Is there Aforge.NET algorithm for human activity recognition? - algorithm

I was wondering if there is Aforge.NET algorithm that is intended for human activity recognition?
For example, I would like to recognizing drowning while capturing frames from surveillance camera on the beach.
I saw there are algorithms for motion detection, but what I need is motion detection plus logic to process that motion so that computer can conclude does that motion fit into drowning category or any other category I tell him.
Comments would be appreciated.

you might need to develop your own algorythms, i do that too with Aforge
Aforge basicly allows me for simple video aquisition, while my math does the interesting stuff.
In your case..
Detect spots with people
Zoom in to them ??
then it becommes tricky how to distinguish someone who dives from someone who sinks ?..
Also there are waves who can get in front of the person your trying to follow..
usually this recognition comes down to simple observations, like someone pulling his hands up is not like a circle of a swimming head..
you got to think how a beach guard can see the difference, what are the main visual clues and how can you convert them to bitmap math.

Consider using Accord.NET - it's a library based on AForge.NET that contains many machine learning algorithms. However you must write all the logic, as you call it, by yourself.
Another possibility is to use Emgu CV which has some motion detection algorithms.


Removing skew/distortion based on known dimensions of a shape

I have an idea for an app that takes a printed page with four squares in each corner and allows you to measure objects on the paper given at least two squares are visible. I want to be able to have a user take a picture from less than perfect angles and still have the objects be measured accurately.
I'm unable to figure out exactly how to find information on this subject due to my lack of knowledge in the area. I've been able to find examples of opencv code that does some interesting transforms and the like but I've yet to figure out what I'm asking in simpler terms.
Does anyone know of papers or mathematical concepts I can lookup to get further into this project?
I'm not quite sure how or who to ask other than people on this forum, sorry for the somewhat vague question.
What you describe is very reminiscent of augmented reality marker tracking. Maybe you can start by searching these words on a search engine of your choice.
A single marker, if done correctly, can be used to identify it without confusing it with other markers AND to determine how the surface is placed in 3D space in front of the camera.
But that's all very difficult and advanced stuff, I'd greatly advise to NOT try and implement something like this, it would take years of research... The only way you have is to use a ready-made open source library that outputs the data you need for your app.
It may even not exist. In that case you'll have to buy one. Given the niché of your problem that would be perfectly plausible.
Here I give you only the programming aspect and if you want you can find out about the mathematical aspect from those examples. Most of the functions you need can be done using OpenCV. Here are some examples in python:
To detect the printed paper, you can use cv2.findContours function. The most outer contour is possibly the paper, but you need to test on actual images.
In case of sloping (not in perfect angle), you can find the angle by cv2.minAreaRect which return the angle of the contour you found above. (part 7b).
If you want to rotate the paper, use cv2.warpAffine.
To detect the object in the paper, there are some methods. The easiest way is using the contours above. If the objects are in certain colors, you can detect it by using color filter.

Is it possible to detect there is a motion happening from only an image(no referening is given)

I have searched around the internet, only seen motion detection can be done in video or two consecutive images. I wonder is that possible to detect a motion from an image(like jumping running swimming).The motion is referring any significant body movement. If it can be done, please tell me the algorithm and ways to learn it. thank you
As others have commented, for the general case, you probably can't. But, there are still avenues to explore, if you have control over some of the parameters.
One idea that comes to mind is detecting motion blur for some fast movement. You can accent that if you have control over the camera type/exposure.
You can find academic papers on the subject, and can start with:
A technique that can be helpful to you is called scene understanding. Basically you train a deep neural net with images and labels that describe that image. In that way you can know that a person is running, swimming or doing any other activity.
There is a good presentation about the subject by Prof. LeCun.
What yu are implying is an implicit comparison with an image of a person standng in a "stable/not moving directed way. So there is a two image comparison there non-withstanding.

What kind of cool graphics algorithms can I implement?

I'm going to program a fancy (animated) about-box for an app I'm working on. Since this is where programmers are often allowed to shine and play with code, I'm eager to find out what kind of cool algorithms the community has implemented.
The algorithms can be animated fractals, sine blobs, flames, smoke, particle systems etc.
However, a few natural constraints come to mind: It should be possible to implement the algorithm in virtually any language. Thus advanced directx code or XNA code that utilizes libraries that aren't accessible in most languages should not be posted. 3D is most welcome, but it shouldn't rely on lots of extra installs.
If you could post an image along with your code effect, it would be awesome.
Here's an example of a cool about box with an animated 3D figure and some animated sine blobs on the titlebar:
And here's an image of the about box used in Winamp, complete with 3D animations:
I tested and ran the code on this page. It produces an old-school 2D flame effect. Even when I ran it on an N270 in HD fullscreen it seemed to work fine with no lag. The code and all source is posted on the given webpage.
Metaballs is another possibly interesting approach. They define an energy field around a blob and will melt two shapes together when they are close enough. A link to an article can be found here.
Something called a Wolfram Worm seems so be an awesome project to attempt. It would be easy to calculate random smooth movement by using movement along two connected bezier curves. Loads of awesome demos can be found on this page:
I like a lot the Julia 4D quaternion fractal.
Video: Julia 4D animation in F#

What methods/algorithms are used for gesture recognition in a multi-touch environment?

In a multi-touch environment, how does gesture recognition work? What mathematical methods or algorithms are utilized to recognize or reject data for possible gestures?
I've created some retro-reflective gloves and an IR LED array, coupled with a Wii remote. The Wii remote does internal blob detection and tracks 4 points of IR light and transmits this information to my computer via a bluetooth dongle.
This is based off Johnny Chung Lee's Wii Research. My precise setup is exactly like the graduate students from the Netherlands displayed here. I can easily track 4 point's positions in 2d space and I've written my basic software to receive and visualize these points.
The Netherlands students have gotten a lot of functionality out of their basic pinch-click recognition. I'd like to take it a step further if I could, and implement some other gestures.
How is gesture recognition usually implemented? Beyond anything trivial, how could I write software to recognize and identify a variety of gestures: various swipes, circular movements, letter tracing, etc.
Gesture recognition, as I've seen it anyway, is usually implemented using machine learning techniques similar to image recognition software. Here's a cool project on codeproject about doing mouse gesture recognition in c#. I'm sure the concepts are quite similar since you can likely reduce the problem down to 2D space. If you get something working with this, I'd love to see it. Great project idea!
One way to look at it is as a compression / recognition problem. Basically, you want to take a whole bunch of data, throw out most of it, and categorize the remainder. If I were doing this (from scratch) I'd probably proceed as follows:
work with a rolling history window
take the center of gravity of the four points in the start frame, save it, and subtract it out of all the positions in all frames.
factor each frame into two components: the shape of the constellation and the movement of it's CofG relative to the last frame's.
save the absolute CofG for the last frame too
the series of CofG changes gives you swipes, waves, etc.
the series of constellation morphing gives you pinches, etc.
After seeing your photo (two points on each hand, not four points on one, doh!) I'd modify the above as follows:
Do the CofG calculation on pairs, with the caveats that:
If there are four points visible, pairs are chosen to minimize the product of the intrapair distances
If there are three points visible, the closest two are one pair, the other one is the other
Use prior / following frames to override when needed
Instead of a constellation, you've got a nested structure of distance / orientation pairs (i.e., one D/O between the hands, and one more for each hand).
Pass the full reduced data to recognizers for each gesture, and let them sort out what they care about.
If you want to get cute, do a little DSL to recognize the patterns, and write things like:
fire when
in rectangle(points)
over points.all (p => p.jerk)
fire when
over hands.all (h =>
A video of what has been done with this sort of technology, if anyone is interested?
Pattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense - TED 2009
Most simple gesture-recognition tools I've looked at use a vector-based template to recognize them. For example, you can define right-swipe as "0", a checkmark as "-45, 45, 45", a clockwise circle as "0, -45, -90, -135, 180, 135, 90, 45, 0", and so on.
Err.. I've been working on gesture recognition for the past year or so now, but I don't want to say too much because I'm trying to patent my technology :) But... we've had some luck with adaptive boosting, although what you're doing looks fundamentally different. You only have 4 points of data to process, so I don't think you really need to "reduce" anything.
What I would investigate is how programs like Flash turn a freehand drawn circle into an actual circle. It seems like you could track the points for duration of about a second, and then "smooth" the path in some fashion, and then you could probably get away with hardcoding your gestures (if you make them simple enough). Otherwise, yes, you're going to want to use a learning algorithm. Neural nets might work... I don't know. Just tossing out ideas :) Maybe look at how OCR is done too... or even Hough transforms. It looks to me like this is a problem of recognizing shapes more than it is of recognizing gestures.
I'm not very well versed in this type of mathematics, but I have read somewhere that people sometimes use Markov Chains or Hidden Markov Models to do Gesture Recognition.
Perhaps someone with a little more background in this side of Computer Science can illuminate it further and provide some more details.

Dilemma about image cropping algorithm - is it possible?

I am building a web application using .NET 3.5 (ASP.NET, SQL Server, C#, WCF, WF, etc) and I have run into a major design dilemma. This is a uni project btw, but it is 100% up to me what I develop.
I need to design a system whereby I can take an image and automatically crop a certain object within it, without user input. So for example, cut out the car in a picture of a road. I've given this a lot of thought, and I can't see any feasible method. I guess this thread is to discuss the issues and feasibility of achieving this goal. Eventually, I would get the dimensions of a car (or whatever it may be), and then pass this into a 3d modelling app (custom) as parameters, to render a 3d model. This last step is a lot more feasible. It's the cropping issue which is an issue. I have thought of all sorts of ideas, like getting the colour of the car and then the outline around that colour. So if the car (example) is yellow, when there is a yellow pixel in the image, trace around it. But this would fail if there are two yellow cars in a photo.
Ideally, I would like the system to be completely automated. But I guess I can't have everything my way. Also, my skills are in what I mentioned above (.NET 3.5, SQL Server, AJAX, web design) as opposed to C++ but I would be open to any solution just to see the feasibility.
I also found this patent: US Patent 7034848 - System and method for automatically cropping graphical images
This is one of the problems that needed to be solved to finish the DARPA Grand Challenge. Google video has a great presentation by the project lead from the winning team, where he talks about how they went about their solution, and how some of the other teams approached it. The relevant portion starts around 19:30 of the video, but it's a great talk, and the whole thing is worth a watch. Hopefully it gives you a good starting point for solving your problem.
What you are talking about is an open research problem, or even several research problems. One way to tackle this, is by image segmentation. If you can safely assume that there is one object of interest in the image, you can try a figure-ground segmentation algorithm. There are many such algorithms, and none of them are perfect. They usually output a segmentation mask: a binary image where the figure is white and the background is black. You would then find the bounding box of the figure, and use it to crop. The thing to remember is that none of the existing segmentation algorithm will give you what you want 100% of the time.
Alternatively, if you know ahead of time what specific type of object you need to crop (car, person, motorcycle), then you can try an object detection algorithm. Once again, there are many, and none of them are perfect either. On the other hand, some of them may work better than segmentation if your object of interest is on very cluttered background.
To summarize, if you wish to pursue this, you would have to read a fair number of computer vision papers, and try a fair number of different algorithms. You will also increase your chances of success if you constrain your problem domain as much as possible: for example restrict yourself to a small number of object categories, assume there is only one object of interest in an image, or restrict yourself to a certain type of scenes (nature, sea, etc.). Also keep in mind, that even the accuracy of state-of-the-art approaches to solving this type of problems has a lot of room for improvement.
And by the way, the choice of language or platform for this project is by far the least difficult part.
A method often used for face detection in images is through the use of a Haar classifier cascade. A classifier cascade can be trained to detect any objects, not just faces, but the ability of the classifier is highly dependent on the quality of the training data.
This paper by Viola and Jones explains how it works and how it can be optimised.
Although it is C++ you might want to take a look at the image processing libraries provided by the OpenCV project which include code to both train and use Haar cascades. You will need a set of car and non-car images to train a system!
Some of the best attempts I've see of this is using a large database of images to help understand the image you have. These days you have flickr, which is not only a giant corpus of images, but it's also tagged with meta-information about what the image is.
Some projects that do this are documented here:
Start with analyzing the images yourself. That way you can formulate the criteria on which to match the car. And you get to define what you cannot match.
If all cars have the same background, for example, it need not be that complex. But your example states a car on a street. There may be parked cars. Should they be recognized?
If you have access to MatLab, you could test your pattern recognition filters with specialized software like PRTools.
Wwhen I was studying (a long time ago:) I used Khoros Cantata and found that an edge filter can simplify the image greatly.
But again, first define the conditions on the input. If you don't do that you will not succeed because pattern recognition is really hard (think about how long it took to crack captcha's)
I did say photo, so this could be a black car with a black background. I did think of specifying the colour of the object, and then when that colour is found, trace around it (high level explanation). But, with a black object in a black background (no constrast in other words), it would be a very difficult task.
Better still, I've come across several sites with 3d models of cars. I could always use this, stick it into a 3d model, and render it.
A 3D model would be easier to work with, a real world photo much harder. It does suck :(
If I'm reading this right... This is where AI shines.
I think the "simplest" solution would be to use a neural-network based image recognition algorithm. Unless you know that the car will look the exact same in each picture, then that's pretty much the only way.
If it IS the exact same, then you can just search for the pixel pattern, and get the bounding rectangle, and just set the image border to the inner boundary of the rectangle.
I think that you will never get good results without a real user telling the program what to do. Think of it this way: how should your program decide when there is more than 1 interesting object present (for example: 2 cars)? what if the object you want is actually the mountain in the background? what if nothing of interest is inside the picture, thus nothing to select as the object to crop out? etc, etc...
With that said, if you can make assumptions like: only 1 object will be present, then you can have a go with using image recognition algorithms.
Now that I think of it. I recently got a lecture about artificial intelligence in robots and in robotic research techniques. Their research went on about language interaction, evolution, and language recognition. But in order to do that they also needed some simple image recognition algorithms to process the perceived environment. One of the tricks they used was to make a 3D plot of the image where x and y where the normal x and y axis and the z axis was the brightness of that particular point, then they used the same technique for red-green values, and blue-yellow. And lo and behold they had something (relatively) easy they could use to pick out the objects from the perceived environment.
(I'm terribly sorry, but I can't find a link to the nice charts they had that showed how it all worked).
Anyway, the point is that they were not interested (that much) in image recognition so they created something that worked good enough and used something less advanced and thus less time consuming, so it is possible to create something simple for this complex task.
Also any good image editing program has some kind of magic wand that will select, with the right amount of tweaking, the object of interest you point it on, maybe it's worth your time to look into that as well.
So, it basically will mean that you:
have to make some assumptions, otherwise it will fail terribly
will probably best be served with techniques from AI, and more specifically image recognition
can take a look at paint.NET and their algorithm for their magic wand
try to use the fact that a good photo will have the object of interest somewhere in the middle of the image
.. but i'm not saying that this is the solution for your problem, maybe something simpler can be used.
Oh, and I will continue to look for those links, they hold some really valuable information about this topic, but I can't promise anything.
