Using a properties file for an xtext validation rule - validation

I have an Xtext project, and i would like to use an external properties file to be used in validation..
e.g. for the Hello world! project, and the following properties file...
...create a validation rule that checks for Hello world! that world is the value of name in the properties file.
I would like the properties to only be read in once, such as when eclipse loads rather than every time the validation method is run as I am guessing this will be very slow. Where can I read them in so that this is the case?
Thanks, Sean

You may want to provide a class that allows to retrieve the values from the properties file. This class should be marked as #Singleton and clients of that implementation have to obtain the only instance via dependency injection.
public class MyPropertiesAccess {
private Properties properties;
public Properties getProperties() {
if (properties == null) {
properties = ...load...
return properties;
public class MyDslValidator {
#Inkect MyPropertiesAccess propertiesAccess;


Load custom properties file in Spring Boot MVC Main

I have created a in resources folder location and mentioned the server.port in this file.
Now I want to read load this property into my application. But I have to read this before I actually a server.
Here I am trying to do like this
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.myorg.myapp" })
public class MyAppApplication {
private static String serverPort;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
try {
SpringApplication appCtxt = new SpringApplication(MyAppApplication.class);
.singletonMap("server.port", serverPort));;
} catch (Exception e) {
But serverPort is coming as null.
I also tried to create a separate Config file like this but it can't be accessed in static main
public class MyAppConfig {
private String serverPort;
* #return the serverPort
public String getServerPort() {
return serverPort;
Any suggestion would be helpful.
Spring boot injects properties during the initialization of the application context.
This happens (gets triggered) in the line:;
But you try to access the property before this line - that why it doesn't work.
So bottom line, using "#Value" in the main method doesn't work and it shouldn't.
Now from the code snippet, it looks like you could merely follow the "standards" of spring boot and create the file with:
The process of starting the embedded web server in spring boot honors this property and bottom line it will have the same effect and Tomcat will be started on port 1234
Update 1
Based on OP's comment:
So, how can I have multiple
In the Spring Boot's documentation it is written that are resolved from the classpath. So you can try the following assuming you have different modules A,B,C and web app D:
Create src/main/resources/ inside each of 4 modules and pack everything together. The configuration values will be merged (hopefully they won't clash)
If you insist on naming properties, and for each of non-web modules, you can do the following (I'll show for module A, but B and C can do the same).
public class AConfiguration {
Create in Module A: src/main/resources/
If you need to load the AConfiguration automatically - make the module A starter (using autoconfig feature of spring-boot):
Create src/resources/META-INF/spring.factories file with the following content:
Also this has been the requirement to separate C from entire bundle where it might run as bundle for some and as a separate for some others
Although I haven't totally understood the requirement, but you can use #ConditionalOnProperty for configuration CConfiguration (that will be created just like in my previous example) but this times for module C.
If the conditional is met, configuration will run and load some beans / load its own properties or whatever. All in all conditionals (and in particular Profiles in spring) can help to reach the desired flexibility.
By default, the file can be used to store property pairs, though you can also define any number of additional property files.
If you save myApp.server.port=8020 in, it will work fine.
To register a custome property file, you can annotate a #Configuration class with the additional #PropertySource annotation:
public class ConfigClass {
// Configuration
make sure, your class path is correct.

Is it possible to have depend on multiple profiles?

Is it possible to have a Spring Boot properties file depend on two or more profiles? Something like
Spring Boot does not support this out of the box. It only supports a single profile as described here.
However, it does provide enough flexibility to add your own property sources using EnvironmentPostProcessor.
Here is an example of how to implement this:
public class MultiProfileEnvironmentPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor, Ordered {
private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new DefaultResourceLoader();
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
String[] activeProfiles = environment.getActiveProfiles();
for (int i = 2; i <= activeProfiles.length; i++) {
.forEach(profileCombination -> {
String propertySourceName = String.join("-", profileCombination);
String location = "classpath:/application-" + propertySourceName + ".properties";
if (resourceLoader.getResource(location).exists()) {
try {
environment.getPropertySources().addFirst(new ResourcePropertySource(propertySourceName, location));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("could not add property source '" + propertySourceName + "'", e);
public int getOrder() {
Couple of things to note:
This implementation only supports .properties files but can easily be extended to .yml files as well.
getActiveProfiles already returns the profiles in an order where the last one wins. This implementation relies on this order and builds the different file names leveraging this order. i.e. if active profiles are: profile1,profile2,profile3 then is supported but isn't, and will override properties defined in or
This implementation uses a third party library com.github.dpaukov:combinatoricslib3 to create the different sets of profiles.
The property sources are added to the front of the property source list to override existing sources. But if you have custom property sources that should take precedence you need to modify this a bit to consider them in the order, i.e. by leveraging methods like Environment.addAfter.
Registering an EnvironmentPostProcessor is done using the spring.factories file.
There are 4 ways I know.
insert .yaml or .properties programmatically like Asi Bross Said. Use ResourceLoader or YamlPropertySourceLoader to insert.
Use .yaml. but it will be replace when you have a another spring project to dependent it.
Use properties instead of profiles. (For api project)
Use one #PropertySource to define properties file A.
Get the variables from properties file A and assign them to the parameters in another #PropertySource file path expression.
For example:
/ <-- remove or empty,because it will be override by application project
/ <-- Intellij can identify properties files started with application-
The content of resources/moduleA/ :
Content of Java Config file:
public class ModuleConfig {}
Use properties instead of profiles. (For application project)
The content of resources/ :
The content of
public class SpringMvcApplication {...}

How do i config ssl artifacts in a spring application?

I am looking for help involving a spring application ( someone else's design ) that uses kafka consumers and producers.
The design allows for a file that contains an entry like so:
Such config is picked up by some kind of spring bean code like this...
Java code...
private String kafkaAddress;
public String getKafkaAddress() {
return kafkaAddress;
public void setKafkaAddress(String kafkaAddress) {
this.kafkaAddress = kafkaAddress;
And it shows up in a Properties object I see with debugger.
"kafkaAddress" -> ",,"
The code passes the Properties object to constructor of the Kafka client
I thought this all happened through the design of spring and matching config "kafkaAddress" with a String of matching name kafkaAddress
Well I want to config for ssl such things as ...
I put such things in config but what do i put for my setter and getter?
I can't put String ssl.truststore.location, right?
In I use ...
In setters and getters in file I use...
public void setSsl_truststore_password(String ssl_truststore_password ) {
this.ssl_truststore_password = ssl_truststore_password;
public String getSsl_truststore_password() {
return this.ssl_truststore_password;
Before call to constructor .java file I ...
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(myConsumerConfig.getSsl_truststore_password())) {
The SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG is defined in package org.apache.kafka.common.config.SslConfigs ...
public static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_CONFIG "ssl.truststore.password"
The spring framework links the "ssl_truststore_password" in the config file to the getters and setters such as ...
MyConsumerConfig.setSsl_truststore_password(String ssl_truststore_password)

how to load property file in to spring boot project with annotations?

I have written queries in property file. I want to read the property file in to one class with annotations in spring boot. How can i read it? And is there any better approach for writing queries in spring boot project?
If you add your properties in file, you can read them inside the spring boot classes like:
public class TwitterService {
private final String consumerKey;
private final String consumerKeySecret;
public TwitterService(#Value("${}") String consumerKey, #Value("${}") String consumerKeySecret) {
this.consumerKey = consumerKey;
this.consumerKeySecret = consumerKeySecret;
} ...
You can annotate fields in your components by #Value("${}")
Else, you can use Properties Object in java.util package.
For example, i have a mode property, which values are dev or prod, i can use it in my beans as follow :
private String mode;
The other approach is by using :
Properties pro = new Properties();
You can use #PropertySource to read the properties from a file and then pass them to a bean. If you have a file called "" that has a property like:
query1: select 1 from foo
Then your config might look like:
public class MyConfig {
public DbBean dbBean(#Value("${queries.query1}") String query) {
return new DbBean(query);

Prefix properties of multiple PropertyPlaceholderConfigurers

I want to use Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read two property files. I can load each of them by using one of the following tags:
<context:property-placeholder location="class path:com/myapp/"/>
<context:property-placeholder location="file://${settings.location}/"/>
I am not allowed to change the keys in those two files. Both files may contain entries with the same key.
I need to inject the value of a specific file.
//Pseudocode of injecting a property of a specific file
String internalValue;
String externalValue;
So how to specify the file, and not only the key?
you will have to translate it to xml if needed:
public class InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer{
public UploaderPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
setLocations(new ClassPathResource[]{
new ClassPathResource("com/myapp/"),
and register it in spring ( or use #Component in above class ):
public InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
this way you should be able to inject properties with this rather ugly syntax:
private String value;
If it works, then just add 2nd bean for external :)
