How to set a number of error with xul like firebug does - firefox

As the question explains itself i've a button like firebug and i wanted to set there a number when some events happens like firebug doeas when it detects errors on the page.
Does anyone know how to set it?
This is the code of the top button that displays a panel, so i want to set there a number when certains events happens..
<panel id="asv-panel">
<hbox align="start">
<hbox align="center" style="background-color:#ffffff">
<image id="asvbutton-panel-icon" width="200px" height="50px" style="margin-left:10px"/>
<hbox style="background-color:#fff" id="menuPanelContainer">
<html:div style="margin-top:20px;margin-left:20px;width:150px" id="menuLogginInicial">
<description value="&asbutton.Signin;"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logoface" width="50px" height="50px" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="asvbutton.login();"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logogoogle" width="47px" height="45px" style="align:left;cursor:pointer"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logotwitter" width="50px" height="50px" style="align:left;cursor:pointer"/>

After thousands of pages and samples... the easiest way was creating a div and doing an appendChild to it (old school method) :D
Hope this helps someone.


Industry Icon with NonLinear or CompanionAd in VAST 4.2

It says 'This feature is only offered for Linear Ads because icons can be easily inserted in NonLinear ads and companion creative using existing features.' in VAST 4.2 document. But I don't know how it looks like.
I try this
<NonLinear id="GDFP" width="480" height="70" minSuggestedDuration="00:00:05" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png">
<Icon program="DAA" width="77" height="15" xPosition="right" yPosition="top" offset="00:00:00">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png"><![CDATA[]]></StaticResource>
and it do not work.
I also try this
<NonLinear id="GDFP" width="480" height="70" minSuggestedDuration="00:00:05" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png">
<NonLinear program="DAA" width="77" height="15" xPosition="right" yPosition="top" offset="00:00:00">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png"><![CDATA[]]></StaticResource>
and it do not work, NonLinear tag seems do not allow program, xPosition, yPosition attribute.
Can you give a sample?

Nativescript Vue: Why does position of code matter in a Dock Layout matter?

Why does this following code produce this result: ?
However, if I move the BottomNavigatorBar component to top position before CountryListComponent, it produces the desired result that looks like this: ?
<Page actionBarHidden="true">
<DockLayout height="100%">
// first
<CountryListComponent dock="top">
// second
<BottomNavigationBar dock="bottom" activeColor="pink"
<BottomNavigationTab title="Fiaarst" icon="icon-29.png" />
<BottomNavigationTab title="Second" icon="icon-29.png" />
<BottomNavigationTab title="Third" icon="icon-29.png" />
<StackLayout backgroundColor="blue">
Refer the DockLayout documentation, by default stretchLastChild will be true which means BottomNavigationBar will take entire space if it's last child and vice versa.

Wix bootstrapper multiple hyperlink text

My idea is to make multiple license terms link's with different name One of them should be "license terms" next "diagnostics". But then I try to change name I faced this issue:
Here is my code for this RtfTheme.XML:
<Page Name="Install">
<Hypertext Name="EulaHyperlink" X="94" Y="-100" Width="-11" Height="17" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" HideWhenDisabled="yes">#(loc.InstallLicenseLinkText)</Hypertext>
<Checkbox Name="EulaAcceptCheckbox" Height="30" Width="300" X="120" Y="-67" FontId="3">#(loc.InstallLicenseLinkCheckBox)</Checkbox>
<Button Name="InstallButton" X="160" Y="-30" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.InstallInstallButton)</Button>
<Button Name="InstallCancelButton" X="240" Y="-30" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">
<CloseWindowAction />
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.HyperlinkLicense" >
LogoFile="Resources/banner.png" LogoSideFile="Resources/r2.png"
LicenseUrl="" />
<Payload SourceFile="Resources/r2.png"/>
<String Id="InstallLicenseLinkText">By installing you accept these <a href="#">license terms</a></String>
<String Id="InstallLicenseLinkCheckBox">Also include <a href="#">diagnostics</a></String>
Maybe whom have same issue and know how can I fix this? Please suggest.
Make your check box the size of the box itself with no text. Add a second <Hypertext> that is positioned right beside the check box.

100% height XUL elements

I have this deck in a Firefox sidebar (XUL):
<deck id="mydeck" selectedIndex="0">
<vbox id="myscreen1">
<vbox id="myscreen2">
<vbox flex="3" minheight="150">
<splitter collapse="after" resizeafter="farthest">
<grippy height="10" align="end" />
<vbox flex="1" minheight="125">
I'm trying to get #myscreen2 to take up the whole sidebar vertically. How do I achieve this?
Right now it only uses the minimum height set for the two boxes. I've tried to set height: 100% and flex="1" on the deck itself and #myscreen2, but it's not working.
I really don't like the available XUL documentation, but I managed to come up with a solution:
<deck id="mydeck" selectedIndex="0" flex="1">
<vbox id="myscreen1">
<vbox id="myscreen2">
<vbox flex="3" minheight="150">
<splitter collapse="after" resizeafter="farthest">
<grippy height="10" align="end" />
<vbox flex="1" minheight="125">
The key was to have flex="1" on the deck. Not sure why it wasn't working when I tried it the first time.

jquery plug in or Html Code

Is there a way to add additional photos per set? I can’t see the previous and next buttons once i click on one single image from the gallery images. Does anyone know the code i need to activate this? The gallery was built using Pretty Photo lightbox plugin. I appreciate your time in advance. thanks
example of site:
this actually reads like this:
<div class="tabcontent">
<div class="gallery"> <img src="./img/tgallery-item-01.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-02.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-03.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-04.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-05.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-06.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
To use the gallery functionality, you
need to add the gallery name in
braket. Like so:
<a href="" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery]">
