Stop Xcode 5 creating provisioning profiles? - xcode

Xcode 5 keeps creating a developer provisioning profile for one of my apps that I don't need. I have already tested the app with the Xcode Team Provisioning Profile and released it with another distribution profile and I do not require a development profile with a specific bundle id.
How do I stop Xcode from creating it?

Unfortunately, you don't!
I contacted Apple Developer Technical Support and sent them the following:
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM - How do I import existing distribution Provisioning Profiles from the Provisioning Portal into Xcode 5 but without Xcode creating/managing new development "iOS Team Provisioning Profiles"? Another way to ask the question is, how do turn OFF Xcode Managed Provisioning Profiles, but still import existing profiles from portal?
STEPS TO REPRODUCE In the Provisioning Portal create a new bundle id and then create a new distribution provisioning profile. (but do NOT create a development profile). From within Xcode, go to Preferences > Accounts > Click Team Name > View Details > Click Refresh button. Xcode will now create a development profile that I do not want created, it will show up in both Xcode and the Provisioning Portal. I do NOT want Xcode to create any new profiles... I only want it to import all existing ones that are in the portal.
This was the response I got back from Apple Developer Technical Support:
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS). Our engineers have reviewed your request and have concluded that there is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the currently shipping system configurations. If you would like for Apple to consider adding support for such features in the future, please submit an enhancement request via the Bug Reporter tool at:
So it appears that Apple has added a new feature (Xcode Managed Profiles) with no way to turn it off, and with the side effect of it creating unwanted provisioning profiles.
So please submit a bug report to and specifically ask for the following... Ability to import provisioning profiles from provisioning portal along with the ability to turn off Xcode Managed Profiles.


Xcode 8: Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify containers

I'm getting this error with code signing with Xcode 8:
Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify containers
What does it want from me?
I also faced this issue in XCode 8.3.3 (8E3004b). I just went to Project Settings → Capabilities tab, then toggled iCloud off and on. Once I went back to the General tab, the errors were gone.
This seems like it may be a bug with XCode 8.
To resolve this, I unchecked the "automatically manage signing" checkbox in the of my target's General settings. I then archived my project by manually setting the provisioning profiles. After that succeeded, I went back and again checked the "automatically manage signing" checkbox and it stopped complaining with errors that made no sense.
Just had this issue with XCode 8.3.2 after we enabled iCloud Capabilities and the entitlements changed. We use automatic signing - xcode managed profile. Going into Xcode -> Preferences -> Download All Profiles wouldn't fix the problem UNTIL we temporarily made team members Admin and repeated the process. At that point XCode realized the new provisioning profile and the problem was solved.
Just goto Xcode capabilities section and see if any of the capability showing error then disable that and enable again. Then come to your Signing section in General. The issues will go now
1) Remove all automatically created provision profiles from
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
2) In Xcode 11.1 and higher remove and add capabilities
I faced this issue in XCODE Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b). To resolve this go to project settings. In capabilities tab -> iCloud -> containers. Verify whether valid iCloud containers are selected and you have permission to access these containers. This should resolve the issue.
I was having the same problem too after I added a new device with Xcode 8.3.3 (same issue present in Xcode beta 9.0 as well). My Apple Developer account wasn't an administrator at the time either. I tried deleting my provisioning profiles and re-downloading them but that didn't work. I tried manually downloading and installing the provisioning profiles from, but that didn't work either. I had my Apple Developer account made an Administrator following advice from dchappelle and voila! The provisioning errors went away. (I'd reply to his post, but I don't have enough reputation.)
Full text of error:
Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify
containers. Provisioning profile "myApp" doesn't include the currently
selected device "myDevice". Code signing is required for product type
'Application' in SDK 10.3
Another potential solution, depending on your needs, is to upgrade to the paid version of the Apple Developer Program; this gives you access to the iCloud container features. Once paid and activated (the membership application takes a few hours to go through if you're an individual... sometimes a few days if you're a business) you'll need to enable iCloud features via the online dashboard or via XCode as per Apple's instructions. You may then have to restart XCode.
I had the same issue with Xcode 9.2. But in my case, the problem was in Keychain: my dev certificate was saved into login keychain by default. I was able to build an app on a device only when I moved it to System keychain.
So the steps are next:
Open Keychain Access
Open login keychain (you can see the list of all keychains on the left top corner of the window)
Drag and drop your dev/distribution certificate into System keychain
You may need to input password.
PS: while doing this steps you also may need to unlock locks on the keychains.
I had this problem and I fixed it by logging in to the iTunes development portal and accepted the new Terms & Conditions. I was basically locked out until these were accepted.
I was getting this error because I was in another team (my university team account), which was severely limiting my access to features. Once I left that team (I added an answers here because even this was a bit of a pain), I was able to remove & re-add my account to XCode. It then worked.
EDIT: It happened again on a new machine (an M1 mac), and this time I had left the university account. By removing and adding back "Apple Pay" capability in Signing & Capabilities, it immediately fixed itself.
None of the other answers worked for me. E.g. The app doesn't even use iCloud, and enabling-disabling it didn't help. Deleting profiles, revoking certificates, disabling/re-enabling automatically manage signing also didn't help.
Go to Xcode -> preferences -> Accounts.
Remove your Apple ID & login back. Refresh the signing in on your project target
I had the same issue using Xcode 9.3
1 - Deselect "Automatic manage signing"
2 - Created a Provisioning profile for dev and dist and added in Keychain.
3 - Again when you come back to Sighing (debug and release) you can see your created provisioning profile in a dropdown
4 - Crate archive by selecting "Generic iOS devices" in the project schema

Xcode 8 - Provisioning Profile vs. Provisioning Profile (Deprecated)

I have just updated to Xcode 8 and I now have two options for app signing, Provisioning Profile and Provisioning Profile (Deprecated).
Why is one deprecated, and what is the difference between the two?
Update 2017/02/13
User interface for managing signing certificates and provisioning profiles has been changed at Xcode 8.3 beta 2.
Changed the user interface for managing signing certificates and
provisioning profiles. Certificates are managed from the Accounts
preferences pane by selecting a team and clicking Manage Certificates.
Automatically managing signing is recommended, however if your app
requires manually signing provisioning profiles are managed in the
General tab of the project editor. Use the Provisioning Profile
dropdown to import or download profiles. In addition it displays
profiles that match the current signing configuration of the target.
Why is one deprecated?
I think Its deprecated because the signing system has been rewritten in Xcode8.
The signing system has been rewritten to include a new mode for
automatically managing signing assets, in addition to a dedicated
manual mode where the profiles for the target must be explicitly
selected. When automatically managing signing assets, Xcode will
create signing certificates, update app IDs, and create provisioning
profiles. For manual mode, only custom created profiles can be
selected and Xcode will not modify or create any signing assets. Xcode
now encodes profiles in the target using the
PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER build setting. This setting allows
specifying both the team ID and the name or identifier of the profile.
There are some Signing relate known Issues with Xcode 8.1 you should known.
So maybe we should not set Provisioning Profile in Build Setting tab, switch to General tab , and set in Signing category instead.
If you set provisioning profile in Build Setting and enable Automatically manage signing in General tab Xcode will complain about that.
What is the difference between the two?
I also updated to XCode 8 and ran into this as well. Both the Provisioning Profile and Provisioning Profile (Deprecated) were set as blank on my project in XCode 8.
I tried setting them back to what they were for each environment but the Debug environment had all of the options in the dropdown removed.
After creating an Archive and uploading to iTunes Connect I got a notice that the provisioning profile wasn't quite correct, which was working fine prior to XCode 8.
Following what the others have posted about XCode 8 getting an update to its Signing, I went to the general tab and noticed a new section that allows you to have XCode automatically manage the signing. I checked that box and now it looks like this:
I have not uploaded a new Archive to iTunes Connect yet but when I do I'll add an update here to see if it's resolved the Provisioning Profile warning.
After selecting Automatically manage signing in XCode and re-sending to the App Store it's still complaining so that didn't quite work. Might have to remove and re-create all provisioning profiles to get this working. What a pain. Thanks Apple.
In Provisioning Profile (Deprecated) description, information is The UUID of a valid provisioning profile. A missing or invalid profile will cause a build error (deprecated, use [PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER] instead).
I found the link
Please follow these steps
Select project TARGET and go to GENERAL tab
Under Signing check the option Automatically manage signing
Hope that helps !

No provisioning profiles have been detected. Please visit the iOS Provisioning Portal

I just got a new OSX machine and decided to start fresh.
Setting up everything went relatively straight forwards (Xcode, Xamarin, Calabash...). However, when it came to the provisioning profile I got the following error:
No provisioning profiles have been detected. Please visit the iOS Provisioning Portal at to create one.Build: 1 error, 0 warnings
I somehow tend to always have problems when it comes to provisioning profiles... What I did:
Created new certificates
Created new provisioning profiles
Download provisioning profiles and double click on them
Add them in Xcode-> Devices -> (right click on device)Show Provisioning Profiles...
Needless to say the problem is still there
So I found the answer on Xamarin's website, in case other people have the same problem and got here follow this link.
WARNING: Because of changes that Apple recently made to the way
provisioning works, Xamarin Studio currently is unable to refresh
changes or additions to iOS Provisioning profiles directly.
Solution from Xamarin website:

App profile needs to be renewed?

I just clicked on Organiser in XCode (I'm running latest publicly available version), and I noticed on one of my apps profiles it says "renew" so I click on that and I get an error msg, saying..
The given profile was not found on the provisioning portal.
Please refresh your provisioning profiles before attempting to renew
I don't understand any of that. So...
1) What is it asking me to renew? a development profile? do I need to renew developer profiles? what happens if I don't?
2) Why am I getting an error? what does it mean by "refresh my provisioning profiles" ?
3) Do I have to do this (whatever this is and however I have to fix it) for all profiles? development and distribution?
well i dont know if you have found an answer or not but here is my answer.
you need a valid developer and also distribution profile ( i am sure you are aware of this already) to upload your app. if your app is uploaded and is in the app store you still have maintain a valid developer profile in order for your app to stay in the app store. otherwise they will bring it down.
the fact that it asks you to refresh your developer profile is related to the new system of developer profiles that all of a sudden got introduced. there is no need of renewing your profiles every 3 months anymore. your profiles are good for a year. you have to go to organizer in xcode and select all the profiles you have in there. delete them and then go to your team or your own name on the right pane and there you find the refresh button down at the bottom of the window. when you use that it resyncs your profiles with the developer site.
yes you may have to do that for all of your profiles if you have not done that in past three months.
i hope you find my answer useful.
Just go to the developers site and revoke the ones that are about to expire or already expired. Then remove them from keychain and xcode also. Then in keychain create a new certificate request and on the Dev site create new profiles. After creating the new ones download them so they can synch with keychain. After that go the organizer and refresh. Xcode will synch with developer site and will download the new ones. Make sure you connect your test devices so the new profiles can be updated as well. That should do the trick.

Unable to create manifest file in Xcode for iOS4 wireless distribution

I followed the steps provided in apple developer documentation for wireless distribution, as written below:
In Xcode, you create an app archive using the “Build > Build and Archive” menu item. Then, in the Archived Applications source in Xcode's Organizer, select the app and click the “Share Application…” button. Then click the “Distribute for Enterprise…” button. You’ll be asked to provide information for the manifest file, which Xcode creates. See below, for information about the manifest file.
When I click on “Distribute for Enterprise…” button, nothing happens. I mean, it does not ask anything. I have used an Adhoc distribution profile and have selected Device 4.0.
I have used an Adhoc distribution
profile and have selected Device 4.0.
Please suggest, where am I doing
You can't use an Adhoc distribution, you need to make a Distribution Provisioning Profile to sign your app. Check here:
From apple: To successfully build your application in Xcode for in-house distribution, you will need to create and download an Enterprise Distribution Provisioning Profile. These are different than the Development Provisioning Profiles that were used earlier in that Apple will only recognize applications as being ready for distribution if they contain this Distribution Provisioning Profile.
You are a member of the iOS Developer Enterprise Program aren't you?
