External makefile in Atmel Studio won't build. Windows error 0xc0000142 - makefile

I downloaded bitcloud, the atmel zigbee stack and I am trying to compile one of the default applications, ZLLDemo.
It is located currently at:
Everytime I try to compile the application I get a windows message screen for "mkdir.exe" error 0xc0000142. In the Output screen I see the line "make: *** [directories] Error -1073741502"
This same error and error code occurs later in the build process for cp.exe if I manually make the folders myself.
I have tried the following things to fix the error:
Change folder and contents to different owners, everyone having full
run make command manually from a command prompt window as admin
clean solution before retrying
all other examples files
ran directly from C: as "C:\BitCloud_MEGARF_3_1_0\Applications\ZLLDemo\atmelStudio_projects\ATmega256RFR2.cproj" - as per general suggestion for the windows error I tried
"sfc /scannow" in case mkdir had somehow been corrupted
Changed AppInitDLLs Reg key to 0 to load all DLLs at start of application
Disabled Internet security
Does this have a general fix or is there perhaps something else at work here? General compilations work, its just external ones. My friend did the same and it seems to work just fine for him.
Windows 8.1
Atmel Studio 6.2

Avrfreaks had a solution that I finally found here.
Their solution is to download an old version of the msys file for winavr. Which means that their is something more than likely wrong with the latest version of winavr for windows 8.1
sebastor wrote:
I found solution.
Copy this file:
to utils\bin directory (WinAVR)


ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja': The system cannot find the file specified. when build hello world in Visual studio

I have followed esp-idf guideline to install and test to build the hello world and blink sample code but both the code met this problem.
Visual studio try to build hello world
> Executing task: ninja <
ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja': The system cannot find the file specified.
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command ninja " terminated with exit code: 1.
I have tested all the ways I can find to fix it but I'm not sure anything I missed or not.
This is one of the way that I test but also met some problem.
cmd try to run the command below
C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4>python -m pip install --user -r %IDF_PATH%/requirements.txt
ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.
This possible problem is the python environment is exist so I cannot do this command, but I try many ways to disabled or deactivated it still cannot.
python path
system environment
After trying to debug this for a long time, I made a backup copy of the entire project folder, then just went hog-wild deleting files. I deleted almost every file I didn't author. Only left the main/CMakeLists.txt, main/component.mk, main/main.c, main/main.h, .gitignore, CMakeLists.txt, and Makefile. Then I ran idf.py set-target esp32 and idf.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 flash monitor and it worked fine again.
VS Code & ESP-IDF on Ubuntu 20.04.05 LTS
Check if the compiler is properly selected. If you don't select a proper c/c++ compiler, then you might get this error. I had mingw in my system, but vs code did not auto detect the compiler. Then I manually added mingw and selected it for compilation after which this issue was resolved.
What worked for me after updating to the new stable release (v5.0) was
Go to the folder S:\esp\esp-idf\esp-idf-v5.0
Run command prompt at this directory and execute install.bat and later export.bat
After trying to build the program in VSCode the error "ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja'" shows up.
Update the path in the ESP-IDF extension in VSCode using ESP-IDF:Configure Paths
locate your project folder e.g. "V:\simpleTest_using_EspIDF_v5_0"
Open command prompt and execute: idf.py build
Now it builds also in VSCode using the Espressif IDF extension.
You not have a build.ninja file. Find this file on proje

Windows deletes make executable file upon running. Why?

I am trying to get some code running which uses make. I've downloaded and installed both MinGW (standard 32 bit) and TDM-GCCs flavor of MinGW on my 64-bit Windows 7 machine.
When I run make (i.e. mingw32-make.exe) in Administrator mode, I get the following error message:
Windows cannot access the specified path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
The weird/scary part is that, upon running, it immediately deletes the exe file.
I ran a checksum SHA1 as recommended in the comments using the Microsoft (R) File Checksum Integrity Verifier V2.05:
C:\path\to\folder>fciv.exe -sha1 mingw32-make.exe
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
c8ae5c780ab7bed652883d6443b5bfe5e23d30c9 mingw32-make.exe
I don't understand what this output means, but maybe it's helpful to someone.
This happens regardless of where the file is located on my pc.
This behavior is specific to the make program (others such as gfortran and gcc appear to be working fine)
Renaming the file makes no difference.
I am an administrator on the pc
Same behavior when I run the program from the explorer or command line.
My anti-virus program (Avast) does not detect any problems with the file when I scan it.
I got the MinGW setup file from this SourceForge page.
I got the TDM-GCC web installer from this page.
The file size is 219,662 bytes (from both the main MinGW and TDM-GCC packages)
I have run make from the command line where I have started the command prompt by way of selecting Run as Administrator in the context menu.
I have also tried to run make by selecting Run as Administrator when I have it selected.
I run the command mingw32-make when this behavior occurs. I have also tried renaming it to things like make and foo with the same result.
The first time this happened with both MinGW it deleted the original file and I re-installed it using the mingw-get application. From thereon after I started making copies of the original mingw32-make for testing.
For the make executable, I have all permissions (including Read & execute) except the special permissions field.
After using the process manager I found out it was indeed Avast that was the problem :S A couple of lines revealed avast actually deleted the file before windows got around to executing it, which was the reason for the windows message. I put Avast on 'Silent Mode' a while back; I thought the only purpose of this mode was to suppress notifications about minor updates, but apparently it also gave Avast permission to deal with 'threats' silently as well.
After figuring that out the solution was straightforward. I just went into the settings and created an exception for the mingw32-make.exe file. It now runs without issue.
Thanks very much for your help everyone!
User account has administrator privilege but when user started to work , not all privilege are taken in account , just start your application for compiling with run with administrator mode try this : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-in/library/cc781763(v=ws.10).aspx

MinGW / gcc: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)

I have been using MinGW and the GNU Fortran compiler for a while in order to compile Fortran programs on Windows, which has always been a successful method. However, I have been getting the following error for the past 4 days:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
The error only happens when running applications that I wrote myself, and that I compiled using the MinGW/gfortran combo. When compiling using Visual Studio and iFort, I have no problem running the applications. The error seems retroactive: applications that were compiled using gfortran a long time ago and ran perfectly until now also break, even though I didn't recompile them. This leads me to think that it is a dynamic library problem. Online searches show that it probably is a compatibility problem between a 64-bit dll and a 32-bit application
I am using Windows 7. One of the latest things I remember doing before starting to get the problem was trying to update MinGW ; I used the mingw-get update and mingw-get upgrade command lines.
After looking around online, I have tried the following fixes:
- reinstalled the Visual C++ Runtime Environment
- reinstalled the .NET framework
- downloaded and replaced a bunch of .dlls like mscvr100.dll, mscvr100d.dll, etc...
- uninstalled and reinstalled MinGW in order to make sure I had the latest gcc version
- run Dependency Walker on a simple application ("Hello World!" type program)
It also highlights in red the libquadmath-0.dll (on which libgfortran-3.dll seems to depend). Indeed, it seems that libquadmath-0.dll is a 64-bit DLL in the middle of a 32-bit program. When opening said .dll with Dependency Walker, I can see that all the modules in this library are x86 except the library itself which is x64 (CPU column of DW). I am not exactly sure how this is possible / how to fix it. The library is found in the Python/Anaconda folder (I installed Python and Anaconda a few weeks ago, the problem did NOT appear at that time).
If anybody has an idea of how to get my environment to work again without reinstalling Windows, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!!
I had a similar problem. Looking at Dependency Walker I wasn't loading API-MS-WIN-CORE entries. However, when I went to edit my path it turned out that by bin folder wasn't on the path. Adding, in my case the mingw64 bin folder to the path fixed this issue for me. I only mention the API-MS-WIN-CORE entries since I thought it might be the problem, but in reality it wasn't causing my issue.
I was getting this same error code, and used Dependency Walker to discover that, in my case, the 64-bit version of libwinpthread-1.dll was not being found. This helped me resolve my issue.
So, the solution is to determine the missing dll, track it down on your system and reference its location in your path variable, or find out how to install it if you don't have it.
That said, I also came across the following caveat that's important to know about when using Dependency Walker. It's currently out of date and will actually show false results for WIN-CORE dlls: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36244483/4438237
To work around this, there's a newer program called Dependencies by lucasg, that properly interprets these and won't mistakenly tell you about these falsely missing dlls.
I was getting same Error, as mentioned in above answers the problem is "path not being set" aside from setting path you can alternatively Do this; if u don't want to set the path for some reason:
Open CMD
cd C:\MinGW\bin to navigate to the bin directory of mingw
now u can compile the code as following Gcc (dir of ur .c file) -o (ur output dir) for ex : gcc I:\dir\Hello.c -o I:\dir\output.exe
alternatively if u want to automate the process u can make a batch file to automatically do it for you.
here's the batch file if anyone needs it
#echo off
cd \MinGW\bin\
gcc I:\dir\*.c -o "I:\dir\Output.exe" Rem Replace "dir" with your own directory and * with ur own FileName!
I had a similar error but over came it by editing my environment variables.
I had g77 as part of my path variables and by removing it and leaving gfortran alone, the error disappeared
I was on Windows 10 using cmake-gui to generate a MinGW-w64 project and meet same problem.
My solution: go to start windows, search and open MinGW-w64 terminal, then in terminal call cmake with specifiying cmake options.
Yes the old posts got it right. It is the environmental parameters messed up. I got the same error. It is solved by putting the msys64 path to the first:
The msys64 path was the last, now it is the first. Type it once at the command line after Windows started, or edit the Path environmental parameter if you have the admin right.

freeswitch noob cant build solution

im just starting out with FreeSwitch, i downloaded via git, and am trying to build in VS
all i need i believe are the dlls of mod_managed, as my goal is to manage FS via .net
but i get 248 errors, most look something like this:
Error 5 error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\jpeg-8d\jaricom.c': No such file or directory D:\FreeSwitch\freeswitch\libs\win32\libjpeg\c1 libjpeg
btw, i searched windows and cannot find any such file anywhere on my pc.
I tried
cleaning the solution first, but it did not help
moving the file to a path without spaces
downloading with autocrlf=false
building on another machine
but none of these steps helped
anybody have any idea?
if i can just download the dlls i need, i wouldnt mind skipping this step altogether
win 8 64bit
visual studio 2012
thanks a million
The libjpeg sources are not in the git sources but are normally downloaded during the build process. If you build the entire solution that should not be a problem since it has the project dependencies set: libjpeg.2012 depends on Download libjpg.2012, which means the latter gets built before the first. All Download libjpg.2012 is run a cscript which downloads libjpeg from http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8d.tar.gz (see inside the project file).
So if you do not have the sources, either you are building incorrectly (not in VS for instance, or with a broken solution file) or the download script is broken. In that case, you should inspect the output: I assume it shows errors when it can not download the libs.

Has anyone out there succeeded in building Chrome under Windows?

I am quantitatively studying various metrics associated with automated tests. Chrome seems to have a reasonable set, so I wanted to add it to my data set. I downloaded the Chrome source code and tried to build it with VisualStudio but got several hundred errors--types not defined, identifiers not defined, etc. Has anyone out there succeeded in building Chrome under Windows? Are there tricks I need to know?
From the Chromium dev page:
Compilation failures
Some common things to think about when you have weird compilation failures:
Make sure you have SP1 for Visual Studio 2005. It's required. Really.
Sometimes Visual Studio does the wrong thing when building Chromium and gets stuck on a bogus error. A good indication of this is if it is only failing for one person but others (including the Buildbots) are not complaining. To resolve this, try the following steps:
Close Visual Studio.
Sync to the tip of tree and ensure there are no conflicts ("svn st" should not show any "C"s in front of files that you've changed).
If there were conflicts, sync again after resolving them.
Manually erase the output directory (chrome\Debug and chrome\Release. Using the command line, you can use "erase /S /Q Debug Release" from the chrome directory to do this, or "rm -rf Debug Release" if you have Unix-like tools installed.
Restart Visual Studio and open the Chromium solution.
Rebuild the solution.
If it still doesn't work, repeating this process probably won't help.
chrome_kjs.sln tempfile problems
If, while building JavaScriptCore, you see errors like:
3>Error in tempfile() using /tmp/dftables-XXXXXXXX.in: Parent directory (/tmp/) is not writable
3> at /cygdrive/c/b/slave/WEBKIT~1/build/webkit/third_party/JavaScriptCore/pcre/dftables line 236
3>make: *** [chartables.c] Error 255
...it's because the Cygwin installation included in the Chromium source is having trouble mapping the NT ACL to POSIX permissions. This seems to happen when Chromium is checked out into a directory for which Cygwin can't figure out the permissions in the first place, possibly when the directory is created from within a Cygwin environment before running mkpasswd. Cygwin then imposes its own access control, which is incorrectly restrictive. As a workaround, do one of the following:
Edit the NT permissions on third_party\cygwin\tmp to allow Modify and Write actions for Everyone and machine\Users. Cygwin is able to figure this out. Or,
Figure out what went wrong with your checkout and try again - try doing the checkout from cmd instead of from a Cygwin shell, then verify that the permissions aren't completely blank in your Cygwin installation. Or,
Bypass Cygwin's access control (NT's will still be in effect) by editing webkit\build\JavaScriptCore\prebuild.bat and webkit\build\WebCore\prebuild.bat to include the following line before invoking anything that uses Cygwin:
set CYGWIN=nontsec
Only one of these solutions should be needed.
