CoreAnimation layer causes WebView to not redraw properly - macos

In a project I have been working on I wanted to use CoreAnimation layers to improve tableview rendering, however when i turned on Core Animation for certain layers it caused issues with my WebView. demonstrates a WebView inside a view displaying a large image. Which reproduces the issue I am seeing.
If View has Core Animation Layer checked then the WebView does not draw the image properly if you scroll within the webView, with it uncheck the webView behaves as expected.
Has anyone seen this issue before and have an idea how to fix/work around it. Or can you simply not mix webviews with CALayers?


Why do these iOS7 Push transitions animate from top?

I'm seeing screen transitions in our app come in from the top right. See image below for example.
We're transitioning an iOS6 app to iOS7 only.
It was built a few years ago with XIB files, not storyboards.
We've enabled auto-layout, and this is standard views pushed onto a navigation stack.
Any help appreciated.
I feel like a plonker. These animations were hard coded into the app rather than using built-in view transition animations, so I just removed them.

Phonegap and Xcode

I currently have a series of 8 separate html files, with the idea that each one is a separate page in an iPad app. I have used jQuery Mobile to implement the page swipe between pages by using the 'data-next' and 'data-prev' attribute. However, the results are not great as i sometimes get a page flicker when i swipe, and css animations are very choppy when I test it on an actual iPad. I am also getting a 1 second delay before the actual swipe happens. I know JQM has a default delay of 300ms, but this is waaay longer! I have tried using the css 'translate3d' technique on animated elements, but it doesn't seem to fix it. I'm putting it down to JQM just being buggy as hell.
So my question is this..Is it possible to bring these files into Xcode, as separate independent html files, and implement the page swipe within Xcode itself?
No Not possible.
XCode allows you to create/edit UI and Transitions of cocoa touch controls only. However you can just edit these html/javascript files in XCode.

Using Threejs Canvas Renderer in JavaFX Webview Issue with transparency

I was messing around with Threejs inside of JavaFX webview and I sort of ran into a problem i was wondering if anyone had any idea.
I basically just dropped the canvas_interactive_cubes demo into a javaFX webview component and it works for the most part except for the fact that the ThreeJs scene always just seems to want to render solid black behind itself and not let the underlying web page show through. It works perfectly fine if I run the same demo out of firefox and mess with the page under the scene canvas.
I understand that threejs was never really meant to support FX Webview but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what could be going on to cause this?

Render OpenGL on background thread and still work with Cocoa Controls in Mac OSX

I am working on a mac osx control that is OpenGL based. Currently I am using an NSOpenGLView and a CVDisplayLink to coordinate my rendering on a background thread. This works great, but I need to allow Cocoa controls to be displayed over this OpenGL based control.
I realize you can do this with putting your Cocoa controls in borderless windows, however, that doesn't seem like a very good workflow for my users.
Alternatively I can make the view layer-backed and I got that working, however I don't like rendering my OpenGL content on the main thread, sometimes it blocks the main thread when the frame-rate dips.
Are there any samples that show how to achieve the best of both worlds?
The background thread for rendering is completely irrelevant. You just need to enable layer-backing for the views and then the subviews/controls will be composited correctly on top of your OpenGL content. You can also use CAOpenGLLayer for more explicit layering with CALayers.

WP7 Loading animation for content

I tried to find an example for content loading animation (to learn how to implement one in my app). But I couldn't find one.
What I want is: There are 4 listboxes in my mainpage and I want to show a loading animation until the listboxes have completed loading their data.
For example,IMDB application has a loading animation like I want. (You can watch it here
Any ideas on how to create this?
Please refer to these links, as they seem to provide the exact solution to coding this standard loading animation:
Creating a Splash Screen with a progress bar for WP7 applications
High Performance ProgressBar for Windows Phone 7
