Why should a literal String start out Frozen? (Ruby 2.1) - ruby

Following development of Ruby 2.1 I have read about a feature that will probably be added so a developer is allowed to specify that a literal String should start out "frozen".
The syntax looks like this (note the trailing f):
str = "imfrozen"f # str receives a frozen string
In other Ruby documentation/wiki i've read that this feature provides the following benefit:
This allows the VM to use the same String object each time, and
potentially for the same frozen string across many files. It also
obviously provides all the immutability guarantees of a frozen string.
My questions are:
What is the benefit of this?
What is a real world example of when a feature like this would provide value?
How is this different from a symbol ?
Thank you

Suppose you had code like this
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == "foo"
In this code, for each iteration over array_that_is_very_long, a new string "foo" is created (and is thrown out), which is a huge waste of resource. Currently, you can overcome this problem by doing:
Foo = "foo"
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == Foo
The proposed syntax makes this easier to do as so:
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == "foo"f


Detecting a missing sub!, sort!, map!, etc

After returning to Ruby from a long stint coding in another language, I regularly assume that foo.sort, foo.map {...}, foo.sub /bar/, 'zip' will change foo. Of course I meant foo.sort!, etc. But that usually takes 3 or 4 debugging potshots before I notice. Meanwhile, the sort is calculated, but then isn't assigned to anything. Can I make ruby warn about that missing lvalue, like a C compiler warns of a function's ignored return value?
You mean like Perl's somewhat infamous "using map in void context"? I don't know of Ruby having such a thing. Sounds like you need more unit testing to catch mistakes like this before they can worm into your code deeply enough to be considered bugs.
Keep in mind Ruby's a lot more flexible than languages like Perl. For example, the following code might be useful:
def rewrite(list)
list.map do |row|
row += '!'
Now technically that's a map in a void context, but because it's used as a return value it might be captured elsewhere. It's the responsibility of the caller to make use of it. Flagging the method itself for some sort of warning is a level removed from what most linting type tools can do.
Here's a very basic parser :
#forgetful_methods = %w(sort map sub)
Dir['*.rb'].each do |script|
File.readlines(script).each.with_index(1) do |line, i|
#forgetful_methods.each do |method|
if line =~ /\.#{method}(?!!)/ && $` !~ /(=|\b(puts|print|return)\b|^#)/
puts format('%-25s (%3d) : %s', script, i, line.strip)
# =>
# brace_globbing.rb ( 13) : subpatterns.map{|subpattern| explode_extglob(match.pre_match+subpattern+match.post_match)}.flatten
# delegate.rb ( 11) : #targets.map { |t| t.send(m, *args) }
It checks every ruby script in the current directory for sort, map or sub without ! that aren't preceded by =, puts, print or return.
It's just a start, but maybe it could help you find some of the low hanging fruits.
There are many false positives, though.
A more complex version could use abstract syntax trees, for example with Ripper.

How to get Ruby hash to remove braces in output

I started working through some sample problems on Test-First, and had worked out a solution which passed all the RSpec tests using Ruby 1.8.7. I just upgraded my OS, and Ruby upgraded as well; my code no longer passes the RSpec test. Can anyone help me understand why this is not working anymore?
My code
def entries
the error message
1) Dictionary can add whole entries with keyword and definition
Failure/Error: #d.entries.should == {'fish' => 'aquatic animal'}
expected: {"fish"=>"aquatic animal"}
got: {["fish"]=>["aquatic animal"]} (using ==)
## -1,2 +1,2 ##
-"fish" => "aquatic animal"
+["fish"] => ["aquatic animal"]
I can't figure out what to change about the formatting. (One of the RSpec tests is that the #d must be empty when created, so when I try modifying the #d by putting in explicit formatting it also fails, but I'm imagining that there's a straightforward type issue here I'm not understanding.)
Update: More code
class Dictionary
def initialize d = {}
#d = d
def entries
def keywords
def add words
n_key = words.keys
n_val = words.values
#d[n_key] = n_val
It looks like you're trying to do some kind of mass assignment by adding several words at once, but that's not the way to do it.
A Ruby Hash can have anything as a key, and this includes arrays of things. It's not like JavaScript where it will automatically cast to string, or other languages that have the same sort of conversion to a specific dictionary key type. In Ruby any object will do.
So your add words method should be:
def add words
words.each do |word, value|
#d[word] = value
As a note using names like #d is really bad form. Try and be more specific about what that is, or you risk confusing people endlessly. Programs filled with things like #d, x and S are awful to debug and maintain. Better to be clear if a bit verbose than terse and ambiguous.
Secondly, it's not clear how your Dictionary class is all that different from Hash itself. Maybe you could make it a subclass and save yourself some trouble. For example:
class Dictionary < Hash
def keywords
def add words
In general terms it's always best to use the core Ruby classes to do what you want, then build out from there. Re-inventing the wheel leads to incompatibility and frustration. The built-in Hash class has a whole bunch of utility methods that are very handy for doing data transformation, conversion and iteration, things you're losing by creating your own opaque wrapper class.
The merge! method in particular adds data to an existing Hash, which is exactly what you want.

How can I make a custom Ruby type behave like a string?

If I have a custom Ruby class representing some string type, as in
class MyString
Which functions should I implement in order to make the following use cases possible:
Passing a Ruby string whenever a MyString is expected
Passing a MyString whenever a Ruby string is expected
Comparing a Ruby string with a MyString value (it shouldn't matter whether I use s == t or t == s).
I saw various interesting functions like to_s, cmp, == and eq already, but it's not clear to me when each of them is called.
My concrete use case is that I'm writing a Ruby extension using the C API which exposes functions taking (and returning) values of a custom string type (QString, to be precise) which my extension also registers. However, I'd like to make those custom strings behave as intuitive as possible. Unfortunately I can't just return Ruby strings from my C code since it should be possible to call Qt methods on the strings.
There are at least three approaches:
class MyString < String; ...; end
Define #to_s
Define #to_str
Doing both #2 and #3 will make the object act very much like a real String even if it isn't a subclass.
#to_s is an explicit converter, meaning it must appear in Ruby code to work.
#to_str is an implicit converter, meaning the Ruby interpreter will attempt to call it when it wants a String but is given something else.
Here is an example of some fun you can have with to_str:
open 1, 'r'
rescue TypeError => e
p e
class Fixnum
def to_str; to_s; end
open 1, 'r'
When run, the first open fails with TypeError but the second proceeds to looking for 1.
#<TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String>
fun.rb:9:in `initialize': No such file or directory - 1 (Errno::ENOENT)
from fun.rb:9:in `open'
Although it's tempting to sub-class String to give it a new initialize method that will import these QString-type strings, you may just want to tack on an extension to String that helps with the conversion so you don't have to re-implement a version of String itself.
For instance, with two methods you could pretty much have this done:
class String
def self.from_qstring(qstring)
def to_qstring
# ...
Having multiple storage types for String is not going to be a problem until you start comparing them, but given that Ruby's String is quite robust, writing a work-alike is difficult.
It's not generally a good idea to subclass classes that were built by someone else in Ruby, because too many things can go wrong. (You might, for example, override an internal method without knowing it.)
1) define Mystring.to_s to get automatic conversion from a Mystring to a String.
2) Not sure what you mean by this. If you want a String method that returns a Mystring, you will have to monkey-patch String:
Class String
def to_mystring
return Mystring.new(self)
3) to get t == s (assuming s is an instance of String and t an instance of Mystring) define <=>. To get s == t you will have to monkey patch String again, though.
Since I was looking for something similar, but none of the other answers worked for me, I'll post what did work for me.
Found in this blog post which discourage the use of inheriting String and instead use simple delegator.
Inheriting from SimpleDelegator create an object which delegate everything to a string of your choice but on which you add behavior as you see fit.
class ChunkyBacon < SimpleDelegator
def initialize(content)
#content = content
super #content
def chunky_bacon?
#content == 'chunky_bacon'
test = ChunkyBacon.new('choco pizza') # => 'choco pizza'
test.chunky_bacon? # => false

How to create an operator for deep copy/cloning of objects in Ruby?

I would like to achieve the following by introducing a new operator (e.g. :=)
a := b = {}
b[1] = 2
p a # => {}
p b # => {1=>2}
As far as I understand, I need to modify the Object class, but I don't know what to do in order to get what I want.
require 'superators'
class Object
superator ":=" operand # update, must be: superator ":=" do |operand|
# self = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(operand)) # ???
Could you help me with this?
Ok, superators will probably not help me here, but I still want such operator. How can I (or you) create an extension for Ruby, which I could load as a module?
require 'deep_copy_operator'
a !?= b = {} # I would prefer ":=" but don't really care how it is spelled
b[1] = 2
p a # => {}
p b # => {1=>2}
wow, superators look neat! But unfortunately, this won't work for you, for two reasons. First, your operator does not match the regex (you cannot use a colon). Easy enough, find a new operator. But the second one I don't think can be overcome, the superator is basically a method name defined on the object to the left. So you can't use it for assignment statements. If your variable is not defined, then you cannot use it, that would raise an error. And if it is defined, then you can't change its type in any way that is obvious to me (maybe with some level of reflection and metaprogramming that is way beyond anything I know, but it honestly seems unlikely... of course, I would have never expected it to be possible to create superators, so who knows).
So I think you're back to hacking parse.y and rebuilding your Ruby.
First of all, the syntax for superators is
superator ":=" do |operand|
It's a block, because superator is a metaprogramming macro.
Secondly, you have something going their with Marshal...but it's a bit of magic-ish. Feel free to use it as long as you understand exactly what it is you're doing.
Thirdly, what you are doing isn't quite doable with a superator (I believe), because self cannot be modified during a function. (if someone knows otherwise, please let me know)
Also, in your example, a must first exist and be defined before being able to call the method := in it.
Your best bet is probably:
class Object
def deep_clone
to generate a deep clone of an object.
a = (b = {}).deep_clone
b[1] = 2
p a # => {}
p b # => {1=>2}

Access variables programmatically by name in Ruby

I'm not entirely sure if this is possible in Ruby, but hopefully there's an easy way to do this. I want to declare a variable and later find out the name of the variable. That is, for this simple snippet:
foo = ["goo", "baz"]
How can I get the name of the array (here, "foo") back? If it is indeed possible, does this work on any variable (e.g., scalars, hashes, etc.)?
Edit: Here's what I'm basically trying to do. I'm writing a SOAP server that wraps around a class with three important variables, and the validation code is essentially this:
[foo, goo, bar].each { |param|
if param.class != Array
puts "param_name wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: param_name wasn't an Array"
My question is then: Can I replace the instances of 'param_name' with foo, goo, or bar? These objects are all Arrays, so the answers I've received so far don't seem to work (with the exception of re-engineering the whole thing ala dbr's answer)
What if you turn your problem around? Instead of trying to get names from variables, get the variables from the names:
["foo", "goo", "bar"].each { |param_name|
param = eval(param_name)
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
If there were a chance of one the variables not being defined at all (as opposed to not being an array), you would want to add "rescue nil" to the end of the "param = ..." line to keep the eval from throwing an exception...
You need to re-architect your solution. Even if you could do it (you can't), the question simply doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Imagine a get_name method.
a = 1
Everyone could probably agree this should return 'a'
b = a
Should it return 'b', or 'a', or an array containing both?
[b,a].each do |arg|
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a' ?
def do_stuff( arg )
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a', or maybe the array of all of them? Even if it did return an array, what would the order be and how would I know how to interpret the results?
The answer to all of the questions above is "It depends on the particular thing I want at the time." I'm not sure how you could solve that problem for Ruby.
It seems you are trying to solve a problem that has a far easier solution..
Why not just store the data in a hash? If you do..
data_container = {'foo' => ['goo', 'baz']}
..it is then utterly trivial to get the 'foo' name.
That said, you've not given any context to the problem, so there may be a reason you can't do this..
[edit] After clarification, I see the issue, but I don't think this is the problem.. With [foo, bar, bla], it's equivalent like saying ['content 1', 'content 2', 'etc']. The actual variables name is (or rather, should be) utterly irrelevant. If the name of the variable is important, that is exactly why hashes exist.
The problem isn't with iterating over [foo, bar] etc, it's the fundamental problem with how the SOAP server is returing the data, and/or how you're trying to use it.
The solution, I would say, is to either make the SOAP server return hashes, or, since you know there is always going to be three elements, can you not do something like..
{"foo" => foo, "goo" => goo, "bar"=>bar}.each do |param_name, param|
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
puts "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
OK, it DOES work in instance methods, too, and, based on your specific requirement (the one you put in the comment), you could do this:
local_variables.each do |var|
puts var if (eval(var).class != Fixnum)
Just replace Fixnum with your specific type checking.
I do not know of any way to get a local variable name. But, you can use the instance_variables method, this will return an array of all the instance variable names in the object.
Simple call:
to get an array of all instance variable names.
Building on joshmsmoore, something like this would probably do it:
# Returns the first instance variable whose value == x
# Returns nil if no name maps to the given value
def instance_variable_name_for(x)
self.instance_variables.find do |var|
x == self.instance_variable_get(var)
There's Kernel::local_variables, but I'm not sure that this will work for a method's local vars, and I don't know that you can manipulate it in such a way as to do what you wish to acheive.
Great question. I fully understand your motivation. Let me start by noting, that there are certain kinds of special objects, that, under certain circumstances, have knowledge of the variable, to which they have been assigned. These special objects are eg. Module instances, Class instances and Struct instances:
Dog = Class.new
Dog.name # Dog
The catch is, that this works only when the variable, to which the assignment is performed, is a constant. (We all know that Ruby constants are nothing more than emotionally sensitive variables.) Thus:
x = Module.new # creating an anonymous module
x.name #=> nil # the module does not know that it has been assigned to x
Animal = x # but will notice once we assign it to a constant
x.name #=> "Animal"
This behavior of objects being aware to which variables they have been assigned, is commonly called constant magic (because it is limited to constants). But this highly desirable constant magic only works for certain objects:
Rover = Dog.new
Rover.name #=> raises NoMethodError
Fortunately, I have written a gem y_support/name_magic, that takes care of this for you:
# first, gem install y_support
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class Cat
include NameMagic
The fact, that this only works with constants (ie. variables starting with a capital letter) is not such a big limitation. In fact, it gives you freedom to name or not to name your objects at will:
tmp = Cat.new # nameless kitty
tmp.name #=> nil
Josie = tmp # by assigning to a constant, we name the kitty Josie
tmp.name #=> :Josie
Unfortunately, this will not work with array literals, because they are internally constructed without using #new method, on which NameMagic relies. Therefore, to achieve what you want to, you will have to subclass Array:
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class MyArr < Array
include NameMagic
foo = MyArr.new ["goo", "baz"] # not named yet
foo.name #=> nil
Foo = foo # but assignment to a constant is noticed
foo.name #=> :Foo
# You can even list the instances
MyArr.instances #=> [["goo", "baz"]]
MyArr.instance_names #=> [:Foo]
# Get an instance by name:
MyArr.instance "Foo" #=> ["goo", "baz"]
MyArr.instance :Foo #=> ["goo", "baz"]
# Rename it:
Foo.name = "Quux"
Foo.name #=> :Quux
# Or forget the name again:
MyArr.forget :Quux
Foo.name #=> nil
# In addition, you can name the object upon creation even without assignment
u = MyArr.new [1, 2], name: :Pair
u.name #=> :Pair
v = MyArr.new [1, 2, 3], ɴ: :Trinity
v.name #=> :Trinity
I achieved the constant magic-imitating behavior by searching all the constants in all the namespaces of the current Ruby object space. This wastes a fraction of second, but since the search is performed only once, there is no performance penalty once the object figures out its name. In the future, Ruby core team has promised const_assigned hook.
You can't, you need to go back to the drawing board and re-engineer your solution.
Foo is only a location to hold a pointer to the data. The data has no knowledge of what points at it. In Smalltalk systems you could ask the VM for all pointers to an object, but that would only get you the object that contained the foo variable, not foo itself. There is no real way to reference a vaiable in Ruby. As mentioned by one answer you can stil place a tag in the data that references where it came from or such, but generally that is not a good apporach to most problems. You can use a hash to receive the values in the first place, or use a hash to pass to your loop so you know the argument name for validation purposes as in DBR's answer.
The closest thing to a real answer to you question is to use the Enumerable method each_with_index instead of each, thusly:
my_array = [foo, baz, bar]
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if item.class != Array
puts "#{my_array[index]} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{item.class}"
I removed the return statement from the block you were passing to each/each_with_index because it didn't do/mean anything. Each and each_with_index both return the array on which they were operating.
There's also something about scope in blocks worth noting here: if you've defined a variable outside of the block, it will be available within it. In other words, you could refer to foo, bar, and baz directly inside the block. The converse is not true: variables that you create for the first time inside the block will not be available outside of it.
Finally, the do/end syntax is preferred for multi-line blocks, but that's simply a matter of style, though it is universal in ruby code of any recent vintage.
