).FormulaU = ".0815"
VP.Page.Shapes.ItemFromID(26).CellsSRC(visSectionConnectionPts, 0, visCnnctY).FormulaU = ".0710"
It's noteworthy that using "vis" does not work in such commands as:
VP.Shapes.ItemFromID(26).CellsU("LineColor").Formula = "rgb(255,192,0)"
And notice that I had to enclose LineColor in parentheses, but that does not work with the connection point commands. What am I missing?
I found my answer (
Since Vbscript does not know what Visio constants such as VisSectionConnectionPts are, I have to look up the index number for VisSectionConnectionPts in the Visio object library. Using the index numbers for these constants works just fine.
