how to load property file in to spring boot project with annotations? - spring

I have written queries in property file. I want to read the property file in to one class with annotations in spring boot. How can i read it? And is there any better approach for writing queries in spring boot project?

If you add your properties in file, you can read them inside the spring boot classes like:
public class TwitterService {
private final String consumerKey;
private final String consumerKeySecret;
public TwitterService(#Value("${}") String consumerKey, #Value("${}") String consumerKeySecret) {
this.consumerKey = consumerKey;
this.consumerKeySecret = consumerKeySecret;
} ...

You can annotate fields in your components by #Value("${}")
Else, you can use Properties Object in java.util package.
For example, i have a mode property, which values are dev or prod, i can use it in my beans as follow :
private String mode;
The other approach is by using :
Properties pro = new Properties();

You can use #PropertySource to read the properties from a file and then pass them to a bean. If you have a file called "" that has a property like:
query1: select 1 from foo
Then your config might look like:
public class MyConfig {
public DbBean dbBean(#Value("${queries.query1}") String query) {
return new DbBean(query);


#Value annotation unable to read properties file in spring boot camel application

I have a spring-boot application where I read data from queue and send data to transformation class using .bean()
class Integration {
private String someURL; //able to read someURL from property file
// some intermediate code
.bean(new TransformationClass(), "transformationMethod")
// other code
Now, Inside TransformationClass I have #Value annotation to read values from properties file but it always returns a null.
class TransformationClass {
private String someURL; //someURL return null though there is key-value associated in props file.
public void transformationMethod(Exchange exchange) {
// other stuff related to someURL
Note - I am able to read values from property file in class but unable to read from class
I am using spring boot version - 2.7.2 and camel version - 3.18.1 jdk - 17
I tried to read using camel PropertiesComponent but it did not worked.
Problem here is, that new TransformationClass() is not a "spring managed instance", thus all #Autowire/Value/Inject/...s have no effect.
Since TransformationClass is (singleton, spring-managed) #Component and is needed by Integration, wiring these makes sense:
Via field... :
class Integration {
private TransformationClass trnsObject;
// ...
Or constructor injection:
class Integration {
private final TransformationClass trnsObject;
public Integration(/*im- /explicitely #Autowired*/ TransformationClass pTrnsObject) {
trnsObject = pTrnsObject;
// ...
// then:
doSomethingWith(trnsObject); // has correct #Values

#Value In Spring MVC is not getting populated

I am trying to populate an attribute using the #Value annotation in Spring MVC, and it is not getting populated.
I am trying to access the attribute using Struts2 JSP property. my use case looks like that:
public class TransferCreditsAction extends StudentAwareAction {
protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
#Value( "${}" )
private String transferCreditUrl;
public void setStates( List<TranslatedValue> states ) {
this.states = states;
#Value( "${}" )
public String getTransferCreditUrl() {
return transferCreditUrl;
My property file looks like:
I am accessing this attribute using JSP which looks like:
<s:property value='transferCreditUrl'/>"
I know for a fact that my JSP can access this field, because I tested it when I have this field set for a default value.
However, this field is not getting populated from my property file. I am using Spring 4.1.6
Any help is really appreciated.
Spring can only inject values in its own managed spring beans. That means your TransferCreditsAction should be a spring bean.
There are various ways to declare your TransferCreditsAction class as a spring bean, already answered elsewhere.
You haven't added whats on top of TransferCreditsAction class.
Values will be injected in a Bean Env.
There are many ways of Doing it
Assuming my property file contains
#PropertySource(value = { "" })
public class PaloAltoSbiClientImpl implements PaloAltoSbiClient {
public static String username;
public void setUrl(String data) {
username = data;
public class PaloAltoSbiClientImpl implements PaloAltoSbiClient {
public static String username;
public class TokenHelper {
private String APP_NAME;
Just give the properties file reference on top of the class in which you are trying to get.
#PropertySource(value = { "" })
This issue was happening because I was missing <context:annotation-config/> in my applicationContext. Once I added it, it start working with no issues.

Retrieve all key-value pairs from properties file in Spring Boot with a given prefix and suffix

I have been trying for sometime now. I want to read from the properties file and store as a hashmap.
Here is an example. = 1
pref1.pref2.def.suf = 2
Here is the Config class.
#PropertySource(value = "")
public class Config{
private Environment env;
public HashMap<String, Integer> getAllProps(){
I want to be able to return {"abc":1, "def":2};
I stumbled upon answers like using PropertySources, AbstractEnvironment etc., but still can't get my head around using it.
Thanks in advance!
The class
reads all configured properties and puts them in a Map.
This is used to return all properties and their values from a REST endpoint. See production ready endpoints
You can copy the 3 methods that build the Map with all properties from class EnvironmentEndpoint into your own. Then just iterate over the Map and select all properties by their key.
I have done that in one project, worked quite well.
its possible using spring boot #component, #PropertySource and #ConfigurationProperties
create a component like
#PropertySource(value = "")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pref1")
public class Properties{
*should be same in properties = 1
*It will give u like abc.suf = 1 , def.suf = 2
private Map<String,String> pref2;
//setter getter to use another place//
public Map<String, String> getPref2() {
return pref2;
public void setPref2(Map<String, String> pref2) {
this.pref2= pref2;
use in other class suing #autowired
public class PropertiesShow{
private Properties properties;
public void show(){

Spring boot key, value properties file

Hi Is there a simple way using spring boot to load in a key, value properties file. I can do it the old way using the Properties class but wanted to check if this can be easily done with spring boot (still new to this)
A = Apple
B = Banana
Yes. If you place a file named into src/main/resources/ you can inject its values like so:
public class Foo {
String foo; //equals 'bar'
Alternatively you can look up properties programmatically
public class PropertyLookupApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context =, args);
String foo = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("foo"); //equals 'bar'
If you want as a Map then you can make sure of Spring's PropertiesLoaderUtils utility class:
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("");
Properties properties = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
That returns a standard java.util.Properties object which is a Map.

What's the best way to load a yaml file to Map(not an environment configuration file) in spring boot web project?

In my data framework layer, I'd like to read an yaml from src/main/resources.
The file name is mapconfigure.yaml. It's associated with the business data, not just environment configuration data.
Its content's like:
name: aaa
na: jiang
sb: su
name: bbb
to: jiang
bit: su
I want to store this information into a HashMap.
Does it mean to use some spring annotation like #ConfigurationProperties?
How to achieve this in details?
In addition, I can't change the file name. It means I have to use mapconfigure.yaml as the file name, not application.yml or
The structure of my HashMap is as follows:
HashMap<String, Setting>
public class Setting{
private String name;
private HashMap<String, String> addresses
My expected HashMap's as follows:
{person1={name=aaa, addresses={na=jiang, sb=su}}, person2={name=bbb, addresses={to=jiang, bit=su}}}
I'm not sure if I can use YamlMapFactoryBean class to do this.
The return type of the getObject method in YamlMapFactoryBean class is Map<String, Object>, not a generic type, like Map<String, T>.
Spring boot doc just said
Spring Framework provides two convenient classes that can be used to load YAML documents. The YamlPropertiesFactoryBean will load YAML as Properties and the YamlMapFactoryBean will load YAML as a Map.
But there isn't a detailed example.
In github, I created a sample. It's Here.
In this sample, I want to load myconfig.yaml to theMapProperties object in SamplePropertyLoadingTest class. Spring boot version is 1.5.1, so I can't use location attribute of #ConfigurationProperties.
How to do this?
You can indeed achieve this with #ConfigurationProperties.
From Spring Boot 1.5.x onwards (lack of #ConfigurationProperies locations attr.):
new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class)
public class TheProperties {
private Map<String, Person> people;
// getters and setters are omitted for brevity
In Spring Boot 1.3.x:
#ConfigurationProperties(locations = "classpath:your-filename.yml")
public class TheProperties {
private Map<String, Person> people;
// getters and setters are omitted for brevity
The Person class for above examples looks like this:
public class Person {
private String name;
private Map<String, String> addresses;
// getters and setters are omitted for brevity
I have tested the code with the following file: your-filename.yml
defined in src/main/resources, the contents:
name: "aaa"
na: "jiang"
sb: "su"
name: "bbb"
to: "jiang"
bit: "su"
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
try this
YamlPropertySourceLoader loader = new YamlPropertySourceLoader();
try {
PropertySource<?> applicationYamlPropertySource = loader.load(
"properties", new ClassPathResource("application.yml"), null);// null indicated common properties for all profiles.
Map source = ((MapPropertySource) applicationYamlPropertySource).getSource();
Properties properties = new Properties();
return properties;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("application.yml file cannot be found.");
