Remote Images not displaying after running Magmi - magento

I've installed Magmi, configured it and installed it too
Iam able to get products into my site, BUT prob is: Iam unable to see any image, since image urls all are from remote..
My image url looks like:
Even iam not sure whether to change 'image renaming' or not, BUT at end all I need is : my remore image urls should able to display in my site..
Awaiting response!
My feed Column names are: store,websites,type,attribute_set,is_affiliate_product,status,visibility,qty,is_in_stock,tax_class_id,weight,name,meta_keyword,description,sku,manufacturer,price,merchant_buy_link,image,main_category,color,for,shoe_type,short_description,thumbnail,category_ids,merchant_name,merchant_id,small_image
A) and Do I really need to use 'Image attributes processor' plugin inorder to display remote image urls? or else Magmi just enough to render images for remote image urls?
B) If YES for 'Image attributes processor', what settings I need to change in it?
C) What could be still wrong?

Your image URL is incorrect. It needs to be an absolute URL of an actual image (not just a page with the image embedded on it).


images are not displaying in gmail using amazon ses in laravel

In my gmail it's not showing images which are sent via amazon ses, src url is correct(when I'm checking this in browser it's showing image), but in mail body it's not displaying. when I checked this in console it's showing like this,
<img style="width:323px" src="" class="CToWUd">
Please help me in this
#r-chiranjeevi Did you solve this?
Things to try:
I'd recommend checking if the image is set to be set to 'publicly visible'.
Please refer to this help article on 'Gmail signatures'.
Or move the image to Amazon S3
It seems you already tried the following without success:
I'd recommend checking if the image is set to be set to 'publicly visible'. Additionally Gmail caches the images it receives in emails, hence the domain. Also did you fill in the #MYFILEPATH as they should be your original path to your image on Amazon.

Image upload error using HTmlExtendEditor

I am using Ajax htmleditorextender to upload a image.
In local solution, able to upload the image successfully.
Once I published into IIS, Image upload is not happening.
Please Find the attached Screenshot for the same.
enter image description here
It seems you set up AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd incorrectly.
Please make sure it is located at the root path of the web site or adjust AjaxFileUploadHandler path in Web.config accordingly.
Here is the relevant issue:

Displaying an image in Web browser, Ubuntu

I want to display an image on my website.
My website is located in
The image is located in
I am using codeIgniter and Image src I am passing is same as above.
File/directory permissions are proper but still I am unable to display an image.

How to replace the base image url by an external image url setted by an attribute in Magento 1.9

I have Magento 1.9 and I am using a remote server for the storage of images.
I created a new attribute (text field) for setting the external image url. I succeded to show the external image in the view and list/grid pages of the products but it is not efficient.
My question is :
Is there any solution to completely rewrite the base image url ? this will make the change in all Magento site without modifying the template.
From my searchs I know that images uploaded were added via addImagetoMediaGallery(...) with the file path as one of the parameters. So the idea is to find a way to rewrite (with setdata() maybe) the temp image url and so echo the external url instead of the temp image url.
You could rewrite the Helper Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image. There you could override the functions getImageFile() or setImageFile().

tinyMCE add image

I have problem with tinyMCE. If I add image from external url ( all works perfect and and the image will show in my text. But if I add an image from a folder on server, the image will not show because I use htaccess to rewrite the url.
Web domain:
If I insert image from and show this text on the page, the image doesn't show because tinyMCE adds img src as "./images/img.jpg"
Any idea if it is possible to turn this off?
Probably due to TinyMCE using relative URLs by default. Check out the FAQ entry on the TinyMCE site for the various settings that might help.
