Error arm-linux-androideabi-g++.exe - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to compile sample Havok Android games in Visual Studio but I keep getting this error:
arm-linux-androideabi-g++: VisSampleApp.cpp:No such file or directory
I downloaded the NDK and referenced it in the PATH. Can anyone tell me what I am doing incorrectly?

It found the compiler under the PATH, could not find the source file.
can you post the query you use to compile ndk lib, and


Boost VS2017 linking to the wrong DLL

I have a CMake file which does this:
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem)
add_library(MyModule MODULE main.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyModule PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(MyModule Boost::system Boost::filesystem)
I'm using VS 2017 as my generator. When I generate the project file with cmake, it finds boost_system-vc141-mt-1_63.lib and I can see that it is in the linking rules of the vcxproj. However, when I try to compile I get this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc140-mt-1_63.lib
Note the different generators (vc140 vs vc141). I know my compiler has output the right values because I built boost from source, so I tried to just rename vc141 to vc140, but the error stayed the same. I also confirmed that vc140 is not referenced in the project file.
What's going on? How can I force boost to link to the correct version?
When building with Visual Studio, boost has some pragma statements which do the linking for you. This is called "Auto-linking" and it over-rides any command-line arguments you may be passing to the linker.
The solution is to define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB. This can be done in two ways:
In source code before including boost headers as #define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB.
It could be added to your cmake file as: add_definitions("-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB").
As of CMake 3.5: Use the disable_autolinking imported target:
target_link_libraries(MyModule Boost::system Boost::filesystem Boost::disable_autolinking)

Qbs does not add Qt libraries when linking application

I installed VS2015 and QtCreator 3.5 and compiled Qt5.5 from source as a binary distribution is not available for the visual c++ compiler shipped with VS2015.
I tried to compile my project which was developed using the visual c++ compilers from VS2012/VS2013 and QtCreator 3.3x with Qt 5.2 and Qbs - on a different machine - from QtCreator and with my new setup neither QtCreator nor Qbs from command line are able to link the application.
I narrowed the problem down using the Qbs helloworld example
import qbs
CppApplication {
type: "application" // To suppress bundle generation on Mac
consoleApplication: true
files: "main.cpp"
Depends {
name: "Qt"
submodules: [
Which gives the following output when building with qbs from the command line
compiling main.cpp
linking halloqbswelt.exe
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\amd64\link.exe /nologo /DEBUG /PDB:halloqbswelt.pdb /OSVERSION:5.02 /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.02 /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:D:\projekte\halloqbswelt\Qt5-debug\halloqbswelt.Qt5.842abbdf\intermediate.halloqbswelt.exe.manifest D:\projekte\halloqbswelt\Qt5-debug\halloqbswelt.Qt5.842abbdf\.obj\3a52ce780950d4d9\main.cpp.obj .lib /OUT:D:\projekte\halloqbswelt\Qt5-debug\halloqbswelt.Qt5.842abbdf\intermediate.halloqbswelt.exe /LIBPATH:D:\projekte\3rd_party\qt\qtbase\lib
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '.lib'
ERROR: Process failed with exit code 1104.
The following products could not be built for configuration Qt5-debug:
Rather cryptic so I'll highlight the problem from the above output
[...] .obj\3a52ce780950d4d9\main.cpp.obj .lib /OUT: [...]
So the empty .lib file is the problem.
Comparing the linker statement with that from the other machine, the empty .lib is at the same position where Qt5Core.lib should be.
Thus tried to investigate why Qbs does not resolve the paths proberly; I looked at the core.qbs module but couldn't find anything different from the file on the machine with the working setup.
Finally I decided to recompile the Qt library and setup the Qbs/QtCreator profiles from scratch. Done and it worked, until I restarted QtCreator, now neither (Qbs from command line, nor QtCreator with its own profile) works anymore.
Has somebody experienced such a behavior?
As said in the comment, gave me the right starting point.
Qbs relies on pri/prl files of each submodule from which the dependencies are built (as far as I understood). These pri files are overwritten or some other bad stuff happens when installing Qt built from source in a non-prefix environment (which is the default under Windows) (
So building Qt with a prefix and installing the sources is solves the problem, at least for me.

boost library 1.47.1 build 'lib' prefix causing LNK1104 error

I'm having difficulties generating the correct boost .lib file to compile with a VS project I've been given. It appears that after performing the complete build installation using 'b2.exe' from VS2010 command prompt I'm only able to generate the boost library files that contain the 'lib' prefix.
When I come to compile my project I'm getting the following error message:
"error LNK1104: cannot open file 'boost_signals-vc90-mt-1_47.lib'"
After going through the lib folder I can see that my boost build has only generated 'libboost_signals-vc90-mt-1_47.lib'
The boost documentation gives the following information about the lib prefix:
Prefix: except on Microsoft Windows, every Boost library name begins with this string. On Windows, only ordinary static libraries use the lib prefix; import libraries and DLLs do not.
So far I've attempted the following build options for the msvc-9.0 toolset:
Any advice on how I may be able to generate the required .lib file would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks.
link=static should be used whenever you're linking to static version of boost library.
link=shared - should be used whenever you're linking dynamically to boost. It will add extra dependencies on boost dll's.
You can also use link=static,shared to build both versions - static and dynamic.
Define 'BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK' in project controls how you link to boost.
If it's defined - it's dynamic linking, if not defined - it's static linking.

Error in CodeBlocks C++ program and how to set default main class

I have included the boost library in a Codeblocks c++ project.
Now, in the file
there is an include statement
#include <boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp>
However I get this error in Codeblocks when I try and compile:
/home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser/boost/function.hpp|15|fatal error:
boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp: No such file or directory|
What am I doing wrong here? I have simply included the Boost library as it is.
Also, I cannot find the screen/option to set the main class (which will actually execute).
How do I do this?(I am new to CodeBlocks hence this question).
Your boost includes seem to be in a non-standard/system directory : /home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser, you must tell the compiler to look there (gcc -I command-line switch).
Go to Project->Build Options->Search Directories->Compiler and add the directory where boost includes are. I don't have a codeblocks install right here so this was from here.
If you can, I would recommand installing boost on your system once and for all instead of just copying files in your codeblocks workspace.

boost linking with visual studio 2010

I have successfully built boost using bjam and visual studio 2010 using this command:
bjam --build-dir=c:\boost --build-type=complete --toolset=msvc-10.0 address-model=64 architecture=x86 --with-system
I have also set the stage/lib directory as the lib directory in visual studio.
However, the linker gives me this:
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc90-mt-gd-1_50.lib'
Why is it looking for 'vc90' versions of the libraries? the vc100 version is there in the directory.. how do I change that?
You can explicitly specify the paths to the libraries in project settings. First you need to include the library names that you want to link against in your project.
Now we have to specify the directories, where the libraries specified above can be found.
I hope, that helps.
Check the compiler setting (You have choices for vc90 (2008), vc100 (2010)) in your project's properties.
