Industry Icon with NonLinear or CompanionAd in VAST 4.2 - vast

It says 'This feature is only offered for Linear Ads because icons can be easily inserted in NonLinear ads and companion creative using existing features.' in VAST 4.2 document. But I don't know how it looks like.
I try this
<NonLinear id="GDFP" width="480" height="70" minSuggestedDuration="00:00:05" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png">
<Icon program="DAA" width="77" height="15" xPosition="right" yPosition="top" offset="00:00:00">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png"><![CDATA[]]></StaticResource>
and it do not work.
I also try this
<NonLinear id="GDFP" width="480" height="70" minSuggestedDuration="00:00:05" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png">
<NonLinear program="DAA" width="77" height="15" xPosition="right" yPosition="top" offset="00:00:00">
<StaticResource creativeType="image/png"><![CDATA[]]></StaticResource>
and it do not work, NonLinear tag seems do not allow program, xPosition, yPosition attribute.
Can you give a sample?


Appium application automation testing issues of element size

We are doing Windows application automation using Appium. That application is developed under WPF Microsoft technology.
In Appium source response we got xml proper but not getting x, y, height, width of tabItem of tab control.
XML look like below
<Tab AcceleratorKey="" AccessKey="" AutomationId="MainTabControl" ClassName="TabControl" FrameworkId="WPF" HasKeyboardFocus="False" HelpText="" IsContentElement="True" IsControlElement="True" IsEnabled="True" IsKeyboardFocusable="True" IsOffscreen="False" IsPassword="False" IsRequiredForForm="False" ItemStatus="" ItemType="" LocalizedControlType="tab" Name="" Orientation="None" ProcessId="68888" RuntimeId="7.68888.15577129" x="8" y="41" width="1350" height="679" Selection="7.68888.32204626">
<TabItem AcceleratorKey="" AccessKey="" AutomationId="" ClassName="TabItem" FrameworkId="WPF" HasKeyboardFocus="False" HelpText="" IsContentElement="True" IsControlElement="True" IsEnabled="True" IsKeyboardFocusable="False" IsOffscreen="True" IsPassword="False" IsRequiredForForm="False" ItemStatus="" ItemType="" LocalizedControlType="tab item" Name="Samba.Presentation.ClientLibrary.Modules.LoginModule.LoginView" Orientation="None" ProcessId="68888" RuntimeId="7.68888.61852681" x="0" y="0" width="0" height="0" IsSelected="False" SelectionContainer="{, TabControl, 7.68888.15577129}" IsAvailable="True" />
Appium gives x, y, height, width of Tab but not of TabItem.
So, we cannot click on that Tab item.

Wix bootstrapper multiple hyperlink text

My idea is to make multiple license terms link's with different name One of them should be "license terms" next "diagnostics". But then I try to change name I faced this issue:
Here is my code for this RtfTheme.XML:
<Page Name="Install">
<Hypertext Name="EulaHyperlink" X="94" Y="-100" Width="-11" Height="17" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" HideWhenDisabled="yes">#(loc.InstallLicenseLinkText)</Hypertext>
<Checkbox Name="EulaAcceptCheckbox" Height="30" Width="300" X="120" Y="-67" FontId="3">#(loc.InstallLicenseLinkCheckBox)</Checkbox>
<Button Name="InstallButton" X="160" Y="-30" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.InstallInstallButton)</Button>
<Button Name="InstallCancelButton" X="240" Y="-30" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">
<CloseWindowAction />
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.HyperlinkLicense" >
LogoFile="Resources/banner.png" LogoSideFile="Resources/r2.png"
LicenseUrl="" />
<Payload SourceFile="Resources/r2.png"/>
<String Id="InstallLicenseLinkText">By installing you accept these <a href="#">license terms</a></String>
<String Id="InstallLicenseLinkCheckBox">Also include <a href="#">diagnostics</a></String>
Maybe whom have same issue and know how can I fix this? Please suggest.
Make your check box the size of the box itself with no text. Add a second <Hypertext> that is positioned right beside the check box.

Geoserver merker displacement

I am using geoserver styles, and i want to add point layer withe icons like google maps or custom icon,
I made this :
<OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="administration.png" />
But it takes the center of icon, how can I make displacement X and Y to take into consideration the top right on my icon for example knowing that the icone has 32x32px
Thanks lot
I found a solution but not very well :
This is :
<svg version="1.1"
<image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="37" xlink:href="administration.png" />
The problem is that the clicked area is big than the visual icon in openlayers.
Any help is very precious

How to set a number of error with xul like firebug does

As the question explains itself i've a button like firebug and i wanted to set there a number when some events happens like firebug doeas when it detects errors on the page.
Does anyone know how to set it?
This is the code of the top button that displays a panel, so i want to set there a number when certains events happens..
<panel id="asv-panel">
<hbox align="start">
<hbox align="center" style="background-color:#ffffff">
<image id="asvbutton-panel-icon" width="200px" height="50px" style="margin-left:10px"/>
<hbox style="background-color:#fff" id="menuPanelContainer">
<html:div style="margin-top:20px;margin-left:20px;width:150px" id="menuLogginInicial">
<description value="&asbutton.Signin;"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logoface" width="50px" height="50px" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="asvbutton.login();"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logogoogle" width="47px" height="45px" style="align:left;cursor:pointer"/>
<image id="asvbutton-logotwitter" width="50px" height="50px" style="align:left;cursor:pointer"/>
After thousands of pages and samples... the easiest way was creating a div and doing an appendChild to it (old school method) :D
Hope this helps someone.

ChangePropertyAction on Image Control in LongListSelector item template

I have a long list selector and i have a datatemplate as item template, containing an image. I want the source to change based on a property from the model. I tried with a converter but i could't get it to work.
Now i'm trying with triggers. I have:
<Image Name="MovieThumbnail">
<ei:DataTrigger Binding="{Binding DataContext.IsCategoryCurrent,ElementName=LayoutRoot}" Value="true">
<ei:ChangePropertyAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=MovieThumbnail}" TargetName="Source" Value="{Binding Path=Image120x170}" PropertyName="Source"/>
<ei:DataTrigger Binding="{Binding DataContext.IsCategoryCurrent,ElementName=LayoutRoot}" Value="false">
<ei:ChangePropertyAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=MovieThumbnail}" TargetName="Source" Value="{x:Null}" PropertyName="Source"/>
It work almost how i want it to, except that images repeat themselves. As in a movie has the picture of another movie. I think it's because i bind by element name and the image control has multiple instances (one for each item), but i would think they can't see each other. Any help highly appreciated.
After further investigation, it seems that this happens because of the long list selector.
I first load 40 items, and then load another 40, but the second batch of 40 items get the pictures from the first batch. If i raise a property changed event, then the pictures from the second batch are set on all items repeating themselves. I have no idea why this is happening.
If i load another 40 and raise property changed on IsCategoryCurrent again, the pictures from the 3rd batch get set 3 times.
I managed to fix it:
Width="130" Height="195"
<ei:DataTrigger Binding="{Binding DataContext.IsCategoryCurrent,ElementName=LayoutRoot}"
<ei:ChangePropertyAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=MovieThumbnail}"
<BitmapImage CreateOptions="BackgroundCreation"
UriSource="{Binding Path=Image120x170}"/>
<ei:DataTrigger Binding="{Binding DataContext.IsCategoryCurrent,ElementName=LayoutRoot}"
<ei:ChangePropertyAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=MovieThumbnail}"
And i raise a property changed event of IsCategoryCurrent at every change.
