I want to grab only the first line of columns 46 to 245 of source.txt and write it to output.txt
source_file.each { |line|
File.open(output_file,"a+") { |f|
f.print ???
Bonus: I also need to keep a count of the number of characters in this range, as some may be whitespace. i.e. 38 characters and the rest whitespace.
source_file: (first line only, columns 45 to 245): 13287912721981239854 + 180 blank columns
output_file: 13287912721981239854
count = 20 characters
Update: appending [46..245].delete(' ').size gives me the desired count.
If I am understanding what you are asking correctly, there's no reason to grab the whole file when you only want the first line. If this isn't what you're asking for, then you need to specify what you're trying to pull out of the source file more clearly.
This should grab the data you need:
output_line = source_file.gets [45..244]
If you write:
source_file.each { |line|
File.open(output_file,"a+") { |f|
f.print ???
You will open, then close, your output file for each line read from the output file. That is the wrong way to do it, even if you only want to read one line of input.
Instead try something like one of these:
File.open(output_file, 'a') do |fo|
File.open('path/to/input_file') do |fi|
fo.puts fi.readline[46..245]
This uses IO.readline, which reads a single line from the file. The block falls through afterwards, causing both the input and output files to be closed automatically. Also, it opens the output file as 'a' which is append-mode only. 'a+' is wrong unless you intend to append and read, which is rarely done. From the documentation:
"a+" Read-write, starts at end of file if file exists,
otherwise creates a new file for reading and
File.open(output_file, 'a') do |fo|
File.foreach('path/to/input_file') do |li|
fo.puts li[46..245]
foreach is used most often when we're reading a file line-by-line. It's the mainstay for reading files in a scalable manner. It wants to loop over the file inside the block, which is why break is there, to break out of that loop.
File.foreach('path/to/input_file') do |li|
File.write(output_file, li[46..245], -1, :mode => 'a')
File.write is useful when you have a blob of text or binary, and want to write it in one chunk, then move on. The -1 tells Ruby to move to the end of the file. :mode => 'a' overrides the default mode which would normally truncate an existing file.
Maybe this will do the job:
line = f.readline
columns = line.split
File.open("output.txt", "w") do |out|
columns[46, (245 - 46 + 1)].each do |column|
out.puts column
break # only process first line
I have used 245 - 46 + 1 to indicate this is the number of columns we are interested in. I have also assumed that columns are separate by whitespaces. If that is not the case you will need to change the delimiter of split.
I'm trying to read a file (d:\mywork\list.txt) line by line and search if that string occurs in any of the files (one by one) in a particular directory (d:\new_work).
If present in any of the files (may be one or more) I want to delete the string (car\yrui3,) from the respective files and save the respective file.
Directory having multiple files: d:\new_work:
My code:
value.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
value.each_line do |line|
print "For the string: #{line}"
Dir.glob("D:/new_work/*-access.txt") do |fn|
print "checking files:#{fn}\n"
text = File.read(fn)
replace = text.gsub(line.strip, "")
File.open(fn, "w") { |file| file.puts replace }
The issue is, values are not getting deleted as expected. Also, text is empty when I tried to print the value.
There are a number of things wrong with your code, and you're not safely handling your file changes.
Meditate on this untested code:
ACCESS_FILES = Dir.glob("D:/new_work/*-access.txt")
File.foreach('D:/mywork/list.txt') do |target|
target = target.strip.sub(/,$/, '')
ACCESS_FILES.each do |filename|
new_filename = "#{filename}.new"
old_filename = "#{filename}.old"
File.open(new_filename, 'w') do |fileout|
File.foreach(filename) do |line_in|
fileout.puts line_in unless line_in[target]
File.rename(filename, old_filename)
File.rename(new_filename, filename)
In your code you use:
instead, a shorter, and more concise and clear way would be to use:
Ruby will automatically adjust the pathname separators based on the OS so always use forward slashes for readability. From the IO documentation:
Ruby will convert pathnames between different operating system conventions if possible. For instance, on a Windows system the filename "/gumby/ruby/test.rb" will be opened as "\gumby\ruby\test.rb".
The problem using read is it isn't scalable. Imagine if you were doing this in a long term production system and your input file had grown into the TB range. You'd halt the processing on your system until the file could be read. Don't do that.
Instead use foreach to read line-by-line. See "Why is "slurping" a file not a good practice?". That'll remove the need for
value.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
value.each_line do |line|
Dir.glob("D:/new_work/*-access.txt") do |fn|
is fine, its placement isn't. You're doing it for every line processed in your file being read, wasting CPU. Read it first and store the value, then iterate over that value repeatedly.
text = File.read(fn)
has scalability issues. Using foreach is a better solution. Again.
Replacing the text using gsub is fast, but it doesn't outweigh the potential problems of scalability when line-by-line IO is just as fast and sidesteps the issue completely:
replace = text.gsub(line.strip, "")
Opening and writing to the same file as you were reading is an accident waiting to happen in a production environment:
File.open(fn, "w") { |file| file.puts replace }
A better practice is to write to a separate, new, file, rename the old file to something safe, then rename the new file to the old file's name. This preserves the old file in case the code or machine crashes mid-save. Then, when that's finished it's safe to remove the old file. See "How to search file text for a pattern and replace it with a given value" for more information.
A final recommendation is to strip all the trailing commas from your input file. They're not accomplishing anything and are only making you do extra work to process the file.
I just ran your code and it works as expected on my machine. My best guess is that you're not taking the commas at the end of each line in list.txt into account. Try removing them with an extra chomp!:
value.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
value.each_line do |line|
print "For the string: #{line}"
Dir.glob("D:/new_work/*-access.txt") do |fn|
print "checking files:#{fn}\n"
text = File.read(fn)
replace = text.gsub(line.strip, "")
File.open(fn, "w") { |file| file.puts replace }
By the way, you shouldn't need this line: value.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") since you're chomping all the newlines away anyway, and chomp can recognize \r\n by default.
I have a text file like this:
User accounts for \\AGGREP-1
Administrator users grzesieklocal
Guest scom SUPPORT_8855
The command completed successfully.
First line is empty line. I want to delete every empty lines in this file and every line containing words "User accounts for", "-------", "The command". I want to have only lines containing users. I don't want to delete only first 4 and the last one lines, because it can be more users in some systems and file will contain more lines.
I load file using
a = IO.readlines("test.txt")
Is any way to delete lines containing specific words?
This structure reads the file line by line, and write a new file directly :
def unwanted?(line)
line.strip.empty? ||
line.include?('User accounts') ||
line.include?('-------------') ||
line.include?('The command completed')
File.open('just_users.txt', 'w+') do |out|
File.foreach('test.txt') do |line|
out.puts line unless unwanted?(line)
If you're familiar with regexp, you could use :
def unwanted?(line)
line =~ /^(User accounts|------------|The command completed|\s*$)/
Warning from your code
The message warning: string literal in condition appears when you try to use :
string = "nothing"
if string.include? "a" or "b"
puts "FOUND!"
It outputs :
parse_text.rb:16: warning: string literal in condition
Because it should be written :
string = 'nothing'
if string.include?('a') || string.include?('b')
puts "FOUND!"
See this question for more info.
IO::readlines returns an array, so you could use Array#select to select just the lines you need. Bear in mind that this means that your whole input file will be in memory, which might be a problem, if the file is really large.
An alternative approach would be to use IO::foreach, which processes one line at a time:
selected_lines = []
IO.foreach('test.txt') { |line| selected_lines << line if line_matches_your_requirements }
I have a text file that starts with:
I don't know what the line would include, but I know that the structure of the file will be Title, then an empty line, then the actual lines. I want to modify it to:
New Title
I had this in mind:
lineArray = File.readlines(destinationFile).drop(2)
lineArray.insert(0, 'fff\n')
lineArray.insert(0, '\n')
lineArray.insert(0, 'new Title\n')
File.writelines(destinationFile, lineArray)
but writelines doesn't exist.
`writelines' for File:Class (NoMethodError)
Is there a way to delete the first two lines of the file an add three new lines?
I'd start with something like this:
0 => "New Title",
1 => "\nfff"
File.open('test.txt.new', 'w') do |fo|
File.foreach('test.txt').with_index do |li, ln|
fo.puts (NEWLINES[ln] || li)
Here's the contents of test.txt.new after running:
New Title
The idea is to provide a list of replacement lines in the NEWLINES hash. As each line is read from the original file the line number is checked in the hash, and if the line exists then the corresponding value is used, otherwise the original line is used.
If you want to read the entire file then substitute, it reduces the code a little, but the code will have scalability issues:
"New Title",
file = File.readlines('test.txt')
File.open('test.txt.new', 'w') do |fo|
fo.puts NEWLINES
fo.puts file[(NEWLINES.size - 1) .. -1]
It's not very smart but it'll work for simple replacements.
If you really want to do it right, learn how diff works, create a diff file, then let it do the heavy lifting, as it's designed for this sort of task, runs extremely fast, and is used millions of times every day on *nix systems around the world.
Use put with the whole array:
File.open("destinationFile", "w+") do |f|
If your files are big, the performance and memory implications of reading them into memory in their entirety are worth thinking about. If that's a concern, then your best bet is to treat the files as streams. Here's how I would do it.
First, define your replacement text:
require "stringio"
replacement = StringOI.new <<END
New Title
I've made this a StringIO object, but it could also be a File object if your replacement text is in a file.
Now, open your destination file (a new file) and write each line from the replacement text into it.
dest = File.open(dest_fn, 'wb') do |dest|
replacement.each_line {|ln| dest << ln }
We could have done this more efficiently, but there's a good reason to do it this way: Now we can call replacement.lineno to get the number of lines read, instead of iterating over it a second time to count the lines.
Next, open the original file and seek ahead by calling gets replacement.lineno times:
orig = File.open(orig_fn, 'r')
replacement.lineno.times { orig.gets }
Finally, write the remaining lines from the original file to the new file. We'll do it more efficiently this time with File.copy_stream:
File.copy_stream(orig, dest)
That's it. Of course, it's a drag closing those files manually (and when we do we should do it in an ensure block), so it's better to use the block form of File.open to automatically close them. Also, we can move the orig.gets calls into the replacement.each_line loop:
File.open(dest_fn, 'wb') do |dest|
File.open(orig_fn, 'r') do |orig|
replacement.each_line {|ln| dest << ln; orig.gets }
File.copy_stream(orig, dest)
First create an input test file.
FNameIn = "test_in"
text = <<_
How now,
brown cow?
#=> "Title\n\nHow now,\nbrown cow?\n"
File.write(FNameIn, text)
#=> 27
Now read and write line-by-line.
FNameOut = "test_out"
File.open(FNameIn) do |fin|
fin.gets; fin.gets
File.open(FNameOut, 'w') do |fout|
fout.puts "New Title"
fout.puts "fff"
until fin.eof?
fout.puts fin.gets
Check the result:
puts File.read(FNameOut)
# New Title
# fff
# How now,
# brown cow?
Ruby will close each of the two files when its block terminates.
If the files are not large, you could instead write:
["New Title\n", "\n", "fff\n"].concat(File.readlines(FNameIn).drop(2)).join)
The incoming data file(s) contain malformed CSV data such as non-escaped quotes, as well as (valid) CSV data such as fields containing new lines. If a CSV format error is detected I would like to use an alternative routine on that data.
With the following sample code (abbreviated for simplicity)
FasterCSV.open( file ){|csv|
row = true
while row
row = csv.shift
break unless row
# Do things with the good rows here...
rescue FasterCSV::MalformedCSVError => e
# Do things with the bad rows here...
The MalformedCSVError is caused in the csv.shift method. How can I access the data that caused the error from the rescue clause?
require 'csv' #CSV in ruby 1.9.2 is identical to FasterCSV
# File.open('test.txt','r').each do |line|
DATA.each do |line|
CSV.parse(line) do |row|
p row #handle row
rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => er
puts er.message
puts "This one: #{line}"
# and continue
# Output:
# Unclosed quoted field on line 1.
# This one: 1,"aaa
# Illegal quoting on line 1.
# This one: aaa",valid
# Unclosed quoted field on line 1.
# This one: 2,"bbb
# ["bbb", "invalid"]
# ["3", "ccc", "valid"]
Just feed the file line by line to FasterCSV and rescue the error.
This is going to be really difficult. Some things that make FasterCSV, well, faster, make this particularly hard. Here's my best suggestion: FasterCSV can wrap an IO object. What you could do, then, is to make your own subclass of File (itself a subclass of IO) that "holds onto" the result of the last gets. Then when FasterCSV raises an exception you can ask your special File object for the last line. Something like this:
class MyFile < File
attr_accessor :last_gets
#last_gets = ''
def gets(*args)
line = super
#last_gets << $/ << line
# then...
file = MyFile.open(filename, 'r')
csv = FasterCSV.new file
row = true
while row
break unless row = csv.shift
# do things with the good row here...
rescue FasterCSV::MalformedCSVError => e
bad_row = file.last_gets
# do something with bad_row here...
file.last_gets = '' # nuke the #last_gets "buffer"
Kinda neat, right? BUT! there are caveats, of course:
I'm not sure how much of a performance hit you take when you add an extra step to every gets call. It might be an issue if you need to parse multi-million-line files in a timely fashion.
This fails utterly might or might not fail if your CSV file contains newline characters inside quoted fields. The reason for this is described in the source--basically, if a quoted value contains a newline then shift has to do additional gets calls to get the entire line. There could be a clever way around this limitation but it's not coming to me right now. If you're sure your file doesn't have any newline characters within quoted fields then this shouldn't be a worry for you, though.
Your other option would be to read the file using File.gets and pass each line in turn to FasterCSV#parse_line but I'm pretty sure in so doing you'd squander any performance advantage gained from using FasterCSV.
I used Jordan's file subclassing approach to fix the problem with my input data before CSV ever tries to parse it. In my case, I had a file that used \" to escape quotes, instead of the "" that CSV expects. Hence,
class MyFile < File
def gets(*args)
line = super
if line != nil
line.gsub!('\\"','""') # fix the \" that would otherwise cause a parse error
infile = MyFile.open(filename)
incsv = CSV.new(infile)
while row = infile.shift
# process each row here
This allowed me to parse the non-standard CSV file. Ruby's CSV implementation is very strict and often has trouble with the many variants of the CSV format.
Is it possible to extract a particular line from a file knowing its line number? For example, just get the contents of line N as a string from file "text.txt"?
You could get it by index from readlines.
line = IO.readlines("file.txt")[42]
Only use this if it's a small file.
Try one of these two solutions:
file = File.open "file.txt"
#1 solution would eat a lot of RAM
p [*file][n-1]
#2 solution would not
n.times{ file.gets }
p $_
def get_line_from_file(path, line)
result = nil
File.open(path, "r") do |f|
while line > 0
line -= 1
result = f.gets
return result
get_line_from_file("/tmp/foo.txt", 20)
This is a good solution because:
You don't use File.read, thus you don't read the entire file into memory. Doing so could become a problem if the file is 20MB large and you read often enough so GC doesn't keep up.
You only read from the file until the line you want. If your file has 1000 lines, getting line 20 will only read the 20 first lines into Ruby.
You can replace gets with readline if you want to raise an error (EOFError) instead of returning nil when passing an out-of-bounds line.
File has a nice lineno method.
def get_line(filename, lineno)
File.open(filename,'r') do |f|
f.gets until f.lineno == lineno - 1
if ind+1==linenumber
# break or exit if needed.
while line=f.gets
if $. == linenumber # $. is line number
print "#{f.lineno} #{line}" # another way
# break # break or exit if needed
If you just want to get the line and do nothing else, you can use this one liner
ruby -ne '(print $_ and exit) if $.==5' file
If you want one liner and do not care about memory usage, use (assuming lines are numbered from 1)
lineN = IO.readlines('text.txt')[n-1]
lineN = f.readlines[n-1]
if you already have file opened.
Otherwise it would be better to do like this:
lineN = File.open('text.txt') do |f|
(n-1).times { f.gets } # skip lines preceeding line N
f.gets # read line N contents
These solutions work if you want only one line from a file, or if you want multiple lines from a file small enough to be read repeatedly. Large files (for example, 10 million lines) take much longer to search for a specific line so it's better to get the necessary lines sequentially in a single read so the large file doesn't get read multiple times.
Create a large file:
File.open('foo', 'a') { |f| f.write((0..10_000_000).to_a.join("\n")) }
Pick which lines will be read from it and make sure they're sorted:
lines = [9_999_999, 3_333_333, 6_666_666].sort
Print out those lines:
File.open('foo') do |f|
lines.each_with_index do |line, index|
(line - (index.zero? ? 0 : lines[index - 1]) - 1).times { f.gets }
puts f.gets
This solution works for any number of lines, does not load the entire file into memory, reads as few lines as possible, and only reads the file one time.