Image upload error using HTmlExtendEditor - ajax

I am using Ajax htmleditorextender to upload a image.
In local solution, able to upload the image successfully.
Once I published into IIS, Image upload is not happening.
Please Find the attached Screenshot for the same.
enter image description here

It seems you set up AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd incorrectly.
Please make sure it is located at the root path of the web site or adjust AjaxFileUploadHandler path in Web.config accordingly.
Here is the relevant issue:


Domain in image url and problems with uploading some images

Domain in image URL and problems with uploading some images,
I need to have all the images I upload be referenced through their full web URL (ie: By default, CKEditor only goes for /images/image/myimage.jpg. I found a way to work around this by putting the domain name in the upload file path, however, I think this is causing some files not to be uploaded.
What is the best way to get the domain name in all uploaded image paths and still be able to upload all files?
enter image description here

How to insert image into strapi article?

I'm beginner of strapi, nodejs headless cms framework.
I've followed quick start guide of official document. I've created gatsby-blog and it works.
After setup, I've created new article with uploaded image, in the middle of article. (Not the image field in the Slug section) In the strapi admin page, I can find my new image in the media library list.
But when I open my strapi client in browser, the image is not shown. The source of image seems to the file path of backend server. I can find the image file on the backend/public/uploads folder. But it returns 404 error.
So, What am I missing of strapi setting? I've searched a lot but I can't find similar issue.
Make sure that the field is public in your Strapi admin dashboard.
Beyond that, it seems like the src tag in your screenshot has a relative url - if you are not hosting the backend on the same path as the frontend, I would suspect you have to prepend the backend base path :-)

How to get relative URL path for an image uploaded on Oracle WebCenter

We are working on a requirement where we have to show a signature image on an RTF Template. This signature changes for one bank to other, so we are thinking to upload them in UCM server and use the URL's relative path concatenated with Bank Account ID/Number to fetch the image into RTF.
But, when we upload image by following Note 1605094.1 we are not able to get a relative path to hard code in our template file.
Uploaded one image (5486173210.gif), and the URL generated is as below
And the second image (11223344.gif) got the URL like below
We are looking for a common relative URL path, so that we can hard code that in our RTF Template.
URL something like below helps us.
How about using the GET_FILE service URL?

DjangoCMS ImageField - browsing from uploaded media?

I have written a plugin for my DjangoCMS site, part of which is displaying a picture uploaded during configuration.
I can see the pictures stored in the servers Media folder. I want for the user to be able to browse from the already uploaded images in addition to being able to select their own for upload.
I have no idea where to start with this!
There's a plugin that does exactly that:

Scala/Lift - Cannot access image uploaded until jetty is restart

I created a file upload form, the form will take an image file from user then save it in the webapp/images/ directory.
The problem is I cannot access the image uploaded by user until jetty is restarted.
Is there anything I should add to the code? Do I need to add anything on the sitemap?
Thanks for the help
try '~jetty-run' instead of 'jetty-run' when running the jetty server from sbt
