new to CRM, how to get CRM environment for learning and work around - dynamics-crm

I m a .net developer and new to CRM. Unfortunately at my work we don't have CRM. I m intrested in learning CRM but not sure how I can get CRM environment for practice and learning.
Please guide should I go for CRM 2015 ? Should it be installed on labtop or Azure or is there a way I can pay and use some environment already avilable for learners ?
Kindly also help is there a licence for learners or which licence or installation is recommended for me.
Thank you so much for your precious time and valuable guidance.
Thanks again.

Hopefully this link lasts, but you can sign up for a free CRM Online trial that is CRM 2015. It will give you a 30-day trial that you may extend through the admin portal. You will walk through setting up an account, and Microsoft will automatically spin the environment up for you. See the link below.


Migration from MS Access 2003 to MS Access 2013

I work for a company where we likely going to update from Access2003 to Access2013.
Can you please brief me about the issues i'll face. Related links for my research will be highly appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance
Except for custom commandbars and ADP projects, it is usually just to ask Access 2013 to upgrade the old database.
Why don't you just try?

Visual Studio 2013 unable to sign in for license

After Update 4 I am experiencing the following error message:
I am not even able to sign in to my Microsoft account but it was working ok before the update. Please let me know what I have to do to get it working again.
Licensing / Purchase
I signed into the IDE, but it’s still telling me that the trial will expire. What’s going on? The odds are that the account you signed
in with doesn’t have an MSDN subscription or Visual Studio Online
subscription associated with it. Sign in with an account that does and
the license should be issued automatically or apply a product key
Community Edition is telling me my trial has expired. Do I have to pay for Community edition? No, Community edition is free to use. We
use the same infrastructure that allows you to unlock VS w/ an online
subscription to manage the requirement of signing into Community
edition so some of our strings overlap cross these scenarios. Trial
here means the period you can use the community edition before you
must sign in to fully unlock the IDE.
Emphasis is mine. Does your account have a MSDN or Visual Studio Online subscription?
The most common cause is having the system clock out-of-date. Make sure your date and time are set correctly, and sync them online if you have to. This should fix your issue.

How to get Microsoft CRM for Development Purposes?

I am a recent graduate, who has done some work experience at a company developing/designing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solutions. I have moved on from there and have no official ties anymore. However, I do see the future in this product and I would like to keep developing solutions and increasing my development knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Taking into account the above and that I have a job in a different IT area. As well as the fact that I am determined to start this from scratch... What are my options?
My intentions for the future(1-3 yrs) is to develop Microsoft CRM 2013 Solutions and hopefully sell to local small businesses.
MSDN subscription or using trial subscription on CRM Online instance or using trial key:
Or if you want to be a startup, you might be eligible for BizSpark subscription:
I think your best bet would be to get an online subscription. Your solution's code should be 100% compatible with the new CRM APIs in the SDK. Running everything from an online CRM solution would ensure it will work. This will also ensure that when the next version is released, you will be ready for it.
Unless Microsoft changes their licensing, this might be your only reasonably priced choice.
Try the Demo Builder:
It's a Wizard base tool that will guide you through the process of setting up an online demo environment.
There are a bunch of templates that you can select from that will give you a good idea of the different scenarios where CRM can be deployed.

Develop Sharepoint 2013 365 Workflow in Visual Studio

My clients have bought an Office 365 SharePoint 2013 site and I'm in the process of configuring it.
Their business rules require a very complicated Workflow which can just about be developed in SharePoint Designer. However, as I'm an experienced Visual Studio .NET developer I'd rather do it programmatically and hopefully save some time.
At present I can't figure out how to connect my desktop version of Visual Studio to the Cloud-based SharePoint site. I've downloaded the Workflow Manager tool but I'm struggling to figure out how to configure the Farm Databases etc. Available documentation seems patchy.
Has anyone out there found a way of doing this? This link suggests that it might not be possible.
According to this article it's possible, though probably not really nice.
You will have to deploy your Workflow as a SharePoint App. Which means you will only be able to call the webservices.
Another option which might be worth looking at is Nintex, which has a module for office 365 as well.
Nintex has alot of useful functions, though I don't know how good the office 365 version is.
You would have to check whether it suits your requirements.

Getting Started with Programming Microsoft CRM 4

I have gone through all the msdn stuff for getting started with the SDK for Microsoft CRM 4.
I am trying to find any other basic examples / blog posts about implementing the SDK for MS CRM4. Does anyone know of some blogs that cover this?
You'd do well to check out the Microsoft CRM SDK over at MSDN. You could also browse the google groups, or check out sites to well known CRM MVPs.
Best advice, however, is to just start fooling around with it. It's very intuitive once you understand the process of getting things done.
I was in your shoes a while back, and I started by thinking of a "mini project" and doing it. It will force you to find out more about CRM and you'll gain "practical experience".
How about getting a book - Working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and working through some exercises there?
