WMQ replicate message to another queue - ibm-mq

I have 2 queues say Q1 and Q2. When I insert messages using MQPUT into Q1, is there any way that this message be replicated into Q2?
Does WMQ have support for queue copy?
Note : The queues reside on different queue managers.

If you have multiple consumers(Queues), which needs the same message, then Publish-Subscribe is made exactly for this purpose.
You can refer here for details about pub-sub.
If you are using Websphere MQ 7.XX, then you can use an Alias queue to publish the message.
You can follow below steps:
Create a new Topic(Lets say "MyTopic" is your topic).
Create an Alias queue(Lets call it as "MyPublisher"), with Base Type as Topic and give Base Object as "MyTopic"(Name of your topic).
Now say Q1, Q2, Q3 have to get the message. Create subscriptions for these queues for Topic "MyTopic".
Now, the messages posted in queue "MyPublisher", will reach to all queues subscribing to the topic "MyTopic"(Q1,Q2,Q3).
Even remote queues can be given in destination while creating subscriptions. So, different queue managers will not be a problem as far as you have connectivity between them.

If you don't want to bother with all of the Pub/Sub stuff, then have a look at the free open source project Message Multiplexer (MMX) at http://www.capitalware.biz/mmx_overview.html
Its purpose is to read messages from a source queue and put the exact same message to 'n' target queues (up to 99).
The download contains builds for AIX, HP-UX, Linux, IBM i (OS/400), Solaris, Windows and z/OS (mainframe).
MMX is a very simple and straight-forward program to use.


JMS 2.0: Shared-Durable-Consumer on Topic vs Asynchronous-Consumer on Queue; Ref. Official GlassFish 4.0 docs/javaee-tutorial Java EE 7

Ref: Official GlassFish 4.0 docs/javaee-tutorial Java EE 7
Firstly, let us start with the destination-type of: topic.
As per GlassFish 4.0 tutorial, section “46.4 Writing High Performance and Scalable JMS Applications”:
This section describes how to use the JMS API to write applications
that can handle high volumes of messages robustly.
In the subsection “46.4.2 Using Shared Durable Subscriptions”:
The SharedDurableSubscriberExample.java client shows how to use shared
durable subscriptions. It shows how shared durable subscriptions
combine the advantages of durable subscriptions (the subscription
remains active when the client is not) with those of shared consumers
(the message load can be divided among multiple clients).
When we run this example as per “ To Run the ShareDurableSubscriberExample and Producer Clients”, it gives us the same effect/functionality as previous example on destination-type of queue: if we follow “ To Run the AsynchConsumer and Producer Clients”, points 5 onwards – and modify it slightly using 2 consumer terminal-windows and 1 producer terminal-window.
Yes, section “ Publish/Subscribe Messaging Style” does mention:
The JMS API relaxes this requirement to some extent by allowing
applications to create durable subscriptions, which receive messages
sent while the consumers are not active. Durable subscriptions provide
the flexibility and reliability of queues but still allow clients to
send messages to many recipients.
.. and anyway section “46.4 Writing High Performance and Scalable ..” examples are queue style – one message per consumer:
Each message added to the topic subscription is received by only one
consumer, similarly to the way in which each message added to a queue
is received by only one consumer.
What is the precise technical answer for: why, in this example, the use of Shared-Durable-Consumer on Topic is supposed to be, and mentioned under, “High Performance and Scalable JMS Application” vs. use of Asynchronous-Consumer on Queue?
I was wonderign about the same issue, so I found out the following link. I understand that John Ament gave you the right reponse, maybe it was just too short to get a full understand.
Basically, when you create a topic you are assuming that only the subscribed consumers will receive its messages. However processing such a message may requires a heavy processing; in such a cases you can create a shared topic using as much threads as you want.
Why not use a queue? The answer is quite simple, if you use a queue only one consumer will be able to handle such a message.
In order to clarify I will give you an example. Let's say a federal court publishes thousand of sentences every day and you have three distinct applications that depends on it.
Application A just copy the sentences to a database.
Application B parse the sentence and try to find out all relation between people around all previously saved sentences.
Application C parse the sentence and try to find out all relation between companies around all previously saved sentences.
You could use a Topic for the sentences, where Application A, B and C would be subscribed. However it easy to see that Application A can process the message very quicly while Application B and C may take some time. An available solution would consist of create a shared subscription for application B and another one to application C, so multiple threads could act on each of them simultaneouly...
...Of course there are other solutions, you could for example use a unshared topic (i.e. a regular one) and post all received messages on a ArrayBlockingQueue that would be handled by a pool of threads some time later; howecer in such a decision the developer would be the one to worry about queue handling.
Hope this can help.
The idea is that you can have multiple readers on a subscription. This allows you to read more messages faster, assuming you have threads available.
JMS Queue :
queued messages are persisted
each message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once, even no consumer running when the messages are sent.
JMS Shared Subscription :
subscription could have zero to many consumers
if messages sent when there is no subscriber (durable or not), message will never be received.

MQ (Websphere 7) persist message to file system

How would I set up MQ so that every message received is immediately written to file system?
I have the "redbooks", but at least need someone at least point me to a chapter or heading in the book to figure it out.
We are a .NET shop. I have written C# via API to read the queue, and we currently use BizTalk MQ adapter. Our ultimate goal is to write same message to multiple directories in file system to "clone" the feed for our various test environments (DEV, STAGE, TRAINING, etc..). The problem with BizTalk is that when we consume the message, we map it at the same time to a new message, so the message is already changed, and we want the original raw message to be cloned, not the morphed one. Our vendors don't offer multiple copies of the feed, for example, they offer DEV and PROD, but we have 4 systems internally.
I suppose I could do a C# Windows Service to do it, but I would rather use built-in features of MQ if possible.
There is no configuration required. If the message is persistent, WMQ writes it to disk. However, I don't think that's going to help you because they are not written as discrete messages. There's no disk file to copy and replication only works if the replicated QMgr is identical to the primary and is offline during the replication.
There are a number of solutions to this problem but as of WMQ V7, the easiest one is to use the built-in Pub/Sub functionality. This assumes that the messages are arriving over a QMgr-to-QMgr channel and landing on a queue where you then consume them.
In that case, it is possible to delete the queue and create an alias of the same name over a topic. You then create a new queue and define an administrative subscription that delivers messages on the topic into the new queue. Your app consumes from the new queue.
When you need to send a feed to another QMgr or application, define a new subscription and point it at the new destination queue. Since this is Pub/Sub, MQ will replicate the original message as many times as there are subscriptions and the first application and its messages are not affected. If the destination you need to send to isn't accessible over MQ channels (perhaps DEV and QA are not connected, for example), you can deliver the messages to the new queue, use QLoad from SupportPac MO03 to write them to a file and then use another instance of QLoad to load them onto a different QMgr. If you wanted to move them in real time, you could set up the Q program from SupportPac MA01 to move them direct from the new subscription queue on QMgr1 to the destination queue on QMgr2. And you can replicate across as many systems as you need.
The SupportPacs main page is here.
If all you are using is the Redbooks, you might want to have a look at the Infocenters. Be sure to use the Infocenter matching the version of WMQ you are using.
WMQ V7.0 Infocenter
WMQ V7.1 Infocenter
WMQ V7.5 Infocenter

Durable Subscriber is not receiving messages from Topic

I used the Subscriber SYSTEM.JMS.D.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE and Client ID as setClientID("USER1") and used topicSubscriber = topicSession.createDurableSubscriber(topic,"SUB1");
The topicSubscriber is created and while trying to receive using this topicSubscriber.receive(); , it is not receiving the messages from topic , but there are messages in topic.
Can any one say why its not receiving messages and whether i need to chek any queue configurations.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I already had topicConnection.Start() in my coding , also i checked in TopicSession there is no Start() Method.
The same code with Non durable subscriber method topicSession.createSubscriber(topic); is working , but for durable it is not working.
Sorry, yes I meant topicConnection.Start(). It was worth a check.
I got the answer for durable subscriber not working ,
My queue depth has reached the max queue depth , so the subscriber is not able to subscribe the message.
Eg . my max queue depth for queue SYSTEM.JMS.D.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE is set to 100 , and if we check our current queue depth and if it reaches 100 the subscriber will not work.
As an alternative way iam trying to create with Temporary Topic , here iam getting an error while creating the durable subscriber topicSession.createDurableSubscriber(topic,"SUB1");
JMS Exception :: javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: MQJMS0003:
Destination not understood or no longer valid
Can anyone help to solve this error.
Thanks in Advance.
The problem seems to be how you are using SYSTEM.JMS.D.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE. You appear to be directing messages and subscribers to this queue as the destination for a durable subscription. IBM MQ uses that queue to manage durable subscriptions.
As a general rule, queues whose names begin with SYSTEM are for internal system use by MQ. Some of them, such as SYSTEM.ADMIN.*.EVENT are OK to get messages from but you would not use these as a subscription destination for unrelated messages either.
Many tutorials use SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE as a destination for messages but this is only because the queue is known to exist on all versions of MQ and MQ uses only the definition of the queue and never the content of that queue. It is easier for the tutorial writer (and IBM is just as guilty here) to point at SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE then to walk the student through the need for and means to create their own queue. So although best practices suggest it should not be an exception to the "do not use SYSTEM objects" rule, common usage makes SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE the de facto exception.
The other exceptions are, of course, the command queues for MQ, MFT and IIB. These are also names SYSTEM.* but are designed for users to communicate with the software listening on the queue.
Note that all the exceptions "do not use SYSTEM objects" rule are interfaces between applications and MQ system resources. The event queues are MQ sending information to the user. The command queues are the user sending information to the system components. A subscription is neither of these categories. A destination for a subscription is considered an application-owned object, even when the system manages it on behalf of the subscriber.
When you want a durable subscription, either let the system assign a permanent queue and use that, or else pre-define a queue (that is not named SYSTEM.*) and use that. Whatever else you do, please do NOT try to hijack MQ's internal system queues for application-level purposes.

How to monitor an existing queue from WebSphere MQ?

I have a .NET application that needs to monitor a queue in WebSphere MQ. I need to react to each message without impacting the current process. The client application can't explicity send me the same message.
Can I read a message without removing it from the queue? Can I be notified for each message? Can I configure the MQ to duplicate the current queue?
Is there another solution?
If you are using WMQ v7 then you can do this without any impact to the existing applications other than to change the queue name for one of them.
Currently the message producer and consumer use the same queue. In v7 of WMQ you can create an alias over a topic so that the message producer thinks it's a queue. Then you can create two administrative, durable subscriptions such that one points to the existing input queue and another points to a queue dedicated to your new application.
Of course you are already using v7 since v6 goes out of service next year, right? You can upgrade the QMgr to v7 which enables this behavior while still using v6 client code for the apps.
If you are using WMQ v6 then the MirrorQ program might work for you.
You could change from using a queue to a durable topic and have both your reader and your browser subscribe to it.
You could also create a distribution list on your queue manager. A distribution list is used to send a copy of the same message to multiple queues. You would then have a processing queue and a browsing/monitoring queue.

WebSphere MQ/MQSeries - Possible to send a message to multiple queues with single call?

I'm queuing messages to a WebSphere MQ queue (NB: A point-to-point queue -- not a topic) using a stored procedure in my Oracle database. Is there a way to publish each message to multiple queues with a single call? What I would like is to find a solution that would incur zero additional latency on my database compared to sending the message to a single queue.
Solutions that involve changing my WebSphere MQ settings are certainly welcome! What I had in mind was somehow creating a "clone" queue that got all the same messages as the original one, but I've been unable to locate anything like this in the documentation.
With WMQ v7 you can do this easily and with administration only. You would create a topic object and then an alias over the topic. The Oracle app writes to the alias and does not know that it is actually publishing.
Meanwhile, you make two administrative subscriptions on the topic so that publications are delivered to your two destination queues. The apps consuming them have no idea that the messages were published as opposed to delivered through point-to-point queues.
If you are not familiar with the new WMQ v7 features, take a look at the Infocenter. In particular, the "What's New in V7" section and the sections on Pub/Sub.
You can accomplish this using "Distribution Lists" in WebsphereMQ. These have to be configured on your queue manager.
Take a look at the Wesbphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more info.
