Type a pre defined text when a shortcut key is pressed in Windows 7 - windows

I work on mainframes and don't have much knowledge about windows other than playing warcraft :-) hence pardon me if I ask something nooby/silly.
I have a requirement to enter a particular long-text in the current position of a cursor whenever a shortcut key is pressed.
I am thinking of creating a bat file and assigning a windows keyboard shortcut to the bat file and whenever I have requirement to enter the long text, I press the windows shortcut key
and the long text gets typed in the current position of the cursor.
The current position of the cursor can be in any application, like Excel, Word or notepad or Windows dialog prompts.
Could you please let me know if this is possible and point me where I could get some information about this "technique".
Thanks & Regards,

To make a single key combo do what you are asking, you may need another program. You can make a link to a batch file, hook up a shortcut and then use the clip command to copy text from a file onto the clipboard. That would require the shortcut and then a Ctrl+V to paste. The batch file would look like this:
clip < c:\SomeDir\sometext.txt

You might like to look at using a clipboard manager - which saves a history of clipboard entries, can search for an entry, and paste it at the cursor.
Ditto and CLCL are both useful and free - which one you use depends on your windows version.
They are hotkey driven for ease of use, but mouse can be used.


Are these NotePad++ features available in TextMate?

I'm a NotePad++ user, new to TextMate.
There are some features that I really like in NP++ but couldn't figure out if TextMate support them.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
View 2 text windows side by side
Drag a file onto another opened Window
For this one, I don't know how to generate a screenshot ;-p. Basically, you can drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop it into NP++ to have it opened.
A lot of long time TextMate users are leaving TextMate land, actually. So, I'm not sure it's the right time to move to TextMate.
Emacs and Vim both do what you want and more. If you can afford the learning curve it's definitely worth it.
As for your question:
View 2 text windows side by side
You can have two or more windows for the same document. Assuming you are in a "project" right-click your file in the drawer and choose Open "foo.ext" in New Window. The two "views" contents are more or less in sync but doing cool things like columnar editing tends to break the syncing.
Due to how Mac OS X manages windows, the new window will probably be too large/too small and/or placed in a less than useful place. I use ShiftIt system wide to manage my windows and in such a case have them the same size side by side.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
What do you use this for? Is this visual highlight or non-contiguous selection?
Type ctrlw to select the word, then ⌘e to make the word your search term, then ⇧⌘f or Edit > Find > Find in Project… It will show all instances of the search term in another window. You can then "jump" to any occurence and do whatever you want.
If you only want to jump from occurence to occurence, select the word then type ⌘e then ⌘g to jump to the next occurence.
Another way is to type ctrls, a little text field appears at the bottom of your window where you can type a word and see its first occurence selected in real time. Repeatly typing ctrls will cycle through the occurences.
Drag a file onto another opened Window
You can drag & drop a file on TextMate's icon in the Dock. You can also right-click the file and choose Open with TextMate *or Open with…*. If you are in a "project" you can right-click and choose Add Existing Files…. Opening multiple files in TextMate will automatically create a "project" for you.
View 2 text windows side by side
I just tried this and it doesn't seem to recognize this functionality. the only time any sort of "add" icon came up was when I dragged the file into an open document and then released, but that resulted in adding the contents of the file into the document.
I just did a quick google search for "textmate split view" and it still doesn't seem to be supported according to some of the answers i found (one from macromates wiki).
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
This also doesn't seem to be supported. This post suggests using the command + f (find), put the word into find, then command + g to jump to the next instance of that word.
There are definitely some things that can be added to textmate to make it more robust. If you are looking for something similar and are on a windows machine, you should check out e text editor. I loved that editor when I was working on a windows machine - split view is supported, but not sure about the highlighting. One thing that e also beats out textmate is the real time regular expression highlighting.

How to hijack the Caps Lock key for Cut, Copy, Paste keyboard operations

Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
To Copy, press and release Caps Lock ONCE
To Paste, press and release Caps Lock TWICE, quickly
To Cut, press Ctrl+Caps Lock
The reason I want to do this is often times i find my self looking down to press the correct X/C/V key, since they're all next to each other (atleast on a QWERTY keyboard).
How can I do this on a standard keyboard (using Windows), so that it applies to the entire system and is transparent to all applications, including to Windows Explorer? If not possible with a standard keyboard, can any of the "programmable numeric keypads" do this you think?
In the above, by "transparent" I mean "the application should never know that this keystroke was translated. It only gets the regular Ctrl+X/C/V code, so it behaves without any problems".
Ps. Not sure of all the tags that are appropriate for this question, so feel free to add more tags.
Thank you to #Jonno_FTW for introducing me to AutoHotKey.
I managed all three requirements by adding the following AHK script in the default AutoHotKey.ahk file in My Documents folder:
Ctrl & CapsLock::
Send ^x
If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 1000)
Send ^v
Send ^c
That was easy!
The above works in Notepad, but NOT in Explorer (copying files for example) or MS Office (even text copying does not work). So, I need to dig around a bit more into AutoHotKey or other solutions. Will post a solution here when I find one.
In the meantime, if someone can make AutoHotKey work for everything I need, please reply!
All I had to do was to change the capital "C"/X/Z to lowercase "c"/x/z. So Send ^C became Send ^c. It now works in ALL programs inlcuding Windows Explorer! Fixed code above to reflect this change.
I believe the program you are looking for is AutoHotkey.
You need a Global Keyboard Hook.
Very nice! Been looking for something like this for a while.
My script is slightly different, making use of shift or control combinations for cut/copy, then CapsLock on its own is always paste.
Ctrl & CapsLock::
Send ^x
Shift & CapsLock::
Send ^c
Send ^v
If you wanted to retain the option of retaining the Caps Lock function, I presume you could always remap e.g. Alt-CapsLock for this. I couldn't get it to toggle correctly when I tried it though.

Manipulating text in XCode, moving one line

In emacs I have various functions to manipulate text. Now that I'm using xcode, I suppose I could make emacs my default editor, but I want to browse obj-c objects and such, so I'd rather just implement my most used text manipulation commands for xcode.
First on my list, I'd like a command that moves the text of the current line up/down one line, keeping the cursor on the current line.
In emacs this is:
(defun move-one-line-downward ()
"Move current line downward once."
(transpose-lines 1)
(forward-line -1))
I'd be happiest if I could write a script in Python that would do the equivalent in XCode, but as far as I can tell, I need to talk to AppleScript to do this.
Can someone walk me through how to do this with XCode?
Xcode 4 has a new set of command for moving the line where the cursor is or the selected text with command + option + [ or ]
⌥⌘[ or ⌥⌘]
What you’re wanting to do can be achieved through Xcode’s “User Scripts”—and it helpfully comes with a pair of scripts that almost do what you want. (I’m using Xcode 3.2 here, but I think these were also there in 3.1)
Look in /Developer/Library/Xcode/User Scripts/; there are two applescripts there, Move Line Up.scpt and Move Line Down.scpt. Here’s what’s in Move Line Up:
To edit this script, choose Save As... and save it in your home directory, then re-add it to the User Scripts list.
using terms from application "Xcode"
tell first text document
set {startLine, endLine} to selected paragraph range
if startLine > 1 then
set theText to (paragraphs startLine through endLine)
set theText to (theText as string)
delete (paragraphs startLine through endLine)
make new paragraph at beginning of paragraph (startLine - 1) with data theText
set selected paragraph range to {startLine - 1, endLine - 1}
beep 1
end if
end tell
end using terms from
These almost do what you want, except they select the whole line afterwards; I’m no applescript expert, but you probably want to store the selected character range. Have a look at the Xcode scripting dictionary (in AppleScript Editor, File -> Open Dictionary -> Xcode) to find out the types of objects you can manipulate.
You can add your own scripts to Xcode with the “Edit User Scripts”menu item in the script menu; and assign shortcut keys to the scripts in that window also, by double-clicking in the right-hand column beside the entry for the script menu item.
You can also use shell scripts (perl, python, bash, whatever) in the User Scripts menu, but these process only the selection or the whole file, so might be a bit heavyweight for moving a single line up or down.
See all the docuemntation on User Scripts here: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/XcodeWorkspace/310-User_Scrips/user_scripts.html
I hope this helps!
I think your question is more generic that Xcode/emacs. Most IDE can't do stuff that editors can do and vice versa.
What I do is to use Xcode for 'simple' stuff and compile/debug. When I want to do lot's of coding (hm ... text editing) I open multiple files in one Vim (no offense to emacs ... vim is my editor of choice) and use all the vim tricks available.
I follow the same process when I need to do lots of coding on Windows (Visual Studio). I have VS opened just for compiling/debugging but I do most coding in separate Vim window.
I don't need to do any of that on Unix because I just open file in Vim and run Makefile from within Vim, jumping directly to errors and so on (:mak) ...
I'm sure that there are some extremely clever things to get Xcode do stuff that are already in Vim and Vim to do stuff that Xcode can do but I'm focusing on coding so not much time to play around.
Also, you can hook up emacs (or vi, or bbedit, or ed, I imagine) to xcode, so that they will talk to each other. When you tell xcode to open a file it will call emacsclient, etc. You can even get emacs to tell xcode where to put a breakpoint (I don't remember how, but I asked a question here a while back, and it works great)

Reuse Edit Control as Command Window

This is a GUI application (actually MFC). I need a command window with the ability to display a prompt like such:
Name of favorite porn star:
The user should be able to enter text after the prompt like such:
Name of favorite porn star: Raven Riley
But I need to prevent the user from moving the cursor into the prompt area. Users should also be prevented from backspacing into the prompt in order to prevent the following:
Rrraven Rrrileeey Ruuuulez!!! Name of favorite porn star:
Also need to control text selection and so on. And finally, I should have no problem retrieving only the text the user entered (minus prompt text).
Will it be better to create my own window class from scratch (i.e inherit from CWnd) or should I reuse the Windows EDIT control (i.e. inherit from CEdit)?
A similar command window can be seen in AutoCAD and Visual Studio (in debug mode).
I think you'd be better off creating a subclass of CEdit and limiting filtering key-presses. I suppose the hard part is not letting the user move the caret to the prompt area, but you can probably write some code to make sure the caret always get sent back to where it belongs (the input part).
Anyway, if you really, really want to implement your own control (it's not that difficult after all) I recommend you read Jacob Navia's "technical documentation" on how he built the LCC compiler and environment. Actually, it seems the docs are not online anymore, but I'm sure you can get them through his e-mail (jacob#jacob.remcomp.fr).
Edit: I liked your previous example better. Keep it classy, LOL :)
I had a very similar requirement and did exactly what davidg suggested; subclassed a edit control and filtered key presses. This was actually using Qt not MFC but the principle will be exactly the same.
You need to remember to filter keys such as home as well as left and backspace. I just checked to see if the move would move the caret into the prompt and if it did ignored the keypress.
Another thing to watch for is pasting multiline text, you will have to choose whether to just paste the first line or all lines, adding the prompt on all lines after the first. When subclassing the control you get lots of behaviour which won't work exactly as you want it.

Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP) [closed]

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Is there a keyboard shortcut for pasting the content of the clipboard into a command prompt window on Windows XP (instead of using the right mouse button)?
The typical Shift+Insert does not seem to work here.
Yes.. but awkward. Link
alt + Space, e, k <-- for copy and
alt + Space, e, p <-- for paste.
I personally use a little AutoHotkey script to remap certain keyboard functions, for the console window (CMD) I use:
; Redefine only when the active window is a console window
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
; Close Command Window with Ctrl+w
WinGetTitle sTitle
If (InStr(sTitle, "-")=0) {
Send EXIT{Enter}
} else {
Send ^w
; Ctrl+up / Down to scroll command window back and forward
Send {WheelUp}
Send {WheelDown}
; Paste in command window
; Spanish menu (Editar->Pegar, I suppose English version is the same, Edit->Paste)
Send !{Space}ep
Not really programming related, but I found this on Google, there is not a direct keyboard shortcut, but makes it a little quicker.
To enable or disable QuickEdit mode:
Open the MS-DOS program, or the command prompt.
Right-click the title bar and press Properties.
Select the Options tab.
Check or un-check the QuickEdit Mode box.
Press OK.
In the Apply Properties To Shortcut dialog, select the Apply properties to current window only if you wish to change the QuickEdit setting for this session of this window only, or select Modify shortcut that started this window to change the QuickEdit setting for all future invocations of the command prompt, or MS-DOS program.
To Copy text when QuickEdit is enabled:
Click and drag the mouse pointer over the text you want.
Press Enter (or right-click anywhere in the window) to copy the text to the clipboard.
To Paste text when QuickEdit is enabled:
Right-click anywhere in the window.
To Copy text when QuickEdit is disabled:
Right-click the title bar, press Edit on the menu, and press Mark.
Drag the mouse over the text you want to copy.
Press Enter (or right-click anywhere in the window) to copy the text to the clipboard.
To Paste text when QuickEdit is disabled:
Right-click the title bar, press Edit on the menu, and press Paste.
Thanks Pablo, just what I was looking for! However, if I can take the liberty of improving your script slightly, I suggest replacing your ^V macro with the following:
; Use backslash instead of backtick (yes, I am a C++ programmer).
#EscapeChar \
; Paste in command window.
StringReplace clipboard2, clipboard, \r\n, \n, All
SendInput {Raw}%clipboard2%
The advantage of using SendInput is that
it doesn't rely on the command prompt system menu having an "Alt+Space E P" menu item to do the pasting (works for English and Spanish, but not for all languages).
it avoids that nasty flicker you get as the menu is created and destroyed.
Note, it's important to include the "{Raw}" in the SendInput command, in case the clipboard happens to contain "!", "+", "^" or "#".
Note, it uses StringReplace to remove excess Windows carriage return characters. Thanks hugov for that suggestion!
There is also a great open source tool called clink, which extends cmd by many features. One of them is being able to use ctrl+v to insert text.
On Windows 10, you can enable Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to work in the command prompt:
Here's a free tool that will do it on Windows. I prefer it to a script as it's easy to set up. It runs as a fast native app, works on XP and up, has configuration settings that allow to remap copy/paste/selection keys for command windows:
Plus I know the developers.
simplest method is just the copy the text that you want to paste it in cmd and open cmd goto "properties"---> "option" tab----> check the (give tick mark) "quickEdit mode" and click "ok" .....now you can paste any text from clipboard by doing right click from ur mouse.
Thank you..
Thanks, Pablo, for referring to AutoHotkey utility.
Since I have Launchy installed which uses Alt+Space I had to modify it a but to add Shift key as shown:
; Paste in command window
; Spanish menu (Editar->Pegar, I suppose English version is the same, Edit->Paste)
Send !+{Space}ep
This is not really a shortcut but just a quick access to the control menu: Alt-space E P
If you can use your mouse, right click on the cmd window works as paste when I tried it.
Theoretically, the application in DOS Prompt has its own clipboard and shortcuts. To import text from Windows clipboard is "extra". However you can use Alt-Space to open system menu of Prompt window, then press E, P to select Edit, Paste menu. However, MS could provide shortcut using Win-key. There is no chance to be used in DOS application.
It took me a small while to figure out why your AutoHotkey script does not work with me:
; Use backslash instead of backtick (yes, I am a C++ programmer).
#EscapeChar \
; Paste in command window.
StringReplace clipboard2, clipboard, \r\n, \n, All
SendInput {Raw}%clipboard2%
In fact, it relies on keystrokes and consequently on keyboard layout!
So when you are, as I am, unfortunate to have only an AZERTY keyboard, your suggestion just does not work. And worse, I found no easy way to replace SendInput method or twist its environment to fix this. For example SendInput "1" just does not send digit 1.
I had to turn every character into its unicode to make it work on my computer:
#EscapeChar \
; Paste in command window.
StringReplace clipboard2, clipboard, \r\n, \n, All
clipboard3 := ""
Loop {
if (a_index>strlen(clipboard2))
char_asc := Asc(SubStr(clipboard2, a_Index, 1))
if (char_asc > 127 and char_asc < 256)
add_zero := "0"
add_zero := ""
clipboard3 := clipboard3 . "{Asc " . add_zero . char_asc . "}"
SendInput %clipboard3%
Not very simple...
If you use the clipboard manager Ditto (open source, gratis), you can simply use the shortcut to paste from Ditto, and it will paste the clipboard in CMD for you.
I followed #PabloG's steps as follows
goto http://www.autohotkey.com/ - download autohotkey
follow simple installation steps
after installation create new *.ahk file as follows right click on desktop > new > Autohotkey Script > giveAnyFileName.ahk
right click on this file > Edit
copy paste autohotkey script given by #PabloG in his answer
save and close
double click on file to run
Done now you should be able to use Ctrl+v for paste in command prompt
You could try using Texter and create something unlikely like:
./p , triggered by space and replacing the text with %c
I just tested it and it works fine. The only gotcha is to use a rare sequence, as Texter cannot restrict this to just cmd.
There are probably other utilities of this kind which could work, and even AutoHotKey, upon which Texter is built could do it better, but Texter is easy :-)
A simpler way is to use windows powershell instead of cmd. itworks fine with texter.
I've recently found that command prompt has support for context menu via the right mouse click. You can find more details here: http://www.askdavetaylor.com/copy_paste_within_microsoft_windows_command_prompt.html
Pretty simple solution may be Console 2, redefine keys and you go.
If you're a Cygwin user, you can append the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
stty lnext ^q stop undef start undef
And the following to your ~/.inputrc file:
"\C-v": paste-from-clipboard
"\C-C": copy-to-clipboard
Restart your Cygwin terminal.
(Note, I've used an uppercase C for copy, since CTRL+c is assigned to the break function on most consoles. Season to taste.)
Instead of "right click"....start your session (once you're in the command prompt window) by keying Alt/SpaceBar. That will open the Command Prompt window menu and you'll see your familiar, underlined keyboard command shortcuts, just like in Windows GUI.
Good luck!
Under VISTA Command prompt:
Click on the System Icon
Select Defaults from the Menu
On the Options tab in the Options group I have
"Quick Edit Mode", "Insert Mode", and "Auto Complete" selected
I think that "Quick Edit Mode" is what makes it work.
To paste whatever is in the Clipboard at the insertion point: Right Click.
To copy from the Command Window
Select by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the pointer across what you want to copy
Once selected, right click
To paste at the insertion point, right click again.
