Setting up oEmbed provider to enable embedding site content on Pinterest - pinterest

We are looking to setup a site as oEmbed provider.
Official docs ( say:
Configuration for oEmbed is very simple. Providers must specify one or
more URL scheme and API endpoint pairs. The URL scheme describes which
URLs provided by the service may have an embedded representation. The
API endpoint describes where the consumer may request representations
for those URLs.
This is quite straightforward how to set up API endpoint to return some efficient information about URL provided as request parameter. But the question is how and where providers should specify those URL scheme and API endpoint pairs.
If you have experience of going with oembed provider for pinterest that is perfectly what I need to do.

Old question but I was looking for the same. The answer is now on the page (heading 7)
7.1. Providers
Providers are available programatically as a json file:
To add new providers, please fork this repo on GitHub and modify providers.yml.


Start gateway with Key to validate config then use Bearer token for querying

I have an eco system that the gateway and federated services live. The problem is when the gateway starts it validates the services - to do this it needs to be authorised.
When a client is querying via federation gateway they supply a bearer token.
In both instances the request header authorization field is used.
I've read and reread the docs but I am unable to achieve this using different tokens for different actions.
Anyone any ideas or links to relevant docs?
Rereading for the Xth time the solution is with the "buildService".
It is only called once for each implementing service. You can extend it and add whatever headers you need.
See here for docs + example:
enter link description here

Critical Information In REST URI

I am developing a Spring MVC web service. I am trying to use best practices of REST URI design.
For example for getting an account the URI will be
My question is what if the account number/id is critical information and must not be in URI. What is the best approach of URI design if the id that defines the resource is a critical information of a system. Should web service get the id in request header or body? Or hash the id and contain it in URI?
Thanks in advance.
If by "critical" you mean sensitive/secure, I'd keep URI design AS IS, and put whole session under HTTPS, that way it would be much harder for someone to eavesdrop on the URL itself. See for instance this question
If you mean that information is so sensitive that you don't even trust access logs in your own datacenter, then you have no choice other than put it into the body of the request. Headers are not for useful payload.
Use TLS and authentication and your pain will go away.

Is it possible to expose multiple endpoints using the same WebAPI controller?

I want to create a WebAPI service for use in my single page application but I also want it to be available for a mobile application too.
When users are using the SPA they are signed in using forms authentication and have a session cookie but if they're using the mobile application this wont be the case.
Is it possible to expose the same API controller as 2 different endpoints where one is authenticated using mutual SSL, a token or as a last resort basic auth and the other uses the session cookie?
For example take the following controller:
public class TodoController :
public IQueryable<TodoModel> GetTodos()
Can I add multiple routes that map to the same method?
I want to configure IIS to use mutual SSL for the mutual auth endpoint and use forms authentication for the other endpoint.
Short answer: yes
This is a very broad question, so I won't go into excessive detail about every aspect. I think you should also take a look at BreezeJS because it makes things building these applications significantly easier.
Do you want to build in pure HTML and JavaScript or incorporate CSHTML? The decision is yours, but if you want to eventually create native-based applications using something such as PhoneGap Build, you'll want to stick to pure HTML and JavaScript so that you can compile the code later.
Do you want to use another JS library such as BreezeJS to make life a little easier when designing your controllers? Out of the box, your Web API controllers will be prefixed with api/{controller}/{id} in WebApiConfig. You may want to add {action} routing if you don't go with something like BreezeJS so that you can have more flexibility with your controllers.
Lastly, let's talk about the Repository Pattern and Unit of Work Pattern. This is a bit of hot-topic, but I find that usually creating a repository allows you a great deal of flexibility and it's great for dependency injection. Adding an additional repository layer to your controllers allows you to differentiate between different users or means of access such as a SPA or mobile application very easily. You can use the exact same controllers, but simply draw from different repositories.
You'll want to touch up a bit on [Authorize], [ValidateHttpAntiForgeryTokenAttribute], [Roles("")], and several other data annotations for starters. This is a huge topic which has a ton of reading material online -- invest in some research. Your controller can have multiple actions which have varying limitations on them, such as preventing CSRF on the SPA, but be less restricted on Mobile by either utilizing varying actions on the controller or drawing from separate repositories.
Can I add multiple routes that map to the same method?
Yes, absolutely. You'll just have to do some extra work with your routing configuration files. With BreezeJS, you get access to not only /api/ but /~breeze/ which works very similarly.
You can secury your Web API using the way you want. For exemple, you can provide a custom Message Handler or a custom Authorization Filter to provide external authentication via token.
There's a full session from the ASP.NET Team that covers this, you just need to choose which one you will pick up:
Security issues for Web API.
Assuming you are hosting web API in IIS, if you enable the forms authentication, FormsAuthenticationModule establishes the identity. That is, if you look at HttpContext.Current.User or Thread.CurrentPrincipal after a successful authentication, the object of type IPrincipal will have the identity (which is FormsIdentity) and the IsAuthenticated property will be set to true. You can do the same thing for any other credential using a custom DelegatingHandler. All you need to do is to validate the credential (token, user id and password in basic scheme in HTTP authorization header or whatever) and set the HttpContext.Current.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal to an object of type GenericPrincipal with GenericIdentity. After this, the same action method of a controller which is decorated with Authorize will work for both types of requests.

Using Ruby to authenticate to Azure (HTTP Header authentication)?

Since the Google Search API has been deprecated, I'd like to use the Bing Search API (now a Windows Azure API) in my Ruby apps.
However, Azure has a strange authentication pattern where you build a query URI, paste it into a browser, pass the key into the password box of the standard HTTP authentication box, and make POST to see the results. I assume this generates a signature and passes it in the header somehow. I'd like to do the complete process in Ruby and skip the browser portion if possible.
I found one example in the source of an obscure Windows Azure storage gem, but I can't figure out how tthey're building the signature and make the call. Is there a simple way to do basic HTTP auth in Ruby?
I went ahead and used Faraday's built in basic authentication scheme like so:
connection = ""
connection.basic_auth "username" "password"
I want to recommend the RestClient gem for this. I've used it with great success for GET'ing and POST'ing across domains. If you really have to act like a browser to implement the API, you can always use Capybara.
I'm sorry I haven't tried the Azure API myself, or I would give an example. :)
I recall doing this previously with another Azure API but am unable to find the code.
Look here for the details of the signature process:
I'm unable to find immediately if the Azure API uses the SharedSignature method
The way to sign a request to Windows Azure blob storage thru the REST API is described here:
Basically, you don't authenticate by simply adding some credentials in a HTTP header, you have to sign your request with the secret key that is associated to your storage account.

Designing a web api: How to authenticate?

I am designing a web api. I need to let the user authenticate themselves. I am a little hesistant to let the user pass in their username/password in cleartext.. something like:
Another option i read about was Base64 encoding the username/password and then sending a HTTP request. So does that mean that on the server side;I would _GET['user'] and _GET['password'] and then somehow decode them?
Is that what twitter does: ?
Base64 is no protection at all. Use SSL for real security.
As mentioned by truppo, first use SSL.
What many web services do is have an "authenticate" service that returns a token that is then used later, and can be used in plaintext, since it's only valid for a limited amount of time. When it expires, the client simply does another authenticate.
The key benefit of this is that it reduces the number of SSL requests, which lightens the load on the server.
Just this week the IETF published a new draft discussing security properties of the various authentication mechanisms in HTTP. You should find helpful information there.
Personally I'd recommend at least to read about digest authentication and analyze if that's suitable for you.
Using SSL might also be an option. However, it also addresses additional issues at the expense of performance, cachability and others. It keeps the payload data confidential. If this is a requirement, then it's your way to go.
If this is a webservice, you'd better use more secure form of authentication. Look for example, at the LiveJournal protocol: Challenge-Response.
Please do not use regular usename/password authentication for the api. People really shouldn't be forced to put credentials from foreign services in a mashup service.
Please consider using oauth or at least some challenge-response based system, like Eugene suggested.
One easy way would be to let the guest-service generate a token which is connected to his app and a user. If you put in some work you could even make the tokencreation secure to have only allowed foreign services with some private/public-key mechanisms.
The user has to authorize this token in your app before the guest service can use it to get authenticated.
I've found this article eye-opening.
In short: use a pair of API keys per user. One is for client authentication, one for parameters signing.
