ctags key binding doesn't work for vim - ctags

I just installed ctags for my Mac. Everything is OK except the key binding. I'm pretty sure this is not the ctags which comes with the Mac. It does generate the right "tags" file in the directory. I tried :tag function_name, and it works, just the key bindings like <C-]> and <C-t> doesn't work, anyone could help me out?
Thank you so much!

Hmm, you could try :map <C-]> to see if something (a plugin, perhaps) has overwritten the default binding of that key.


I accidentally unbound my c-key in my macOS terminal when enabling autofill. How do I restore it?

So I was looking into how to enable mac terminal auto complete and stumbled upon solutions involving .inputrc. However, I must have messed up some input along the way, because now my c key doesn't work while in the terminal. Whenever I press it my terminal does a quick flash of disapproval and nothing else happens. Also, for some reason, upper case C still works just fine.
I would greatly appreciate any help!
For what it's worth: the auto complete works like a charm....
I've been searching for a way to factory reset my bindings, but to no avail.
Unfortunately I'm so new to messing with the terminal that I don't really now where to start or what to look for :/

IntelliJ `introduce parameter` shortcut on macOS brings up the preferences

I have had this issue for a while, and now, after a fresh install of macOS I am plagued with it again, so, I am sure this isn't the result of some custom program running on the machine. I only have macOS Big Sur and IntelliJ IDEA (I had Catalina before with the same results).
Whenever I try to refactor code to introduce a new parameter using Command-Option-P, the preferences window pops up. This is beyond annoying, and I would rather not throw away years of muscle memory by remapping my extract parameter shortcut to something else.
Has anyone experienced this, and if so, what is the way to fix this?
Thanks to the comment by #CrazyCoder who looked into this.
This is a known issue with the "ABC - Extended" keyboard selection on the macOS. I like this keyboard for the range of optional characters it gives me. But apparently, there is a known issue that prevents correct behavior in this case: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-242986

weird symbols getting printed when press alt and arrow key in Visual Studios

My system is printing symbols like (♠ ◘ ☻) these when i try to move cursor using alt key, which is causing problems while programming. Please help.
I have checked keyboard layout and setting, language setting, sticky keys and searched google and found nothing.
I dont know, if this is off topic here or not. If it is please let me know where can i get help regarding this.
I couldn't figure out a way to fix this with just windows, but I found that you can get around this with Autohotkey.
see: https://superuser.com/questions/668394/how-to-turn-off-alt-numeric-keypad-ascii-symbol-insertion

Qt Target with special characters

I have a QT application and right know I need to change the app name to something like "A&B".
I have tried to change the TARGET in my .pro file, but I am having problems with the "&" character in macOS.
I have also tried to use qmake functions like val_escape, system_quote, shell_quote but nothing worked for me.
As a last resource, I have tried to change the CFBundleName in my .plist file, which worked for app menus and etc, but not for the app name (still having problems with &, as make is considering the app to be called B.app instead of A&B.app
Do you know any other way to get this problem fixed? Is there even a way to have a macOS application with a name like A&B.app?
Thanks in advance
I dont think you are following the right approach. What the client want is perhaps change the "user visible" strings for the application name to "A&B" - for that you need to check out the following functions in QCoreApplication:
applicationName : QString
applicationVersion : QString
organizationDomain : QString
I fixed this by adding a DisplayName to my configuration and changing the applicationDisplayName in the Info.plist.
Thanks anyway.

delete element with firebug on mac

In Windows, Firebug -> Inspect, I can click on an element and delete it with the delete key.
In a Mac (using the small wireless keyb) I can't delete or fn+delete it. Can someone tell me how that can be done please?
Have you tried changing the Firebug key assignment on the Mac? It may be that it needs to 'learn' the key combination of fn+delete.
See this link: http://theandystratton.com/2009/how-to-change-firebug-shortcut-in-firefox-mac-os-x
