Detecting a missing sub!, sort!, map!, etc - ruby

After returning to Ruby from a long stint coding in another language, I regularly assume that foo.sort, {...}, foo.sub /bar/, 'zip' will change foo. Of course I meant foo.sort!, etc. But that usually takes 3 or 4 debugging potshots before I notice. Meanwhile, the sort is calculated, but then isn't assigned to anything. Can I make ruby warn about that missing lvalue, like a C compiler warns of a function's ignored return value?

You mean like Perl's somewhat infamous "using map in void context"? I don't know of Ruby having such a thing. Sounds like you need more unit testing to catch mistakes like this before they can worm into your code deeply enough to be considered bugs.
Keep in mind Ruby's a lot more flexible than languages like Perl. For example, the following code might be useful:
def rewrite(list) do |row|
row += '!'
Now technically that's a map in a void context, but because it's used as a return value it might be captured elsewhere. It's the responsibility of the caller to make use of it. Flagging the method itself for some sort of warning is a level removed from what most linting type tools can do.

Here's a very basic parser :
#forgetful_methods = %w(sort map sub)
Dir['*.rb'].each do |script|
File.readlines(script).each.with_index(1) do |line, i|
#forgetful_methods.each do |method|
if line =~ /\.#{method}(?!!)/ && $` !~ /(=|\b(puts|print|return)\b|^#)/
puts format('%-25s (%3d) : %s', script, i, line.strip)
# =>
# brace_globbing.rb ( 13) :{|subpattern| explode_extglob(match.pre_match+subpattern+match.post_match)}.flatten
# delegate.rb ( 11) : { |t| t.send(m, *args) }
It checks every ruby script in the current directory for sort, map or sub without ! that aren't preceded by =, puts, print or return.
It's just a start, but maybe it could help you find some of the low hanging fruits.
There are many false positives, though.
A more complex version could use abstract syntax trees, for example with Ripper.


Convert a letter to its corresponding control code

Given a single letter (string), say "a", I want to convert this into its corresponding control code, i.e. "\ca" - or equivalently (in alternate syntax) - "\C-a", ?\ca, "\x01", "\u0001"
I was hoping there'd be some "nice", clean way of doing this conversion, but I can't figure it out.
An obvious first attempt might be to try something like:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
...But this does not work, since this will always return "\u0003{letter}" (where "\u0003" is the control code "\c#"
My current solution is simply to "brute force" it by doing the following:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
(0..255).detect { |x| x.chr =~"\\c#{char}") }.chr
However, I can't help but feel there's a "right" way of doing this!
Here's another, non brute-force solution I've come up with, that seems to work:
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
(letter.ord % 32).chr
This looks much nicer, but also very hacky!
You can write it as :
def convert_to_control_code(letter)
eval "?\\C-#{letter.chr}"
convert_to_control_code(97) # => "\u0001"
convert_to_control_code(98) # => "\u0002"
One possibility is to do the same as Ruby itself does. It might look something like this:
def convert_to_control(letter)
letter = letter.chr # ensure we are only dealing with a single char
return 0177.chr if letter == '?'
raise 'an error' unless letter.ascii_only? # or do something else
(letter.ord & 0x9f).chr
You might want to change the encoding of the result depending on what you are doing.

Why should a literal String start out Frozen? (Ruby 2.1)

Following development of Ruby 2.1 I have read about a feature that will probably be added so a developer is allowed to specify that a literal String should start out "frozen".
The syntax looks like this (note the trailing f):
str = "imfrozen"f # str receives a frozen string
In other Ruby documentation/wiki i've read that this feature provides the following benefit:
This allows the VM to use the same String object each time, and
potentially for the same frozen string across many files. It also
obviously provides all the immutability guarantees of a frozen string.
My questions are:
What is the benefit of this?
What is a real world example of when a feature like this would provide value?
How is this different from a symbol ?
Thank you
Suppose you had code like this
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == "foo"
In this code, for each iteration over array_that_is_very_long, a new string "foo" is created (and is thrown out), which is a huge waste of resource. Currently, you can overcome this problem by doing:
Foo = "foo"
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == Foo
The proposed syntax makes this easier to do as so:
array_that_is_very_long.each do |e|
if e == "foo"f

ruby "on error resume next" function

Is there a way of doing the old "on error resume next" routine in ruby?
I've got array of value filled in dynamically from elsewhere (read from MQTT topics to be precise) then I want to do a bunch of numeric calculations on them and publish the results. The values SHOULD be numeric but are possibly missing or non-numeric.
At the moment my code looks something like
//values get loaded here
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
//etc etc
If the calculation fails for any reason the program should just skip that step and go on.
It works but surely theres a better way than all those identical begin..rescue blocks? Ruby is about "DRY" after all..
Is there a way of re-writing the above so that a single begin..rescue construct is used while still allowing all calculations to be attempted?
How safe to do something like
def safe_Publish(topic,value)
return if value.nil?
and call with
safe_Publish('topic2',(value[3]/value[4] rescue nil))
The main problem is that the above catches ALL exceptions not just the ones I'm expecting which makes me a little nervous.
The on error resume next coding style is really dangerous - as it makes finding new bugs you accidentally introduce to your program very hard to find. Instead, I would just write a different version of publish that doesn't throw those exceptions:
def try_publish(topic_name)
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
# are you sure you don't want to do anything here? Even logging the errors
# somewhere could be useful.
You can then call this with:
try_publish('topic1') { value[0]*10+value[1] }
If TypeError,NoMethodError or ZeroDivisionError are thrown by the expression, they will be caught and ignored.
Now your original method won't require any rescues.
If you really wanted an on error resume next, you could possibly do it by monkey patching the raise method in Kernel, but that would be a horrible idea.
If you think a bit more carefully about what you are doing, and why you want on error resume next, I think you will see that you don't really need to suppress all exceptions. As the other posters pointed out, that would make it hard to find and fix bugs.
Your problem is that you have a bunch of numbers scraped from the Internet, and want to run some calculations on them, but some may be invalid or missing. For invalid/missing numbers, you want to skip over any calculations which would use those numbers.
A few possible solutions:
Pre-filter your data and remove anything which is not a valid number.
Put each calculation you want to do into a method of its own. Put a rescue Exception on the method definition.
Define "safe" wrappers for the numeric classes which don't raise exceptions on divide by zero, etc. Use these wrappers for your calculations.
The "wrappers" might look something like this (don't expect complete, tested code; this is just to give you the idea):
# This is not designed for "mixed" arithmetic between SafeNumerics and ordinary Numerics,
# but if you want to do mixed arithmetic, that can also be achieved
# more checks will be needed, and it will also need a "coerce" method
class SafeNumeric
attr_reader :__numeric__
def initialize(numeric)
#__numeric__ = numeric.is_a?(String) ? numeric.to_f : numeric
def zero?
def /(other)
if || #__numeric__.nil? || other.__numeric__.nil? # could use a constant for this to reduce allocations
else / other.__numeric__)
def to_s; #__numeric__.to_s; end
def inspect; #__numeric__.inspect; end
# methods are also needed for +, -, *
Then use it like:
numbers = { |n| }
# now you can do arithmetic on "numbers" at will
This shows how to wrap a bunch of quick operations into a loop with each one being protected by a begin/rescue:
values = [1,2,3,0,4]
ops = [ ->{values[0]/values[1]}, ->{values[2]/values[3]} ]
ops.each do |op|
puts "answer is #{}"
rescue ZeroDivisionError
puts "cannot divide by zero"
I prefer the safe_publish method, however, as you can unit test that and it encapsulates the logic of making safe calls and handling errors in a single place:
def safe_publish(topic, &block)
value =
publish(topic, value)
# handle the error
and then you can call this with code like:
safe_publish 'topic0' do

Ruby case statement with multiple variables using an Array

I'd like to compare multiple variables for a case statement, and am currently thinking overriding the case equals operator (===) for Array is the best way to do it. Is this the best way?
Here is an example use case:
def deposit_apr deposit,apr
# deposit: can be nil or 2 length Array of [nil or Float, String]
# apr: can be nil or Float
case [deposit,apr]
when [[Float,String],Float]
puts "#{deposit[0]} #{deposit[1]}, #{apr*100.0}% APR"
when [[nil,String],Float]
puts "#{apr*100.0}% APR on deposits greater than 100 #{deposit[1]}"
when [[Float,String],nil]
puts "#{deposit[0]} #{deposit[1]}"
puts 'N/A'
The only problem is the Array case equals operator doesn't apply the case equal to the elements of the Array.
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > deposit_apr([656.00,'rupees'],0.065)
It will if I override, but am not sure what I'd be breaking if I did:
class Array
def ===(other)
result = true {|bp,ap| result &&= bp === ap}
Now, it all works:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > deposit_apr([656.00,'rupees'],0.065)
656.0 rupees, 6.5% APR
Am I missing something?
I found this question because I was looking to run a case statement on multiple variables, but, going through the following, came to the conclusion that needing to compare multiple variables might suggest that a different approach is needed. (I went back to my own code with this conclusion, and found that even a Hash is helping me write code that is easier to understand.)
Gems today use "no monkey patching" as a selling point. Overriding an operator is probably not the right approach. Monkey patching is great for experimentation, but it's too easy for things to go awry.
Also, there's a lot of type-checking. In a language that is designed for Duck Typing, this clearly indicates the need for a different approach. For example, what happens if I pass in integer values instead of floats? We'd get an 'N/A', even though that's not likely what we're looking for.
You'll notice that the example given in the question is difficult to read. We should be able to find a way to represent this logic more clearly to the reader (and to the writer, when they revisit the code again in a few months and have to puzzle out what's going on).
And finally, since there are multiple numbers with associated logic, it seems like there's at least one value object-type class (Deposit) that wants to be written.
For cleanliness, I'm going to assume that a nil APR can be considered a 0.0% APR.
class Deposit
def initialize(amount, unit='USD', options={})
#amount = amount.to_f # `nil` => 0.0
#unit = unit.to_s # Example assumes unit is always present
#apr = options.fetch(:apr, 0.0).to_f # `apr: nil` => 0.0
Once we have our Deposit object, we can implement the print logic without needing case statements at all.
class Deposit
# ... lines omitted
def to_s
string = "#{#amount} #{#unit}"
string << ", #{#apr * 100.0}% APR" if #apr > 0.0
d =, 'rupees', apr: 0.065)
# => "656.0 rupees, 6.5% APR"
e =, 'USD', apr: nil)
# => "100.0 USD"
f =, 'USD')
# => "100.0 USD"
Conclusion: If you're comparing multiple variables in a case statement, use that as a smell to suggest a deeper design issue. Multiple-variable cases might indicate that there's an object that wants to be created.
If you are worried about breaking something by changing Array behavior, and certainly that's a reasonable worry, then just put your revised operator in a subclass of Array.
it's definitely not the best way. even more - you should not redefine methods of standart classes as core functionality may depend on it - have fun debugging then.
defensive style is nice(with lot of type checks and whatnot) but it usually hurts performance and readability.
if you know that you will not pass anything else than bunch of floats and strings to that method - why do you need all those checks for?
IMO use exception catching and fix the source of problem, don't try to fix the problem somewhere in the middle

Ruby while syntax

Does anybody why I can write this:
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > a = %w( a b c)
=> ["a", "b", "c"]
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > while (i = a.shift) do; puts i ; end
=> nil
Which looks like passing a block to while.
And not:
while(i = a.shift) { puts i; }
Is it because the "do" of the while syntax is just syntaxic sugar and as nothing to do with the "do" of a block?
Is it because the do of the while syntax is just syntaxic sugar and as nothing to do with the do of a block?
More or less, yes. It's not syntactic sugar, it's simply a built-in language construct, like def or class, as #meagar already wrote.
It has nothing to do with the do of a block, except that keywords are expensive and so reusing keywords makes sense. (By "expensive" I mean that they limit the programmer in his expressiveness.)
In a while loop, there are two ways to separate the block from the condition:
the do keyword and
an expression separator.
There are, in turn, two different expression separators in Ruby:
the semicolon ; and
a newline
So, all three of the following are valid:
while i = a.shift do puts i end # do
while i = a.shift; puts i end # semicolon
while i = a.shift
puts i end # newline
[Obviously, that last one wouldn't be written that way, you would put the end on a new line, dedented to match the while. I just wanted to demonstrate what is the minimum needed to separate the parts of the while loop.]
By the way: it is highly un-idiomatic to put the condition in parentheses. There's also a lot of superfluous semicolons in your code. And the variable name i is usually reserved for an index, not an element. (I normally use el for generic elements, but I much prefer more semantic names.)
It is also highly un-idiomatic to iterate a collection manually. Your code would be much better written as
Not only is it much easier to understand what this does (print all elements of the array and delete all items from it), it is also much easier to write (there is no way to get the termination condition wrong, or screw up any assignments). It also happens to be more efficient: your version is Θ(n2), this one is Θ(n).
And actually, that's not really how you would write it, either, because Kernel#puts already implements that behavior, anyway. So, what you would really write is this
puts a
or maybe this
[Note: this very last one is not 100% equivalent. It prints a newline for an empty array, all the other ones print nothing.]
Simple. Clear. Concise. Expressive. Fast.
Compare that to:
while (i = a.shift) do; puts i ; end
I actually had to run that multiple times to be 100% clear what it does.
while doesn't take a block, it's a language construct. The do is optional:
while (i = a.shift)
puts i
