(Google Docs) A browser error has occurred. Please hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to try again - firefox

I get this error on Firefox 24.0, and I have firebug, fireftp and colorzilla installed. This just started happening recently. I have searched for this problem but all the topics come up as being from 2-4 years back, mostly Firefox versions 3 through 4.
Anyone have an idea how to fix this? They work in IE OK.
This also appears to do this for the main list page:
that just hangs without showing ANY of my docs.

I struggled with this for weeks.
Finally what resolved it is pretty stupid... Not sure if it will work again.
But maybe it will help someone!
Instead of going to drive.google.com I just opened docs.google.com and after it forwarded me to drive everything started to work... without even a cache clean!
Pretty funny!?


Selenium webdriver alerts

I am facing an issue in which my script is getting stuck in chrome because of an alert. The script is neither getting passed or failed, it's just stuck there and doesn't go forward at all due to an alert.
I have tried Driver.switch().alert() but no use. It seems nothing works if that alert comes up.
Could any one suggest any way to handle this kind of alert? The alert is nothing but a normal alert having an OK button and a check box which says to prevent any additional dialogues.
Could anyone please help here as this small issue has caused the script to stop at that point itself.
Thanks in advance.
Please note that I am using selenium 3.0 and it was all working fine till yesterday. Since today, I am facing this issue.
Please find the below link it may useful for your problem.

Why my firebug is not showing all javascript error

I clearly remember that 2 months ago whenever i had any javascript error , It was shown as red text in Firefox console , and i knew what is the problem.
But now its not doing that.
I had one undefined variable and i was using that. But i didn't knew. i had to waste 1 hour to find that.
But firebug didn't show anything on console. It was showing before 2-3 months back
Same in Firefox and Google chrome
What should i do
Please try firebug 1.2b12 from http://getfirebug.com/releases/firebug.
Please check that you have Console enabled and Console > Options >
Javascript Errors checked.
If you still have a problem please open a bug report and attach a
complete test case.
Source : https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/firebug/HgpEGNLZ18c

IE8 bug - elements not shown on page until refresh

Im experiencing a very weird bug in IE8. A bunch of elements arn't shown on the page although with the developer tools I can see they are in the html and arn't being hidden with CSS. Refreshing the page fixes this.
This site is on a local environment and I cant put it online. Ive never heard of a bug like this so does anyone have any ideas for things to look into? Thanks
Id forgotten to validate the code. I hadnt realised (due to lots of whitespace) but some divs were placed before the opening doctype was specified. Hopefully fixing this will make the issue go away. Thanks

Firefox wont load this page but other browsers will, why?

This is driving me crazy. This website and its pages work perfectly in IE, and Chrome but in Firefox 5.0 it frequently won't load the belts and bags page and the only way to get it to load is clear my cache/history.
If you click around four times on the Bags link, then the belts link, then the Bags, then the accessories link it usually won't load. Another testing process is when you click Belts or Bags twice each then hit refresh it gets stuck and never loads or eventually after a long wait does. It seems to do this on either Belts or Bags but its
not always the same page that has problems.
Can anyone give me a clue what the problem is?
I figured the problem out. Its more specific to my individual situation i guess. I thought maybe my problem was the word press include header file but I was wrong. It appears to be permalinks. I changed my perma links to default and it worked. Next I did a restart with Firefox in Safe Mode using pretty permalinks (not default) and it worked fine. So ultimately the problem in Firefox is an add-ons in combination with the permalink somehow. I found the culprit add-on is HTML Validator I'm not sure why this is the problem but appears it is.

cookies or cache? my own site won't load in FF without a restarting FF

Over the last few days, I've noticed that (occasionally) when testing my own site in FF, it loads the first time that FF has been opened, but it seems to hang on subsequent loads (windows only - i haven't noticed this behaviour on mac, but i don't use my mac as much).
The url is http://HearWhere.com
Of course, my concern is that sometimes people will try to get to the site and not be able to (and based on what I can see, that is a distinct possibility, as i've seen a significant drop in stats over the last few days, so I suspect that might be happening).
Any idea why? I can't seem to figure this one out.
I view source on the page that hasn't loaded, and it appears that all the source is there.
The one thing I can think of that might be causing the problem is that in my head and footer, i have a bit of PHP which attaches the correct API key based on the visiting domain (this is so I don't have to hard-code the api key into the page and change it from dev to prod).
i use a fairly simple
}else {
but when viewing the source, it appears that show without issue.
I do a similar bit of code at the bottom of the page so I only include tracking codes when the domain is not dev.
Any ideas?
UPDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------
After checking it out in Firebug (not sure why i didn't check that before), the following two google scripts are failing, and everything stops there.
The site is map/location centric, so there i need the google stuff. Any idea why it would fail?
these are the failing scripts
Have you tried Firebug plugin for Firefox? It could help you debug some script/network/html issues.
You can monitor script, images and other ressources load time.
Good luck.
It appears this was/is an error with Firebug. Disabling firebug resolves the issue, so it shouldn't affect too many visitors.
Thanks for the help,
