Why do these iOS7 Push transitions animate from top? - xcode

I'm seeing screen transitions in our app come in from the top right. See image below for example.
We're transitioning an iOS6 app to iOS7 only.
It was built a few years ago with XIB files, not storyboards.
We've enabled auto-layout, and this is standard views pushed onto a navigation stack.
Any help appreciated.

I feel like a plonker. These animations were hard coded into the app rather than using built-in view transition animations, so I just removed them.


Phonegap and Xcode

I currently have a series of 8 separate html files, with the idea that each one is a separate page in an iPad app. I have used jQuery Mobile to implement the page swipe between pages by using the 'data-next' and 'data-prev' attribute. However, the results are not great as i sometimes get a page flicker when i swipe, and css animations are very choppy when I test it on an actual iPad. I am also getting a 1 second delay before the actual swipe happens. I know JQM has a default delay of 300ms, but this is waaay longer! I have tried using the css 'translate3d' technique on animated elements, but it doesn't seem to fix it. I'm putting it down to JQM just being buggy as hell.
So my question is this..Is it possible to bring these files into Xcode, as separate independent html files, and implement the page swipe within Xcode itself?
No Not possible.
XCode allows you to create/edit UI and Transitions of cocoa touch controls only. However you can just edit these html/javascript files in XCode.

CoreAnimation layer causes WebView to not redraw properly

In a project I have been working on I wanted to use CoreAnimation layers to improve tableview rendering, however when i turned on Core Animation for certain layers it caused issues with my WebView.
https://github.com/jozefdransfield/TestWebView demonstrates a WebView inside a view displaying a large image. Which reproduces the issue I am seeing.
If View has Core Animation Layer checked then the WebView does not draw the image properly if you scroll within the webView, with it uncheck the webView behaves as expected.
Has anyone seen this issue before and have an idea how to fix/work around it. Or can you simply not mix webviews with CALayers?

When I build my app my simulator looks different from my viewcontroller.xib

I was making a user interface using storyboards and when I built my app to see how it would look in the iOS simulator it didn't look like the viewcontroller in the storyboard (some of the buttons were moved around and I had to move one button way down so it was in the place i wanted it to be). Does anyone know why this is?
Yes, the reason is auto layout, it will automatically position elements on a relative basis depending on the device you're running.
You can turn autolayout off, or build for all devices at once and keep it on.
You may want to read iOS Auto Layout Demystified by Erica Sadun which goes in depth to the world of autolayout.

How to replicate code for Facebook image gestures?

I am developing an educational app that is made of multiple images. I am also new at coding and XCode. I wanted to know how to get my images so they respond to the gesture similar to the photos on facebook (swiping, min/max zooming, scrolling all on one image). I have the UIImage in UIScrollview.
Can I add all the gestures in UIScrollView or do I have to add each gesture separately? Because the app is made up of multiple png images do I have to connect each image separately or is there a method to implement one code for the entire program?
I am using Storyboard and have minimal coding.
If this information is already out there I would greatly appreciate some direction. I have tried to use "Basic Zooming Using the Pinch Gestures" from the iOS library with little success.
Check out this tutorial.
In this they go over exactly what your wanting, zooming in and out images and swiping. Pretty much you use UIGestureRecognizers. :)

How to zoom in/out in Xcode 4.1 Interface Builder window to see multiple UIViews

I'm building a xib with multiple views, one oriented for landscape and another for portrait. I'd like to be able to zoom out from the Interface Builder window to see both and then zoom in on one of the views to work on it, rinse, repeat. Can this be done?
This is not possible as far as I know, but Xcode 4.2 allows you to develop your iOS applications using "storyboards", which is similar (and has many other benefits).
